MS SQL Server Zero Padding - sql

I'm changing column datatype to Varchar, should suggestion work, answer will be upvoted
Full Story:
I receive data for a person with an associated temporary number for every person that is 5 digits long, I process this information and then send variables to a stored procedure that handles the inserting of this data. When sending the variables to the stored procedure I appear to be losing any prefixed 0's.
For example:
Number sent to stored Proc - Number actually inserted column
12345 - 12345
01234 - 1234
12340 - 12340
This only appears to be happening for numbers with a 0 in front. Meaning if I received:
00012 it would insert as 12
Is there a way where I could either update the column to always 0 pad to the left by a fixed number, meaning if we got 12 it would automatically make the value 00012.
Is there a way to do this with the variable when its received by the stored procedure before the variable is inserted into the table.
Something along the lines of:
SET #zeroPaddedFixedNum = LeftPad(#numberRecieved, '0', 5);
Additionally, I now need to stop any more numbers from inserting and update all current incorrectly lengthed numbers. Any suggestions?
Perhaps it's just my Google ability that has failed but I have tried searching numerous pages.

For this, the column should be of varchar datatype. You can then do this
Insert into table(col)
select right('00000'+cast(#var as varchar(5)),5)
EDIT : To update existing data
Update table
set col=right('00000'+cast(col as varchar(5)),5)
where len(col)<5

As pointed out, you'll have to use VARCHAR(5) for your needs... But I would not change the columns type, if the values stored are numbers actually. Rather use one of the following, whenever you pass these values to your SP (You might use a computed column or a VIEW though).
SELECT REPLACE(STR(YourNumber,5),' ','0');
The big advantage: In cases, where your number exceeds 5 digits, this would return *****. It is better to get an error than to get wrong numbers... Other approaches with RIGHT() might truncate your result unpredictably.
With SQL Server 2012 you should use FORMAT()
SELECT FORMAT(YourNumber,'00000')


Binary or string data would be truncated

I am running an insert statement to populate records into a table using SQL Server 2012. In table 1 that has all the records, the datatype is VARCHAR(5000), and I have done a max(len) to determine that the maximum length of data it contains is about 3000.
In table 2 that the records should go into, the datatype for the field is VARCHAR(5000), which mirrors what's in Table 1.
I am getting the dreaded binary or string data would be truncated message, but my destination table field is large enough to store this data.
When I remove this field from the insert statement, the insert statement works fine and my data moves from Table 1 to Table 2 as expected, but including the field causes this error.
Has anyone come across this peculiar case before? Is it possible that the string field has some sort of weird characters in it that could be causing this error.

SQL: How to apply a function (stored procedure) within an UPDATE-clause to change values?

the following function deletes all blanks in a text or varchar column and returns the modified text/varchar as an int:
select condense_and_change_to_int(number_as_text_column) from mytable;
This exact query does work.
Though my goal is to apply this function to all rows of a column in order to consistently change its values. How would I do this? Is it possible with the UPDATE-clause, or do i need to do this within a function itself? I tried the following:
UPDATE mytable
SET column_to_be_modiefied = condense_and_change_to_int(column_to_be_modiefied);
Basically i wanted to input the value of the current row, modify it and save it to the column permanantly.
I'd welcome all ideas regarding how to solve scenarios like these. I'm working with postgresql (but welcome also more general solutions).
Is it possible with an update? Well, yes and sort-of.
From your description, the input to the function is a string of some sort. The output is a number. In general, numbers should be assigned to columns with a number type. The assumption is that the column in question is a number.
However, your update should work. The result will be a string representation of the number.
After running the update, you can change the column type, with something like:
alter table mytable alter column column_to_be_modiefied int;

Alter column from varchar to decimal when nulls exist

How do I alter a sql varchar column to a decimal column when there are nulls in the data?
I thought:
ALTER COLUMN data decimal(19,6)
But I just get an error, I assume because of the nulls:
Error converting data type varchar to numeric. The statement has been terminated.
So I thought to remove the nulls I could just set them to zero:
ALTER COLUMN data decimal(19,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
but I dont seem to have the correct syntax.
Whats the best way to convert this column?
People have suggested it's not the nulls that are causing me the problem, but non-numeric data. Is there an easy way to find the non-numeric data and either disregard it, or highlight it so I can correct it.
If it were just the presence of NULLs, I would just opt for doing this before the alter column:
update table1 set data = '0' where data is null
That would ensure all nulls are gone and you could successfully convert.
However, I wouldn't be too certain of your assumption. It seems to me that your new column is perfectly capable of handling NULL values since you haven't specified not null for it.
What I'd be looking for is values that aren't NULL but also aren't something you could turn in to a real numeric value, such as what you get if you do:
insert into table1 (data) values ('paxdiablo is good-looking')
though some may argue that should be treated a 0, a false-y value :-)
The presence of non-NULL, non-numeric data seems far more likely to be causing your specific issue here.
As to how to solve that, you're going to need a where clause that can recognise whether a varchar column is a valid numeric value and, if not, change it to '0' or NULL, depending on your needs.
I'm not sure if SQL Server has regex support but, if so, that'd be the first avenue I'd investigate.
Alternatively, provided you understand the limitations (a), you could use isnumeric() with something like:
update table1 set data = NULL where isnumeric(data) = 0
This will force all non-numeric values to NULL before you try to convert the column type.
And, please, for the love of whatever deities you believe in, back up your data before attempting any of these operations.
If none of those above solutions work, it may be worth adding a brand new column and populating bit by bit. In other words set it to NULL to start with, and then find a series of updates that will copy data to this new column.
Once you're happy that all data has been copied, you should then have a series of updates you can run in a single transaction if you want to do the conversion in one fell swoop. Drop the new column and then do the whole lot in a single operation:
create new column;
perform all updates to copy data;
drop old column;
rename new column to old name.
(a) From the linked page:
ISNUMERIC returns 1 for some characters that are not numbers, such as plus (+), minus (-), and valid currency symbols such as the dollar sign ($).
Possible solution:
data VARCHAR(100)
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('19.01');
INSERT INTO test VALUES ('23.41');
ALTER TABLE test ADD data_new decimal(19,6)
UPDATE test SET data_new = CAST(data AS decimal(19,6));
EXEC sp_RENAME 'test.data_new' , 'data', 'COLUMN'
As people have said, that error doesn't come from nulls, it comes from varchar values that can't be converted to decimal. Most typical reason for this I've found (after checking that the column doesn't contain any logically false values, like non-digit characters or double comma values) is when your varchar values use comma for decimal pointer, as opposed to period.
For instance, if you run the following:
SET #T = '5,6'
You will get an error.
SET #T = '5,6'
-- Let's change the comma to a period
SELECT #T = REPLACE(#T,',','.')
SELECT #T, CAST(#T AS DEC(32,2)) -- Now it works!
Should be easy enough to look if your column has these cases, and run the appropriate update before your ALTER COLUMN, if this is the cause.
You could also just use a similar idea and make a regex search on the column for all values that don't match digit / digit+'.'+digit criteria, but i suck with regex so someone else can help with that. :)
Also, the american system uses weird separators like the number '123100.5', which would appear as '123,100.5', so in those cases you might want to just replace the commas with empty strings and try then?

SQL row is only varchar(10) but has 30+ characters in it

table on external database (when I click modify) states that row A is a varchar(10) but when I look at the data there is obviously many more characters in it. How is this possible?
This concerns me because when I pull data from that row, I only get 10 characters, and the rest is cut off. I am not allowed to modify the external database tables.
How is this possible?
The column was probably originally a varchar(30) and was subsequently altered to varchar(10). I assume data has been written since the change to varchar(10), which makes this a true mess. If altering the column back to a length of 30 is not possible, I would investigate the implications of truncating the old data to 10 characters.
run the following statement to confirm the column length:
select character_maximum_length
from information_schema.columns
where table_name='tablename' and COLUMN_NAME='columnname'
Update 2:
select max(len(column_name))
from tablename

How to prevent CAST errors on SSIS?

The question
Is it possible to ask SSIS to cast a value and return NULL in case the cast is not allowed instead of throwing an error ?
My environment
I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and Sql Server 2005 on Windows Server 2003.
The general context
Just in case you're curious, here is my use case. I have to store data coming from somewhere in a generic table (key/value structure with history) witch contains some sort of value that can be strings, numbers or dates. The structure is something like this :
table Values {
Id int,
Date datetime, -- for history
Key nvarchar(50) not null,
Value nvarchar(50),
DateValue datetime,
NumberValue numeric(19,9)
I want to put the raw value in the Value column and try to put the same value
in the DateValue column when i'm able to cast it to Datetime
in the NumberValue column when i'm able to cast it to a number
Those two typed columns would make all sort of aggregation and manipulation much easier and faster later.
That's it, now you know why i'm asking this strange question.
Thanks in advance for your help.
You could also try a Derived Column component and test the value of the potential date/number field or simply cast it and redirect any errors as being the NULL values for these two fields.
(1) If you just simply cast the field every time with a statement like this in the Derived Column component: (DT_DATE)[MYPOTENTIALDATE] - you can redirect the rows that fail this cast and manipulate the data from there.
(2) You can do something like this in the Derived Column component: ISNULL([MYPOTENTIALDATE]) ? '2099-01-01' : (DT_DATE)[MYPOTENTIALDATE]. I generally send through '2099-01-01' when a date is NULL rather than messing with NULL (works better with Cubes, etc).
Of course (2) won't work if the [MYPOTENTIALDATE] field comes through as other things other than a DATETIME or NULL, i.e., sometimes it is a word like "hello".
Those are the options I would explore, good luck!
In dealing with this same sort of thing I found the error handling in SSIS was not specific enough. My approach has been to actually create an errors table, and query a source table where the data is stored as varchar, and log errors to the error table with something like the below. I have one of the below statements for each column, because it was important for me to know which column failed. Then after I log all errors, I do a INSERT where I select those records in SomeInfo that do not have an errors. In your case you could do more advanced things based on the ColumnName in the errors table to insert default values.
INSERT INTO SomeInfoErrors
'PeriodStartDate must be in the format MM/DD/YYYY',
ISDATE(PeriodStartDate) = 0 AND [PeriodStartDate] IS NOT NULL;
Tru using a conditional split and have the records where the data is a date go along one path and the other go along a different path where they are updated to nullbefore being inserted.