Easy way to create Zen-Coding Snippets in Sublime Text 2 - emmet

Like in Eclipse or Aptana, you have a interface for create snippets and shortcuts for them.
But, in Sublime Text 2, just have a .py file.
Anyone know how I can do that?
Sorry for my english, I'm Brazilian.

Maybe this can help:
It's about setting up Gists on GitHub and using it as a snippet library through Sublime Text.
There are lots of other tips on Sublime Text on net.tutsplus.com too.


Automatically replace the PlantUML code in an .adoc file with the corresponding PNG images

I have a big .adoc file with plantUML Diagrams in it. The main goal is to convert the .adoc from asciidoc to markdown. For that it is necessary to replace the .puml diagrams to images (png). Its possible to extract the .PNGs from a .adoc file, but so far I did not figure out if there maybe is a tool, library etc. that could replace the .puml diagrams with the corresponding PNG version of it.
Does someone a solution for this? I guess the really last approach would be to write a bashscript that does that automatically (sed commands), but I would love not to do that.
Would be grateful for Answers, have a nice day!
If you convert the PlantUML to PNG, you cannot maintain the diagrams anymore. I assume you want to keep the documents up-to-date and use Markdown as the source of truth.
You can keep PlantUML inside Markdown, similarly to what you do in AsciiDoc. The only extra that you have to use a preprocessor:
If you use IntelliJ, you can edit the Markdown text with macros, including the PlantUML text, and see the formatted text with the diagram in WYSIWYG on the right pane. You will have the XXX.md.jam and the XXX.md automatically saved simultaneously using the Asciidoctor plugin and the Jamal preprocessor with it.
I created Jamal. It is open-source. If you need any more help, you can reach me.
It may not be the answer you are looking for, but may also be.

Is there a shortcut in IntelliJ that allows you to create a boilerplate HTML file like in VSCode?

In VSCode you can basically type '!' then hit enter and you get a boilerplate HTML document. I love that feature and I wonder if IntelliJ has the same. If it doesn't how could I make it myself? I've tried macros, but it's not instantaneous it types every character one after the other. I've searched for their html shortcuts in keymap and didn't find anything of that sort. Their doc is not helpful either. Do you guys have any idea or hack on how to do that?
You can define a custom Html file template(https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/settings-file-and-code-templates.html) from File | Settings/Preferences | Editor | File and Code Templates.

Multiple fonts in code editor on IntelliJ

Is it possible to use multiple fonts in code editor on IntelliJ?
I've recently fell in love with Fira Code font, and want to use it FlottFlott, as explained here, which is something possible with editors like Atom and Sublime Text. But I couldn't find anything on IntelliJ.

haml comment in Sublime Text 2

I downloaded the Textmate bundle for haml in Sublime Text 2 and did this (changing comment from / to correct -#):
Well, now Ctrl+/ will always give -# which is good. But I also want another shortcut key for / such as Ctrl-#. How do I do that in Sublime Text 2? Basically I want shortcut key for both / and -# for comment.
Thanks all!!
I haven't done this much myself, but I believe you'll want to edit the appropriate keymap file to create a new shortcut.
Sublime has some documentation on this here: http://sublimetext.info/docs/en/reference/key_bindings.html

Dreamweaver's Code Editor, highlight

I am new to Dreamweaver (and Mac). I am used to using notepad++. I am in the habit of highlighting a term, and having identical terms highlighted everywhere in the current document. Can this be done with Dreamweaver? If it is not possible to do this with Dreamweaver, then what code editor will do this on a Mac?
Try http://www.barebones.com/products/textwrangler/.
Or maybe try using eclipse, it might be a bit of overkill, but then again I have no idea what are doing in the dreamweaver.