Jfrog Artifactory does not work with NPM packages from #types (NPM organization/scope) - npm

We use artifactory for npm, bower etc for our projects. now we want to use new feature TypeScript type definitions to fetch the npm package as #types/jasmine (NPM organization/scope) through artifactory but when we try to access it we get http 400
$ npm install -g protractor
npm http 400 http://artifactory/artifactory/api/npm/npm-virtual/#types%2fjasmine
we are able to access the link directly on npm public repo but. it doesn't work through artifactory. is it still not supported . is there a workaround or fix.

From the Artifactory user guide:
Npm 'slash' character encoding
By default, the npm client encodes slash characters ('/') to their ASCII representation ("%2f") before communicating with the npm registry. If you are running Tomcat as your HTTP container (the default for Artifactory), this generates an "HTTP 400" error since Tomcat does not allow encoded slashes by default. To avoid this error when using npm scope packages, you can override this default behavior by defining the following property in the catalina.properties file of your Tomcat:


Force NPM to skip package already installed from another source

I'm trying to npm install a package from a heavily proxied Enterprise computer. One of the dependencies of this package tries to install via GitHub, which throws a 407 error.
npm ERR! /usr/bin/git ls-remote -h -t https://github.com/ethereumjs/ethereumjs-abi.git
npm ERR!
npm ERR! fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/ethereumjs/ethereumjs-abi.git/': Received HTTP code 407 from proxy after CONNECT
I've discussed this with the team that manages these servers- even with proper proxy authentication, access to sites outside of internal registries are very uncommon as a security measure.
As an alternative, I found the package on the NPM registry, and successfully installed it using the internal mirror we have. However, it still tries to install the GitHub version as a dependency of the first package, and then the installation fails. Is there any way to prevent this? I think I've seen something about editing the package's package.json to remove the dependency, but I don't have any experience with this, so I'll only do it if it's the only option to prevent this. Thank you

Can't install a scoped package I published to a npm registry in GCP

I published several npm packages to a private npm registry hosted in GCP and I can see all versions in the registry. Yet I can't download the package since the install command throws an E404.
NPM throws a generic 404 Error when trying to download the page:
npm ERR! code E404
npm ERR! 404 Not Found - GET https://europe-north1-npm.pkg.dev/[Project]/#[scope]/[packagename]/-/#[scope]/[packagename]-0.1.0.tgz
npm ERR! 404
npm ERR! 404 '#[scope]/[packagename]#https://europe-north1-npm.pkg.dev/[Project]/#[scope]/[packagename]/-/#[scope]/[packagename]-0.1.0.tgz' is not in the npm registry.
npm ERR! 404 You should bug the author to publish it (or use the name yourself!)
npm ERR! 404
npm ERR! 404 Note that you can also install from a
npm ERR! 404 tarball, folder, http url, or git url.
Opening the url that is tring to resolve returns this error:
{"error":"Permission \"artifactregistry.repositories.downloadArtifacts\" denied on resource \"projects/[Project]/locations/europe-north1/repositories/#[scope]\" (or it may not exist)"}
{"error":"Unmatched scope name: \"\" != \"#[scope]\""}
Additonally, I checked and my account does in fact have to downloadArtifacts role.
I can't figure out why it's unable to resolve the URL since with the same config I'm able to both publish and even run npm view the package.
I've tried creating brand new packages, specifying a version, resetting the auth token and yet for some reason I'm still unable to download packages.
If it helps, my current .npmrc file looks like this:
#[scope]:registry=https://europe-north1-npm.pkg.dev/[project]/[repo name]/
//europe-north1-npm.pkg.dev/[project]/[repo name]/:_authToken=[gcp auth token]
//europe-north1-npm.pkg.dev/[project]/[repo name]/:always-auth=true
//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=[npm auth token]
Turns out this was not a GCP specific issue, but a Yarn Berry issue when publishing to GCP.
The tarballURL that is being generated uses a truncated registry URL which is why i was getting a 404 when trying to install the package.
A fix for this was proposed here.
I had an error similar to this one.
I did the entire repository creation process and created a new project to test the package.
When I tried npm install my-package I got a 404 error.
After some tests I discovered that I need the .npmrc file also in the project that will consume the package. It may seem kind of obvious to some people but I didn't know.
Add the returned configuration settings to the .npmrc configuration file in your Node.js projects. This file is usually in the same directory as package.json.
Make sure that you include these settings in Node.js projects for packages that you publish as well as projects that will install dependencies from your npm repository.
Set up authentication for npm

How do you install a repo by branch name in a github enterprise repo?

I would like to install repos to a parent repo and specify by branch name.
I have tried the following:
npm install username/repo#branchName --save
npm install username/repo#branchName --save
npm install username/repo#tag --save
npm install username/repo#tag --save
I'm getting an error that says:
Could not install from {theRepoWithBranch} as it does not contain a package.json file.
The repo definitely contains a package.json file.
I'm wondering if this is a permissions issue given I'm using an enterprise npm registry.
npm/npm issue 19788 does mention:
Currently, npm does not support installation of modules from git services hosted on private domain names.
That includes both Github for Enterprise on custom domains as well as instances of gitlab, gitea, gogs, bitbucket and many others, basically anything hosted on a custom domain name.
With the comment:
So, obviously you reference installing via an http(s):// URL directly, but just as an fyi, our GitLab Enterprise instance allows us to install using a slightly different format.
We have 2FA enabled, so it requires SSH to be used.
From the docs.
npm install <git-host>:<git-user>/<repo-name>
npm install <git repo url>
We were able to actually install our repos like this:
npm install git+ssh://git#gitlab.mydomain.com:user/repo.git
So this is more a URL format combined with permission issue.
Regarding the branch, as seen here, your syntax is correct.
if I prepend git+ on the HTTPS URL it works (I run gitea which accepts basic auth)
See also npm/hosted-git-info PR 30

What is url for npm packages repository?

I have installed node js and npm on my windows But when I try to install npm modules(packages) using
command>>npm install -g xxxx(package name)
It doesn't get installed, and it asked me to check proxy setting. As I am working on private network, so may be it doesn't allow me to access the url from which npm packages get downloaded.
Please tell me what is url for such npm packages from where it gets downloaded so that I can ask my network provider to give access for that site.
NPM packages are downloaded from https://registry.npmjs.org unless otherwise configured.
You can get the download URL for a package with npm view, for example JQuery:
npm view jquery dist.tarball
returns: https://registry.npmjs.org/jquery/-/jquery-3.5.1.tgz
You can change the default registry with npm set registry <new url>; this is typically used in large institutions or corporations with an internal registry mirror.
All npm packages are in fact downloaded from GitHub. However, npm resolves those GitHub dependencies via https://www.npmjs.com.
For example, express https://github.com/expressjs/express is the download link.
npm install -g express (or without -g).
The system does not know the GitHub location of the express package. So it must first lookup https://www.npmjs.com to get GitHub url. Then it will clone the package.

npm package.json multiple registries

We have internal nexus npm repository in which i have published my first component. my-component#1.0.0 we also have npm proxy which goes and out in the world and gets global npm dependencies.
in my .npmrc i have defined registry as
my internal npm repo which has my-component#1.0.0 is
is there a way i can tell package.json to download my-component#1.0.0 from my internal repo and rest of them from proxy.
in other post i read about create a group of npm and proxy registries like npm-all and use that one. but rite now i am looking for client side solution.