Replace first occurrence of '.' in sql String - sql

Let's say we saved inside a table the following values on Column as String:
Select ValuesT from TableT;
How could be replaced with nothing only the first occurrence of '.' (dot) from the string?
Ex: for -9.827.08 should be -9827.08
I tried with stuff function but this won't work for -80.000.00
select stuff( ValuesT ,3,1,'') from TableT

Use STUFF function
Find the first occurance of . using CHARINDEX and remove it using STUFF
SELECT STUFF(valuesT, CHARINDEX('.', valuesT), 1, '')

Another way.
WITH sampleData AS
('-9.827.08'), ('-9.657.40'), ('-80.000.00'), ('-8.700.00'),
('-8.542.43'),('-8.403.00')) x(val)
SELECT SUBSTRING(val, 1, d1.d-1)+SUBSTRING(val, d1.d+1, 100)
FROM sampleData
Its a little more code but just as efficient. There's a lot more you can do with this technique.


Remove items in a delimited list that are non numeric in SQL for Redshift

I am working with a field called codes that is a delimited list of values, separated by commas. Within each item there is a title ending in a colon and then a code number following the colon. I want a list of only the code numbers after each colon.
Example Value:
Desired Output:
The title does always start with a letter and the end with a colon so I can see how REGEXP_REPLACE might work to replace any string between starting with a letter and ending with a colon with '' might work but I am not good at REGEXP_REPLACE patterns. Chat GPT is down fml.
Side note, if anyone knows of a good guide for understanding pattern notation for regular expressions it would be much appreciated!
I tried this and it is not working REGEXP_REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(codes,':', ' '), ',', ' ') ,' [^0-9]+ ', ' ')
This solution assumes a few things:
No colons anywhere else except immediately before the numbers
No number at the very start
At a high level, this query finds how many colons there are, splits the entire string into that many parts, and then only keeps the number up to the comma immediately after the number, and then aggregates the numbers into a comma-delimited list.
Assuming a table like this:
create temp table tbl_string (id int, strval varchar(1000));
insert into tbl_string
(1, 'name-form-na-stage0:3278648990379886572,rules-na-unwanted-sdfle2:6886328308933282817,us-disdg-order-stage1:1273671130817907765');
with recursive cte_num_of_delims AS (
select max(regexp_count(strval, ':')) AS num_of_delims
from tbl_string
), cte_nums(nums) AS (
select 1 as nums
union all
select nums + 1
from cte_nums
where nums <= (select num_of_delims from cte_num_of_delims)
), cte_strings_nums_combined as (
select id,
nums as index
from cte_nums
cross join tbl_string
), prefinal as (
select *,
split_part(strval, ':', index) as parsed_vals
from cte_strings_nums_combined
where parsed_vals != ''
and index != 1
), final as (
select *,
when charindex(',', parsed_vals) = 0
then parsed_vals
else left(parsed_vals, charindex(',', parsed_vals) - 1)
end as final_vals
from prefinal
select listagg(final_vals, ',')
from final

Replace strings between two characters using T-SQL

I need to update a string to amend any aliases - which can be 'H1.', 'H2.', 'H3.'... etc - to all be 'S.' and am struggling to work out the logic.
For example I have this:
But I want this:
If you could use wildcards in REPLACE, I'd do something like this REPLACE(#string, 'H%.H', 'S.H').
Theoretically, there is no limit to how many H# aliases there could be. In practice there will almost definitely be less than 10.
Is there a better way than a nested replace of H1 - H10 separately, which both looks messy in a script and carries a small risk if more tables are joined in future?
SQL Server doesn't support pattern replacement. You are better off using a different language, that does support pattern/REGEX replacement or implementing a CLR function.
That said, however, considering you said that the value would always be below 10 you could brute force it, but it's not "pretty".
SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(YourString,'H1.','S.'),'H2.','S.'),'H3.','S.'),'H4.','S.'),'H5.','S.'),'H6.','S.'),'H7.','S.'),'H8.','S.'),'H9.','S.')
FROM YourTable ...
You can convert your string to XML and then convert it into simple table:
DECLARE #txt nvarchar(max) = N'H1.HUB_CUST_ID, H2.HUB_SALE_ID, H3.HUB_LOC_ID',
#x xml
SELECT #x = '<a al="' + REPLACE(REPLACE(#txt,', ','</a><a al="'),'.','">')+ '</a>'
SELECT t.c.value('#al', 'nvarchar(max)') as alias_name,
t.c.value('.','nvarchar(max)') as col_name
FROM #x.nodes('/a') t(c)
alias_name col_name
You can put results into temp table, amend them using LIKE 'some basic pattern' and then build new string.
If you don't care about the result order, you can unaggregate and reaggregate:
select t.*, v.new_val
from t cross apply
(select string_agg(concat('S1', stuff(s.value, 1, charindex('.'), '') - 1, ',') within group (order by (select null) as newval
from string_split(t.col, ',') s
) s;
Note: This assumes that all values start with the prefix you want to replace -- as your sample data suggests. A case expression can be used if there are exceptions.
You can actually get the original ordering -- assuming no duplicates -- using charindex():
select t.*, v.new_val
from t cross apply
(select string_agg(concat('S1', stuff(s.value, 1, charindex('.'), '') - 1, ',')
within group (order by charindex(s.value, t.col)
) as newval
from string_split(t.col, ',') s
) s;

Split string into words using Postgres

I am looking for some help in separating scientific names in my data. I want to take only the genus names and group them, but they are both connected in the same column. I saw the SQL Sever had a CHARINDEX command, but PostgreSQL does not. Does there need to be a function created for this? If so, how would it look?
I want to change 'Mallotus philippensis' to just 'Mallotus' or to just 'philippensis'
I am currently using Postgres 11, 12.
WITH yourTable AS (
SELECT 'Mallotus philippensis'::text AS genus
SPLIT_PART(genus, ' ', 1) AS genus,
SPLIT_PART(genus, ' ', 2) AS species
FROM yourTable;
Probably string_to_array will be slightly more efficient than split_part here because string splitting will be done only once for each row.
val_arr[1] AS genus,
val_arr[2] AS species
SELECT string_to_array(val, ' ') as val_arr
('aaa bbb'),
('cc dddd'),
('e fffff')
) t (val)
) tt;

Trying to extract number between 2 characters '|' MS SQL

I have column and need to extract number between 2 pipes |, example data inside is AAA|12345678|#RRR. I need to get this number 12345678.
my code is:
SELECT SUBSTRING(column_name,CHARINDEX('|',column_name) + 1, CHARINDEX('|',column_name) - CHARINDEX('|',column_name) - 1)
FROM [name].[name].[table_name]
Using your own code:
SELECT SUBSTRING(column_name,CHARINDEX('|',column_name) + 1,
CHARINDEX('|',column_name) - CHARINDEX('|',column_name) - 1)
FROM [name].[name].[table_name]
The second part of substring is not correct. It should be:
SELECT SUBSTRING(column_name,CHARINDEX('|',column_name) + 1,
CHARINDEX('|',column_name, CHARINDEX('|',column_name)))
FROM [name].[name].[table_name]
The nested CHARINDEX will look for the position of the second pipe. and the SUBSTRING will start from the first pipe and continue to the second
Assuming the 2nd position, you can use a little XML or ParseName()
XML Example
Declare #YourTable table (ID int,column_name varchar(max))
Insert Into #YourTable values
Select ID
,SomeValue = Cast('<x>' + replace(column_name,'|','</x><x>')+'</x>' as xml).value('/x[2]','varchar(max)')
From #YourTable
ParseName() Example
Select ID
,SomeValue = parsename(replace(column_name,'|','.'),2)
From #YourTable
Both would Return
ID SomeValue
1 12345678
String extraction is generally tricky in SQL Server. But if you only have one numeric value and are looking for it, then the code isn't that bad:
select patindex('%[0-9]|%', str),
substring(str, patindex('%|[0-9]%', str), patindex('%[0-9]|%', str) - patindex('%|[0-9]%', str) + 1)
from (values ('AAA|12345678|#RRR')) v(str)
I would use PARSENAME() :
select parsename(replace(str, '|', '.'), 2)
from ( values ('AAA|12345678|#RRR')
) v(str);

TSQL How to get the 2nd number from a string

We have the below in row in MS SQL:
Got event with:, event 34, brown fox
How can we extract the 2nd number ie the 34 reliable in one line of SQL?
Here's one way to do it using SUBSTRING and PATINDEX -- I used a CTE just so it wouldn't look so awful :)
SUBSTRING(Data,CHARINDEX(',',Data)+1,LEN(Data)) data
SELECT LEFT(SUBSTRING(Data, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', Data), 8000),
SUBSTRING(Data, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', Data), 8000) + 'X')-1)
And here is some sample Fiddle.
As commented, CTEs will only work with 2005 and higher. If by chance you're using 2000, then this will work without the CTE:
PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', SUBSTRING(Data,CHARINDEX(',',Data)+1,LEN(Data))), 8000),
PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', SUBSTRING(Data,CHARINDEX(',',Data)+1,LEN(Data))), 8000) + 'X')-1)
Simply replace #s with your column name to apply this to a table. Assuming that number is between last comma and space before the last comma. Sql-Fiddle-Demo
declare #s varchar(100) = ', event 34, brown fox'
select right(first, charindex(' ', reverse(first),1) ) final
from (
select left(#s,len(#s) - charindex(',',reverse(#s),1)) first
--from tableName
) X
OR if it is between first and second commas then try, DEMO
select substring(first, charindex(' ',first,1),
charindex(',', first,1)-charindex(' ',first,1)) final
from (
select right(#s,len(#s) - charindex(',',#s,1)-1) first
) X
I've thought of another way that's not been mentioned yet. Presuming the following are true:
Always one comma before the second "part"
It's always the word "event" with the number in the second part
You are using SQL Server 2005+
Then you could use the built in ParseName function meant for parsing the SysName datatype.
--Variable to hold your example
SET #test = 'Got event with:, event 34, brown fox'
SELECT Ltrim(Rtrim(Replace(Parsename(Replace(Replace(#test, '.', ''), ',', '.'), 2), 'event', '')))
ParseName parses around dots, but we want it to parse around commas. Here's the logic of what I've done:
Remove all existing dots in the string, in this case swap them with empty string.
Swap all commas for dots for ParseName to use
Use ParseName and ask for the second "piece". In your example this gives us the value
" event 34".
Remove the word "event" from the string.
Trim both ends and return the value.
I've no comments on performance vs. the other solutions, and it looks just as messy. Thought I'd throw the idea out there anyway!