Reading an input from the ModelSim transcript window - system

Is reading an input from ModelSim transcript window possible? If yes, how to read the inputs?

If you want to read input from the user, or from a file, use the Verilog Programming Language Interface (PLI) to connect your verilog to the C or C++ language; and there you can use system calls like read and fgetc to get data from a file, or from the user.
See your verilog simulator's manual, or a do a web search for ModelSim PLI for help to using the Verilog PLI.


Perl 6: automated testing of terminal-based programs

How could I automate interactions with command line programs that expose a text terminal interface with Perl 6 for testing purposes?
If you want to use Perl 6 to automate execution or testing of console applications, I think you're going to use NativeCall to interact with the expect library. Once expect is installed, man libexpect will show its API documentation, though the way of accessing the documentation (such as the manpage name) may differ per package distribution.
Expect has APIs to launch a program, wait for text to appear on the (emulated) console (to "expect" text), and send text to the console (to emulate typing). The most common use case is to automate programs which require password input. Expect is often scripted--it is an interpreter--but there's no reason not to use it from a higher level programming language.
Edit: I somewhat answered the wrong question. The OP is interested in testing Perl 6 modules with Perl 6. That said, using expect to launch a second Perl 6 interpreter which uses the module is still the strongest, most strict way to test the application. You don't need to know what type of terminal library the module uses, because expect should be compatible with nearly all of them. You can send text to the STDIN pipe of a subprocess, but that's not as strong as the subprocess (console) communication you can get from expect. I don't know if there's a way to hijack whichever terminal library the module uses and communicate with it directly.
If it's just a plain interface, you could just run the program and collect output. The currently-experimental Testo module has is-run routine. You could use that directly, or if experimental status is bothersome, copy the guts of it into your own helper routine.
Take a look at Sparrow6 Task Check Language - Perl6 based DSL to verify text output. I've done a lot terminal apps testing using it.

Gnuradio software source block

I'm currently trying to do some real-time signal-processing and I would like to use "gnuradio". I will be processing multiple channels of EEG which come in trough a custom interface (namely "Lab Streaming Layer"; LSL) in python.
Now my question is if there is an existing block already where you can kind of "push" samples into the signal-processing-graph during run-time? The only blocks I've found so far offer support for audio hardware, TCP-streams and files.
You will have to write your own block; that can be done in Python or C++, whatever is better for your case.
The GNU Radio Guided Tutorials (you should really read them in order from 1 to 5, at least) do explain how to do that.
Because we all know that people are lazy at reading, here's a rough preview of what you'll learn:
make a new Out-of-tree module: gr_modtool newmod sensorinterface, change into the newly generated directory: cd gr-sensorinterface
add a new source block: gr_modtool add eeg_sensor_source; the block type you'll want is "source"; you will be asked to fill in some block details.
edit the generated source file (in lib/ or python/, depending on which language you chose:
add a proper io signature: your output will probably have the size of float
edit the central work function; add code to get new samples, and copy those to the output_items buffer.
The guided tutorials are really nice!
The most flexible method is to write your own GNU Radio block, but there are several options for getting data into a flow graph without using any custom blocks. (Naming from the Python perspective.)
gnuradio.blocks.message_source, which takes data from a
You can use a gnuradio.blocks.file_descriptor_source where the file descriptor is one end of a pipe.

Labview diagram creation API

I need to drive a testbench with labview.
The test scenarios are written in a languages that can be automaticaly translated into labview diagrams.
Is this an API that allow to create "labview diagrams" from another software ? or with labview itself ?
I agree that LabVIEW scripting is one approach, but let me throw out another option.
If you are planning to do a one time migration from your test code to LabVIEW than scripting is great, but if you plan to regularly update your test code (because it's easier to use the "test" language than LabVIEW) than it could become quite painful to constantly perform the migration every time your test code has changed.
I've had great success with simply putting my state machine inside of a for loop and then reading in "commands" from a text file that was generated using my "test" language (see pic).
For example, to do an IV sweep my text file might say something like:
SourceV, 5
Wait, 1
SourceV, 6
This image is greatly simplified - I'm not using a state machine and I don't show how to use "parameters," but I can provide a more comprehensive example if needed. Again, I've had great success doing this with around 30 "commands" controlling multiple instruments and then I generated the text input using VBA or Python.
It's called LabVIEW scripting. You will need to enable an option in the VI Server page in the options dialog to see the relevant features.
A few things to note:
Scripting isn't complicated, but you do need to be aware of how LV code is built.
While scripting is public, it was initially created as an internal tool. There are still corners of it which are incomplete.
Scripting code can be tedious. If you can get away with it, try creating templates of code.
NI has something called CodeGen, which I believe are a series of functions which make some scripting easier, although I never really looked into it.

Read a single character or byte from stdIn without waiting for newline in SML

I encountered a problem while working with the TextIO structure,
because every input waites for a newline chacter and for the buffer to be full...
How can i work with BinIO and stdIn to solve that problem?
Any helpfull input is appreciated.
BTW: I am using MLTton so there is nothing more than the usual standard libs.
As a last resort, you could write it yourself in C, and then call it from SML using the foreign function interface. You can find out more info about MLton's FFI here:
I encountered a problem while working with the TextIO structure, because every input waites for a newline chacter and for the buffer to be full... How can i work with BinIO and stdIn to solve that problem?
BinIO, like TextIO, implements buffered I/O. (They both implement the IMPERATIVE_IO signature.) For unbuffered I/O, you need to go "down" a level in abstraction, and use an implementation of PRIMITIVE_IO or POSIX_IO.
Specifically, Posix.IO.readVec lets you read unbufferedly from a file descriptor. (In the case of standard input, the file descriptor is Posix.FileSys.stdin.)
However, if your standard input is from the console (as opposed to being redirected from a file, or taken from a pipe, or whatnot), then there's a very good chance that the console only provides input to MLton after the user hits Enter. Using Posix.IO will bypass the line-buffering functionality that MLton provides, but if you also need to bypass your console's line buffering, then you'll likely need to use special C libraries (specific to your operating system), with the foreign function interface that Matt mentions in his answer.

Is it possible to execute shell commands within a mac application?

Basically I'm wondering if I can compile code that a user inputs in a mac app (I'm trying to make an OCaml text editor that compiles your code) using executables that are already available in the user's system, such as ocamlc etc. I don't have any code to show or anything because I'm still figuring out if/how I could build this mac app. Not really sure what other info I should include, so just ask. Thanks!
You can use either Sys.command "<your shell command>" or Unix.open_process* and Unix.create_process commands. See man Sys and man Unix for more information.
In Objective-C, C, and C++, and a multitude of other languages, use system(3). Also see:
If you are using Objective-C, check out NSTask.
If not, look at popen. popen gives your parent process control over the I/O streams.