Need advice about testing using Chimp.js/Mocha in Meteor.js - testing

I'm trying to teach myself testing with Meteor but there is so much conflicting and outdated info online it's really difficult to work out what I need to do.
My current situation it that I have an application using the latest Meteor version (and the imports folder structure).
I've installed chimp globally and have created a /tests directory.
My first test is using chimp/mocha to fill in a form and try to insert something to the database. I'm also using the xolvio/backdoor package and running chimp like so
chimp --ddp=http://localhost:3000 --mocha --path=tests
Here's my test code:
describe('Chimp Mocha', function() {
describe( 'Create a Client', function() {
it( 'should fill in add client form', function() {
browser.setValue('#clientName', 'Test')
.setValue('#clientEmail', '')
.selectByValue('#numberTeamMembers', '25')
it( 'should check the collections for new client data', function() {
let getClient = server.execute( function() {
return Clients.findOne({ name: 'Test' });
expect( ).to.equal( 'Test' );
after( function() {
server.execute( function() {
let client = Clients.findOne( { name: 'Test' } );
if ( client ) {
Clients.remove( client._id );
This is throwing an error that Clients is undefined
However, if I add
import { Clients } from '/imports/api/clients/clients.js';
I get this error Error: Cannot find module '/imports/api/clients/clients.js'
What am I doing wrong? Should I be using chimp? Any help would really be appreciated because I don't find the Meteor guide very clear about this!

You need to use require like this:
See here for an example.


I'm switching from Vuex to Pinia in Vue 3 and my unit tests are now failing. I can't seem to be able to create custom mock actions

Here's a simple example on the forgot password reset page of my app, I would want to bypass the server side and just have the password reset to succeed on click so I would write a test and use the custom test store like so:
const customStore = {
state() {
return {
Authentication: {
passwordResetSuccess: false,
mutations: {
state.Authentication.passwordResetSuccess = true;
actions: {
forgotPasswordResetPassword() {
Then I could include the custom store in my beforeEach() and it worked great. I've tried everything I can think of to get this to work with pinia, but it doesn't seem to work.
I'm using jest along with vue/test-utils.
I basically tried just creating the test pinia store, but I can't figure out how to get the component to use the custom test store.
const useCustomStore = defineStore('AuthenticationStore', {
state: () => ({
passwordResetSuccess: false,
actions: {
forgotPasswordResetPassword() {
this.passwordResetSuccess = true;
const authenticationStore = useCustomStore();
I can't directly add it as a plugin because it can't find an active instance of pinia.
I went through this guide:
and I also tried using jest mock as described here:
But it still failed.
If anyone has any idea how to create a custom store that can be used by the component and actually hits the custom actions, I could really use some help figuring this out. Thank you!!
Tao mentioned in the comments that this isn't a good way to do unit tests. I will mark this as resolved and fix how I do the testing.

#casl/vue: What should by ability.js file look like?

I'm trying to integrate #casl/vue with Vue 3, and I'm afraid I'm having problems.
Per the instructions, I've added the following to my /main.js:
import { abilitiesPlugin } from '#casl/vue';
import ability from './services/ability';
app.use(abilitiesPlugin, ability, {
useGlobalProperties: true
So far, so good. However, it's unclear what I should put in /services/ability.js.
I tried the following (based on this), and it works:
import { defineAbility } from '#casl/ability';
export default defineAbility((can, cannot) => {
can('manage', 'all');
cannot('delete', 'User');
But, of course, this doesn't allow me to use different permissions for different users.
So I tried the following instead (based on this):
import { defineAbility } from '#casl/ability';
export default (user) => defineAbility((can) => {
can('read', 'Article');
if (user.isLoggedIn) {
can('update', 'Article', { authorId: });
can('create', 'Comment');
can('update', 'Comment', { authorId: });
...and that doesn't work. In the console, I see:
plugin.ts:12 Uncaught Error: Please provide an Ability instance to abilitiesPlugin plugin
at l (plugin.ts:12:11)
at Object.use (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js:3812:21)
at main.js?t=1651580949947:29:5
Got any hints? I'm finding the documentation to be pretty unclear. A practical example would really help me!
It means you must pass plugins as an instance of Ability
const ability = new Ability()
.use(abilitiesPlugin, ability, {

mocha 'after' fails saying it can't find 'app'

Ok, my mocha tests will pass if I comment out the 'before' and 'after' methods. I am sure that both of my errors are related to each other.
The 'after' method fails stating app.close isn't a function. The 'before' method fails saying it cant find 'app' on my line 7 (clearing server cache).
I am completely out of options or ideas. I would like to be able to start and stop my server at my command. This is the first time that I have attempted to include any type of 'before/after' methods to my mocha testing. working code below, but with my failing portion commented out. Any suggestions??
var request = require('supertest');
var app = require('../../server');
describe('server', function() {
before(function () {
//var app = require('../../server')();
//delete require.cache[require.resolve('app')];
after(function () {
describe('basic comms', function() {
it('responds to root route', function testSlash(done) {
.expect('Content-type', /json/)
//.expect(res.message).to.equal('Hello World!')
.expect(200, done);
it('404 everything else', function testPath(done) {
//console.log('testing 404 response');
.expect(404, done);
In before you require your app in a different way than in line 2. Why would you not use already required app?
before(function () {
// here you can use app from line 2
Regarding app.close, where did you find this function?
Check Express docs:
To close express server, you can use this approach:
how to properly close node-express server?

In cloud code seems impossible to use Parse.Config.get() with express is it correct?

Is there any way to use Parse.Config.get() inside an expressjs app hosted in cloud code?
Looks very easy to use Parse.Object and Parse.User but with Parse.Config.get() the code is not deployed using "parse deploy"
We manage to use it adding the jssdk in html and using "frontend js" but haven't find any way to use in directly in express controllers.
It seem to be related with some kind of permissions issues...
var Parse = require('parse-cloud-express').Parse;
var Util = require('util')
Parse.Cloud.define("currentConfig", function(request, response) {
console.log('Ran currentConfig cloud function.');
// why do I have to do this?
Parse.initialize(xxx, yyy);
Parse.Config.get().then(function(config) {
// never called
// ...
}, function(error) {
Ran currentConfig cloud function.
{ code: undefined, message: 'unauthorized' }
Edited code which work for me:
var Parse = require('parse-cloud-express').Parse;
var Util = require('util')
Parse.initialize("appId", "restApiKey", "masterKey");
Parse.Cloud.define("currentConfig", function(request, response) {
console.log('Ran currentConfig cloud function.');
Parse.Config.get().then(function(config) {
// never called
// ...
}, function(error) {
EDIT: Add solution :)

Testing Ember Data

Anyone have any good examples of testing Ember data in your own app?
I'm starting to build an app using the Fixtures adapter, which is great. But I want to test my models and make sure everything works properly as I build.
I have QUnit setup and running, but I don't want to write the server side in order to verify that the Data Model makes a call. I'd like to mock out the Adapter and just see if the find method is called and return a new object from it. I'll worry about the server side implementation later.
Any ideas?
This is what I have so far (that doesn't work):
test('MyModel should call find', 1, function(){
App.TestAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
find: function(store, type, id){
ok(true, 'calls the find method');
console.log('find: ', type, id);
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
adapter: 'App.TestAdapater'
myModel = App.MyModel.createRecord({
name: 'Test',
period: 0
// method that should call .find
I ended up going with Konacha.
The biggest part was:
before(function() { {
afterEach(function() { {