VBA to work on all sheets - vba

I tried many different sample codes before posting this, but I can't get any of them to work.
I need this to run not just in the active sheet but on all sheets in my file.
On Error Resume Next
Hope someone is able to help.

You need to loop over the sheets in the workbook and manipulate each one individually:
Dim sheet As Worksheet
For Each sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

The solution of Alex K. is OK, only check if the sheet is empty or not, otherwise you will have an error with "SpecialCells" :
Dim sheet As Worksheet
For Each sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(sheet.Cells) <> 0 Then
End If
End Sub


Selecting activeworksheet only when it exists in the workbook

I have a VBA module where I want to select a worksheet, but only if it is present in the workbook.
So if I use activeworksheets code this gives an error if the worksheet is not in the workbook.
I have these for 3 worksheets, so I have tried if error but this only works if one of the worksheets is missing, as if error only handles the first case and cannot handle further cases.
Any suggestions?
There are many ways to solve this. My suggestion is doing
Dim ws as Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets(1)
if ws.Name == "Worksheet I want"
'Do your thing
End if
Idk how many sheets you have. Use a for with Application.Sheets.Count if you need to.
Hope this helps

Excel macro modification ( or maybe VBA ) to update the last included worksheet

Trying to copy a range of cells that include formulas from worksheet called "Sheet1" to the rest of other worksheets I found that I could do it performing "Fill Across Worksheets". It worked fine, so my next step was to record a Macro for it to be more efficient and worked just fine too.
The Problem
The problem is that when I include a new worksheet and run the Macro, the Macro does not consider the new worksheet so this last worksheet doesn't get updated.
I am including below the code created by the macro. In it I can see that it's including only the worksheets I have now in the workbook, so this is where I need help.
( My excel is in Spanish so when you read Ctrl+Mayus+Q, Mayus means Shiftkey )
What I need is a way to modify this Macro so when it runs it will check and update all worksheets. Or, maybe it's because a Macro can't do this I may need a VBA code ? If this VBA is the way to resolve it, can you help me here with this ?
I appreciate all help
Thank you
Sub Macro2()
' Macro2 Macro
' Acceso directo: Ctrl+Mayús+Q
Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3", "Sheet4")).Select
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.FillAcrossSheets Range:=Selection,
End Sub
This is a work around, concerning that you want all the worksheets to have the value of the first worksheet in range A5:D12:
Sub TestMe()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim selAddress As String
selAddress = "A5:D12"
For Each ws In Worksheets
'ws.Range(selAddress).Value2 = Worksheets(1).Range(selAddress).Value2
ws.Range(selAddress).Formula = Worksheets(1).Range(selAddress).Formula
Next ws
End Sub
See How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA.

Copy and combine sheets to a workbook

I need VBA code for Excel which: will be activated by a button in an empty workbook, loop through open workbooks, copies only sheets called "specificsheetname" from workbooks and pastes it into a new worksheet in the button activator workbook. So idea is that it will combine many worksheets from different workbooks into a one workbook. I tried this:
Sub workbookFetcher()
Dim book As Workbook, sheet, wsNew, wsCurr As Worksheet
Set wsCurr = ActiveSheet
For Each book In Workbooks
For Each sheet In book.Worksheets
If sheet.Name = "COOLING_RAW" Then
Set wsNew = Sheets.Add(After:=wsCurr)
Set wsNew = book.Worksheets("COOLING_RAW")
End If
Next sheet
Next book
End Sub
It kind of works but it pastes all the copied worksheets to a new workbook. That's not what I want, I want them to pasted in the same workbook.
As I said in my comment:
Sub workbookFetcher()
Dim book As Workbook, sheet as Worksheet
For Each book In Workbooks
For Each sheet In book.Worksheets
If sheet.Name = "COOLING_RAW" Then
book.Worksheets("COOLING_RAW").Copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count)
End If
Next sheet
Next book
End Sub
If you want it to be after the ActiveSheet and the ActiveSheet is in the middle of other sheets, you can still use your wsCurr and just increment the index.
If you've got Excel 2016, then the newly bundled PowerQuery functionality under the Get & Transform part of the ribbon is by far the best way to do this. Suggest you google something like PowerQuery Combine Workbooks and you'll see heaps of great tutorials showing you exactly what to do. It pretty much makes lots of VBA redundant, and it is childs-play to learn compared to VBA.
If you've got any other version of Excel from 2010 up and have admin rights on your machine, you can download and install PowerQuery from Microsoft's site...it's a free add-in
you don't need to iterate through each single workbook worksheets, while you just try to get the wanted sheet and copy it if it actually exists
moreover you want to avoid searching ThisWorkbook itsel for wanted worksheet, too!
Option Explicit
Sub workbookFetcher()
Dim book As Workbook, sht As Worksheet
For Each book In Workbooks
If book.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then ' skip ThisWorkbook and avoid possible worksheet duplication
If GetWorksheet(book, "COOLING_RAW", sht) Then sht.Copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count) ' if currently searched workbook has wanted worksheet then copy it to ThisWorkbook
End If
End Sub
Function GetWorksheet(book As Workbook, shtName As String, sht As Worksheet) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next ' prevent subsequent statement possible error from stoping the function
Set sht = book.Worksheets(shtName) ' try getting the wanted sheet in the passed workbook
GetWorksheet = Not sht Is Nothing ' return 'True' if successfully got your sheet in the passed workbook
End Function

Copy Row A1 from Sheet 1 into Row A1 Sheet 2

I basically just need to know how to copy a header from sheet one that goes from A1-O1 into sheet two, three, four, five and so on...they all have the same header. Sheet one is on the right and sheet two is left and increases to the left. I tried this which I found on some website but it says object required. The error is Runtime Error 424
A small loop code.let me know if it works.
Dim K As Integer
For K = 2 To ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
Sheets("All_Data").Range("A1:O1").COPY Sheets(K).Range("A1")
End Sub
You can do something like this instead of using Select:
For Each Sheet In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ALL_DATA").Rows(1).Copy Destination:=Worksheets(Sheet.Name).Range("A1")
This will loop through each sheet in your workbook, take the range you provided (row 1 from Sheet1), and paste it to each sheet by referencing the Name property of each Sheet you are looping through.
The error may have been from the workbook variable, as that is the only thing that is unclear.
I would also recommend looking into this post: How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA macros as it is tremendously helpful in avoiding Select/Activate when possible, which is a common occurrence among those who learn VBA through recording Macros.
Let me know if it works for you.
This is an excellent place to use a loop. For each sheet in the workbook, paste the same header.
Sub forEachWs()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
Call pasteContents(ws)
End Sub
Sub pasteContents(ws as Worksheet)
** Your code goes here
End Sub
EDIT: The ** section could be as such:
Sub pasteContents(ws as Worksheet)
End Sub
Or it could also be...
Sub pasteContents(ws as Worksheet)
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Rows(1).Copy Destination:=Worksheets(ws).Range("A1")
End Sub

VBA script to copy a column in the next sheet and paste to the next empty column in the first sheet

I’d need to write a short VBA script for the following situation. The workbook contains multiple sheets. The first sheet is the summary sheet. After the summary sheet there is an irregular number of sheets that contain the information I would like to display on the summary sheet. The information is always in “Column B”. The script should copy “Column B” of each sheet and paste it to the next empty column in the summary sheet. In other words, it should copy “Column B” in “Sheet 2” and paste it to the next empty column in “Sheet 1”, then copy “Column B” in “Sheet 3” and paste again to the next empty column in “Sheet 1”, etc. etc.
All the help is appreciated, thank you!
You will need to declare a Worksheet type variable (e.g. Dim ws As Worksheet), to loop by a For Each ws In Activeworkbook.Worksheets ... Next ws. Then you need to define which sheet is the master sheet. I recommend once again a Worksheet, e.g. Set wsMain = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Summary").
To complete it use a
to tell you the index of the last used column in your summary sheet. You can either store it in a variable then increase it by one in your loop or run it in your loop (not resource-efficient but who cares about that two milliseconds).
You can reference columns by index which in your case will be ws.Cells.Columns(2) and wsMain.Cells.Columns(LastColumn + 1).
Have fun writing your code, I hope I could help!
This worked:
Sub NextWsToNextEmptyColumn()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
ws.Cells.Columns(2).Copy Sheets(1).Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(, 1)
Next ws
End Sub