Putting Excel Tables into a Custom Class - vba

I'm new to using VBA classes, and I think what I want to do -- using them with ListObjects -- is more of an "intermediate" than "beginner" technique.
Let's say I have two tables related to cars.
1 Chevrolet Corvette 2 V8
2 Ford Escort 4 V6
3 Rolls-Royce SilverCloud 4 V8
1 US Sport
2 US Economy
3 UK Luxury
(The same cars are in both tables, and shown by the ID numbers.)
I want to have a class called objCars that includes the fields (columns) from both tables. That way, when referring to Car #3, objCars.Make would be "Rolls-Royce" and objCars.Type would be "Luxury".
1) Is there a way to import both tables into objCars?
Perhaps I would create an array big enough to hold all the columns, then load both tables into it. The tutorial I've been reading says that I would then create a Collection, loop through each row of the array, make a new instance of objCars, and assign objCars.Make, objCars.Model, etc., for each row. Then each item of the Collection would contain a car. (Or something like that. I don't really know much about Collections either.) If that's right, is it the best way?
2) How exactly does one refer to a specific car? The examples I've read like to loop through Collections and work on each item therein, but what if I want to extract a particular item? I know the Ford is Car #2; how do I get the objCars.Make and objCars.Model for that particular ID number?

I would have two classes. A class clsCar for one car and a class clsCars for a collection of cars.
Each of this classes may have setter and getter methods and also may have custom methods if needed. Especially the clsCars should have a set of getBy...-methods to get a car or a collection of cars from the collection by criterion.
Private pID As Long
Private pMAKE As String
Private pMODEL As String
Private pDOORS As Integer
Private pENGINE As String
Private pCOUNTRY As String
Private pTYPE As String
Public Property Get ID() As Long
ID = pID
End Property
Public Property Let ID(Value As Long)
pID = Value
End Property
Public Property Get MAKE() As String
End Property
Public Property Let MAKE(Value As String)
pMAKE = Value
End Property
Public Property Get MODEL() As String
End Property
Public Property Let MODEL(Value As String)
pMODEL = Value
End Property
Public Property Get DOORS() As Integer
End Property
Public Property Let DOORS(Value As Integer)
pDOORS = Value
End Property
Public Property Get ENGINE() As String
End Property
Public Property Let ENGINE(Value As String)
pENGINE = Value
End Property
Public Property Get COUNTRY() As String
End Property
Public Property Let COUNTRY(Value As String)
pCOUNTRY = Value
End Property
Public Property Get CarTYPE() As String
End Property
Public Property Let CarTYPE(Value As String)
pTYPE = Value
End Property
Public Function toString() As String
toString = pID & "; " & _
pMAKE & "; " & _
pMODEL & "; " & _
pDOORS & "; " & _
pENGINE & "; " & _
pCOUNTRY & "; " & _
End Function
Private pCars As collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set pCars = New collection
End Sub
Public Sub add(oCar As clsCar)
pCars.add oCar
End Sub
Public Function getByIndex(lIndex As Long) As clsCar
Set getByIndex = pCars.Item(lIndex)
End Function
Public Function getByID(lID As Long) As clsCar
Dim oCar As clsCar
For Each oCar In pCars
If oCar.ID = lID Then
Set getByID = oCar
End If
End Function
Public Function getByEngine(sEngine As String) As collection
Dim oCar As clsCar
Set getByEngine = New collection
For Each oCar In pCars
If oCar.ENGINE = sEngine Then
getByEngine.add oCar
End If
End Function
default Module:
Public oCars As clsCars
Sub initialize()
Dim oCar As clsCar
Dim oListObject As ListObject
Dim oListRow As ListRow
Dim oCells As Range
Set oCars = New clsCars
Set oListObject = Worksheets("Sheet1").ListObjects("tblCarDesc")
For Each oListRow In oListObject.ListRows
Set oCells = oListRow.Range.Cells
Set oCar = New clsCar
oCar.ID = oCells(, 1).Value
oCar.MAKE = oCells(, 2).Value
oCar.MODEL = oCells(, 3).Value
oCar.DOORS = oCells(, 4).Value
oCar.ENGINE = oCells(, 5).Value
oCars.add oCar
Set oListObject = Worksheets("Sheet1").ListObjects("tblCarProd")
Dim lID As Long
For Each oListRow In oListObject.ListRows
Set oCells = oListRow.Range.Cells
lID = oCells(, 1).Value
Set oCar = oCars.getByID(lID)
If Not oCar Is Nothing Then
oCar.COUNTRY = oCells(, 2).Value
oCar.CarTYPE = oCells(, 3).Value
End If
MsgBox oCars.getByIndex(2).toString
For Each oCar In oCars.getByEngine("V8")
MsgBox oCar.toString
End Sub

I would use a class for each, and an array of each also, so arrCars holds clsCars, and arrProd holds clsProduction. I would then use the index of each for each array when populating, so arrCars(1)=Corvette and arrProd(1)=US Sport then from each you can refer to the others, so if x=3, cars(x) and prod(x) will be correct. Or use a vlookup in excel first, and make one larger table, with the need for only 1 ID then, if that is the way they are related, but can a Bentley also be 3. Its not quite clear what you mean by the 2nd table, is there an entry for each car, or is it like catgeorising the car further, just using a certain selection. Another idea would be to have an extra property in the car class, of ProductionID and then use a static production "table" of classes to refer to.


vb.net Set type () ()

I have class sObrazac in which I have
<System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute("Primatelji", IsNullable:=false), _
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute("P", IsNullable:=false, NestingLevel:=1)> _
Public Property StranaB() As sPrimateljiP()()
Return Me.stranaBField
End Get
Me.stranaBField = value
End Set
End Property
<System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("xsd", ""), _
System.SerializableAttribute(), _
System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute(), _
System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute("code"), _
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType:=true, [Namespace]:="http://e-porezna.porezna-uprava.hr/sheme/zahtjevi/ObrazacJOPPD/v1-1")> _
Partial Public Class sPrimateljiP
Private p1Field As Long
Private p2Field As String
Private p3Field As String
Private p4Field As String
Public Property P1() As Long
Return Me.p1Field
End Get
Me.p1Field = value
End Set
End Property
And now I'm setting the object what I have tried
Dim oPrimatelj As New sPrimateljiP
oPrimatelj.P1 = 1
oPrimatelj.P2 = 00019
oPrimatelj.P3 = 00019
oPrimatelj.P4 = 02994650199 ....
After setting that object I tried to push it into list and from it to array
Dim sList As New List(Of sPrimateljiP)
oObrazac.StranaB = sList.ToArray
But as you know it will throw me
Value of type sPrimateljIP() cannot be converted to sPrimateljIP()()
I'm not quite familiar with two dimension arrays and I'm stuck here...
This may clear my question more. What is this element named P.
Note: I can't make schema, I need to adjust code to it.
Ok i found out what solution may be thanks to comment by Chetan. Use jagged array
Push list to jagged array and set it as object
Dim sList As New List(Of sPrimateljiP)
Dim jaggedArray()() As sPrimateljiP = New sPrimateljiP(0)() {sList.ToArray}
oObrazac.StranaB = jaggedArray

How to handle a function where the returned value type is not known at run-time (Object or Non-Object)

This question centers around the return value of a call to CallByName. I have a class called PropertyPtr which is meant to act as a generic pointer to an object property. It holds a reference to an Object, and the name of one of its properties. It exposes a Getter and Setter method.
Option Explicit
Public Obj As Object
Public PropertyName As String
Public Sub Setter(Val As Variant)
If IsObject(Val) Then
CallByName Me.Obj, Me.PropertyName, VbSet, Val
CallByName Me.Obj, Me.PropertyName, VbLet, Val
End If
End Sub
Public Function Getter() As Variant
If IsObject(CallByName(Me.Obj, Me.PropertyName, VbGet)) Then
Set Getter = CallByName(Me.Obj, Me.PropertyName, VbGet)
Getter = CallByName(Me.Obj, Me.PropertyName, VbGet)
End If
End Function
In the Getter, my CallByName could return a object or not. But the only way I can see to test if the CallByName value will be an object is to end up running it twice - once to test inside an IsObject and then again to get a reference to the value. The only other way I could see doing this is trapping for an error. Then, you at least only SOMETIMES run the CallByName twice.
My question is: is there some other way to do this without running CallByName twice?
Okay, so if you really want to follow that route then I think you'll have to set an IsObj flag - probably at the point you set the property name.
However, I'd still maintain that using a Variant for either an Object or primitive type isn't a great idea, and the CallByName() function in this context comes with issues. My hesitations are that performance will be diminished and you'll have quite a task to keep the property strings aligned with the property names (should you update things in the future).
It is possible to implement a Mediator Pattern in VBA and I do feel you should consider this route. Below is a really basic example of how you could do it. I haven't bothered with an interface for the mediator, but I have created an interface for my participating classes (to cover the possibility that you're dealing with your own 'groups' of classes).
Mediator class (called cMediator):
Option Explicit
Private mSweets As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mSweets = New Collection
End Sub
Public Sub RegisterSweet(sweet As ISweet)
Set sweet.Mediator = Me
mSweets.Add sweet
End Sub
Public Sub SendSugarLimit(limit As Long)
Dim sweet As ISweet
For Each sweet In mSweets
sweet.ReceiveSugarLimit limit
End Sub
Public Sub ReceiveMeltingAlert(offender As String)
Dim sweet As ISweet
For Each sweet In mSweets
sweet.ReceiveEatNow offender
End Sub
Participating classes Interface (called ISweet):
Option Explicit
Public Property Set Mediator(RHS As cMediator)
End Property
Public Sub ReceiveSugarLimit(g_perDay As Long)
End Sub
Public Sub ReceiveEatNow(offender As String)
End Sub
My two participating classes (cQtySweet and cWeightSweet):
Option Explicit
Implements ISweet
Public Name As String
Public SugarPerItem As Long
Public CanMelt As Boolean
Private pMediator As cMediator
Public Sub OhNoItsMelting()
pMediator.ReceiveMeltingAlert Name
End Sub
Private Property Set ISweet_Mediator(RHS As cMediator)
Set pMediator = RHS
End Property
Private Sub ISweet_ReceiveEatNow(offender As String)
If CanMelt Then Debug.Print offender & " is melting. Eat " & Name & "s now!"
End Sub
Private Sub ISweet_ReceiveSugarLimit(g_perDay As Long)
Dim max As Long
max = g_perDay / SugarPerItem
Debug.Print "Max " & Name & "s: " & max & "."
End Sub
Option Explicit
Implements ISweet
Public Name As String
Public SugarPer100g As Long
Public CanMelt As Boolean
Private pMediator As cMediator
Public Sub OhNoItsMelting()
pMediator.ReceiveMeltingAlert Name
End Sub
Private Property Set ISweet_Mediator(RHS As cMediator)
Set pMediator = RHS
End Property
Private Sub ISweet_ReceiveEatNow(offender As String)
If CanMelt Then Debug.Print offender & " is melting. Eat " & Name & " now!"
End Sub
Private Sub ISweet_ReceiveSugarLimit(g_perDay As Long)
Dim max As Long
max = g_perDay / (SugarPer100g / 100)
Debug.Print "Max " & Name & ": " & max & "g."
End Sub
Module Code:
Public Sub RunMe()
Dim m As cMediator
Dim qtySweet As cQtySweet
Dim weightSweet As cWeightSweet
Set m = New cMediator
Set qtySweet = New cQtySweet
With qtySweet
.Name = "Gobstopper"
.SugarPerItem = 5
.CanMelt = False
End With
m.RegisterSweet qtySweet
Set qtySweet = New cQtySweet
With qtySweet
.Name = "Wine Gum"
.SugarPerItem = 2
.CanMelt = True
End With
m.RegisterSweet qtySweet
Set weightSweet = New cWeightSweet
With weightSweet
.Name = "Sherbert"
.SugarPer100g = 80
.CanMelt = False
End With
m.RegisterSweet weightSweet
Set weightSweet = New cWeightSweet
With weightSweet
.Name = "Fudge"
.SugarPer100g = 50
.CanMelt = True
End With
m.RegisterSweet weightSweet
'Blasted government has reduced sugar allowance.
Debug.Print "New govt. limits..."
m.SendSugarLimit 200
'Phew what a scorcher - the fudge is melting in my pocket.
Debug.Print "Sweet alarm..."
End Sub
… and the output looks like this:
New govt. limits...
Max Gobstoppers: 40.
Max Wine Gums: 100.
Max Sherbert: 250g.
Max Fudge: 400g.
Sweet alarm...
Fudge is melting. Eat Wine Gums now!
Fudge is melting. Eat Fudge now!

VBA - Overflow Error only when using property of custom object

I'm trying to create a Player object that holds a Long property Wealth that must be assigned to a cell in Excel, but I get the Overflow runtime error only when the last line references newPlayer.Wealth and not when the value is set to a fixed number greater than the max integer. Here is the code:
For i = 68 To (67 + numPlayers)
Dim newPlayer As New Player
newPlayer.Wealth = CLng(40000)
newPlayer.Number = i - 67
Range(Chr(i) & "2").Value = "Player " & CStr(newPlayer.Number)
Range(Chr(i) & "3").Value = newPlayer.Wealth
This works, however:
Range(Chr(i) & "3").Value = CLng(40000)
I tried to clear formatting from the cell that I'm specifying but I still have problems. What is the reason for this? Here is also my class properties:
Private pNumber As Integer
Private pProperties As New Collection
Private pWealth As Long
Property Get Number() As Integer
Number = pNumber
End Property
Property Let Number(pNum As Integer)
pNumber = pNum
End Property
Property Get Properties() As Collection
Properties = pProperties
End Property
Property Get Wealth() As Long
Number = pWealth
End Property
Property Let Wealth(w As Long)
pWealth = w
End Property
Public Sub addProperty(property As PropertyUnit)
pProperties.Add (property)
End Sub
Modify your class definition.
This appears wrong. Beyond the copy/paste from Get Number() error, shoving a 40K long into a signed integer is going to overflow.
Private pNumber As Integer
Private pWealth As Long
Property Get Wealth() As Long
Number = pWealth
End Property
Change to something like,
Private pWealth As Long
Property Get Wealth() As Long
Wealth= pWealth
End Property
Property Let Wealth(Value As Long)
pWealth = Value
End Property
As Jeeped pointed out Property Get Wealth() needs to be modified like this:
Property Get Wealth() As Long
Wealth = pWealth
End Property
A couple of other points.
There is no reason to cast the number to string for the address concatenations. The VBA will do that automatically. Range(Chr(i) & "2").Value and Range(Chr(i) & 2).Value are effectively the same.
There is no reason to cast a number into long. CLng(40000) or 40000 will work.
Dim newPlayer As New Player inside a loop will only create a single instance of the Player class. Declare newPlayer outside of the loop and use Set newPlayer = New Player inside the loop to create more instances of newPlayer.
Range(Chr(i) & "2") will work as long as you don't have more then more than 22 players. I prefer Cells(2, i + 4).Value.
Dim newPlayer As New Player
numPlayers = 10
For i = 1 To numPlayers
Set newPlayer = New Player
newPlayer.Wealth = CLng(40000)
newPlayer.Number = i
Cells(2, i + 4).Value = "Player " & CStr(newPlayer.Number)
Cells(2, i + 5).Value = newPlayer.Wealth

How to create a compound object in VBA?

I cannot make my way through the Microsoft help, which is great provided you know what the answer is already, so I'm stuck.
Is it possible for me to create my own compound object (I assume that this is the term) such that, for example, the object could be a person and would have the following sub-classes:
Firstname - String
Surname - String
Date of birth - Datetime
Gender - String (M/F accepted)
Height - Real number
Sorry if it seems like a very basic question (no pun intended) but I haven't used Visual Basic for a long time, and Microsoft Visual Basic was never my forté.
You should consider using class modules instead of types. Types are fine, but they're limited in what they can do. I usually end up converting my types to classes as soon as I need some more function than a type can provide.
You could create a CPerson class with the properties you want. Now if you want to return a FullName property, you can write a Property Get to return it - something you can't do with a type.
Private mlPersonID As Long
Private msFirstName As String
Private msSurname As String
Private mdtDOB As Date
Private msGender As String
Private mdHeight As Double
Private mlParentPtr As Long
Public Property Let PersonID(ByVal lPersonID As Long): mlPersonID = lPersonID: End Property
Public Property Get PersonID() As Long: PersonID = mlPersonID: End Property
Public Property Let FirstName(ByVal sFirstName As String): msFirstName = sFirstName: End Property
Public Property Get FirstName() As String: FirstName = msFirstName: End Property
Public Property Let Surname(ByVal sSurname As String): msSurname = sSurname: End Property
Public Property Get Surname() As String: Surname = msSurname: End Property
Public Property Let DOB(ByVal dtDOB As Date): mdtDOB = dtDOB: End Property
Public Property Get DOB() As Date: DOB = mdtDOB: End Property
Public Property Let Gender(ByVal sGender As String): msGender = sGender: End Property
Public Property Get Gender() As String: Gender = msGender: End Property
Public Property Let Height(ByVal dHeight As Double): mdHeight = dHeight: End Property
Public Property Get Height() As Double: Height = mdHeight: End Property
Public Property Get FullName() As String
FullName = Me.FirstName & Space(1) & Me.Surname
End Property
Then you can create a CPeople class to hold all of your CPerson instances.
Private mcolPeople As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mcolPeople = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set mcolPeople = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
Set NewEnum = mcolPeople.[_NewEnum]
End Property
Public Sub Add(clsPerson As CPerson)
If clsPerson.PersonID = 0 Then
clsPerson.PersonID = Me.Count + 1
End If
mcolPeople.Add clsPerson, CStr(clsPerson.PersonID)
End Sub
Public Property Get Person(vItem As Variant) As CPerson
Set Person = mcolPeople.Item(vItem)
End Property
Public Property Get Count() As Long
Count = mcolPeople.Count
End Property
Public Property Get FilterByGender(ByVal sGender As String) As CPeople
Dim clsReturn As CPeople
Dim clsPerson As CPerson
Set clsReturn = New CPeople
For Each clsPerson In Me
If clsPerson.Gender = sGender Then
clsReturn.Add clsPerson
End If
Next clsPerson
Set FilterByGender = clsReturn
End Property
With this class, you can For Each through all the instances (google custom class and NewEnum to see how to do that). You can also use a Property Get to return a subset of the CPerson instances (females in this case).
Now in a standard module, you can create a couple of CPerson instances, add them to your CPeople instance, filter them, and loop through them.
Public Sub FillPeople()
Dim clsPerson As CPerson
Dim clsPeople As CPeople
Dim clsFemales As CPeople
Set clsPeople = New CPeople
Set clsPerson = New CPerson
With clsPerson
.FirstName = "Joe"
.Surname = "Blow"
.Gender = "M"
.Height = 72
.DOB = #1/1/1980#
End With
clsPeople.Add clsPerson
Set clsPerson = New CPerson
With clsPerson
.FirstName = "Jane"
.Surname = "Doe"
.Gender = "F"
.Height = 62
.DOB = #1/1/1979#
End With
clsPeople.Add clsPerson
Set clsFemales = clsPeople.FilterByGender("F")
For Each clsPerson In clsFemales
Debug.Print clsPerson.FullName
Next clsPerson
End Sub
There's defintely more learning curve to creating classes, but it's worth it in my opinion.
I think you need to use TYPE syntax, like this:
TYPE person
Firstname As String
Surname As String
Date_of_birth As Date ' instead of Datetime
Gender As String '(M/F accepted)
Height As Single 'instead of Real number
Sub Test()
Dim aTest As person
End Sub

VB.NET Class and list(of issue

I'm using couple of custom classes and need to write data in one function and read data in another.
In order to do that, I'm using an XM file.
My issue is when I write the data.
Here is my code:
Imports System.IO
Imports System
Public Class MainForm
Public Class MyClass
Private _id As Integer
Private _somestring As String
Public Property Id() As Integer
Return _id
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
_id = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Somestring() As String
Return _somestring
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
_somestring = Value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Private Sub mysub()
Dim ListVar As New List(Of MyClass)
' code...code.....code....
Dim newvar As New MyClass()
console.writeline("==== within the loop ====")
For i As Integer = 0 To 2
newvar.Id = I
newvar.Somestring = "hello - " & cstr(I)
console.writeline("listvar(" & i & ")=" & listvar(i).Id)
console.writeline("==== outside the loop ====")
console.writeline("listvar(0)=" & listvar(0).Id)
console.writeline("listvar(1)=" & listvar(1).Id)
console.writeline("listvar(2)=" & listvar(2).Id)
End Sub
End Class
==== within the loop ====
==== outside the loop ====
I must be doing something stupid but I just figure out what it is....
Do this:
console.writeline("==== within the loop ====")
For i As Integer = 0 To 2
Dim newvar As New MyClass()
newvar.Id = I
newvar.Somestring = "hello - " & cstr(I)
console.writeline("listvar(" & i & ")=" & listvar(i).Id)
newvar continues to be the same instance, so all three references in the List point to the same instance, and its Id value is what you set it last in your For loop.