Writing data using PIG to HIVE external table - hive

I wanted to create an external table and load data into it through pig script. I followed the below approach:
Ok. Create a external hive table with a schema layout somewhere in HDFS directory. Lets say
create external table emp_records(id int,
name String,
city String)
row formatted delimited
fields terminated by '|'
location '/user/cloudera/outputfiles/usecase1';
Just create a table like above and no need to load any file into that directory.
Now write a Pig script that we read data for some input directory and then when you store the output of that Pig script use as below
A = LOAD 'inputfile.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS(id:int,name:chararray,city:chararray);
B = FILTER A by id > = 678933;
C = FOREACH B GENERATE id,name,city;
STORE C INTO '/user/cloudera/outputfiles/usecase1' USING PigStorage('|');
Ensure that destination location and delimiter and schema layout of final FOREACH statement in you Pigscript matches with Hive DDL schema.
My problem is, when I first created the table, it is creating a directory in hdfs, and when I tried to store a file using script, it throws an error saying "folder already exists". It looks like pig store always writes to a new directory with only specific name?
Is there any way to avoid this issue?
And are there any other attributes we can use with STORE command in PIG to write to a specific diretory/file everytime?

YES you can use the HCatalog for achieving your result.
remember you have to run your Pig script like:
pig -useHCatalog your_pig_script.pig
or if you are using grunt shell then simply use:
pig -useHCatalog
next is your store command to store your relation directly into hive tables use:
STORE C INTO 'HIVE_DATABASE.EXTERNAL_TABLE_NAME' USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer();


How do you bulk load parquet files into Snowflake from AWS S3?

I'm trying to bulk load 28 parquet files into Snowflake from an S3 bucket using the COPY command and regex pattern matching. But each time I run the command in my worksheet, I'm getting the following bad response:
Copy executed with 0 files processed.
Inside a folder in my S3 bucket, the files I need to load into Snowflake are named as follows:
Using the Snowflake worksheet, I'm trying to load data into a pre-existing table, using the following commands:
CREATE or REPLACE file format myparquetformat type = 'parquet';
COPY INTO [Database].[Schema].[Table] FROM (
SELECT $1:field1::VARCHAR(512), $1:field2::INTEGER, $1:field3::VARCHAR(512),
$1:field4::DOUBLE, $1:field5::VARCHAR(512), $1:field6::DOUBLE
FROM #AWS_Snowflake_Stage/foldername/
(FILE_FORMAT => 'myparquetformat', PATTERN =>
on_error = 'continue';
I'm not sure why these commands fail to run.
In every example I've seen in the Snowflake documentation, "PATTERN" is only used within the COPY command outside of a SELECT query. I'm not sure if it's possible to use PATTERN inside a SELECT query.
In this case, I think it's necessary to use the SELECT query within the COPY command, since I'm loading in parquet data that would first need to be cast from a single column ($1) into multiple columns with appropriate data types for the table (varchar, integer, double). The SELECT query is what enables the importing of the parquet file into the existing table -- is it possible to find a way around this using a separate staging table?
It's a huge pain to load the parquet files one at a time. Is there any way to bulk load these 28 parquet files using the Snowflake worksheet? Or is it better to try to do this using a Python script and the Snowflake API?
For me the below worked, I agree my pattern is quite simple to select all parquet file in the location, but you can probably verify if the regex pattern is valid.
PATTERN = '.*.parquet'
TYPE = 'parquet'
Side note, Keep in mind that Snowflake has a safety check to skip
files if it has already been Staged and loaded once successfully.

How to query data from gz file of Amazon S3 using Qubole Hive query?

I need get specific data from gz.
how to write the sql?
can I just sql as table database?:
Select * from gz_File_Name where key = 'keyname' limit 10.
but it always turn back with an error.
You need to create Hive external table over this file location(folder) to be able to query using Hive. Hive will recognize gzip format. Like this:
create external table hive_schema.your_table (
col_one string,
col_two string
stored as textfile --specify your file type, or use serde
See the manual on Hive table here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+DDL#LanguageManualDDL-CreateTableCreate/Drop/TruncateTable
To be precise s3 under the hood does not store folders, filename containing /s in s3 represented by different tools such as Hive like a folder structure. See here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42877381/2700344

Hive Managed table - Filename

In hive managed tables is there anyway to input/specify the filename for the data files getting created?
For example, the below data file ends with "000000_0", is it possible to get that file generated with specific name?
There is no way to specify the file name when you input the data using hive cli or sqoop. But there is a way to input the specified file using copy command
hadoop fs -cp <src_file> <dest_folder>
In this case you have to be careful the data in this source file is to be matched exactly with the partition condition of destination directory.

How to add headers when we DUMP the data in output file using PIG scripts?

I tried to search for it but cannot find the tip/recommendations.
Here is my situation. I have all the data lined up correctly and output working fine using pig script. Stored the files in a output directory. The output files are more than 100 files so what i have done is accumulated the results file using another pig script.
I was wondering if there is anything in PIG LATIN that will help me add "Header" to the accumulated results file so that business users can quickly use it as it also has headers?
Please advise
If you are using DUMP in Pig script and redirecting the result to a single file, you can use DESCRIBE before DUMP. Doing so will append schema information as header to your output file
A = LOAD 'test' USING PigStorage() AS (col1:int, col2:chararray);
output will be something like:
A: {col1: int,col2: chararray}
Pig can store the schema into a different file ".pig_schema" using PigStorage:
store A into 'outputFile' using PigStorage('\t', '-schema');
will save your data in the outputFile using tabs as delimiters and also creates the schema file.
You can store the header in a separate file, LOAD it and UNION it with your data. Then you need to do an ORDER BY (that might be tricky depending on your data).
Another way would be to use hadoop getmerge.
In general, this is not something pig is very good at, you might as well write a script in another language.

HIVE script - Specify file name as S3 Location

I am exporting data from DynamoDB to S3 using follwing script:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE TableDynamoDB(col1 String, col2 String)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.dynamodb.DynamoDBStorageHandler' TBLPROPERTIES (
"dynamodb.table.name" = "TableDynamoDB",
"dynamodb.column.mapping" = "col1:col1,col2:col2"
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE TableS3(col1 String, col2 String)
LOCATION 's3://myBucket/DataFiles/MyData.txt';
SELECT * FROM TableDynamoDB;
In S3, I want to write the output to a given file name (MyData.txt)
but the way it is working currently is that above script created folder with name 'MyData.txt'
and then generated a file with some random name under this folder.
Is it at all possible to specify a file name in S3 using HIVE?
Thank you!
A few things:
There are 2 different ways hadoop can write data to s3. This wiki describes the differences in a little more detail. Since you are using the "s3" scheme, you are probably seeing a block number.
In general, M/R jobs (and hive queries) are going to want to write their output to multiple files. This is an artifact of parallel processing. In practice, most commands/APIs in hadoop handle directories pretty seamlessly so you shouldn't let it bug you too much. Also, you can use things like hadoop fs -getmerge on a directory to read all of the files in a single stream.
AFAIK, the LOCATION argument in the DDL for an external hive table is always treated as a directory for the reasons above.