Rounding numbers to the nearest 10 in Postgres - sql

I'm trying to solve this particular problem from
The gist of the question is that I'm given a table of club members and half hour time slots that they have booked (getting the list is a simple INNER JOIN of two tables).
I'm supposed to produce a descending ranking of members by total hours booked, rounded off to the nearest 10. I also need to produce a column with the rank, using the RANK() window function, and sort the result by the rank. (The result produces 30 records.)
The author's very elegant solution is this:
select firstname, surname, hours, rank() over (order by hours) from
(select firstname, surname,
((sum(bks.slots)+5)/20)*10 as hours
from cd.bookings bks
inner join cd.members mems
on bks.memid = mems.memid
group by mems.memid
) as subq
order by rank, surname, firstname;
Unfortunately, as a SQL newbie, my very unelegant solution is much more convoluted, using CASE WHEN and converting numbers to text in order to look at the last digit for deciding on whether to round up or down:
WHEN (SUBSTRING(ROUND(SUM(slots*0.5),0)::text from '.{1}$') IN ('5','6','7','8','9','0')) THEN CEIL(SUM(slots*0.5) /10) * 10
ELSE FLOOR(SUM(slots*0.5) /10) * 10
END AS hours,
WHEN (SUBSTRING(ROUND(SUM(slots*0.5),0)::text from '.{1}$') IN ('5','6','7','8','9','0')) THEN CEIL(SUM(slots*0.5) /10) * 10
ELSE FLOOR(SUM(slots*0.5) /10) * 10
END DESC) as rank
FROM cd.bookings JOIN cd.members
ON cd.bookings.memid = cd.members.memid
GROUP BY firstname, surname
ORDER BY rank, surname, firstname;
Still, I manage to almost get it just right - out of the 30 records, I get one edge case, whose firstname is 'Ponder' and lastname is 'Stephens'. His rounded number of hours is 124.5, but the solution insists that rounding it to the nearest 10 should produce a result of 120, whilst my solution produces 130.
(By the way, there are several other examples, such as 204.5 rounding up to 210 both in mine and the exercise author's solution.)
What's wrong with my rounding logic?

If you want to round to the nearest 10, then use the built-in round() function:
select round(<whatever>, -1)
The second argument can be negative, with -1 for tens, -2 for hundreds, and so on.

To round to the nearest multiple of any number (range):
round(<value> / <range>) * <range>
“Nearest” means values exactly half way between range boundaries are rounded up.
This works for arbitrary ranges, you could round to the nearest 13 or 0.05 too if you wanted to:
round(64 / 10) * 10 —- 60
round(65 / 10) * 10 —- 70
round(19.49 / 13) * 13 -- 13
round(19.5 / 13) * 13 -- 26
round(.49 / .05) * .05 -- 0.5
round(.47 / .05) * .05 -- 0.45

I have struggled with an equivalent issue. I needed to round number to the nearest multiple of 50. Gordon's suggestion here does not work.
My first attempt was SELECT round(120 / 50) * 50, which gives 100. However, SELECT round(130 / 50) * 50 gave 100. This is wrong; the nearest multiple is 150.
The trick is to divide using a float, e.g. SELECT round(130 / 50.0) * 50 is going to give 150.
Turns out that doing x/y, where x and y are integers, is equivalent to trunc(x/y). Where as float division correctly rounds to the nearest multiple.

I don't think Bohemian's formula is correct.
The generalized formula is:
round((value + (range/2))/range) * range
so to convert to nearest 50, round((103 + 25)/50) * 50 --> will give 100

A modified version of the Author's elegant solution that works:
I hope you find it useful
select firstname, surname, round(hrs, -1) as hours, rank() over(order by
round(hrs, -1) desc) as rank
from (select firstname, surname, sum(bks.slots) * 0.5 as hrs
from cd.members mems
inner join cd.bookings bks
on mems.memid = bks.memid
group by mems.memid) as subq
order by rank, surname, firstname;


fetch aggregate value along with data

I have a table with the following fields
350, What is the symbol used to represent Bromine?,2,MCQ
758,What is the symbol used to represent Bromine? ,2,MCQ
2425,What is the symbol used to represent Bromine?,3,Essay
2080,A quadrilateral has four sides, four angles ,1,MCQ
2614,A circular cone has a curved surface area of ,2,MCQ
2520,Two triangles have sides 5 cm, 11 cm, 2 cm . ,2,MCQ
2196,Life supporting process mediated by water? ,2,Essay
I would like to get random questions where total marks is an input number.
For example if I say 25, the result should be all the random questions whose Sum(QuestionMarks) is 25(+/-1)
Is this really possible using a SQL
select content,id,questionmarks,sum(questionmarks) from quiz_question
group by content,id,questionmarks;
Expected Input 25
Expected Result (Sum of Question Marks =25)
How do I ensure I get atleast 2 Essay Type Questions (this is just an example) I would extend this for other conditions. Thank you for all the help
S-Man's cumulative sum is the right approach. For your logic, though, I think you want to get up to the first row that is 24 or more. That logic is:
where total - questionmark < 24
If you have enough questions, then you could get exactly 25 using:
with q25 as (
select *
from (select t.*,
sum(questionmark) over (order by random()) as running_questionmark
from t
) t
where running_questionmark < 25
select q.ID, q.Content, q.QuestionMarks, q.TypeofQuestion
from q25 q
union all
(select t.ID, t.Content, t.QuestionMarks, t.TypeofQuestion
from t cross join
(select sum(questionmark) as questionmark_25 from q25) x
where not exists (select 1 from q25 where =
order by abs(questionmark - (25 - questionmark_25))
limit 1
This selects questions up to 25 but not at 25. It then tries to find one more to make the total 25.
Supposing, questionmark is of type integer. Then you want to get some records in random order whose questionmark sum is not more than 25:
You can use the consecutive SUM() window function. The order is random. The consecutive SUM() adds every current value to the previous sum. So, you could filter where SUM() <= <your value>:
SUM(questionmark) OVER (ORDER BY random()) as total
WHERE total <= 25
This returns a records list with no more than 25, but as close as possible to it with an random order.
To find an exact match of your value is some sort of combinatorical problem which shouldn't be solved in a database. Especially when there's a random factor. What if your current SUM is 22 and the next randomly chosen value is 4. Would you retry maybe until infinity to randomly find a value = 3? Or are you trying to remove an already counted record with value = 1?

Show Null Values for SQL Grid in Virtual Table

I asked this question yesterday on how to calculate the number of customers in a grid square, and the solution I got was:
SELECT 10 * (customer_x / 10), 10 * (customer_y / 10), COUNT (*) FROM t_customer GROUP BY customer_x / 10, customer_y / 10 ORDER BY 3 DESC;
Now I need to present the grid squares that contain zero customers, and I'm not sure how to do this as the query is based on calculations of the usual numbers and the grid doesn't actually exist in the table. Should I use an ISNULL() function? The results for this query in my current database are:
But given that there are 100 grid squares in the area there are many without customers. I just need a query that will show all but the above grid squares. I'm using SQLite3 and any help would be greatly appreciated. Those in the (90,90) grid square are to be ignored.
Sample data:
I need to have a list of grid squares with no customers in from the 100 grid squares in a 10 x 10 grid (-50 to +50 in increments of 10). It may be easier to use a virtual table of all possible grid squares and to subtract the above query from it?
To make an (empty) grid square show up, add a dummy row for it, with a customer_id of NULL. NULL values are not counted:
SELECT ...x...,
FROM t_customer
GROUP BY ...x..., ...y...;
If you cannot change the database, you have to generate the empty rows with a recursive common table expression:
-- from -90 to +90 in steps of 10
SELECT i + 10
FROM range
), empty(x, y, customer_id) AS (
FROM range AS x
SELECT ...x...,
FROM (SELECT * FROM t_customer
SELECT * FROM empty)
GROUP BY ...x..., ...y...;

Find a record with a key closest to a give value

I have a two column table currently, with the columns 'probability' and 'age'. I have a given probability, and I need to search the table and return the age related to the closest probability. It's already in ascending order next to age, for example:
20 0.01050
21 0.02199
22 0.03155
23 0.04710
The only thing I can think of doing right now is returning all ages with probabilities greater than the given probability, and taking the first one.
select age from mydb.mytest
where probability > givenProbability;
I'm sure there is a better approach to this than doing that, so I'm wondering what that would be.
What about something like this:
SELECT * FROM mytest
ORDER BY ABS( .0750 - probability )
Should return the top 1 closest value, based on a sorted list of the Absolute value of the Difference between Probability and givenProbability.
Different solutions will work for different DBMS. This one works in DB2 and is standard sql:
select age
from (
select age
, row_number() over (order by abs(probability - givenProbability)) as rn
from mydb.mytest
where rn = 1

SQL Rounding Percentages to make the sum 100% - 1/3 as 0.34, 0.33, 0.33

I am currently trying to split one value with percentage column. But as most of percentages values are 1/3, I am not able to get aboslute 100% with two decimal points in the value. For example:
Product Supplier percentage totalvalue customer_split
decimal(15,14) (decimal(18,2) decimal(18,2)
-------- -------- ------------ --------------- ---------------
Product1 Supplier1 0.33 10.00 3.33
Product1 Supplier2 0.33 10.00 3.33
Product1 Supplier3 0.33 10.00 3.33
So, here we are missing 0.01 in the value column and suppliers would like to put this missing 0.01 value against any one of the supplier randomly. I have been trying to get this done in a two sets of SQLs with temporary tables, but is there any simple way of doing this. If possible how can I get 0.34 in the percentage column itself for one of the above rows? 0.01 is negligible value, but when the value column is 1000000000 it is significant.
It sounds like you're doing some type of "allocation" here. This is a common problem any time you are trying to allocate something from a higher granulartiy to a lower granularity, and you need to be able to re-aggregate to the total value correctly.
This becomes a much bigger problem when dealing with larger fractions.
For example, if I try to divide a total value of, say $55.30 by eight, I get a decimal value of $6.9125 for each of the eight buckets. Should I round one to $6.92 and the rest to $6.91? If I do, I will lose a cent. I would have to round one to $6.93 and the others to $6.91. This gets worse as you add more buckets to divide by.
In addition, when you start to round, you introduce problems like "Should 33.339 be rounded to 33.34 or 33.33?"
If your business logic is such that you just want to take whatever remainder beyond 2 significant digits may exist and add it to one of the dollar values "randomly" so you don't lose any cents, #Diego is on the right track with this.
Doing it in pure SQL is a bit more difficult. For starters, your percentage isn't 1/3, it's .33, which will yield a total value of 9.9, not 10. I would either store this as a ratio or as a high-precision decimal field (.33333333333333).
P S PCT Total
-- -- ------------ ------
P1 S1 .33333333333 10.00
P2 S2 .33333333333 10.00
P3 S3 .33333333333 10.00
BaseTable.P, BaseTable.S,
CASE WHEN BaseTable.S = TotalTable.MinS
THEN BaseTable.BaseAllocatedValue + TotalTable.Remainder
ELSE BaseTable.BaseAllocatedValue
END As AllocatedValue
P, S, FLOOR((PCT * Total * 100)) / 100 as BaseAllocatedValue,
FROM dataTable) BaseTable
P, MIN(S) AS MinS,
SUM((PCT * Total) - FLOOR((PCT * Total * 100)) / 100) as Remainder,
FROM dataTable
GROUP BY P) as TotalTable
ON (BaseTable.P = TotalTable.P)
It appears your calculation is an equal distribution based on the total number of products per supplier. If it is, it may be advantageous to remove the percentage and instead just store the count of items per supplier in the table.
If it is also possible to store a flag indicating the row that should get the remainder value applied to it, you could assign based on that flag instead of randomly.
run this, it will give an idea on how you can solve your problem.
I created a table called orders just with an ID to be easy to understand:
create table orders(
customerID int)
insert into orders values(1)
go 3
insert into orders values(2)
go 3
insert into orders values(3)
go 3
these values represent the 33% you have
1 33.33
2 33.33
3 33.33
create table #tempOrders(
customerID int,
percentage numeric(10,2))
declare #maxOrder int
declare #maxOrderID int
select #maxOrderID = max(customerID) from orders
declare #total numeric(10,2)
select #total =count(*) from orders
insert into #tempOrders
select customerID, cast(100*count(*)/#total as numeric(10,2)) as Percentage
from orders
group by customerID
update #tempOrders set percentage = percentage + (select 100-sum(Percentage) from #tempOrders)
where customerID =#maxOrderID
this code will basically calculate the percentage and the order with the max ID, then it gets the diference from 100 to the percentage sum and add it to the order with the maxID (your random order)
select * from #tempOrders
1 33.33
2 33.33
3 33.34
This should be an easy task using Windowed Aggregate Functions. You probably use them already for the calculation of customer_split:
totalvalue / COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY Product) as customer_split
Now sum up the customer_splits and if there's a difference to total value add (or substract) it to one random row.
ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) = 1 -- get a random row, using row_number/order you might define a specific row
THEN totalvalue - SUM(customer_split)
,totalvalue / COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY Product) AS customer_split
FROM dropme
) AS dt
After more than one trial and test i think i found better solution
Get Count of all(Count(*)) based on your conditions
Get Row_Number()
Check if (Row_Number() value < Count(*))
Then select round(curr_percentage,2)
Get sum of all other percentage(with round) and subtract it from 100
This steps will select current percentage every time EXCEPT Last one will be
100 - the sum of all other percentages
this is part of my code
Select your_cols
,(Select count(*) from [tbl_Partner_Entity] pa_et where [E_ID] =#E_ID)
AS cnt_all
,(ROW_NUMBER() over ( order by pe.p_id)) as row_num
,Case when (
(ROW_NUMBER() over ( order by pe.p_id)) <
(Select count(*) from [tbl_Partner_Entity] pa_et where [E_ID] =#E_ID))
then round(([partnership_partners_perc]*100),2)
((select sum(round(([partnership_partners_perc]*100),2)) FROM [dbo].
[tbl_Partner_Entity] PEE where [E_ID] =#E_ID and pee.P_ID != pe.P_ID))
end AS [partnership_partners_perc_Last]
FROM [dbo].[tbl_Partner_Entity] PE
where [E_ID] =#E_ID

How do I calculate percentages with decimals in SQL?

How can i convert this to a decimal in SQL? Below is the equation and i get the answer as 78 (integer) but the real answer is 78.6 (with a decimal) so i need to show this as otherwise the report won't tally up to 100%
(100 * [TotalVisit1]/[TotalVisits]) AS Visit1percent
Try This:
(100.0 * [TotalVisit1]/[TotalVisits]) AS Visit1percent
convert(decimal(5,2),(100 * convert(float,[TotalVisit1])/convert(float,[TotalVisits]))) AS Visit1percent
Ugly, but it works.
CAST(ROUND([TotalVisit1]*100.0/[TotalVisits],2)as decimal(5,2)) as Percentage
Not ugly and work better and fast , enjoy it!
At least in MySQL (if it helps), if you want to use float numbers you had to use a type float field, not the regular int fields.
Just add a decimal to the 100
(100.0 * [TotalVisit1]/[TotalVisits]) AS Visit1percent
this forces all processing to happen in floats... if you want the final output as text, and truncated for display to only one decimal place, use Str function
Str( 100.0 * [TotalVisit1]/[TotalVisits], 4, 1 ) AS Visit1percent
This works perfectly for me:
CAST((1.0 * SUM(ColumnA) /COUNT(ColumnB)) as decimal(5,2))
Hope it helps someone out there in the world.
Its probably overkill to do this, but you may wish to consider casting all values to floats to ensure accuracy at all phases.
(100.0 * ( [TotalVisit1]+0.0 )/([TotalVisits]+0.0) ) as Visit1percent
Note, you really need to put code in here for the case that TotalVisits == 0 or you will get a division by 0 answer.
SELECT(ROUND(CAST(TotalVisit1 AS DECIMAL)/TotalVisits,1)) AS 'Visit1percent'
This will return a decimal and the ROUND will round it to one digit. So in your case you would get 76.6. If you don't want any digits change the 1 to 0 and if you want two digits change it to 2.
Try with this, no round and str or Over(). i found this as a simpler way to do it.
cast((count(TotalVisit1) * 100.0) /TotalVisits as numeric(5,3)) as [Visit1percent]
You can change the number of decimal points as you wish to
e.g. numeric(5,2) or numeric(5,4)
This might not address you issue directly, but when you round a set of numbers for display you're never guaranteed to get numbers that add to 100 unless you take special precautions. For example, rounding 33.33333, 33.33333 and 33.33333 is going to leave you one short on the sum, so the logical thing to do is to modify the percentage for the largest value in the set to take account of any difference.
Here's a way of doing that in Oracle SQL using analytic functions and a subquery factoring (WITH) clause to generate sample data.
with data as (select 25 num from dual union all
select 25 from dual union all
select 25 from dual)
select num,
when rnk = 1
then 100 - sum(pct) over (order by rnk desc
rows between unbounded preceding
and 1 preceding)
else pct
end pct
select num,
round(100*ratio_to_report(num) over ()) pct,
row_number() over (order by num desc) rnk
from data
---------------------- ----------------------
25 33
25 33
25 34
In ms Access You can use the SQL function ROUND(number, number of decimals), It will round the number to the given number of decimals:
ROUND((100 * [TotalVisit1]/[TotalVisits]),1) AS Visit1percent