How do you use a Let's Encrypt certificate with the Alexa service? - ssl

I created a Let's Encrypt certificate using SSLforFREE. It works great in the browser, but generates an "unknown certificate" error when used with an Alexa skill. Manually uploading the certificate to the Alexa service works, but it will not work as a "trusted" certificate.
Has anyone successfully used one of these as a "trusted" certificate with Alexa?

Oh, here's what you can do:
Download the contents of your fullchain.pem cert, from /etc/letsencrypt/live/<domain>/fullchain.pem on your server
On your skill config page, select the "SSL" Tab.
Mark "I will upload a self-signed certificate in X.509 format."
Paste the contents of your fullchain.pem file.
It worked for me. Not sure if chain or cert would be enough.

Dont use sslforfree. Use Letsencrypt fullchain certificates directly
Though certificates from utilizes letsencrypt certificate chain, amazon finds an issue while tracing to a trusted certificate authority.
This is another discussion on missing certificate chains.
The solution that will work is, Use LetsEncrypt certificates directly with chained certificates to a trusted CA certificate.
For this, use certbot in order to generate LetsEncrypt certificate on your Server and follow the steps in #aldrinleal answer.


Created SSL certificate on my server, but it is not trusted

I am trying to activate HTTPS for my domain name. Chrome recognizes the SSL certificate when i go to, but I get the error and it says that my SSL is not trusted. What do I need to do to get my SSL certificate to be trusted?
Instead of using a self-signed certificate, get one from a certificate provider. I'd recommend you looking at LetsEncrypt because they have a good automated support for being able to renew certificates automatically.

Server SSL incomplete chain (Inmotion server)

I have installed a ssl certificate via WHM on one of my domain. Site is working with
However it is not working with I have checked the certificate and it is for www version as well. After some research it appears to be incomplete chain issue. I had no idea how to resolve this. Please help.
A certificate can contain a special Authority Information Access extension (RFC-3280) with URL to issuer's certificate. Most browsers can use the AIA extension to download missing intermediate certificate to complete the certificate chain. But some clients (mobile browsers, OpenSSL) don't support this extension, so they report such certificate as untrusted.
You can solve the incomplete certificate chain issue manually by concatenating all certificates from the certificate to the trusted root certificate (exclusive, in this order), to prevent such issues. Note, the trusted root certificate should not be there, as it is already included in the system’s root certificate store.
You should be able to fetch intermediate certificates from the issuer and concat them together by yourself. I have written a script to automate the procedure, it loops over the AIA extension to produce output of correctly chained certificates.

SSL certificate installation issue

After changing ssl certificate authority from Thawte to DigiCert.
SSL certificate installation issue.
After installing new DigiCert ssl certificate in our server. It is still referring to old Thawte ssl certificate even though we removed old certificate from the server.
Looks like you have another vhost file using the old certificate , please remove that from your . Also make sure you properly restart apache after adding the new certificate .
To check your installation you can use the tool below
Thawte certificate checker
To see what certificate you are using, you can use the following tool Tool
This tool will allow you to check what certificate is installed on your server. Then, you can use the utility tool utility tool
You will be able to see all of the certs from your local machine or server. If you don't see the certificate there, you can import your certificate with that tool. If the utility tool mentions that your private key doesn't match, you will have to recreate the CSR with the utility tool and you will have to reissue your cert. If you reissue your cert, you will not invalidate the original request.

Issuing SSL certificates myself for subdomains of a domain I have an SSL cert for

I guess it can't be done, but if so, I'd like to know why.
Let's say I get an SSL certificate for from one of the official certificate authorities around. Let's also say I'm running and and would like to have SSL certificates for those as well.
Can I use the certificate to issue certificates for and myself? And will they be recognized by users' browsers? If not, why not?
(My guess that it can't be done is because it would break the very lucrative wildcard cert business model, wouldn't it?)
Clarification: can't I act as a "self-signed" certificate authority using the keypair for which I obtained the official cert, and simply add my official cert in the validation chain?
You cannot use Your certificate to issue other certificates, because the purposes of the
certificate are encoded in Your certificate and "Certificate Authority" is certainly not included in that list.
Web browsers check the "certificate chain" beginning from Your certificate, the certificate that was used to sign it, the signer of that certificate etc.
Your certificate must match the current use case (mostly "identify web site") and all signing certificates must include the "Certificate Authority" flag. The last certificate must be known to the browser (root cert).
As You already guess, wildcard certificates might help in Your case.
You're correct, you cannot issue certificates from a certificate. You need a Certificate Authority to issue certificates.
The whole point of a Certificate Authority is that they are a trusted 3rd party. CA's like Verisign are trusted by default by most browsers so that you dont have to manually accept certificates from them. They have what is termed a trusted root certificate.
If you create your own Certificate Authority and start dishing out certificates, web browsers will not know you and hance not trust you. The user will be prompted.

Using self-signed certificates with keytool for development purposes

When generating a self-signed certificate using keytool, can I use an IP address for the Common Name?
Once I generated the certificate, I exported it so I can install it in my clients/browsers. In Windows, I ran mmc.exe and added it as a Trusted Root Certificate Authority.
However, when I navigate to the IP address in my browser, it is still an untrusted connection. I ensured Tomcat had all the correct Connector settings.
Am I doing this correctly? do I need to be my own CA? How can I use SSL for development purposes? I'm still trying to understand SSL completely.
First question: if you'll be connecting by IP, then yes.
Second question: No, you don't install your self-signed certificate as CA, you just add exception when your browser warns you that it's self-signed.
You can set up CA — you generate root certificate first, install it in the client, and then generate CSR and then server certificate from it (see e.g. this), but for development purposes this is a complete waste of time.