What is the effect of calling TensorArray.close()? - tensorflow

(tensorflow version: '0.12.head')
The documentation of TensorArray.close says that it close the current TensorArray. What does it mean for the status of TensorArray? I try the following code
import tensorflow as tf
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
a1 = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, 2)
a2 = a1.write(0, 0)
And there are no errors. What is the usage of close?
Learning-to-learn includes TensorArray.close in the reset operations of the network. I can't figure out what the comment Empty array as part of the reset process means.
For examples,
import tensorflow as tf
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
N = 3
def cond(i, arr):
return i < N
def body(i, arr):
arr = arr.write(i, i)
i += 1
return i, arr
arr = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, N)
_, result_arr = tf.while_loop(cond, body, [0, arr])
reset = arr.close() # corresponds to https://github.com/deepmind/learning-to-learn/blob/6ee52539e83d0452051fe08699b5d8436442f803/meta.py#L370
for _ in range(NUM_EPOCHS):
reset.run() # corresponds to https://github.com/deepmind/learning-to-learn/blob/6ee52539e83d0452051fe08699b5d8436442f803/util.py#L32
Why arr.close() doesn't make the while loop fail? What are the advantages of calling arr.close() at the beginning of each epoch?

This is a Python op which wraps a native op and both have help strings, but the native op help string is more informative. If you look at inspect.getsourcefile(fx_array.close) it'll point you to tensorflow/python/ops/tensor_array_ops.py. Inside the implementation you see that it defers to _tensor_array_close_v2. So you can do this
> from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_data_flow_ops
> help(gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_close_v2)
Delete the TensorArray from its resource container. This enables
the user to close and release the resource in the middle of a step/run.
That same doc string is also in tensorflow/core/ops/ops.pbtxt under TensorArrayCloseV2
Looking at tensorflow/core/kernels/tensor_array_ops.cc you see that TensorArrayCloseOp is the implementation registered for TensorArrayCloseV2 in , and has more info
// Delete the TensorArray from its resource container. This enables
// the user to close and release the resource in the middle of a step/run.
// TODO(ebrevdo): decide whether closing the grad op should happen
// here or on the python side.
class TensorArrayCloseOp : public OpKernel {
explicit TensorArrayCloseOp(OpKernelConstruction* context)
: OpKernel(context) {}
void Compute(OpKernelContext* ctx) override {
TensorArray* tensor_array;
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, GetTensorArray(ctx, &tensor_array));
core::ScopedUnref unref(tensor_array);
// Instead of deleting this TA from the ResourceManager, we just
// clear it away and mark it as closed. The remaining memory
// consumed store its mutex and handle Tensor. This will be
// cleared out at the end of the step anyway, so it's fine to keep
// it around until the end of the step. Further calls to the
// TensorArray will fail because TensorArray checks internally to
// see if it is closed or not.
The description seems inconsistent with the behavior you are seeing, could be a bug.

The TensorArray that is being closed in the Learning-to-learn example is not the original TensorArray that's being passed to the while-loop.
# original array (fx_array) declared here
fx_array = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=len_unroll + 1,
# new array (fx_array) returned here
_, fx_array, x_final, s_final = tf.while_loop(
cond=lambda t, *_: t < len_unroll,
loop_vars=(0, fx_array, x, state),
Any subsequent calls to fx_array.close() from here close the new array returned by the while-loop and not the original array passed to the loop in the first iteration.
If you want to see how close behaves as expected then run:
session.run([reset, loss])
This will fail with TensorArray has already been closed. since the loss op tries to run pack() on the closed array.


How to read parameters of layers of .tflite model in python

I was trying to read tflite model and pull all the parameters of the layers out.
My steps:
I generated flatbuffers model representation by running (please build flatc before):
flatc -python tensorflow/tensorflow/lite/schema/schema.fbs
Result is tflite/ folder that contains layer description files (*.py) and some utilitarian files.
I successfully loaded model:
in case of import Error: set PYTHONPATH to point to the folder where tflite/ is
from tflite.Model import Model
def read_tflite_model(file):
buf = open(file, "rb").read()
buf = bytearray(buf)
model = Model.GetRootAsModel(buf, 0)
return model
I partly pulled model and node parameters out and stacked in iterating over nodes:
Model part:
def print_model_info(model):
version = model.Version()
print("Model version:", version)
description = model.Description().decode('utf-8')
print("Description:", description)
subgraph_len = model.SubgraphsLength()
print("Subgraph length:", subgraph_len)
Nodes part:
def print_nodes_info(model):
# what does this 0 mean? should it always be zero?
subgraph = model.Subgraphs(0)
operators_len = subgraph.OperatorsLength()
print('Operators length:', operators_len)
from collections import deque
nodes = deque(subgraph.InputsAsNumpy())
STEP_N = 0
MAX_STEPS = operators_len
print("Nodes info:")
while len(nodes) != 0 and STEP_N <= MAX_STEPS:
print("MAX_STEPS={} STEP_N={}".format(MAX_STEPS, STEP_N))
print("-" * 60)
node_id = nodes.pop()
print("Node id:", node_id)
tensor = subgraph.Tensors(node_id)
print("Node name:", tensor.Name().decode('utf-8'))
print("Node shape:", tensor.ShapeAsNumpy())
# which type is it? what does it mean?
type_of_tensor = tensor.Type()
print("Tensor type:", type_of_tensor)
quantization = tensor.Quantization()
min = quantization.MinAsNumpy()
max = quantization.MaxAsNumpy()
scale = quantization.ScaleAsNumpy()
zero_point = quantization.ZeroPointAsNumpy()
print("Quantization: ({}, {}), s={}, z={}".format(min, max, scale, zero_point))
# I do not understand it again. what is j, that I set to 0 here?
operator = subgraph.Operators(0)
for i in operator.OutputsAsNumpy():
STEP_N += 1
Please point me to documentation or some example of using this API.
My problems are:
I can not get documentation on this API
Iterating over Tensor objects seems not possible for me, as it doesn't have Inputs and Outputs methods. + subgraph.Operators(j=0) I do not understand what j means in here. Because of that my cycle goes through two nodes: input (once) and the next one over and over again.
Iterating over Operator objects is surely possible:
Here we iterate over them all but I can not get how to map Operator and Tensor.
def print_in_out_info_of_all_operators(model):
# what does this 0 mean? should it always be zero?
subgraph = model.Subgraphs(0)
for i in range(subgraph.OperatorsLength()):
operator = subgraph.Operators(i)
print('Outputs', operator.OutputsAsNumpy())
print('Inputs', operator.InputsAsNumpy())
I do not understand how to pull parameters out Operator object. BuiltinOptions method gives me Table object, that I do not know what to map at.
subgraph = model.Subgraphs(0)
What does this 0 mean? should it always be zero? obviously no, but what is it? Id of the subgraph? If so - I'm happy. If no, please try to explain it.

Tensorflow - running total

How can I add the number 5 after every iteration of the loop?
I want to do something like this:
weight = 0.225
for i in range(10):
weight += 5
print (weight)
Here is how I am trying in tensorflow but it never updates the weight
import tensorflow as tf
def dummy(x):
weights['h0'] = tf.add(weights['h0'], 5)
res = tf.add(weights['h0'], x)
return res
# build computational graph
a = tf.placeholder('float', None)
d = dummy(a)
weights = {
'h0': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1]))
# initialize variables
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
# create session and run the graph
with tf.Session() as sess:
for i in range(10):
print (sess.run(d, feed_dict={a: [2]}))
# close session
There's an operation explicitly created for adding a value and assigning the result back to the input node: tf.assign_add
You should use it instead of tf.assing + tf.add.
Also, it's more important that you understand why you previous code won't work.
weights['h0'] = tf.add(weights['h0'], 5)
res = tf.add(weights['h0'], x)
At the fist line, you're defining a node add, whose inputs are weights['h0'] and 5 and you're assigning this node to a python variable weights['h0'].
Now, thus, weights['h0'] is a python variable holding a tensorflow node.
In the next line, you're defining another add node, between the previous node and x, and you return this node.
When the graph is evaluated, you evaluate the node pointed by res, that force the evaluation of the previous node (because res is a function of the node holded by weights['h0']).
The problem is the that your assignment at line 1 is a python assignment and not a tensorflow assignment.
Thus that assign operation is executed only in the python environment but it has no defined an assign node into the tensorflow graph.
P.S: when you use with you're defining a context manager that handles the closing operations for you. You can thus remove sess.close() because is executed automatically when you exit from that context
Apparently there is an assign operator
weights['h0'] = tf.assign(weights['h0'], tf.add(weights['h0'], 5))

getting runtime statistics with monitoredtrainingsession in tensorflow

I am trying to get my tensorflow code profile (running and memory consumption of each layers in the network) by following the runtime statistics instruction here. As far as I understand, I need to create run options and run metadata like this
run_options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE)
run_metadata = tf.RunMetadata()
and pass them to sess.run
However, as I am also trying to use tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession I don't know if I can pass the same thing into this class. A plausible approach could make use of Hooks but I do not know how to do it. I am still very new to them
You can simply create a custom hook and pass it to the MonitoredTrainingSession. There is no need to pass your own tf.RunMetadata() instance to the run call.
Here is an example Hook which stores metadata every N steps to ckptdir:
import tensorflow as tf
class TraceHook(tf.train.SessionRunHook):
"""Hook to perform Traces every N steps."""
def __init__(self, ckptdir, every_step=50, trace_level=tf.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE):
self._trace = every_step == 1
self.writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(ckptdir)
self.trace_level = trace_level
self.every_step = every_step
def begin(self):
self._global_step_tensor = tf.train.get_global_step()
if self._global_step_tensor is None:
raise RuntimeError("Global step should be created to use _TraceHook.")
def before_run(self, run_context):
if self._trace:
options = tf.RunOptions(trace_level=self.trace_level)
options = None
return tf.train.SessionRunArgs(fetches=self._global_step_tensor,
def after_run(self, run_context, run_values):
global_step = run_values.results - 1
if self._trace:
self._trace = False
f'{global_step}', global_step)
if not (global_step + 1) % self.every_step:
self._trace = True
It checks in before_run whether it has to trace or not and if so, adds the RunOptions. In after_run it checks if the next run call needs to be traced and if so, it sets _trace to True again. Additionally it stores the metadata when it is available.

Using TensorArrays in the context of a while_loop to accumulate values

Below I have an implementation of a Tensorflow RNN Cell, designed to emulate Alex Graves' algorithm ACT in this paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.08983.
At a single timestep in the sequence called via rnn.rnn(with a static sequence_length parameter, so the rnn is unrolled dynamically - I am using a fixed batch size of 20), we recursively call ACTStep, producing outputs of size(1,200) where the hidden dimension of the RNN cell is 200 and we have a batch size of 1.
Using the while loop in Tensorflow, we iterate until the accumulated halting probability is high enough. All of this works reasonably smoothly, but I am having problems accumulating states, probabilities and outputs within the while loop, which we need to do in order to create weighted combinations of these as the final cell output/state.
I have tried using a simple list, as below, but this fails when the graph is compiled as the outputs are not in the same frame(is it possible to use the "switch" function in control_flow_ops to forward the tensors to the point at which they are required, ie the add_n function just before we return the values?). I have also tried using the TensorArray structure, but I am finding this difficult to use as it seems to destroy shape information and replacing it manually hasn't worked. I also haven't been able to find much documentation on TensorArrays, presumably as they are, I imagine, mainly for internal TF use.
Any advice on how it might be possible to correctly accumulate the variables produced by ACTStep would be much appreciated.
class ACTCell(RNNCell):
"""An RNN cell implementing Graves' Adaptive Computation time algorithm"""
def __init__(self, num_units, cell, epsilon, max_computation):
self.one_minus_eps = tf.constant(1.0 - epsilon)
self._num_units = num_units
self.cell = cell
self.N = tf.constant(max_computation)
def input_size(self):
return self._num_units
def output_size(self):
return self._num_units
def state_size(self):
return self._num_units
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):
# define within cell constants/ counters used to control while loop
prob = tf.get_variable("prob", [], tf.float32,tf.constant_initializer(0.0))
counter = tf.get_variable("counter", [],tf.float32,tf.constant_initializer(0.0))
tf.assign(counter, 0.0)
# the predicate for stopping the while loop. Tensorflow demands that we have
# all of the variables used in the while loop in the predicate.
pred = lambda prob,counter,state,input,\
tf.logical_and(tf.less(prob,self.one_minus_eps), tf.less(counter,self.N))
acc_probs = []
acc_outputs = []
acc_states = []
_,iterations,_,_,acc_states,acc_output,acc_probs = \
# TODO:fix last part of this, need to use the remainder.
# TODO: find a way to accumulate the regulariser
# here we take a weighted combination of the states and outputs
# to use as the actual output and state which is passed to the next timestep.
next_state = tf.add_n([tf.mul(x,y) for x,y in zip(acc_probs,acc_states)])
output = tf.add_n([tf.mul(x,y) for x,y in zip(acc_probs,acc_outputs)])
return output, next_state
def ACTStep(self,prob,counter,state,input, acc_states,acc_outputs,acc_probs):
output, new_state = rnn.rnn(self.cell, [input], state, scope=type(self.cell).__name__)
prob_w = tf.get_variable("prob_w", [self.cell.input_size,1])
prob_b = tf.get_variable("prob_b", [1])
p = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(prob_w,new_state) + prob_b)
return [tf.add(prob,p),tf.add(counter,1.0),new_state, input,acc_states,acc_outputs,acc_probs]
I'm going to preface this response that this is NOT a complete solution, but rather some commentary on how to improve your cell.
To start off, in your ACTStep function, you call rnn.rnn for one timestep (as defined by [input]. If you're doing a single timestep, it is probably more efficient to simple use the actual self.cell call function. You'll see this same mechanism used in tensorflow rnncell wrappers
You mentioned that you have tried using TensorArrays. Did you pack and unpack the tensorarrays appropriately? Here is a repo where you'll find under model.py the tensorarrays are packed and unpacked properly.
You also asked if there is a function in control_flow_ops that will require all the tensors to be accumulated. I think you are looking for tf.control_dependencies
You can list all of your output tensors operations in control_dependicies and that will require tensorflow to compute all tensors up into that point.
Also, it looks like your counter variable is trainable. Are you sure you want this to be the case? If you're adding plus one to your counter, that probably wouldn't yield the correct result. On the other hand, you could have purposely kept it trainable to differentiate it at the end for the ponder cost function.
Also I believe the Remainder function should be in your script:
remainder = 1.0 - tf.add_n(acc_probs[:-1])
#note that there is a -1 in the list as you do not want to grab the last probability
Here is my version of your code edited:
class ACTCell(RNNCell):
"""An RNN cell implementing Graves' Adaptive Computation time algorithm
Notes: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s189/sh/fd165646-b630-48b7-844c-86ad2f07fcda/c9ab960af967ef847097f21d94b0bff7
def __init__(self, num_units, cell, max_computation = 5.0, epsilon = 0.01):
self.one_minus_eps = tf.constant(1.0 - epsilon) #episolon is 0.01 as found in the paper
self._num_units = num_units
self.cell = cell
self.N = tf.constant(max_computation)
def input_size(self):
return self._num_units
def output_size(self):
return self._num_units
def state_size(self):
return self._num_units
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
with vs.variable_scope(scope or type(self).__name__):
# define within cell constants/ counters used to control while loop
prob = tf.constant(0.0, shape = [batch_size])
counter = tf.constant(0.0, shape = [batch_size])
# the predicate for stopping the while loop. Tensorflow demands that we have
# all of the variables used in the while loop in the predicate.
pred = lambda prob,counter,state,input,acc_states,acc_output,acc_probs:\
tf.logical_and(tf.less(prob,self.one_minus_eps), tf.less(counter,self.N))
acc_probs, acc_outputs, acc_states = [], [], []
_,iterations,_,_,acc_states,acc_output,acc_probs = \
self.ACTStep, #looks like he purposely makes the while loop here
[prob, counter, state, input, acc_states, acc_outputs, acc_probs])
'''mean-field updates for states and outputs'''
next_state = tf.add_n([x*y for x,y in zip(acc_probs,acc_states)])
output = tf.add_n([x*y for x,y in zip(acc_probs,acc_outputs)])
remainder = 1.0 - tf.add_n(acc_probs[:-1]) #you take the last off to avoid a negative ponder cost #the problem here is we need to take the sum of all the remainders
tf.add_to_collection("ACT_remainder", remainder) #if this doesnt work then you can do self.list based upon timesteps
tf.add_to_collection("ACT_iterations", iterations)
return output, next_state
def ACTStep(self,prob, counter, state, input, acc_states, acc_outputs, acc_probs):
'''run rnn once'''
output, new_state = rnn.rnn(self.cell, [input], state, scope=type(self.cell).__name__)
prob_w = tf.get_variable("prob_w", [self.cell.input_size,1])
prob_b = tf.get_variable("prob_b", [1])
halting_probability = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(prob_w,new_state) + prob_b)
return [p + prob, counter + 1.0, new_state, input,acc_states,acc_outputs,acc_probs]
def PonderCostFunction(self, time_penalty = 0.01):
note: ponder is completely different than probability and ponder = roe
the ponder cost function prohibits the rnn from cycling endlessly on each timestep when not much is needed
n_iterations = tf.get_collection_ref("ACT_iterations")
remainder = tf.get_collection_ref("ACT_remainder")
return tf.reduce_sum(n_iterations + remainder) #completely different from probability
This is a complicated paper to implement that I have been working on myself. I wouldn't mind collaborating with you to get it done in Tensorflow. If you're interested, please add me at LeavesBreathe on Skype and we can go from there.

Two Class instances in Python not different

I'm working on another data acquisition project, which has turned into an object oriented programming question. In “main” at the bottom of my code I make two instances of the Object DAQInput. When I wrote this, I thought my method .getData would refer to the taskHandle of the particular instance, but it does not. When I run, the code does the getData task with the first handle twice, so clearly I don’t really understand object oriented programming in Python. I’m sorry this code will not run without PyDAQmx and a National Instruments board attached.
from PyDAQmx import *
import numpy
class DAQInput:
# Declare variables passed by reference
taskHandle = TaskHandle()
read = int32()
data = numpy.zeros((10000,),dtype=numpy.float64)
sumi = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
def __init__(self, num_data, num_chan, channel, high, low):
""" This is init function that opens the channel"""
#Get the passed variables
self.num_data = num_data
self.channel = channel
self.high = high
self.low = low
self.num_chan = num_chan
# Create a task and configure a channel
DAQmxCreateAIThrmcplChan(self.taskHandle, self.channel, b"",
self.low, self.high,
DAQmx_Val_BuiltIn, 0, None)
# Start the task
def getData(self):
""" This function gets the data from the board and calculates the average"""
DAQmxReadAnalogF64(self.taskHandle, self.num_data, 10,
DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, self.data, 10000,
byref(self.read), None)
# Calculate the average of the values in data (could be several channels)
i = self.read.value
for j in range(self.num_chan):
self.sumi[j] = numpy.sum(self.data[j*i:(j+1)*i])/self.read.value
return self.sumi
def killTask(self):
""" This function kills the tasks"""
# If the task is still alive kill it
if self.taskHandle != 0:
if __name__ == '__main__':
myDaq1 = DAQInput(1, 4, b"cDAQ1Mod1/ai0:3", 200.0, 10.0)
myDaq2 = DAQInput(1, 4, b"cDAQ1Mod2/ai0:3", 200.0, 10.0)
result = myDaq1.getData()
print (result[0:4])
result2 = myDaq2.getData()
print (result2[0:4])
These variables:
class DAQInput:
# Declare variables passed by reference
taskHandle = TaskHandle()
read = int32()
data = numpy.zeros((10000,),dtype=numpy.float64)
sumi = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
Are class variables. They belong to the class itself and are shared among instances of the class (i.e. if you modify self.data in Instance1, Instace2's self.data is modified as well).
If you want them to be instance variables, define them in __init__.