Multiple fonts in code editor on IntelliJ - intellij-idea

Is it possible to use multiple fonts in code editor on IntelliJ?
I've recently fell in love with Fira Code font, and want to use it FlottFlott, as explained here, which is something possible with editors like Atom and Sublime Text. But I couldn't find anything on IntelliJ.


Is there a shortcut in IntelliJ that allows you to create a boilerplate HTML file like in VSCode?

In VSCode you can basically type '!' then hit enter and you get a boilerplate HTML document. I love that feature and I wonder if IntelliJ has the same. If it doesn't how could I make it myself? I've tried macros, but it's not instantaneous it types every character one after the other. I've searched for their html shortcuts in keymap and didn't find anything of that sort. Their doc is not helpful either. Do you guys have any idea or hack on how to do that?
You can define a custom Html file template( from File | Settings/Preferences | Editor | File and Code Templates.

UI Text not rendering properly with Intellij IDEA and MacType

I wanted to make Intellij IDEA on windows look like the one on OS X Because in
my opinion it looks much better, so I installed MacType, I was able to get the
editor font render correctly, but when I change the UI font to match OS X's UI
font, The text gets cut off in some places. The font I am trying to use is
Lucida Grande size 15. You can see it for yourself in the picture
Intellij UI Text getting cut:
But if I remove disable MacType rendering, everything works fine, but it looks bad.
Intellij UI Text without MacType rendering:
I've tried changing MacType's settings, but nothing works!
I am on Windows 10 Creators Update with Intellij IDEA 2017.2
Any help would be appreciated.
I found the answer myself! Apparently if you open the mactype profile you are using with notepad, and paste the following text at the end of the file:
Then all the fonts will render correctly. Note, this does not only work for Intellij IDEA, but also all other java applications and a few others. To achieve this, all you have to do is replace "idea64.exe" with the name of the app executable. An example is for the 32-bit version of Intellij, you would replace "idea64.exe" with "idea.exe".
More information can be found here:

Code formatting with NP++

Is there a way to format code based on languages in notepad++?
I like how light-weight that editor is, and the syntax highlighting is awesome too. But I'd like to be able to press CTRL+F or something and have everything be nicely lined up, like in some bigger editors.
There are some plugins that format source. Check out Plugins -> Plugins Manager -> Show Plugin Manager.

Dreamweaver's Code Editor, highlight

I am new to Dreamweaver (and Mac). I am used to using notepad++. I am in the habit of highlighting a term, and having identical terms highlighted everywhere in the current document. Can this be done with Dreamweaver? If it is not possible to do this with Dreamweaver, then what code editor will do this on a Mac?
Or maybe try using eclipse, it might be a bit of overkill, but then again I have no idea what are doing in the dreamweaver.

Easy way to create Zen-Coding Snippets in Sublime Text 2

Like in Eclipse or Aptana, you have a interface for create snippets and shortcuts for them.
But, in Sublime Text 2, just have a .py file.
Anyone know how I can do that?
Sorry for my english, I'm Brazilian.
Maybe this can help:
It's about setting up Gists on GitHub and using it as a snippet library through Sublime Text.
There are lots of other tips on Sublime Text on too.