How to remove serial numbers from delivery SAP? - sap

I need to remove serial numbers from outbound delivery via standard FM-BAPI.
I used DELETE_SERNR_LS but this just changes the status of the serials.


What kind of dynamic content is available in Eloqua?

In Eloqua, can you send out an email to a contact list but version the "hero" image headline for each segment using dynamic content blocks?
And then can you do the reverse, have the main image remain the same, and dynamically populate products below that they've purchased in the past?
For scenario 1, yes that is possible out of the box.
Scenario 2 however is a bit more complicated and would generally require a 3rd party tool to provide this type of dynamic code generation based upon a lookup table (in this case a line item inventory or purchases). Because a contact could have zero or more products (commonly as individual records in a CDO), you would generally need to aggregate or count the number of related records, and then generate your HTML table and formatting around those record values, and be contextually aware if it is the first or last record (to begin and close the table). Dynamic content does not have mathematical functions and would not be able to count those related records - this is something usually provided by a B2C system like SFMC using ampscript or dynamically generated through custom code and sent through a transactional SMTP service. You could have multiple dynamic content on top of each other, but your biggest limitation becomes the field merge, with only lets you select a record based upon earliest/last creation date, or last modified. This is not suitable if you have more than 2 records. A third party service that provides a cloud content module for your email is your best bet.

Test of 3000 messages are received or not. Need 3000 US numbers & check if messages are received on them

I want to test that 3000 users received the text messages I sent them from my product to them.
We are using Twilio multiple numbers (10) to speed up the delivery.
Now I want to test that when each user receives the text and if all 3000 users received it or not.
Basically, I am looking for a solution for fake numbers (at least 3000). So I can send the message to those test numbers and check the received messages as well.

Retrieve customer related to payment

Anyone know if it's possible to retrieve the customer name related to a transaction from the API?
I see it under "Paid by" if I follow the "payment_url" in the connect v1{{location_id}}/payments/{{payment_id}} endpoint but can't see to find it anywhere else
Background: I'm working on a ticketing system that breaks out items by item_category so a kitchen gets only food items and the bar gets only drink items.
I have queues and itemized tickets by category BUT I can't seem to find the customer's name anywhere
You'll need to utilize the V2 Transactions API. When you call ListTransactions or RetrieveTransaction (ListTransactions), the Transaction object will have an array of Tenders, tenders, which has a field called customer_id. With this id, you will be able to pass it to RetrieveCustomer (RetrieveCustomer) to find out their name. Note that if you're not explicitly filling out their name, the name might not be available (an "instant profile" (Instant Profiles) will be created with whatever information can be retrieve from the card used to pay).
Update: Alternatively, as suggested by #Dan, would be to strip the payment_url from a V1 RetrievePayment (RetrievePayment) which includes the transaction_id at the end of the URL: This is more efficient as you won't need to loop through transactions, and allow you to send it straight to RetrieveTransaction.

Hyperledger Online payment use case: front end GO implementation

I am new to hyperledger and online payment.
One scenario I have in mind is: if A is an online shop, B is a consumer. B orders an item from A's shop and pays with Bitcoin/hyperledger. A ships the item to B once the payment is received.
With hyperledger, the process goes:
B sends A the payment via blockchain;
A is able to query how much money A owns;
But the question is:
How does A know if the transaction was from B?
How does A know how much money was sent by B?
How does A know if the transaction from B is for the specific ordered item?
What you'd usually do in Bitcoin is to create a new payment address that is bound to the specific order. The invoice would include that address with instructions to send the specified amount to that address and the recipient could simply wait for an incoming transaction with an output destined for that address.
At this point you'd know which customer has paid for which order, to check the amount just check the output value field in the transaction and compare it to the invoice.

How to get a range of serial numbers based on the movement type?

I'm trying to figure out how to perform the task in object.
I want to get serial numbers from range A (internal) when i perform GR (101, 501) in storage location X. After quality checks, materials are transfered to storage location B via 311. After the 311 movement i want to change serials and get the new ones from another range (external)
I already defined ranges and i'm already posting GR with serials from range A. I have to figure out how to tell to SAP to get serials from the second range after posting the 311.
Thank you very much for your advice
Serial numbers are assigned in popup dialog during goods movement if they are mandatory, otherwise you should go to special dialog Goto->Serial Number. Assignment of external numbers could be done in this way:
Go to SPRO->SAP Customizing Implementation Guide->Plant Maintenance and Customer Service->Master Data in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service->Technical Objects->Serial Number Management and define profile with MMSL procedure or use existing one
Assign some equipment category (or create your custom one in OIET transaction) to your Serial Number profile
Go to SPRO->SAP Customizing Implementation Guide->Plant Maintenance and Customer Service->Master Data in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service->Technical Objects->Equipment->Equipment Categories->Define Number Ranges and assign your previously created number range to your equipment category
[optional] Also you can go to S_ALR_87000304 tcode and assign default equipment category which will be used for serial number assignment if system cannot find equipment category from the profile.