Download a package from npm as a tar (not installing it to a module) - npm

Is there some URL from which I can download a given package from npm (as a tarball or something)? I need the exact files that were originally uploaded to npm.
Using npm install gets a different, generated package.json for example. I want the exact original set of files that was published.

You can use npm view to get the URL to the registry's tarball (in this example for the module level):
$ npm view level dist.tarball
And to download tarball, you can use npm pack:
$ npm pack level

Just run the command
npm view [package name] dist.tarball
It will return a tar url.

Running npm pack PACKAGE_NAME will download a tarball of any package on npm.
To extract it, just run tar -xzf DOWNLOADED_FILE.tgz
npm pack react
then extract:
tar -xzf react-16.6.3.tgz

If you need to get the tarball without having npm installed, you can fetch the package information using curl and use jq to get the right information from the JSON:
curl \
| jq '.versions[."dist-tags".latest].dist.tarball'
This is for instance useful if you're building a Docker container that requires one npm package, and don't want to install npm just for that.

Yes, you can npm install <git remote URL> to download the full repository into node_modules. This will be directly from the repository's host, rather than via npm, though. See the npm install docs for more information.


how to know tar version in our NPM (create-react-app)?

I write this command NPM i tar
now how I can found my tar version?
I want to know my tar version.
You can use npm list for local packages or list -g for globally installed packages.
or you can pass the package name as the argument in npm list like this :
npm list tar.
you can find more detail in this topic.
Use the following command:
npm list tar
npm list tar | grep tar#
This will retrieve the tar version, something like this:

install packages globally in google cloud platform

I'm trying to install some npm packages globally in google cloud platform each time the shell started.
I added these commands in $HOME/.customize_environment file.
date -u
npm i -g #angular/cli
then, I open the file /var/log/customize_environment to see the log output from $HOME/.customize_environment
I found it executed and the date is displayed (the first line)
but npm couldn't installed with this error npm command not found
npm commands are available after the cloud shell starts, so I guess the file $HOME/.customize_environment is executed before installing node.
I tried to use the full path: /usr/local/nvm/versions/node/v12.14.1/bin/npm i -g #angular/cli, but I got this error
/usr/bin/env: ‘node’: No such file or directory
is there a way to automatically install npm packages globally?
The path env var isn't set or active. Use the full path of NPM location like that
/usr/local/nvm/versions/node/v12.14.1/bin/npm i -g #angular/cli
Be careful. if Cloud Shell update the version of NPM the path will change.
You can also try to add your NPM (without full path) command at the end of the ~/.bashrc file.

Yocto recipe fails to install npm package

I have a recipe that installed some NPM packages that worked on an older version of Yocto.
After upgrading to sumo, the recipe fails with the following error:
installnpmpackages/0.0.1-r0/temp/run.do_compile.7272: npm: not found
| WARNING: exit code 127 from a shell command.
I tried using the developer shell and NPM does work in that case.
The do_compile from the recipe:
do_compile() {
# Create a working directory
mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/scratch
# changing the home directory to the working directory, the .npmrc will be created in this directory
export HOME=${WORKDIR}/scratch
# configure cache to be in working directory
npm set cache ${WORKDIR}/scratch/npm_cache
# clear local cache prior to each compile
npm cache clear
# compile and install node modules in source directory
cd ${WORKDIR}/scratch
npm --arch=${TARGET_ARCH} --verbose install node-gyp
npm --arch=${TARGET_ARCH} --verbose install connect
npm --arch=${TARGET_ARCH} --verbose install
#npm --arch=${TARGET_ARCH} --verbose install sqlite3
#npm --arch=${TARGET_ARCH} --verbose install serialport
npm --arch=${TARGET_ARCH} --verbose install express
npm --arch=${TARGET_ARCH} --verbose install csv
npm --arch=${TARGET_ARCH} --verbose install md5
# clear local cache before we package. No need to copy over all this cache stuff; just need the modules.
npm cache clear
Note sqlite3 and serialport are commented out as they did not work on the previous version.
What needs to be changed with sumo (vs morty) for NPM to function in a recipe?
Thank you in advance!
I found a simple solution.
I created individual recipes using devtool add.
Here is the command used to create a recipe for the serialport npm module:
devtool add "npm://;name=serialport;version=7.1.4"
I'm answering to #Hsn comment as my account is new and I don't have 50 reputation.
If you are able to add a recipe with devtool and it worked, you can use devtool as well to finish working on the recipe and tell devtool in which meta you want to put the recipe like :
devtool finish recipe_name meta-destination
And in order to put it into your final OS rootfs, you need to add it to your image bb file, for example : :
IMAGE_INSTALL_append += "recipe_name"
Make sure also that the meta which holds your recipe is present in your bblayers.conf.

NPM publish will copy the all files to NPM server or not?

I am successfully publish a package by following this official tutorial:
Does it mean NPM copy all my files to NPM server? Because the command I use is:
npm publish
No other params.
Whereas in Bower, the command I use is:
bower register raphael.backbone git://
It is clearly the source is git repo, so bower is clearly a registry, not copying the project files.
"NPM publish " will copy my files to NPM server or not?
npm publish compresses your current working directory into a tarball and uploads it to the npm registry; so yes, npm publish will copy your files to npm server.
You actually don't have to use git for an npm package, though using it is a good idea to use version control for any software development.

access npm modules locally in case npm server is down

I am looking to store npm modules in a cache/locally in case the npm server is down and I cannot access the modules.
I hear npm-cache or npm-offline work well, but I'm not sure if they actually solve the problem I face - which is accessing an npm module locally.
Any recommendations?
Install offline-npm with
sudo npm install -g offline-npm
offline-npm will run a local http server with the content of your cache. Launch the server with:
offline-npm -n -d
You can then install packages from your cache with:
npm --registry http://localhost:4873 install <packagename>
To inspect the content of your cache run:
npm cache ls
You can also add a package to your cache without installing it with:
npm cache add <package>
For more information, read the official documentation of offline-npm.