NPM publish will copy the all files to NPM server or not? - npm

I am successfully publish a package by following this official tutorial:
Does it mean NPM copy all my files to NPM server? Because the command I use is:
npm publish
No other params.
Whereas in Bower, the command I use is:
bower register raphael.backbone git://
It is clearly the source is git repo, so bower is clearly a registry, not copying the project files.
"NPM publish " will copy my files to NPM server or not?

npm publish compresses your current working directory into a tarball and uploads it to the npm registry; so yes, npm publish will copy your files to npm server.
You actually don't have to use git for an npm package, though using it is a good idea to use version control for any software development.


Is there a way to install an npm package locally but not affect package.json or package-lock.json?

I have a project that I'm working on for a client where I have two private packages (which I can't get access to npm install) are inside the package.json.
I do however have access to clone the repos for those said packages. If I simply run an npm install I'll get a permission denied error. Same if I run npm link to the packages.
I've been working around this by removing the packages from the package.json then running npm install ../some-package. This works but isn't a great solution because if I wanted to add a new package I'd have to deal with a bit of a mess with the package.json.
Is there a better way than this?
I have tried running npm link ../some-package but I still get access denied. The only way I've managed to complete an install is by removing the packages then installing them from a local dir.
I don't know the details of your situation, but I see at least two potential solutions to explore.
Option 1: Install the package from the repo
I do however have access to clone the repos for those said packages.
You can install from a git repo and package.json will record that git repo as the source of the package rather than the npm registry.
From the docs at
npm install :
Installs the package from the hosted git provider, cloning it with git. For a full git remote url, only that URL will be attempted.
Option 2: Install from the local file system with --no-save
If that approach doesn't work for you, you can try npm install --no-save ../some-package as a build step. The --no-save makes it so it doesn't modify package.json.

Migrate npm packages between private feeds

I need to migrate npm packages from Proget npm private feed to Azure Artifacts.
On ProGet server i have folder with thousands of packages, and nobody knows, which of them private.
packages.json file is missing.
I tried npm init to create packages.json, but it fails on scoped packages.
Any ideas, how to get npm packages from root folder and put all of them to private feed?
Does ProGet have the npm packages at .tar.gz files? Or only as expanded files? If .tar.gz, you could download all of those and then upload them all to Azure Artifacts by writing a script that called npm publish on each .tar.gz.

How to install npm own local packages?

I have 2 projects(packages) in npm, I want to inject package_A as dependency to package_B. In package_A root folder, I run npm install -g, then npm install it to C:\Users\Myuser\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_moduls\package_A folder. Now in packages.json in package_B I add "package_A": "1.0.0" in dependencies. When in package_B root file I run npm install, its failed package_A#1.0.0 not found.
How can I identified npm to its my own local package?
We are a team, then I don't want to address package_A explicitly.
We are using nexus repository manager.
I don't want to publish my projects to
I'm not 100% clear what you have tried. If you are going to use a custom module for another application you are developing, installing globally won't do the trick. You have to publish that module in npm.
Check this link for more info on publishing in npm
If you have completed the steps correctly, and still no good happens, please check your naming of the module in package.json file.
Instead of typing in the name and version number in package.json file and then npm install, try directly installing in the terminal with --save so that it will automatically be added to package.json file with correct spelling.

npm 5 install folder without using symlink

Before publishing my node library, I could use the advice the npm documentation wrote about:
To test a local install, go into some other folder, and then do:
cd ../some-other-folder
npm install ../my-package
Prior to version 5 of npm, I had no problem as it produce what I expected, ie a folder with the output of what I will publish.
However, using npm 5, it now creates a symlink to my local project as described in the npm documentation:
npm install :
Install the package in the directory as a symlink in the current
project. Its dependencies will be installed before it's linked. If
sits inside the root of your project, its dependencies may be
hoisted to the toplevel node_modules as they would for other types of
How can I use the "old" way to install local project? Or is there a new way to check if my library is correct?
Thank you.
Use npm pack + npm install (as suggested by install-local package)
npm pack <path-to-local-package>
npm install <package-version.tgz>
This will effectively copy your local package to node_modules.
Note that this will package only production relevant files (those listed in the files section of your package.json). So, you can install it in a test app under the package own directory. Something like this:
Assuming that test dir is not included in the files in my-package/package.json.
This works the same way with npm 5 and older versions.
I wrote npm-install-offline which allows you to install npm packages from a local repository or folder. By default it copies the folder on install but you can also choose to symlink.
npx npm-install-offline ../some-package
npx npm-install-offline my-npm-package --repo ./my-offline-npm
It also will install the package dependencies which npm does not do with local packages.

Download a package from npm as a tar (not installing it to a module)

Is there some URL from which I can download a given package from npm (as a tarball or something)? I need the exact files that were originally uploaded to npm.
Using npm install gets a different, generated package.json for example. I want the exact original set of files that was published.
You can use npm view to get the URL to the registry's tarball (in this example for the module level):
$ npm view level dist.tarball
And to download tarball, you can use npm pack:
$ npm pack level
Just run the command
npm view [package name] dist.tarball
It will return a tar url.
Running npm pack PACKAGE_NAME will download a tarball of any package on npm.
To extract it, just run tar -xzf DOWNLOADED_FILE.tgz
npm pack react
then extract:
tar -xzf react-16.6.3.tgz
If you need to get the tarball without having npm installed, you can fetch the package information using curl and use jq to get the right information from the JSON:
curl \
| jq '.versions[."dist-tags".latest].dist.tarball'
This is for instance useful if you're building a Docker container that requires one npm package, and don't want to install npm just for that.
Yes, you can npm install <git remote URL> to download the full repository into node_modules. This will be directly from the repository's host, rather than via npm, though. See the npm install docs for more information.