Docker-Selenium Maximum number of chrome containers - selenium

I'm setting up a test infrastructure using Azure & Docker - Selenium HUB and Chrome Images
Running the latest version of Ubuntu on AZURE
System Configuration
Docker: Latest Version
SSD: 120GB
Able to run automation script in the Chrome containers without any issue, if the number of containers is <=10.
When I scale up the numbers, entire system freezes and not responding and the tests are not running.
PS: I'm also mounting /dev/shm:/dev/shm when creating the containers.
What should be the optimal system configuration to run a minimum of 75 containers?

6GB RAM for 75 containers means ~ 80 MB/container. That too you want to run a firefox/chrome inside? Which may be running headless/without display but that doesn't mean they are not memory hungry.
You would need to park 500MB memory/container for such nodes. You can set a memory limit but as soon as your container goes above it, poof!!!. The container is dead and so is your browser and your test. Best is to either use Docker Swarm to deploy a self healing Selenium Grid
Or you can use as mentioned by #Leo Galluci.
PS: I wrote an article on how to setup Grid on swarm You can have a look at the same to get an idea at the horizontal scaling your grid


Selenium standalone in docker compose - killed by OS?

I am running an application using docker-compose.
One of the containers is a selenium/standalone-chrome image. I give is shm_size of 2g.
The application works fine when there is no high load. However, I have noticed that whenever there are concurrent requests to the selenium container (9 concurrent requests on a 8-core machine) Selenium fails silently. It just dies and stays dead. Subsequent request are not handled. There is nothing in the logs. The last message is:
17:41:00.083 INFO [RemoteSession$Factory.lambda$performHandshake$0] - Started new session 5da2cd57f4e8e4f80b907564d7352051 (
I am monitoring the RAM and CPU usage using both docker stats and top. Ram is fine .. about 50% used. Using free -m shows shared memory at about 500m. The 8 cores are taking the load staying at around 80% most of the time. However, whenever the last request arrives - the processes just die out. CPU usage drops. Shared memory does not seem to be released though.
In order to make it work again, I have to restart the application. Otherwise, none of the subsequent requests are received or logged.
I suspect there might me some kind of limitation from the OS on the containers and once they start consuming resources the OS kills them, but to be fair, I have no idea what is going on.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is my docker-compose reference
image: selenium/standalone-chrome
privileged: true
shm_size: 2g
- "4444"
This is what my logs look like when it hangs:
And after I kill the docker-compose process and restart it:
I have also tested different images. These screenshots are actually with image selenium/standalone-chrome:3.141.59-gold.
One last thing that puzzles me even more - I am using selenium for screenshots, and I have added webhook call in the java code if the process fails. I would expect it to fire if the selenium process dies, however, it seem the java does not consider the selenium connection dead and stays waiting until I docker-compose down. Then all the messages from the webhook are fired.
Here is what I have tried and I know so far:
1. chrome driver version makes no difference
2. shm_size increase does not make any difference
3. jvm memory limit makes no difference - command: ["java", "-Xmx2048m", "-jar", "/opt/selenium/selenium-server-standalone.jar"]
4. always hangs on the same spot .. 8 concurrent processes on a 8 core machine
5. once dead, stays dead
6. lots of chrome processes hang there - ps -aux | grep chrome
6.1 if those processes are killed - sudo kill -9 $(ps aux | grep 'chrome' | awk '{print $2}'), the process does not start again and stays dead.
7. --no-sandbox option does not help
8. the java process is alive on the host - telnet ip 4444 -> connects succesfully
I suspect your selenium/standalone-chrome is implemented using Java technology.
And the container's JVM has a bounded max memory with JVM argument -Xmx2048m or similar value.
Research selenium JVM setup/configuration files.
What can happen is one or more of the options:
Container application crashed with out of memory, because its memory bound was reached. Solution: decrease JVM max memory bound to match container's max memory bound (maybe 2048m > 2g).
JVM application crashed with out of memory. Solution: increase JVM max memory bound to match container's max memory bound (maybe 2048m not sufficient for the task).
Container peaked its CPU utilization limit for a moment and crashed. I assume selenium implements massive parallelism (check its configuration). Solution: provide more compute power to the container, or decrease selenium parallelism functionality.
Note that periodic resource monitoring tools fail to identify peak resources stress. If the peak is momentary and sharp. So if the resources stress is building up gradually you can identify the breaking point.

Selenium Grid 100 Instances

I want to run an automatic test develop with Protractor in parallel on 50 instances of google chrome using selenium grid on an 8CPU machine and 16GB RAM. but the machine becomes very slow and the load averge exceeds 40.
There is someone who can help me to increase the instances of chrome on this machine
Check Aerokube guys solution, it works way faster than original Selenium Grid:
Selenoid - Go implementation of original Selenium hub code. It
is using Docker to launch browsers.
GGR - A lightweight load
balancer used to create big Selenium clusters

How can anyone run access Selenium test scripts without having to install/run it locally?

I am looking for ways to set up like a central 'hub' for Selenium in my work, allowing anyone to access in within the company. For example, Tester A writes test scripts, the Person B can run without having to manually copy over the test scripts to their local workstation)
So far, I've only thought of installing Selenium in a VM which will then execute as per normal. But if I run Selenium Grid, it will run VMs within VM (?). My only concern with VMs is that it'd run slowly.
If anyone can think of a better solution or recommendation please do give me some advice. Thank you in advance.
One idea. You can create an infrastructure combining Jenkins/Selenium/Amazon.
The following is my solution from another post.
You can do it with a grid.
First of all you need to create a Selenium hub with an EC2 ubuntu 14.04 AMI without UI and link it as a jenkins slave to your Jenkins master. Or as directly a master. What you want. Only command line. Download Selenium Server standalone. (be careful on downloading the version. If you Download the Selenium3Beta, things could change). Here you can configure the HUB. You can also add the Selenium Hub as a service and configure to run automatically at server start. its important that you open the Selenium default port (or the one that you configured) so the nodes can connect to it. You can do that on the Amazon EC2 console when you have created your instance. You just need to add a security group with an inbound rule for TCP in the port you want for the IPs you want.
Then, you can create a Windows server 2012 instance server (for example, that's what I did), and do the same process. Download the same version for Selenium and the chromedriver (there is no need to download any firefoxdriver for Selenium versions before Selenium3). Generate a txt file and prepare the Selenium command to link to the HUB as a NODE. And convert it to *.bat in order to execute it. If you want to run the bat at start you can create a service with the task scheduler or use NSSM ( Don't forget to add the rules to the security groups for this machine too!
Next, create the Jenkins server. You can use the Selenium Hub as the Jenkins master or as a slave.
Last step is configuring a job to be run in the Jenkins-Selenium machine. This job needs to be linked to your code repository (git, mercurial...) Using the parametrized build plugion for jenkins you can tell that job to pull the revision you want (where every developer can pull the revision with the new changes and new tests) and run the Selenium tests in that build with the current breanch/revision and against one unique selenium. You can use ANT or Maven to run the Selenium tests in Jenkins.
May be it's complicated to understand because there are so many concepts here but it's robust and it works fine!
If you have doubts, tell me!
If Internet Explorer is not one of the browsers on which you must run your automation tests, I would recommend that you consider docker selenium.
Selenium is providing pre-configured docker images for both Selenium Hub and Node ( refer here for more information ). For making use of docker selenium all you need to do is find a machine (preferably unix machine), install docker on it by following instructions detailed here and then start the hub and node by starting off those containers. In the case of docker you can literally transform a VM (or) a physical machine into a VM farm and yet not have to worry about slowness etc., because I believe docker is optimised for these and it runs your VM as a process.
Resorting to using Amazon cloud for running your selenium nodes is all fine, but if you have corporate policies that prevent in-coming traffic from the internet into your intranet region, then I am not sure how far Amazon cloud would be useful.
Also remember that Jenkins is not something that is absolutely required but is more of a good to have part in the setup because it would let anyone run their tests from a web UI. This will however require that all your tests are checked-in and made available in a central version control system in your organization.
PS : The reason why called out Internet Explorer as an exception is because IE runs only on windows and there are no docker images (yet) for windows. All the docker images are UNIX based images.

Is it possible to deploy Spinnaker to an instance smaller than m4.xlarge on AWS?

We are currently following the default deployment instructions for Spinnaker which states using m4.xlarge as the instance type.
We did make an unsuccessful attempt to deploy it to m4.large but the services didnt start.
Has anyone tried the something similar and succeeded?
It really depends on the size of your cloud.
There are 4 core services that you need - gate/deck/orca/clouddriver. You can shut the other ones off if say, you don't care about automated triggers, baking or jenkins integration.
I'm able to run this locally with the docker images with about 8 gigs of ram and it works. Using s3 instead of cassandra also helps here.
You can play around with the settings in the baked image of spinnaker, but for internal demos and what not, I've been able to just spin up a VM, install docker and run the docker compose config correctly on m4.large.

Is virtualization still relevant with docker?

I've read this article:
How is Docker different from a normal virtual machine?
I have huge intend of converting all my virtual images into docker instances.
I can't see an angle where vm still make sense...
So what's the point to VM now? Ok... maybe the desktop virtualization to have pulseaudio working?
Once docker solve this, what else?
Okay... So I can't run docker in "non-linux" favour hosts...
For one point you can't run an operating system within your container that is different from the OS on the host.
On Windows and Mac OSX boot2docker is used to run Docker which is VirtualBox running a reduced Linux OS which runs Docker.
The benefits of containers are clear and well known, but the disadvantages have been glossed over somewhat.
Specifically, you don't just need the same OS type (aka linux), you get the same version of the kernel (including any mods you want.) Since containers are an OS construct, there are resource islands per OS kernel version (and different implementations for Windows, BSD or any non-linux if they exist).
VM's are secured with CPU level isolation, containers are secured with OS level isolation (with arguably a bigger attack surface).
There are many claims out there that containers are as slow and as big as VM's once you load up your container with everything you need for production and add lots of overlays, but these are all anecdotal and no large scale survey or trustable data is available yet.