TortoiseGit Branches and tags - Confused - branch

I am trying to understand about branches and tags with TortoiseGit.
I have read a few good tutorials and have managed to create a branch and I can commit changes to that branch and push to BitBucket. And in the tutorial it shows me how to later merge to the master root.
But I don't quite understand the concept of tags. I know how to create tags. But it is getting it all to work.
What I had in my head was that I create a branch XYZ. But this branch is associated with tag 1.2.3 (a version). I thought that I could tie a set of commits (or the whole branch) to a version number. Then when it is merged later I still know what version those changes were for. Can't work it out.
I tried the "Include Tags" when pushing but that created the tag but seems to have applied it to the whole repository.
Am I going about this wrong?


Updating branch in Fossil

I am working on a project, using Fossil for version controlling and organizing it. I have some branches other than my main trunk branch, and want to update (commit) only a single branch. Doing commit will push my changes on a branch to the main Files (i am hosting my project on Chiselapp)
. How is it possible to update or commit only a single branch without affecting the main files?
A commit only ever affects a single branch. Except perhaps after merging two branches, but I'm assuming you haven't been doing that.
The only thing I can think of is that the skin you're using has a "Files" menu item that links to dir?ci=tip. The tip is a special name for the most recent commit. Which means that, if you make a commit in a different branch than trunk, that "Files" menu item will now show you the files of that other branch.
The hackish temporary way to fix that is to make a commit in trunk afterwards, so that tip refers to trunk again. But that's not ideal.
The easiest way to permanently fix this, is by choosing a different skin which doesn't do that, or by editing your skin's header, and replacing the link to dir?ci=tip by another link, dir?ci=trunk for example. That way, that menu item will always show the files in the trunk branch.
Fossil unlike Git pushes/pulls all branches and tags at once*. The reason (apart from being by design) is that Fossil repository is a database, push/full synchronizes the database in the respective direction.
This means if you committed changes on several branches then all of them will be pushed to the remote.
*UNLESS, the changes are done on private branches (see fossil help for fossil commit --branch --private, fossil branch new --private).
Private commits/branches by default are excluded from push/pull. To also include these use --private option (see fossil help for fossil push --private).
Once the changes have been pushed, they are integrated in the remote repo and can be viewed in the remote repo's web-GUI as individual commits or via the branch to which they belong. The view includes the Files section that reflects the repo contents (snapshot) at the commit's version.
To answer your question: if you committed changes to existing trunk branch, they will be pushed to the remote trunk as well. If you don't want to make changes to the remote trunk, then make your changes in your new branch (to be pushed as a new branch) or in your private branch (will NOT be pushed by default).

Find the branch tag for all the changes against a feature

We use JIRA in our organisation. I am unable to find the branch tag/commit-id against particular feature. Is there something I'm missing?
To understand a feature I want to understand all the changes that were made for this feature. How do I go about finding them?
Assuming your JIRA is connected to some kind of source code management (Bitbucket or Github). The branch / commit name must contain the JIRA issue key.
Jira: assign an existing git branch to an issue
Creating the branch though the UI is just a convenience. The important thing is that the name contains the JIRA key. If only one developer is working on the branch, it's fairly easy to just rename (delete + add) a branch with the appropriate name.
To find all branches / commits related to an issue, there's the Development Panel on the sidebar right.
The jira key in the git commit message we found needs to be in uppsercase, well case senstive depending on what you set in the integration.

Need to find commits on a specific branch

Can someone please share a code snippet that shows how I can pick out commits on only ONE branch using the JGit API.
If I use RevWalk, I get the entire tree, including sub-branches that have been merged into the specified branch.
How can I get JUST the commits on the specified branch without picking up parent commits of branches that may have been merged into the specified branch?
What may also help is to find out what branch a certain commit is sitting on.
Adding some more info:
How can I get all commits along the develop branch?
So based on the image above, I need SHAs:
but NOT:
In order to traverse the history of a Git repository, starting at a certain branch, you can use the LogCommand as described here: JGit: How to get all commits of a branch? (Without changes to the working directory ...)
The command's addFilter() method can be used to install a RevFilter to exclude certain commits.

How to remove a repository from Launchpad?

Specifically I have a repository setup in Launchpad. I need to remove this repository but didn't find any link to do that from launchpad website. I am wondering whether I could do it on my local branch using "bzr". Or I am missing something from the launchpad website to remove it.
To have your entire project deleted from Launchpad, you have to post a "question" on this page:
Yeah it's weird. But this seems to be the official way. If you search for the keywords "delete project" on this page you will find many many similar requests:
Make sure to include a detailed explanation why you want to do this and that you are aware of the consequences. Otherwise you will get a response along the lines "the community might still use the source code you want to delete" and so on.
Of course they are right, and you should carefully consider whether you really want to remove code that other folks might be using and linking to.
If you are sure you want the project gone, then you can reduce the turnaround time with the Launchpad team by first deleting all your branches. You might not be able to delete the trunk, in that case you can try to force-overwrite it with an empty branch, using these steps:
bzr init empty
cd empty
touch empty.txt
bzr add
bzr commit -m 'dummy commit'
bzr push lp:PROJECT --overwrite
Of course, replace PROJECT with the name of your project. All these steps are necessary to empty the branch. You cannot simply push an empty branch, Bazaar will tell you that No new revisions or tags to push. and the branch will be untouched. You need a completely new revision, like the dummy revision in this example.
If your project has no meaningful source code in it, the Launchpad team should not have any objections to delete it, so you can reduce the turnaround time.

How do I prevent a branch from being pushed to another branch in BZR?

We use a dev-test-prod branching scheme with bzr 2. I'd like to setup a bzr hook on the prod branch that will reject a push from the test branch. Looking at the bzr docs, this looks doable, but I'm kinda surprised that my searches don't turn up any one having done it, at least not via any of the keywords I've thought to search by. I'm hoping someone has already gotten this working and can share their path to success.
My current thought is to use the pre_change_branch_tip hook to check for the presence of a file on the test branch. If it's present, fail the commit.
You may ask, why test for a file, why not just test the branch name? Because I actually need to handle the case where our developers have branched their devel branch, pulled in the shared test branch and are now (erroneously) pushing that test branch to production instead of pushing their feature branch to production. And it seems a billion times easier to look for a file in the new branch than to try to interrogate the sending branch's lineage.
So has someone done this? seen it done? or do I get to venture out into the uncharted wasteland that is hook development with bzr? :)
your approach should work and the plugin will be quite simple: just raise an exception if the file is present.
(For some sample code you can look at a plugin I wrote that can prevent commits on some conditions