IBM Ready Healthcare app migration from v6.3 to v8.0 issue - ibm-mobilefirst

I am trying to migrate the IBM Ready Healthcare app ( from v6.3 to v8.0.
I ran "mfpmigrate client ..." command from 'healthcare-mfpf' folder (folder structure shown below), and I got "No supported platforms were detected to migrate" error. Next, I ran the command "mfp add environment" in order to add the environment, that would add the platform. However, I get an error saying that there needs to be a hybrid app available to add environment. I had no luck on running the commands from apps folder as well (folder structure shown below).
Would anyone please kindly let me know the folder I should run the command from, or do I need to go through some extra steps before I can run the "mfpmigrage client ..." command.
Folder structure

Notice: please note that the Ready Apps are no longer maintained by IBM. Just take this under considerations
This project is a Hybrid app, meaning you need to first add it to MobileFirst Studio and then add a supported environment. The project does not come with environments by default.
Only once you do this step will the migration tool find a platform (= environment) to migrate from...
Looking at the file structure you've provided, it's wrong.
It shows:
- android
- iphone
It's supposed to be:
- some app
--- android
--- iphone
--- common
It could be that they call the app in the platform name, but that doesn't matter, it still needs to have the environment folder, so maybe to "Android" you need to add the "Android environment" (right-click > add environment...).
It could be because you thought this is Cordova app and used mfp add environment in the wrong filesystem location (also looks like you're trying to use a CLI instead of Studio?).
Looking at the GitHub repository, this whole structure is unconventional and it's not clear why they did it this way.
The links to the documentation there are also dead. This looks like a dead project.


MobileFirst CLI - edit/build/test cycle

One thing I really like about the later version of Worklight/MobileFirst Studio is the faster edit/test cycle when working in the Mobile Browser Simulator: just edit, save, click Go/Refresh; no need to build/deploy.
When using CLI ( this does not seem to be the case. Seems like I need to do
mfp build; mfp deploy;
After every edit. Am I missing a trick?
Right now I'm thinking I need to revert to my old practice of setting up a web-server to serve directly from my product folder, which is not ideal because I then need to mock up the WL.* APIs I use.
This information from Karl Bishop:
At the current time, this is a limitation of the CLI, based on the use of a standalone MFP Server. Within Studio, some special tricks are being played, to just updated modified files. We are working to resolve this in the CLI and perform similar per file deployments, but we're not there yet. In the interim, I encourage you to view Justin Berstler's video on using the CLI with Grunt.

Can't use background task in Windows Phone 8.1 (the ID_CAP_NETWORKING required, but it's included in the manifest)

I need to update my Windows Phone application tile by downloading and parsing JSON. So I'm using Microsoft HTTP Client Libraries.
And I've always got the exception Use of networking APIs requires the ID_CAP_NETWORKING capability to be defined in the application manifest when I'm trying to debug background task.
But my manifest included ID_CAP_NETWORKING as required (screenshot
I don't know what to do. I tried rebuild or recreate the app, but this didn't help. Also I can't find any documentation or an answer on the internet.
Can you please write, what can I do to solve this problem?
This is demo project with reproduced problem (project's name is 'Meduza. Windows Phone').
I debug my application on Lumia 720 (if it can help).
I re-downloaded your project and now I get your error. So I thought, I must of done something before launching your project that fixed it.
It took me while, but I can get your project to work by doing this
Unzip project to directory
Open Project
Clean Project
Add Internet (Client and Server) in Package.appxmanifest file (make sure you save it before exiting)
Put the break points in your background task
And it works. So a combination of Clean Build + editing the Package.appxmanifest did the trick for me.

Worklight console app, update

We're using Worklight / WebSphere (ND/aix).
This seemed pretty close to my question too, but for version 6.0.
I've successfully done uninstall/install to our worklight console war package. However, there is some extra work on re-deploying adapters and such. I was looking for a way to just update the console. Among the ant tasks there is a target 'minimal-update', which sounds like what I'm looking for (is it?). However when all other pieces fell into place, I have an error for mapping the datasources:
ADMA0007E: A validation error occurred in task Mapping resource references to resources. The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name is not specified for resource reference jdbc/WorklightDS in module Worklight with EJB name .
Contents of the 'minimal-update' task is pretty much the same as for 'install'.
I tried that as update from websphere admin console (but i should use the ant task - right?), that gave me a wizard screen to map jdbc/WorklightDS from package to jdbc/WorklightDS on server. This left me wondering how could I tell this using the ant task.
The ant target minimal-update of the sample configuration files documented at is meant to update a WAR file already deployed (and not uninstalled). In particular, on WAS, it assumes that the JNDI datasources are in place.
If you have uninstalled the WAR file, you should use the target install instead, provided that your databases were created for Worklight 6.1.
If they were created for a previous version of worklight you must upgrade their schema as well running the target 'databases' (and if it's a production installation, you might want to read all the steps in detail at )

Worklight Console can not be opened because the Worklight Server is not running

I'm just getting started with some of the samples at the Getting Started site, working with the Developers Edition. Whenever I Open Worklight Console, the eclipse environment abends. I'm sure I missed a set up item, but all seemed to install well. I appreciate any help / direction. Thanks.
I tried to post an image of the error, but stackoverflow indicates I need 10 reputations to post an image. Go figure.
The first line is Java was started but returned exit code=8096
There are some hits on this indicating that the license may not be compatible with the Rational license installed. Not sure what to do with that.
There's another post indicating Environment Variable corruption, but I don't have the corrupt Temp environment variables indicated.
StackOverflow has a FAQ explaining what one can and cannot do and when. It makes sense. Read it.
Did you at least create a new Worklight project and application?
If you do that and run the application by right-clicking on the application in the project tree and choose Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server this will: start the server + build the app + deploy the app.
Then you can right-click on the project icon and choose Open Worklight Console and you will see the console...
So unless you have some errors preventing the server from loading, the above should work.
Host the image elsewhere, like
Explain what you have installed in your Eclipse. Which Eclipse is it? Did you install only Worklight Studio, or another plug-in in addition? Which?
What are those "hits" you mention? Elaborate.
Searching for the exit code in Google, I see the following IBM tech notes:
Perhaps one of them is relevant for you as well.
If you have followed Idan's advice to Run on Worklight Development Server and it is still not started, try this:
Switch to the Servers view (on the bottom pane of Eclipse by default).
Check your Worklight Development Server status
Right-click and select Clean...
Select OK when prompted to discard all publish start.
Redeploy your app using Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server
I am not sure if this would clean up your environment variable error message as I have not seen that one, but it has helped with several other errors that have caused my server to not start or run properly. (The most common one I get is an Out of Memory in the server.)

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Dojo library uses localhost after deploy

I have a Worklight 6.0 project that uses the new Dojo 1.9 libs, I created an external dojo project, like the documentation suggested, then, in the main project properties, under "Dojo toolkit", it references this dojo19 project.
The project works on the local server, then I did "Run As" | "Build for Remote Server...", and entered the correct domain:port and context path, clicked Build, the *.wlapp files were updated. (I've also updated the settings for publicWorkLightHostname / publicWorkLightPort / publicWorkLightProtocol in the "Environment Entries for Web Modules" in the installed war to match the remote server names/port/protocol.)
But, after deploying both war and -all.wlapp file, accessing the app I get JS errors when it tries to refer to the dojo19 library:
The page at
https://<myIP>:9443/<myproject>/apps/services/www/ /mobilewebapp/default/IODMobile.html
ran insecure content from http://localhost:64441/dojo19/<myproject>/IODMobile/mobilewebapp/dojo/nls/core-web-layer_en-us.js.
The dojo19 is the project name in my Worklight developer workspace that I referred to above.
Why is it trying localhost? Seems there's a missing step here in deploying the dojo library project into Worklight.
Where are you trying to preview the application when you get the error message?
See the changes in Dojo in Worklight 6.0
If launching the application in emulator/simulator/device, see Billy Rowe's answer in this question
Partial copy/paste:
Step 1: Verify your application works in the Mobile Browser Simulator
with Provide Library Resources checked. If the Console log is showing
resources being served from the server, then these have to be copied
to your application before deploying to AVD or a device
Step 2: After you think you have all Dojo/resources within your
project, uncheck Provide Library Resources and test it again in MBS.
If it fails in MBS, then something is missing in your application that
is in the library/server. You can check Provide Library Resources and
retest to see if it shows you what that is. Not all resources are
shown, e.g. if there's a missing CSS file.
Also I would suggest to do all of this in the Development environment (that is, in Eclipse) before starting to deploy the .war file and .wlapp file etc... (which, BTW, I hope you're doing based on the new instructions for Worklight 6.0)
In the information center, it will show you how to uncheck the Provide Library Resources in the Console Log.
I think what you're running into is:
1) Something is being served from the Dojo Library/Server
2) A bug in 6.0 that used "localhost" instead of the IP of the host (your machine running eclipse). This is fixed in the 6.0 iFix. With this fix, you can run your app external to Studio and still use the Dojo Library/Server. Without this fix, you must have everything you need within your app.
Can you install the iFix and let us know if that fixed the problem?