does GrADS have a "astd" (similarly to aave) command I could use? - grads

I would like to have the spatial standard deviation for a variable (let's say temperature). in other words, does GrADS have a "astd" (similarly to aave) command I could use?

There is no command like this in GRADS. But you can actually compute the standard deviation in two ways:
[1] Compute manually. For example:
*compute the mean
x1 = ave(ts1.1,t=1,t=120)
*compute stdev
s1 = sqrt(ave(pow(ts1.1-x1,2),t=1,t=120)*(n1/(n1-1)))
n here is the number of samples.
[2] You can use the built in function 'stat' in GRADS.
You can use 'set stat on' or 'set gxout stat'
These commands will give you statics such as the following:
Data Type = grid
Dimensions = 0 1
I Dimension = 1 to 73 Linear 0 5
J Dimension = 1 to 46 Linear -90 4
Sizes = 73 46 3358
Undef value = -2.56e+33
Undef count = 1763 Valid count = 1595
Min, Max = 243.008 302.818
Cmin, cmax, cint = 245 300 5
Stats[sum,sumsqr,root(sumsqr),n]: 452778 1.29046e+08 11359.8 1595
Stats[(sum,sumsqr,root(sumsqr))/n]: 283.874 80906.7 284.441
Stats[(sum,sumsqr,root(sumsqr))/(n-1)]: 284.052 80957.4 284.53
Stats[(sigma,var)(n)]: 17.9565 322.437
Stats[(sigma,var)(n-1)]: 17.9622 322.64
Contouring: 245 to 300 interval 5
Sigma here is the standard deviation and Var is variance.
Is this what you are looking for?


Changing column name and it's values at the same time

Pandas help!
I have a specific column like this,
0 18
1 17
2 19
3 21
4 16
5 15
Mpg is mile per gallon,
Now I need to replace that 'MPG' column to 'litre per 100 km' and change those values to litre per 100 km' at the same time. Any help? Thanks beforehand.
I changed the name of the column but doing both simultaneously,i could not.
Use pop to return and delete the column at the same time and rdiv to perform the conversion (1 mpg = 1/235.15 liter/100km):
df['litre per 100 km'] = df.pop('Mpg').rdiv(235.15)
If you want to insert the column in the same position:
df.insert(df.columns.get_loc('Mpg'), 'litre per 100 km',
litre per 100 km
0 13.063889
1 13.832353
2 12.376316
3 11.197619
4 14.696875
5 15.676667
An alternative to pop would be to store the result in another dataframe. This way you can perform the two steps at the same time. In my code below, I first reproduce your dataframe, then store the constant for conversion and perform it on all entries using the apply method.
df = pd.DataFrame({'Mpg':[18,17,19,21,16,15]})
cc = 235.214583 # constant for conversion from mpg to L/100km
df2 = pd.DataFrame()
df2['litre per 100 km'] = df['Mpg'].apply(lambda x: cc/x)
The output of this code is:
litre per 100 km
0 13.067477
1 13.836152
2 12.379715
3 11.200694
4 14.700911
5 15.680972
as expected.

Is there a way to use cumsum with a threshold to create bins?

Is there a way to use numpy to add numbers in a series up to a threshold, then restart the counter. The intention is to form groupby based on the categories created.
amount price
0 27 22.372505
1 17 126.562276
2 33 101.061767
3 78 152.076373
4 15 103.482099
5 96 41.662766
6 108 98.460743
7 143 126.125865
8 82 87.749286
9 70 56.065133
The only solutions I found iterate with .loc which is slow. I tried building a solution based on this answer
sumvals = np.frompyfunc(lambda a,b: a+b if a <= 100 else b,2,1)
df['cumvals'] = sumvals.accumulate(df['amount'], dtype=np.object)
The use-case is to find the average price of every 75 sold amounts of the thing.
Solution #1 Interpreting the following one way will get my solution below: "The use-case is to find the average price of every 75 sold amounts of the thing." If you are trying to do this calculation the "hard way" instead of pd.cut, then here is a solution that will work well but the speed / memory will depend on the cumsum() of the amount column, which you can find out if you do df['amount'].cumsum(). The output will take about 1 second per every 10 million of the cumsum, as that is how many rows is created with np.repeat. Again, this solution is not horrible if you have less than ~10 million in cumsum (1 second) or even 100 million in cumsum (~10 seconds):
i = 75
df = np.repeat(df['price'], df['amount']).to_frame().reset_index(drop=True)
g = df.index // i
df = df.groupby(g)['price'].mean()
df.index = (df.index * i).astype(str) + '-' + (df.index * i +75).astype(str)
0-75 78.513748
75-150 150.715984
150-225 61.387540
225-300 67.411182
300-375 98.829611
375-450 126.125865
450-525 122.032363
525-600 87.326831
600-675 56.065133
Name: price, dtype: float64
Solution #2 (I believe this is wrong but keeping just in case)
I do not believe you are tying to do it this way, which was my initial solution, but I will keep it here in case, as you haven't included expected output. You can create a new series with cumsum and then use pd.cut and pass bins=np.arange(0, df['Group'].max(), 75) to create groups of cumulative 75. Then, groupby the groups of cumulative 75 and take the mean. Finally, use pd.IntervalIndex to clean up the format and change to a sting:
df['Group'] = df['amount'].cumsum()
s = pd.cut(df['Group'], bins=np.arange(0, df['Group'].max(), 75))
df = df.groupby(s)['price'].mean().reset_index()
df['Group'] = pd.IntervalIndex(df['Group']).left.astype(str) + '-' + pd.IntervalIndex(df['Group']).right.astype(str)
Group price
0 0-75 74.467390
1 75-150 101.061767
2 150-225 127.779236
3 225-300 41.662766
4 300-375 98.460743
5 375-450 NaN
6 450-525 126.125865
7 525-600 87.749286

Can I use pandas to create a biased sample?

My code uses a column called booking status that is 1 for yes and 0 for no (there are multiple other columns that information will be pulled from dependant on the booking status) - there are lots more no than yes so I would like to take a sample with all the yes and the same amount of no.
When I use
samp = rslt_df.sample(n=298, random_state=1, weights='bookingstatus')
I get the error:
ValueError: Fewer non-zero entries in p than size
Is there a way to do this sample this way?
If our entire dataset looks like this:
c1 c2
0 1 1
1 0 2
2 0 3
3 0 4
4 0 5
5 0 6
6 0 7
7 1 8
8 0 9
9 0 10
We may decide to sample from it using the DataFrame.sample function. By default, this function will sample without replacement. Meaning, you'll receive an error by specifying a number of observations larger than the number of observations in your initial dataset:
ValueError: Cannot take a larger sample than population when 'replace=False'
In your situation, the ValueError comes from the weights parameter:
ValueError: Fewer non-zero entries in p than size
To paraphrase the DataFrame.sample docs, using the c1 column as our weights parameter implies that rows with a larger value in the c1 column are more likely to be sampled. Specifically, the sample function will not pick values from this column that are zero. We can fix this error using either one of the following methods.
Method 1: Set the replace parameter to be true:
m1 = df.sample(3,weights='c1', replace=True)
c1 c2
0 1 1
7 1 8
0 1 1
Method 2: Make sure the n parameter is equal to or less than the number of 1s in the c1 column:
m2 = df.sample(2,weights='c1')
c1 c2
7 1 8
0 1 1
If you decide to use this method, you won't really be sampling. You're really just filtering out any rows where the value of c1 is 0.
I was able to this in the end, here is how I did it:
bookingstatus_count = df.bookingstatus.value_counts()
print('Class 0:', bookingstatus_count[0])
print('Class 1:', bookingstatus_count[1])
print('Proportion:', round(bookingstatus_count[0] / bookingstatus_count[1], 2), ': 1')
# Class count
count_class_0, count_class_1 = df.bookingstatus.value_counts()
# Divide by class
df_class_0 = df[df['bookingstatus'] == 0]
df_class_0_under = df_class_0.sample(count_class_1)
df_test_under = pd.concat([f_class_0_under, df_class_1], axis=0)
df_class_1 = df[df['bookingstatus'] == 1]
based on this
Thanks everyone

How to get fitted values from clogit model

I am interested in getting the fitted values at set locations from a clogit model. This includes the population level response and the confidence intervals around it. For example, I have data that looks approximately like this:
data <- data.frame(Used = rep(c(1,0,0,0),1250),
Open = round(runif(5000,0,50),0),
Activity = rep(sample(runif(24,.5,1.75),1250, replace=T), each=4),
Strata = rep(1:1250,each=4))
Within the Clogit model, activity does not vary within a strata, thus there is no activity main effect.
mod <- clogit(Used ~ Open + I(Open*Activity) + strata(Strata),data=data)
What I want to do is build a newdata frame at which I can eventually plot marginal fitted values at specified locations of Open similar to a newdata design in a traditional glm model: e.g.,
newdata <- data.frame(Open = seq(0,50,1),
Activity = rep(max(data$Activity),51))
However, when I try to run a predict function on the clogit, I get the following error:
fit<-predict(mod,newdata=newdata,type = "expected")
Error in Surv(rep(1, 5000L), Used) : object 'Used' not found
I realize this is because clogit in r is being run throught, and thus, the predict function is trying to predict relative risks between pairs of subjects within the same strata (in this case= Used).
My question, however is if there is a way around this. This is easily done in Stata (using the Margins Command), and manually in Excel, however I would like to automate in R since everything else is programmed there. I have also built this manually in R (example code below), however I keep ending up with what appear to be incorrect CIs in my real data, as a result I would like to rely on the predict function if possible. My code for manual prediction is:
coef<-data.frame(coef = summary(mod)$coefficients[,1],
se= summary(mod)$coefficients[,3])
coef$se <-summary(mod)$coefficients[,4]
coef$UpCI <- coef[,1] + (coef[,2]*2) ### this could be *1.96 but using 2 for simplicity
coef$LowCI <-coef[,1] - (coef[,2]*2) ### this could be *1.96 but using 2 for simplicity
fitted<-data.frame(Open= seq(0,50,2),
fitted$Marginal <- exp(coef[1,1]*fitted$Open +
(1+exp(coef[1,1]*fitted$Open +
fitted$UpCI <- exp(coef[1,3]*fitted$Open +
(1+exp(coef[1,3]*fitted$Open +
fitted$LowCI <- exp(coef[1,4]*fitted$Open +
(1+exp(coef[1,4]*fitted$Open +
My end product would ideally look something like this but a product of the predict function....
Example output of fitted values.
Evidently Terry Therneau is less a purist on the matter of predictions from clogit models:
Here's a modification to your code that does generate the 51 predictions. Did need to put in a dummy Strata column.
newdata <- data.frame(Open = seq(0,50,1),
Activity = rep(max(data$Activity),51), Strata=1)
risk <- predict(mod,newdata=newdata,type = "risk")
> risk/(risk+1)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0.5194350 0.5190029 0.5185707 0.5181385 0.5177063 0.5172741 0.5168418
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
0.5164096 0.5159773 0.5155449 0.5151126 0.5146802 0.5142478 0.5138154
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
0.5133829 0.5129505 0.5125180 0.5120855 0.5116530 0.5112205 0.5107879
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0.5103553 0.5099228 0.5094902 0.5090575 0.5086249 0.5081923 0.5077596
29 30 31 32 33 34 35
0.5073270 0.5068943 0.5064616 0.5060289 0.5055962 0.5051635 0.5047308
36 37 38 39 40 41 42
0.5042981 0.5038653 0.5034326 0.5029999 0.5025671 0.5021344 0.5017016
43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0.5012689 0.5008361 0.5004033 0.4999706 0.4995378 0.4991051 0.4986723
50 51
0.4982396 0.4978068
{Warning} : It's actually rather difficult for mere mortals to determine which of the R-gods to believe on this one. I've learned so much R and statistics form each of those experts. I suspect there are matters of statistical concern or interpretation that I don't really understand.

Most efficient way to shift MultiIndex time series

I have a DataFrame that consists of many stacked time series. The index is (poolId, month) where both are integers, the "month" being the number of months since 2000. What's the best way to calculate one-month lagged versions of multiple variables?
Right now, I do something like:
cols_to_shift = ["bal", ...5 more columns...]
df_shift = df[cols_to_shift].groupby(level=0).transform(lambda x: x.shift(-1))
For my data, this took me a full 60 s to run. (I have 48k different pools and a total of 718k rows.)
I'm converting this from R code and the equivalent data.table call:
dt.shift <- dt[, list(bal=myshift(bal), ...), by=list(poolId)]
only takes 9 s to run. (Here "myshift" is something like "function(x) c(x[-1], NA)".)
Is there a way I can get the pandas verison to be back in line speed-wise? I tested this on 0.8.1.
Edit: Here's an example of generating a close-enough data set, so you can get some idea of what I mean:
ids = np.arange(48000)
lens = np.maximum(np.round(15+9.5*np.random.randn(48000)), 1.0).astype(int)
id_vec = np.repeat(ids, lens)
lens_shift = np.concatenate(([0], lens[:-1]))
mon_vec = np.arange(lens.sum()) - np.repeat(np.cumsum(lens_shift), lens)
n = len(mon_vec)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_items([('pool', id_vec), ('month', mon_vec)] + [(c, np.random.rand(n)) for c in 'abcde'])
df = df.set_index(['pool', 'month'])
%time df_shift = df.groupby(level=0).transform(lambda x: x.shift(-1))
That took 64 s when I tried it. This data has every series starting at month 0; really, they should all end at month np.max(lens), with ragged start dates, but good enough.
Edit 2: Here's some comparison R code. This takes 0.8 s. Factor of 80, not good.
ids <- 1:48000
lens <- as.integer(pmax(1, round(rnorm(ids, mean=15, sd=9.5))))
id.vec <- rep(ids, times=lens)
lens.shift <- c(0, lens[-length(lens)])
mon.vec <- (1:sum(lens)) - rep(cumsum(lens.shift), times=lens)
n <- length(id.vec)
dt <- data.table(pool=id.vec, month=mon.vec, a=rnorm(n), b=rnorm(n), c=rnorm(n), d=rnorm(n), e=rnorm(n))
setkey(dt, pool, month)
myshift <- function(x) c(x[-1], NA)
system.time(dt.shift <- dt[, list(month=month, a=myshift(a), b=myshift(b), c=myshift(c), d=myshift(d), e=myshift(e)), by=pool])
I would suggest you reshape the data and do a single shift versus the groupby approach:
result = df.unstack(0).shift(1).stack()
This switches the order of the levels so you'd want to swap and reorder:
result = result.swaplevel(0, 1).sortlevel(0)
You can verify it's been lagged by one period (you want shift(1) instead of shift(-1)):
In [17]: result.ix[1]
a b c d e
1 0.752511 0.600825 0.328796 0.852869 0.306379
2 0.251120 0.871167 0.977606 0.509303 0.809407
3 0.198327 0.587066 0.778885 0.565666 0.172045
4 0.298184 0.853896 0.164485 0.169562 0.923817
5 0.703668 0.852304 0.030534 0.415467 0.663602
6 0.851866 0.629567 0.918303 0.205008 0.970033
7 0.758121 0.066677 0.433014 0.005454 0.338596
8 0.561382 0.968078 0.586736 0.817569 0.842106
9 0.246986 0.829720 0.522371 0.854840 0.887886
10 0.709550 0.591733 0.919168 0.568988 0.849380
11 0.997787 0.084709 0.664845 0.808106 0.872628
12 0.008661 0.449826 0.841896 0.307360 0.092581
13 0.727409 0.791167 0.518371 0.691875 0.095718
14 0.928342 0.247725 0.754204 0.468484 0.663773
15 0.934902 0.692837 0.367644 0.061359 0.381885
16 0.828492 0.026166 0.050765 0.524551 0.296122
17 0.589907 0.775721 0.061765 0.033213 0.793401
18 0.532189 0.678184 0.747391 0.199283 0.349949
In [18]: df.ix[1]
a b c d e
0 0.752511 0.600825 0.328796 0.852869 0.306379
1 0.251120 0.871167 0.977606 0.509303 0.809407
2 0.198327 0.587066 0.778885 0.565666 0.172045
3 0.298184 0.853896 0.164485 0.169562 0.923817
4 0.703668 0.852304 0.030534 0.415467 0.663602
5 0.851866 0.629567 0.918303 0.205008 0.970033
6 0.758121 0.066677 0.433014 0.005454 0.338596
7 0.561382 0.968078 0.586736 0.817569 0.842106
8 0.246986 0.829720 0.522371 0.854840 0.887886
9 0.709550 0.591733 0.919168 0.568988 0.849380
10 0.997787 0.084709 0.664845 0.808106 0.872628
11 0.008661 0.449826 0.841896 0.307360 0.092581
12 0.727409 0.791167 0.518371 0.691875 0.095718
13 0.928342 0.247725 0.754204 0.468484 0.663773
14 0.934902 0.692837 0.367644 0.061359 0.381885
15 0.828492 0.026166 0.050765 0.524551 0.296122
16 0.589907 0.775721 0.061765 0.033213 0.793401
17 0.532189 0.678184 0.747391 0.199283 0.349949
Perf isn't too bad with this method (it might be a touch slower in 0.9.0):
In [19]: %time result = df.unstack(0).shift(1).stack()
CPU times: user 1.46 s, sys: 0.24 s, total: 1.70 s
Wall time: 1.71 s