Adding version info to jar file name using IntelliJ - intellij-idea

I'm used to Android Studio and developing Android projects.
In Android Studio I put this in the build.gradle file:
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.domain.myapp"
minSdkVersion 19
targetSdkVersion 19
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
setProperty("archivesBaseName", "myapp.$versionName.$versionCode")
signingConfig signingConfigs.config
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
variant.outputs.each { output ->
def newName =
newName = newName.replace("-release", "")
output.outputFile = new File(output.outputFile.parent, newName)
signingConfig signingConfigs.config
debug {
signingConfig signingConfigs.config
When I build I get myapp.1.0.1.apk, works wonderfully.
Now I am developing a java project .jar using IntelliJ, NOT Android Studio.
How can I accomplish the same thing? I'm finding sparse information ...

Android does this by adding a task that build the file. As simple as Android makes it look replicating the behavior takes a little effort. You can create your own gradle task to accomplish the same. You will need a gradle plugin that creates and extension and a task. The extension will be used to track values added in the build.gradle
Plugin should create extensions and tasks
// create DSL model
target.extensions.create('buildConfig', BuildConfigModel)
// create task to generate file
def buildConfigTask = target.tasks.create('generateBuildConfig', BuildConfigTask)
target.tasks.findByName('clean').configure {
delete new File("$project.projectDir/src/main", "generated-sources")
// this task must always run... it's never `upToDate`
buildConfigTask.outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
// java compiler depends on this task... allows us to reference generated code from
// human written code
target.tasks.getByName('compileJava').dependsOn buildConfigTask
Here is how you can use your task to add a generated sources file
project.configure(project, { Project configuredProject ->
// compilerJava task {#link JavaCompile}
def compileJava = configuredProject.compileJava
// add the created java file to source path so it gets compiled
compileJava.source(project.buildConfig.createBuildConfig(project, compileJava))
Then our extension would looks something like this
package com.jbirdvegas.q41680813;
import com.squareup.javapoet.CodeBlock;
import com.squareup.javapoet.FieldSpec;
import com.squareup.javapoet.JavaFile;
import com.squareup.javapoet.MethodSpec;
import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeSpec;
import org.gradle.api.GradleException;
import org.gradle.api.Project;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.JavaCompile;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Handles creating the from a module project
* <p>
* Warning... Keep this in java, gradle doesn't have the streams api we are using
public class BuildConfigModel {
* Final java file output path pattern for {#link String#format(String, Object...) String#format} formatting of
* the file's path. Directory structure will be created if needed
private static final String OUTPUT_PATH_FORMAT = "%s/src/main/generated-sources/%s/%s/";
* List of DSL supplied {#link BuildValue buildConfig#add}
private List<BuildValue> mBuildValues = new ArrayList<>();
* Required... do not remove
public BuildConfigModel() {
* Create a new field to the project's generated ``'s inner class for each type
* #param clazz Type of value to be written (will be grouped by clazz)
* #param name field name to be created
* #param value value to be assigned to field's name
#SuppressWarnings({"unused", "WeakerAccess"})
public void add(Class clazz, String name, Object value) {
mBuildValues.add(new BuildValue(clazz, name, value));
* Create `` and add it to the {#link JavaCompile#source(Object...)} compileJava#source(Object...)}
* #param project module to generate BuildConfig for
* #param javaCompile project's `compileJava` task
* #return generated `` file
public File createBuildConfig(Project project, JavaCompile javaCompile) {
File buildConfigFile = getBuildConfigFile(project);
createJavaClass(project, buildConfigFile);
return buildConfigFile;
* Destination file for given project's ``
* #param project module to generate BuildConfig for
* #return File representing the destination of the created ``
public File getBuildConfigFile(Project project) {
return project.file(String.format(OUTPUT_PATH_FORMAT,
project.getGroup().toString().replaceAll("\\.", "/"),
* Create `` with a few default values and any values supplied
* to the `buildConfig`'s {#link #add(Class, String, Object) add} method.
* <p>
* Default BuildConfig fields will be generated by {#link #getDefaultFields}
* <p>
* Fields added via {#link #add(Class, String, Object) add} method will be grouped into inner classes
* named <pre>{#code Class#getSimpleName().toLowerCase() + "s"}</pre>
* #param project module to generate BuildConfig for
* #param buildConfigFile File representing the destination of the output
public void createJavaClass(Project project, File buildConfigFile) {
//noinspection unchecked
// group our configs by their types into a map of groups
Map<Class, List<BuildValue>> groupedConfigs =
// put the values in groups based on the simple name of the class in lowercase
// create the fully qualified class that will contain our build settings
TypeSpec.Builder buildConfigJavaBuilder = TypeSpec.classBuilder("BuildConfig")
.addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.FINAL)
// note for javadoc
.addJavadoc("$S\n", "DO NOT MODIFY; this class is written automatically by the compiler")
// replace public constructor with private
// add any fields that will be in all BuildConfig classes
groupedConfigs.forEach((aClass, buildValues) -> {
// create the inner class
String safeInnerClassName = aClass.getSimpleName().toLowerCase() + 's';
TypeSpec.Builder innerClass = TypeSpec.classBuilder(safeInnerClassName)
.addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.FINAL)
// make a constructor that's private since all the members of this class are public static final
// for each inner class type create a field
// each object type gets it's own inner class
//noinspection SimplifyStreamApiCallChains -> {
// create the requested field in the class
FieldSpec fieldSpec = FieldSpec.builder(buildValue.clazz,
.addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.FINAL)
.initializer(CodeBlock.of(getStringFormatter(buildValue.clazz), buildValue.value))
// add the field to the inner class
// add the inner class to the fully qualified class
// determine the package name from + '.' +
String packageName = project.getGroup() + "." + project.getName();
// create a java file writer
JavaFile.Builder builder = JavaFile.builder(packageName,;
// don't import java.lang.* it's redundant
// use four spaces for indent instead of default two spaces
builder.indent(" ");
// create the file in memory
JavaFile javaFile =;
// ensure file structure
if (!buildConfigFile.getParentFile().exists() && !buildConfigFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) {
throw new GradleException("Failed to create directory structure for " + buildConfigFile.getAbsolutePath());
// write to location
try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(buildConfigFile)) {
} catch (IOException e) {
* Strings require being treated specially in order to be encapsulated in quotes correctly
* All other classes are treated as literals... We may want to handle more {#link java.lang.reflect.Type Type}
* #param clazz Class formatter is needed for
* #return "$S" if the class is a {#link String} else a literal formatter is returned "$L"
private String getStringFormatter(Class clazz) {
switch (clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase()) {
case "string":
// causes the formatter used to wrap the value in quotes correctly
case "date":
// date objects are serialized to a string
return "$S";
case "long":
return "$LL";
case "double":
return "$LD";
case "float":
return "$LF";
// for the reset use literal
return "$L";
* get project added build values
* #return List of build values added by project's `buildConfig` closure
public List<BuildValue> collectBuildValues() {
return mBuildValues;
* Make a private constructor for the class. Default is public but our classes only contain
* <pre>{#code public static final {#link Object}}</pre> so public constructors are redundant
* #return private constructor method
private MethodSpec createPrivateConstructor() {
return MethodSpec.constructorBuilder().addModifiers(Modifier.PRIVATE).build();
* Create default field references
* #param project module to generate BuildConfig for
* #return List of fields to write to generated BuildConfig
private List<FieldSpec> getDefaultFields(Project project) {
List<FieldSpec> fields = new ArrayList<>();
// set current version
fields.add(FieldSpec.builder(String.class, "version")
.addModifiers(Modifier.PUBLIC, Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.FINAL)
.initializer(CodeBlock.of(getStringFormatter(String.class), project.getVersion()))
return fields;
class BuildValue implements Comparable {
* Type of field's value
/* package */ Class clazz;
* Field name
/* package */ String name;
* Field's value Value must be able to be serialized as a string
/* package */ Object value;
/* package */ BuildValue(Class clazz, String name, Object value) {
this.clazz = clazz; = name;
this.value = value;
/* package */ Class getValueType() {
return clazz;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof BuildValue)) return false;
BuildValue that = (BuildValue) o;
if (clazz != null ? !clazz.equals(that.clazz) : that.clazz != null) return false;
if (name != null ? !name.equals( : != null) return false;
return value != null ? value.equals(that.value) : that.value == null;
public int hashCode() {
int result = clazz != null ? clazz.hashCode() : 0;
result = 31 * result + (name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0);
result = 31 * result + (value != null ? value.hashCode() : 0);
return result;
public int compareTo(Object o) {
return (name != null && o != null) ? name.compareTo(o.toString()) : -1;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("BuildValue{");
sb.append(", name='").append(name).append('\'');
sb.append(", value=").append(value);
return sb.toString();
Here by default the plugin will create the with the default field of version but you could add your own values also
buildConfig {
add Boolean, 'myKey', false
Then at runtime you could get the reference's value with BuildConfig.value and for the example above you would also have the field BuildConfig.myKey available as a Boolean type.
Edit: my example uses groovy for the plugin class and the task class, however the extension, BuildConfigModel, is written in java. All my sources are located in src/main/groovy


Gradle : how to use BuildConfig in an android-library with a flag that gets set in an app

My (gradle 1.10 and gradle plugin 0.8)-based android project consists of a big android-library that is a dependency for 3 different android-apps
In my library, I would love to be able to use a structure like this
if (BuildConfig.SOME_FLAG) {
as proguard would be able to reduce the size of the produced apk, based on the final value of SOME_FLAG
But I can't figure how to do it with gradle as :
* the BuildConfig produced by the library doesn't have the same package name than the app
* I have to import the BuildConfig with the library package in the library
* The apk of an apps includes the BuildConfig with the package of the app but not the one with the package of the library.
I tried without success to play with BuildTypes and stuff like
release {
// packageNameSuffix "library"
buildConfigField "boolean", "SOME_FLAG", "true"
debug {
//packageNameSuffix "library"
buildConfigField "boolean", "SOME_FLAG", "true"
What is the right way to builds a shared BuildConfig for my library and my apps whose flags will be overridden at build in the apps?
As a workaround, you can use this method, which uses reflection to get the field value from the app (not the library):
* Gets a field from the project's BuildConfig. This is useful when, for example, flavors
* are used at the project level to set custom fields.
* #param context Used to find the correct file
* #param fieldName The name of the field-to-access
* #return The value of the field, or {#code null} if the field is not found.
public static Object getBuildConfigValue(Context context, String fieldName) {
try {
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(context.getPackageName() + ".BuildConfig");
Field field = clazz.getField(fieldName);
return field.get(null);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
return null;
To get the DEBUG field, for example, just call this from your Activity:
boolean debug = (Boolean) getBuildConfigValue(this, "DEBUG");
I have also shared this solution on the AOSP Issue Tracker.
Update: With newer versions of the Android Gradle plugin publishNonDefault is deprecated and has no effect anymore. All variants are now published.
The following solution/workaround works for me. It was posted by some guy in the google issue tracker:
Try setting publishNonDefault to true in the library project:
android {
publishNonDefault true
And add the following dependencies to the app project that is using the library:
dependencies {
releaseCompile project(path: ':library', configuration: 'release')
debugCompile project(path: ':library', configuration: 'debug')
This way, the project that uses the library includes the correct build type of the library.
You can't do what you want, because BuildConfig.SOME_FLAG isn't going to get propagated properly to your library; build types themselves aren't propagated to libraries -- they're always built as RELEASE. This is bug
To work around it: if you have control over all of the library modules, you could make sure that all the code touched by callToBigLibraries() is in classes and packages that you can cleave off cleanly with ProGuard, then use reflection so that you can access them if they exist and degrade gracefully if they don't. You're essentially doing the same thing, but you're making the check at runtime instead of compile time, and it's a little harder.
Let me know if you're having trouble figuring out how to do this; I could provide a sample if you need it.
I use a static BuildConfigHelper class in both the app and the library, so that I can have the packages BuildConfig set as final static variables in my library.
In the application, place a class like this:
package com.yourbase;
import com.your.application.BuildConfig;
public final class BuildConfigHelper {
public static final boolean DEBUG = BuildConfig.DEBUG;
public static final String APPLICATION_ID = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID;
public static final String BUILD_TYPE = BuildConfig.BUILD_TYPE;
public static final String FLAVOR = BuildConfig.FLAVOR;
public static final int VERSION_CODE = BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE;
public static final String VERSION_NAME = BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME;
And in the library:
package com.your.library;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
public class BuildConfigHelper {
private static final String BUILD_CONFIG = "com.yourbase.BuildConfigHelper";
public static final boolean DEBUG = getDebug();
public static final String APPLICATION_ID = (String) getBuildConfigValue("APPLICATION_ID");
public static final String BUILD_TYPE = (String) getBuildConfigValue("BUILD_TYPE");
public static final String FLAVOR = (String) getBuildConfigValue("FLAVOR");
public static final int VERSION_CODE = getVersionCode();
public static final String VERSION_NAME = (String) getBuildConfigValue("VERSION_NAME");
private static boolean getDebug() {
Object o = getBuildConfigValue("DEBUG");
if (o != null && o instanceof Boolean) {
return (Boolean) o;
} else {
return false;
private static int getVersionCode() {
Object o = getBuildConfigValue("VERSION_CODE");
if (o != null && o instanceof Integer) {
return (Integer) o;
} else {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private static Object getBuildConfigValue(String fieldName) {
try {
Class c = Class.forName(BUILD_CONFIG);
Field f = c.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
return f.get(null);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
Then, anywhere in your library where you want to check BuildConfig.DEBUG, you can check BuildConfigHelper.DEBUG and access it from anywhere without a context, and the same for the other properties. I did it this way so that the library will work with all my applications, without needing to pass a context in or set the package name some other way, and the application class only needs the import line changed to suit when adding it into a new application
Edit: I'd just like to reiterate, that this is the easiest (and only one listed here) way to get the values to be assigned to final static variables in the library from all of your applications without needing a context or hard coding the package name somewhere, which is almost as good as having the values in the default library BuildConfig anyway, for the minimal upkeep of changing that import line in each application.
For the case where the applicationId is not the same as the package (i.e. multiple applicationIds per project) AND you want to access from a library project:
Use Gradle to store the base package in resources.
In main/AndroidManifest.xml:
android {
applicationId ""
// note: using ${applicationId} here will be exactly as above
// and so NOT necessarily the applicationId of the generated APK
resValue "string", "build_config_package", "${applicationId}"
In Java:
public static boolean getDebug(Context context) {
Object obj = getBuildConfigValue("DEBUG", context);
if (obj instanceof Boolean) {
return (Boolean) o;
} else {
return false;
private static Object getBuildConfigValue(String fieldName, Context context) {
int resId = context.getResources().getIdentifier("build_config_package", "string", context.getPackageName());
// try/catch blah blah
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(context.getString(resId) + ".BuildConfig");
Field field = clazz.getField(fieldName);
return field.get(null);
use both
my build.gradle
// ...
productFlavors {
internal {
// applicationId "com.elevensein.sein.internal"
applicationIdSuffix ".internal"
resValue "string", "build_config_package", "com.elevensein.sein"
production {
applicationId "com.elevensein.sein"
I want to call like below
Boolean isDebug = (Boolean) BuildConfigUtils.getBuildConfigValue(context, "DEBUG");
public class BuildConfigUtils
public static Object getBuildConfigValue (Context context, String fieldName)
Class<?> buildConfigClass = resolveBuildConfigClass(context);
return getStaticFieldValue(buildConfigClass, fieldName);
public static Class<?> resolveBuildConfigClass (Context context)
int resId = context.getResources().getIdentifier("build_config_package",
if (resId != 0)
// defined in build.gradle
return loadClass(context.getString(resId) + ".BuildConfig");
// not defined in build.gradle
// try packageName + ".BuildConfig"
return loadClass(context.getPackageName() + ".BuildConfig");
private static Class<?> loadClass (String className)
Log.i("BuildConfigUtils", "try class load : " + className);
try {
return Class.forName(className);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
return null;
private static Object getStaticFieldValue (Class<?> clazz, String fieldName)
try { return clazz.getField(fieldName).get(null); }
catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
return null;
For me this is the ONLY ONE AND ACCEPTABLE* SOLUTION TO determine the ANDROID APPLICATION BuildConfig.class:
// base entry point
// abstract application
// which defines the method to obtain the desired class
// the definition of the application is contained in the library
// that wants to access the method or in a superior library package
public abstract class BasApp extends {
protected Class<?> getAppBuildConfigClass();
public static BaseApp getAs(android.content.Context context) {
BaseApp as = getAs(context, BaseApp.class);
return as;
public static <I extends BaseApp> I getAs(android.content.Context context, Class<I> forCLass) {
android.content.Context applicationContext = context != null ?context.getApplicationContext() : null;
return applicationContext != null && forCLass != null && forCLass.isAssignableFrom(applicationContext.getClass())
? (I) applicationContext
: null;
public static Class<?> getAppBuildConfigClass(android.content.Context context) {
BaseApp as = getAs(context);
Class buildConfigClass = as != null
? as.getAppBuildConfigClass()
: null;
return buildConfigClass;
public class MyApp extends BaseApp {
protected Class<?> getAppBuildConfigClass() {
Class<?> buildConfigClass = BaseApp.getAppBuildConfigClass(Context);
if(buildConfigClass !- null) {
// do your job
*there are couple of things need to be watched out:
getApplicationContext() - could return a context which is not an App ContexWrapper implementation - see what Applicatio class extends & get to know of the possibilities of context wrapping
the class returned by final app could be loaded by different class loaders than those who will use it - depends of loader implementation and some principals typical (chierarchy, visibility) for loaders
everything depends on the implemmentation of as in this case simple DELEGATION!!! - the solution could be more sophisticetaded - i wanted only to show here the usage of DELEGATION pattern :)
** why i downwoted all of reflection based patterns because they all have weak points and they all in some certain conditions will fail:
Class.forName(className); - because of not speciified loader
context.getPackageName() + ".BuildConfig"
a) context.getPackageName() - "by default - else see b)" returns not package defined in manifest but application id (somtimes they both are the same), see how the manifest package property is used and its flow - at the end apt tool will replace it with applicaton id (see ComponentName class for example what the pkg stands for there)
b) context.getPackageName() - will return what the implementaio wants to :P
*** what to change in my solution to make it more flawless
replace class with its name that will drop the problems wchich could appear when many classes loaded with different loaders accessing / or are used to obtain a final result involving class (get to know what describes the equality between two classes (for a compiler at runtime) - in short a class equality defines not a self class but a pair which is constituted by the loader and the class. (some home work - try load a inner class with different loader and access it by outer class loaded with different loader) - it would turns out that we will get illegal access error :) even the inner class is in the same package has all modificators allowing access to it outer class :) compiler/linker "VM" treats them as two not related classes...

TYPO3 - extending an extbase extension with new fields and using these in fluid templates

I'm trying to extend powermail (version 2) with the possibility to add a note for each input field. So far I have created a new extension using extension builder and with a few modifications to ext_tables.php the field show up in the backend. The new field is called 'note' and I thought I could just do something like {field.note} in the fluid template input.html, but that does not work. My model includes the setter and getter:
class Tx_Formnotes_Domain_Model_Powermailnotes extends Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity {
* note
* #var string
protected $note;
* Returns the note
* #return string $note
public function getNote() {
return $this->note;
* Sets the note
* #param string $note
* #return void
public function setNote($note) {
$this->note = $note;
What else is needed?
Info: I'm using TYPO3 4.7
You could map the powermail model like
config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes {
Tx_Formnotes_Domain_Model_Powermailnotes {
mapping {
tableName = powermailTableName
columns {
exampleMedia.mapOnProperty = media
after that you should extend your TCA with these properties. At least you can write setter and getter for each property and use them in your fluid template.

Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException Wrapper cannot be cast to

I am trying to run Remote EJB running on a glassfish 3.1 container with a Javafax 2.2 client and I throw an exeption when I "lookup" the remote EJB.
The purpose of my Application is to get/put with Javafx Client objects which are save/retrieve as XML files on the server side.
On the server side the EJB is packaged into an EAR.
A controller "scrubber_S_Controller" is the Stateless session EJB
package scrubber_S_Controller;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import scrubber_S_Model.SimpleObject;
* Session Bean implementation class Session
public class Session implements SessionRemote, Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5718452084852474986L;
* Default constructor.
public Session() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public SimpleObject getSimpleObject() throws JAXBException {
SimpleObject simpleobjet = new SimpleObject();
return simpleobjet.retrieveSimpleObject();
public void setSimpleObject(SimpleObject simpleobject) throws JAXBException {
The remote interface used is
package scrubber_S_Controller;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import scrubber_S_Model.SimpleObject;
public interface SessionRemote {
public SimpleObject getSimpleObject() throws JAXBException;
public void setSimpleObject(SimpleObject simpleobject) throws JAXBException;
SimpleObject are managed in a scrubber_S_Model package:
package scrubber_S_Model;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
#XmlRootElement(name = "SimpleObject")
public class SimpleObject implements {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 306212289216139111L;
* Used to define a simpleObject Value Object
#XmlElement(name = "scrubberValveValue")
private int scrubberValveValue;
#XmlElement(name = "bypassValveValue")
private int bypassValveValue;
#XmlElement(name = "exhaustState")
private boolean exhaustState;
#XmlElement(name = "layoutColor")
private String layoutColor;
#XmlElement(name = "textValue")
private String textValue;
#XmlElement(name = "textColor")
private String textColor;
#XmlElement(name = "pressureThreshold")
private int pressureThreshold;
public SimpleObject(int bypassvalvevalue, int scrubbervalvevalue,
boolean exhauststate, String layoutcolor, String textvalue,
String textcolor, int pressurethreshold) {
this.bypassValveValue = bypassvalvevalue;
this.scrubberValveValue = scrubbervalvevalue;
this.exhaustState = exhauststate;
this.layoutColor = layoutcolor;
this.textValue = textvalue;
this.textColor = textcolor;
this.pressureThreshold = pressurethreshold;
* Empty constructor, just to enable JAXB.
public SimpleObject() {
* Gets the value of the scrubberValveValue property.
public int getScrubberValveValue() {
return this.scrubberValveValue;
* Sets the value of the scrubberValveValue property.
public void setScrubberValveValue(int value) {
this.scrubberValveValue = value;
* Gets the value of the bypassValveValue property.
public int getBypassValveValue() {
return this.bypassValveValue;
* Sets the value of the bypassValveValue property.
public void setBypassValveValue(int value) {
this.bypassValveValue = value;
* Gets the value of the exhaustState property.
public boolean isExhaustState() {
return this.exhaustState;
* Sets the value of the exhaustState property.
public void setExhaustState(boolean value) {
this.exhaustState = value;
* Gets the value of the layoutColor property.
* #return possible object is {#link String }
public String getLayoutColor() {
return this.layoutColor;
* Sets the value of the layoutColor property.
* #param value
* allowed object is {#link String }
public void setLayoutColor(String value) {
this.layoutColor = value;
* Gets the value of the textValue property.
* #return possible object is {#link String }
public String getTextValue() {
return this.textValue;
* Sets the value of the textValue property.
* #param value
* allowed object is {#link String }
public void setTextValue(String value) {
this.textValue = value;
* Gets the value of the textColor property.
* #return possible object is {#link String }
public String getTextColor() {
return this.textColor;
* Sets the value of the textColor property.
* #param value
* allowed object is {#link String }
public void setTextColor(String value) {
this.textColor = value;
* Gets the value of the pressureThreshold property.
public int getPressureThreshold() {
return this.pressureThreshold;
* Sets the value of the pressureThreshold property.
public void setPressureThreshold(int value) {
this.pressureThreshold = value;
public void saveSimpleObject(SimpleObject simpleobjet) throws JAXBException {
FileOutputStream fileout = null;
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(SimpleObject.class);
Marshaller marshaller = jc.createMarshaller();
marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
try {
fileout = new FileOutputStream("simpleobjectfile.xml");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
marshaller.marshal(simpleobjet, fileout);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
public SimpleObject retrieveSimpleObject() throws JAXBException {
FileInputStream fileinput = null;
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(SimpleObject.class);
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller();
try {
fileinput = new FileInputStream("simpleobjectfile.xml");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
SimpleObject simpleobjet = (SimpleObject)unmarshaller.unmarshal(fileinput);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return simpleobjet;
Junit test of the marshalling/unmashalling are working fine.
Deployment of the EJB give the following JNDI naming:
INFO: EJB5181:Portable JNDI names for EJB Session: [java:global/Scrubber_S_EAR/Scrubber_S/Session, java:global/Scrubber_S_EAR/Scrubber_S/Session!scrubber_S_Controller.SessionRemote]
INFO: CORE10010: Loading application Scrubber_S_EAR done in 4 406 ms
On the client side the Javafx application as follow:
package ScrubberView;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import scrubber_CView_Model.SimpleObject;
import session.SessionRemote;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class scrubberView extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws JAXBException {
try {
Properties propriétés = new Properties();
propriétés.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost", "localhost");
Context ctx = new InitialContext(propriétés);
SessionRemote mySession = (SessionRemote)ctx.lookup("java:global/Scrubber_S_EAR/Scrubber_S/Session");
//Create an object to exchange
SimpleObject simpleObject = new SimpleObject(1, 2, true, "layoutcolor", "text", "textcolor", 10 );
SimpleObject simpleObject2 = new SimpleObject();
simpleObject2 = mySession.getSimpleObject();
} catch (NamingException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println(e.toString() );
//compose the scrubberview scene and show it
BorderPane borderpane = new BorderPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(borderpane, 350, 80, Color.GREY);
public static void main(String[] args) {
The following jar are in the buid enc of the Application
when running the
SessionRemote mySession = (SessionRemote)ctx.lookup("java:global/Scrubber_S_EAR/Scrubber_S/Session");
line, it raises the following exeption:
Exception in Application start method
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception in Application start method
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication1(
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.access$000(
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl$
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: scrubber_S_Controller._SessionRemote_Wrapper cannot be cast to session.SessionRemote
at ScrubberView.scrubberView.start(
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl$
at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$
at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$4$
at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$4$
at Method)
at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl$
at Method)
... 1 more
If I try with the other naming:
SessionRemote mySession = (SessionRemote)ctx.lookup("java:global/Scrubber_S_EAR/Scrubber_S/Session!scrubber_S_Controller.SessionRemote");
It raises the same exeption.
It will be great if somebody can help me to fix this issue.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
I hope that my english is not too bad for the understanding.
I fix this issue with the following:
Remove the jar files from the env and only put gf-client.jar in the classpath as explain in
How do I access a Remote EJB component from a stand-alone java client?
Rename "scrubber_S_Controler" to "session" (as the corresponding package in the client side)
Remove "retrieveSimpleObject()" and "saveSimpleObject(SimpleObject simpleobjet)" from "SimpleObject" class and add it to a new "SimpleObjectPersist class"
use the "SimpleObjectPersist" to save and retreive a SimpleObject.
Ough! After this, its running well.

Adding custom data type (geometry) in Doctrine 2.1.7. Method canRequireSQLConversion() is not called

I am trying to add Geometry type to Doctrine. My Doctrine DBAL version and ORM versions are 2.1.7.
I tried to follow the instructions here:
Doctrine 2 Types - Custom Mapping Types.
I successfully created the new datatype, but I have problems with convertToPHPValueSQL method. I want function ST_AsText(' .. ') to always be called when getting the geometry column from database (database is PostgreSQL 9.1 + PostGIS 2.0.0).
Doctrine DBAL 2.1 documentation says like this:
The job of Doctrine-DBAL is to transform your type into SQL
declaration. You can modify the SQL declaration Doctrine will produce.
At first, you must to enable this feature by overriding the
canRequireSQLConversion method:
public function canRequireSQLConversion()
return true;
Then you override the methods convertToPhpValueSQL and
convertToDatabaseValueSQL :
public function convertToPHPValueSQL($sqlExpr, $platform)
return 'MyMoneyFunction(\''.$sqlExpr.'\') ';
public function convertToDatabaseValueSQL($sqlExpr, AbstractPlatform $platform)
return 'MyFunction('.$sqlExpr.')';
Now we have to register this type with the Doctrine Type system and
hook it into the database platform:
Type::addType('money', 'My\Project\Types\MoneyType');
$conn->getDatabasePlatform()->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('MyMoney', 'money');
I did like this (lot of code is placeholder code, but if I did something stupid, all advice is welcome):
namespace Minupeenrad\Types;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform;
* Class for database column "geometry".
* #author Rauni Lillemets
class GeometryType extends Type {
const GEOMETRY = 'geometry';
const SRID = 3301;
public function getSqlDeclaration(array $fieldDeclaration, AbstractPlatform $platform) {
return 'geometry';
//Should create WKT object from WKT string. (or leave as WKT string)
public function convertToPHPValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform) {
return $value; //+
//Should create WKT string from WKT object. (or leave as WKT string)
public function convertToDatabaseValue($value, AbstractPlatform $platform) {
return $value; //+
public function getName() {
return self::GEOMETRY;
public function canRequireSQLConversion() {
return true;
//Should give WKT
public function convertToPHPValueSQL($sqlExpr, $platform) {
return 'ST_AsText(\''.$sqlExpr.'\') '; //+
//Should create WKB
public function convertToDatabaseValueSQL($sqlExpr, AbstractPlatform $platform) {
return 'ST_GeomFromText(\''.$sqlExpr.'\', '.self::SRID.')'; //+
Now I added Entity that uses this column:
namespace Minupeenrad\Entities;
* Field
* #author Rauni Lillemets
* #Entity
* #Table(name="myfields.fields")
class Field extends GeometryObject {
* #Id
* #Column(type="integer")
* #GeneratedValue
private $id;
* #ManyToOne(targetEntity="User")
private $user;
* #Column(type = "string", length = "40")
private $fieldNumber;
public function getId() {
return $this->id;
public function getUser() {
return $this->user;
public function setUser($user) {
$this->user = $user;
public function getFieldNumber() {
return $this->fieldNumber;
public function setFieldNumber($fieldNumber) {
$this->fieldNumber = $fieldNumber;
But if I do like this:
$entity = $em->find('\Minupeenrad\Entities\Field', 1);
Doctrine does SQL request to database like this:
SELECT AS id1, t0.fieldNumber AS fieldnumber2, t0.geometry AS geometry3, t0.user_id AS user_id4
FROM myfields.fields t0
Doctrine does not use my convertToPHPValueSQL method, although canRequireSQLConversion() returns true. Furthermore, I added some debug code to see if canRequireSQLConversion() is even called, and it is not called. What am I doing wrong?
PS: I tried to search Stack Overflow, but I only came up with GIS extension for Doctrine 2, which links to Doctrine 2.1.x manual that I already read.
EDIT: I will read here:
EDIT2: Fixed function getSqlDeclaration(), that was wrong in my code. Added comments.
It seems like a more complete tutorial.
Found the answer.
In Doctrine 2.1.7, if I used $em->find(), eventually BasicEntityPersister()_getSelectColumnSQL() was called. It has following code: (taken from
* Gets the SQL snippet of a qualified column name for the given field name.
* #param string $field The field name.
* #param ClassMetadata $class The class that declares this field. The table this class is
* mapped to must own the column for the given field.
* #param string $alias
protected function _getSelectColumnSQL($field, ClassMetadata $class, $alias = 'r')
$columnName = $class->columnNames[$field];
$sql = $this->_getSQLTableAlias($class->name, $alias == 'r' ? '' : $alias) . '.' . $class->getQuotedColumnName($field, $this->_platform);
$columnAlias = $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnName . $this->_sqlAliasCounter++);
$this->_rsm->addFieldResult($alias, $columnAlias, $field);
return "$sql AS $columnAlias";
This code obviously does not respect method "canRequireSQLConversion"
In latest Doctrine version, 2.3.1 (see
* Gets the SQL snippet of a qualified column name for the given field name.
* #param string $field The field name.
* #param ClassMetadata $class The class that declares this field. The table this class is
* mapped to must own the column for the given field.
* #param string $alias
protected function _getSelectColumnSQL($field, ClassMetadata $class, $alias = 'r')
$sql = $this->_getSQLTableAlias($class->name, $alias == 'r' ? '' : $alias)
. '.' . $this->quoteStrategy->getColumnName($field, $class, $this->_platform);
$columnAlias = $this->getSQLColumnAlias($class->columnNames[$field]);
$this->_rsm->addFieldResult($alias, $columnAlias, $field);
if (isset($class->fieldMappings[$field]['requireSQLConversion'])) {
$type = Type::getType($class->getTypeOfField($field));
$sql = $type->convertToPHPValueSQL($sql, $this->_platform);
return $sql . ' AS ' . $columnAlias;
So the answer is to update my ORM.

why does hibernate hql distinct cause an sql distinct on left join?

I've got this test HQL:
select distinct o from Order o left join fetch o.lineItems
and it does generate an SQL distinct without an obvious reason:
select distinct as id61_0_, orderline1_.order_id as order1_62_1_...
The SQL resultset is always the same (with and without an SQL distinct):
order id | order name | orderline id | orderline name
1 | foo | 1 | foo item
1 | foo | 2 | bar item
1 | foo | 3 | test item
2 | empty | NULL | NULL
3 | bar | 4 | qwerty item
3 | bar | 5 | asdfgh item
Why does hibernate generate the SQL distinct? The SQL distinct doesn't make any sense and makes the query slower than needed.
This is contrary to the FAQ which mentions that hql distinct in this case is just a shortcut for the result transformer:
session.createQuery("select distinct o
from Order o left join fetch
It looks like you are using the SQL DISTINCT keyword here. Of course, this is not SQL, this is HQL. This distinct is just a shortcut for the result transformer, in this case. Yes, in other cases an HQL distinct will translate straight into a SQL DISTINCT. Not in this case: you can not filter out duplicates at the SQL level, the very nature of a product/join forbids this - you want the duplicates or you don't get all the data you need.
Have a closer look at the sql statement that hibernate generates - yes it does use the "distinct" keyword but not in the way I think you are expecting it to (or the way that the Hibernate FAQ is implying) i.e. to return a set of "distinct" or "unique" orders.
It doesn't use the distinct keyword to return distinct orders, as that wouldn't make sense in that SQL query, considering the join that you have also specified.
The resulting sql set still needs processing by the ResultTransformer, as clearly the sql set contains duplicate orders. That's why they say that the HQL distinct keyword doesn't directly map to the SQL distinct keyword.
I had the exact same problem and I think this is an Hibernate issue (not a bug because code doesn't fail). However, I have to dig deeper to make sure it's an issue.
Hibernate (at least in version 4 which its the version I'm working on my project, specifically 4.3.11) uses the concept of SPI, long story short: its like an API to extend or modify the framework.
I took advantage of this feature to replace the classes org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory (This class is called by Hibernate and delegates the job of generating the SQL query) and org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl (This is sort of an internal class which is called by org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory and generates the actual SQL query). I did it as follows:
Replacement for org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory:
package org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast;
import java.util.Map;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.EntityGraphQueryHint;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.hql.spi.QueryTranslator;
public class NoDistinctInSQLASTQueryTranslatorFactory extends ASTQueryTranslatorFactory {
public QueryTranslator createQueryTranslator(String queryIdentifier, String queryString, Map filters, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, EntityGraphQueryHint entityGraphQueryHint) {
return new NoDistinctInSQLQueryTranslatorImpl(queryIdentifier, queryString, filters, factory, entityGraphQueryHint);
Replacement for org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl:
package org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.QueryException;
import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults;
import org.hibernate.engine.query.spi.EntityGraphQueryHint;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.QueryParameters;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.RowSelection;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.EventSource;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.QueryExecutionRequestException;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlSqlTokenTypes;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlTokenTypes;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.SqlTokenTypes;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.exec.BasicExecutor;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.exec.DeleteExecutor;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.exec.MultiTableDeleteExecutor;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.exec.MultiTableUpdateExecutor;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.exec.StatementExecutor;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.AggregatedSelectExpression;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.FromElement;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.InsertStatement;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.QueryNode;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.tree.Statement;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.ASTPrinter;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.ASTUtil;
import org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.util.NodeTraverser;
import org.hibernate.hql.spi.FilterTranslator;
import org.hibernate.hql.spi.ParameterTranslations;
import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.ReflectHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper;
import org.hibernate.internal.util.collections.IdentitySet;
import org.hibernate.loader.hql.QueryLoader;
import org.hibernate.param.ParameterSpecification;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Queryable;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import antlr.ANTLRException;
import antlr.RecognitionException;
import antlr.TokenStreamException;
import antlr.collections.AST;
* A QueryTranslator that uses an Antlr-based parser.
* #author Joshua Davis (
public class NoDistinctInSQLQueryTranslatorImpl extends QueryTranslatorImpl implements FilterTranslator {
private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(
private SessionFactoryImplementor factory;
private final String queryIdentifier;
private String hql;
private boolean shallowQuery;
private Map tokenReplacements;
//TODO:this is only needed during compilation .. can we eliminate the instvar?
private Map enabledFilters;
private boolean compiled;
private QueryLoader queryLoader;
private StatementExecutor statementExecutor;
private Statement sqlAst;
private String sql;
private ParameterTranslations paramTranslations;
private List<ParameterSpecification> collectedParameterSpecifications;
private EntityGraphQueryHint entityGraphQueryHint;
* Creates a new AST-based query translator.
* #param queryIdentifier The query-identifier (used in stats collection)
* #param query The hql query to translate
* #param enabledFilters Currently enabled filters
* #param factory The session factory constructing this translator instance.
public NoDistinctInSQLQueryTranslatorImpl(
String queryIdentifier,
String query,
Map enabledFilters,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory) {
super(queryIdentifier, query, enabledFilters, factory);
this.queryIdentifier = queryIdentifier;
this.hql = query;
this.compiled = false;
this.shallowQuery = false;
this.enabledFilters = enabledFilters;
this.factory = factory;
public NoDistinctInSQLQueryTranslatorImpl(
String queryIdentifier,
String query,
Map enabledFilters,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
EntityGraphQueryHint entityGraphQueryHint) {
this(queryIdentifier, query, enabledFilters, factory);
this.entityGraphQueryHint = entityGraphQueryHint;
* Compile a "normal" query. This method may be called multiple times.
* Subsequent invocations are no-ops.
* #param replacements Defined query substitutions.
* #param shallow Does this represent a shallow (scalar or entity-id)
* select?
* #throws QueryException There was a problem parsing the query string.
* #throws MappingException There was a problem querying defined mappings.
public void compile(
Map replacements,
boolean shallow) throws QueryException, MappingException {
doCompile(replacements, shallow, null);
* Compile a filter. This method may be called multiple times. Subsequent
* invocations are no-ops.
* #param collectionRole the role name of the collection used as the basis
* for the filter.
* #param replacements Defined query substitutions.
* #param shallow Does this represent a shallow (scalar or entity-id)
* select?
* #throws QueryException There was a problem parsing the query string.
* #throws MappingException There was a problem querying defined mappings.
public void compile(
String collectionRole,
Map replacements,
boolean shallow) throws QueryException, MappingException {
doCompile(replacements, shallow, collectionRole);
* Performs both filter and non-filter compiling.
* #param replacements Defined query substitutions.
* #param shallow Does this represent a shallow (scalar or entity-id)
* select?
* #param collectionRole the role name of the collection used as the basis
* for the filter, NULL if this is not a filter.
private synchronized void doCompile(Map replacements, boolean shallow, String collectionRole) {
// If the query is already compiled, skip the compilation.
if (compiled) {
LOG.debug("compile() : The query is already compiled, skipping...");
// Remember the parameters for the compilation.
this.tokenReplacements = replacements;
if (tokenReplacements == null) {
tokenReplacements = new HashMap();
this.shallowQuery = shallow;
try {
// PHASE 1 : Parse the HQL into an AST.
final HqlParser parser = parse(true);
// PHASE 2 : Analyze the HQL AST, and produce an SQL AST.
final HqlSqlWalker w = analyze(parser, collectionRole);
sqlAst = (Statement) w.getAST();
// at some point the generate phase needs to be moved out of here,
// because a single object-level DML might spawn multiple SQL DML
// command executions.
// Possible to just move the sql generation for dml stuff, but for
// consistency-sake probably best to just move responsiblity for
// the generation phase completely into the delegates
// (QueryLoader/StatementExecutor) themselves. Also, not sure why
// QueryLoader currently even has a dependency on this at all; does
// it need it? Ideally like to see the walker itself given to the delegates directly...
if (sqlAst.needsExecutor()) {
statementExecutor = buildAppropriateStatementExecutor(w);
} else {
// PHASE 3 : Generate the SQL.
generate((QueryNode) sqlAst);
queryLoader = new QueryLoader(this, factory, w.getSelectClause());
compiled = true;
} catch (QueryException qe) {
if (qe.getQueryString() == null) {
throw qe.wrapWithQueryString(hql);
} else {
throw qe;
} catch (RecognitionException e) {
// we do not actually propagate ANTLRExceptions as a cause, so
// log it here for diagnostic purposes
LOG.trace("Converted antlr.RecognitionException", e);
throw QuerySyntaxException.convert(e, hql);
} catch (ANTLRException e) {
// we do not actually propagate ANTLRExceptions as a cause, so
// log it here for diagnostic purposes
LOG.trace("Converted antlr.ANTLRException", e);
throw new QueryException(e.getMessage(), hql);
//only needed during compilation phase...
this.enabledFilters = null;
private void generate(AST sqlAst) throws QueryException, RecognitionException {
if (sql == null) {
final SqlGenerator gen = new SqlGenerator(factory);
sql = gen.getSQL();
//Hack: The distinct operator is removed from the sql
//string to avoid executing a distinct query in the db server when
//the distinct is used in hql.
sql = sql.replace("distinct", "");
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debugf("HQL: %s", hql);
LOG.debugf("SQL: %s", sql);
collectedParameterSpecifications = gen.getCollectedParameters();
private static final ASTPrinter SQL_TOKEN_PRINTER = new ASTPrinter(SqlTokenTypes.class);
private HqlSqlWalker analyze(HqlParser parser, String collectionRole) throws QueryException, RecognitionException {
final HqlSqlWalker w = new HqlSqlWalker(this, factory, parser, tokenReplacements, collectionRole);
final AST hqlAst = parser.getAST();
// Transform the tree.
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(SQL_TOKEN_PRINTER.showAsString(w.getAST(), "--- SQL AST ---"));
return w;
private HqlParser parse(boolean filter) throws TokenStreamException, RecognitionException {
// Parse the query string into an HQL AST.
final HqlParser parser = HqlParser.getInstance(hql);
LOG.debugf("parse() - HQL: %s", hql);
final AST hqlAst = parser.getAST();
final NodeTraverser walker = new NodeTraverser(new JavaConstantConverter());
return parser;
private static final ASTPrinter HQL_TOKEN_PRINTER = new ASTPrinter(HqlTokenTypes.class);
void showHqlAst(AST hqlAst) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(HQL_TOKEN_PRINTER.showAsString(hqlAst, "--- HQL AST ---"));
private void errorIfDML() throws HibernateException {
if (sqlAst.needsExecutor()) {
throw new QueryExecutionRequestException("Not supported for DML operations", hql);
private void errorIfSelect() throws HibernateException {
if (!sqlAst.needsExecutor()) {
throw new QueryExecutionRequestException("Not supported for select queries", hql);
public String getQueryIdentifier() {
return queryIdentifier;
public Statement getSqlAST() {
return sqlAst;
private HqlSqlWalker getWalker() {
return sqlAst.getWalker();
* Types of the return values of an <tt>iterate()</tt> style query.
* #return an array of <tt>Type</tt>s.
public Type[] getReturnTypes() {
return getWalker().getReturnTypes();
public String[] getReturnAliases() {
return getWalker().getReturnAliases();
public String[][] getColumnNames() {
return getWalker().getSelectClause().getColumnNames();
public Set<Serializable> getQuerySpaces() {
return getWalker().getQuerySpaces();
public List list(SessionImplementor session, QueryParameters queryParameters)
throws HibernateException {
// Delegate to the QueryLoader...
final QueryNode query = (QueryNode) sqlAst;
final boolean hasLimit = queryParameters.getRowSelection() != null && queryParameters.getRowSelection().definesLimits();
final boolean needsDistincting = (query.getSelectClause().isDistinct() || hasLimit) && containsCollectionFetches();
QueryParameters queryParametersToUse;
if (hasLimit && containsCollectionFetches()) {
RowSelection selection = new RowSelection();
queryParametersToUse = queryParameters.createCopyUsing(selection);
} else {
queryParametersToUse = queryParameters;
List results = queryLoader.list(session, queryParametersToUse);
if (needsDistincting) {
int includedCount = -1;
// NOTE : firstRow is zero-based
int first = !hasLimit || queryParameters.getRowSelection().getFirstRow() == null
? 0
: queryParameters.getRowSelection().getFirstRow();
int max = !hasLimit || queryParameters.getRowSelection().getMaxRows() == null
? -1
: queryParameters.getRowSelection().getMaxRows();
List tmp = new ArrayList();
IdentitySet distinction = new IdentitySet();
for (final Object result : results) {
if (!distinction.add(result)) {
if (includedCount < first) {
// NOTE : ( max - 1 ) because first is zero-based while max is not...
if (max >= 0 && (includedCount - first) >= (max - 1)) {
results = tmp;
return results;
* Return the query results as an iterator
public Iterator iterate(QueryParameters queryParameters, EventSource session)
throws HibernateException {
// Delegate to the QueryLoader...
return queryLoader.iterate(queryParameters, session);
* Return the query results, as an instance of <tt>ScrollableResults</tt>
public ScrollableResults scroll(QueryParameters queryParameters, SessionImplementor session)
throws HibernateException {
// Delegate to the QueryLoader...
return queryLoader.scroll(queryParameters, session);
public int executeUpdate(QueryParameters queryParameters, SessionImplementor session)
throws HibernateException {
return statementExecutor.execute(queryParameters, session);
* The SQL query string to be called; implemented by all subclasses
public String getSQLString() {
return sql;
public List<String> collectSqlStrings() {
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (isManipulationStatement()) {
String[] sqlStatements = statementExecutor.getSqlStatements();
Collections.addAll(list, sqlStatements);
} else {
return list;
// -- Package local methods for the QueryLoader delegate --
public boolean isShallowQuery() {
return shallowQuery;
public String getQueryString() {
return hql;
public Map getEnabledFilters() {
return enabledFilters;
public int[] getNamedParameterLocs(String name) {
return getWalker().getNamedParameterLocations(name);
public boolean containsCollectionFetches() {
List collectionFetches = ((QueryNode) sqlAst).getFromClause().getCollectionFetches();
return collectionFetches != null && collectionFetches.size() > 0;
public boolean isManipulationStatement() {
return sqlAst.needsExecutor();
public void validateScrollability() throws HibernateException {
// Impl Note: allows multiple collection fetches as long as the
// entire fecthed graph still "points back" to a single
// root entity for return
final QueryNode query = (QueryNode) sqlAst;
// If there are no collection fetches, then no further checks are needed
List collectionFetches = query.getFromClause().getCollectionFetches();
if (collectionFetches.isEmpty()) {
// A shallow query is ok (although technically there should be no fetching here...)
if (isShallowQuery()) {
// Otherwise, we have a non-scalar select with defined collection fetch(es).
// Make sure that there is only a single root entity in the return (no tuples)
if (getReturnTypes().length > 1) {
throw new HibernateException("cannot scroll with collection fetches and returned tuples");
FromElement owner = null;
for (Object o : query.getSelectClause().getFromElementsForLoad()) {
// should be the first, but just to be safe...
final FromElement fromElement = (FromElement) o;
if (fromElement.getOrigin() == null) {
owner = fromElement;
if (owner == null) {
throw new HibernateException("unable to locate collection fetch(es) owner for scrollability checks");
// This is not strictly true. We actually just need to make sure that
// it is ordered by root-entity PK and that that order-by comes before
// any non-root-entity ordering...
AST primaryOrdering = query.getOrderByClause().getFirstChild();
if (primaryOrdering != null) {
// TODO : this is a bit dodgy, come up with a better way to check this (plus see above comment)
String[] idColNames = owner.getQueryable().getIdentifierColumnNames();
String expectedPrimaryOrderSeq = StringHelper.join(
", ",
StringHelper.qualify(owner.getTableAlias(), idColNames)
if (!primaryOrdering.getText().startsWith(expectedPrimaryOrderSeq)) {
throw new HibernateException("cannot scroll results with collection fetches which are not ordered primarily by the root entity's PK");
private StatementExecutor buildAppropriateStatementExecutor(HqlSqlWalker walker) {
final Statement statement = (Statement) walker.getAST();
switch (walker.getStatementType()) {
case HqlSqlTokenTypes.DELETE: {
final FromElement fromElement = walker.getFinalFromClause().getFromElement();
final Queryable persister = fromElement.getQueryable();
if (persister.isMultiTable()) {
return new MultiTableDeleteExecutor(walker);
} else {
return new DeleteExecutor(walker, persister);
case HqlSqlTokenTypes.UPDATE: {
final FromElement fromElement = walker.getFinalFromClause().getFromElement();
final Queryable persister = fromElement.getQueryable();
if (persister.isMultiTable()) {
// even here, if only properties mapped to the "base table" are referenced
// in the set and where clauses, this could be handled by the BasicDelegate.
// TODO : decide if it is better performance-wise to doAfterTransactionCompletion that check, or to simply use the MultiTableUpdateDelegate
return new MultiTableUpdateExecutor(walker);
} else {
return new BasicExecutor(walker, persister);
case HqlSqlTokenTypes.INSERT:
return new BasicExecutor(walker, ((InsertStatement) statement).getIntoClause().getQueryable());
throw new QueryException("Unexpected statement type");
public ParameterTranslations getParameterTranslations() {
if (paramTranslations == null) {
paramTranslations = new ParameterTranslationsImpl(getWalker().getParameters());
return paramTranslations;
public List<ParameterSpecification> getCollectedParameterSpecifications() {
return collectedParameterSpecifications;
public Class getDynamicInstantiationResultType() {
AggregatedSelectExpression aggregation = queryLoader.getAggregatedSelectExpression();
return aggregation == null ? null : aggregation.getAggregationResultType();
public static class JavaConstantConverter implements NodeTraverser.VisitationStrategy {
private AST dotRoot;
public void visit(AST node) {
if (dotRoot != null) {
// we are already processing a dot-structure
if (ASTUtil.isSubtreeChild(dotRoot, node)) {
// we are now at a new tree level
dotRoot = null;
if (node.getType() == HqlTokenTypes.DOT) {
dotRoot = node;
private void handleDotStructure(AST dotStructureRoot) {
final String expression = ASTUtil.getPathText(dotStructureRoot);
final Object constant = ReflectHelper.getConstantValue(expression);
if (constant != null) {
public EntityGraphQueryHint getEntityGraphQueryHint() {
return entityGraphQueryHint;
public void setEntityGraphQueryHint(EntityGraphQueryHint entityGraphQueryHint) {
this.entityGraphQueryHint = entityGraphQueryHint;
If you follow the code flow you will notice that I just modified the method private void generate(AST sqlAst) throws QueryException, RecognitionException and added the a following lines:
//Hack: The distinct keywordis removed from the sql string to
//avoid executing a distinct query in the DBMS when the distinct
//is used in hql.
sql = sql.replace("distinct", "");
What I do with this code is to remove the distinct keyword from the generated SQL query.
After creating the classes above, I added the following line in the hibernate configuration file:
<property name="hibernate.query.factory_class">org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.NoDistinctInSQLASTQueryTranslatorFactory</property>
This line tells hibernate to use my custom class to parse HQL queries and generate SQL queries without the distinct keyword. Notice I created my custom classes in the same package where the original HQL parser resides.