How can I move file around in spacemacs - spacemacs

I know some ways to rename files using neotree or SPC f f but they involve renaming them.
Is there a way to graphically select them and move them around in some other directories?

Someone just told me on chatroom that I can use dired or ranger. I'm using ranger so I can : C-SPC (on the files I want to move) -> R -> and choose the directory I want to place it in by navigating in the helm buffer.


PhpStorm Search Everywhere is not working, do you know the solution?

I don't know this is off topic or not, I'm using general channels. Is there a solution for Search Anywhere in PhpStorm. I work with Laravel but when I use the feature I can't find the file even though it exists.
Looking at your screenshot: based on the fact that ALL files in the project tree have that sort of "dirty yellow" background color... it looks like ALL of your files are considered excluded / outside of the project for some reason.
Most likely a user error of some kind. E.g. you may have opened it from a different path (i.e. when symlink is involved), may have c=misconfigured it later somehow (marked folder as Excluded by mistake or whatnot) or maybe even some sort of config file corruption (pretty unlikely).
Anyway, please do this:
Close your project
Go to the project root folder and delete your .idea subfolder (that's where your project settings are stored).
If you have that project still visible in the IDE (Recent Projects on the Welcome screen) -- you may remove it there as well (to avoid any possible confusion).
Now create a new project in PhpStorm from scratch using existing files: just use "Open" and point to the folder with your project.
Please check filter option. If you are doing file search then click on Files tab.

Change drive letter for .lnk-shortcuts with

I got multiple windows shortcuts that target another drive than the one I use now. I want to copy all the shortcuts and change the "target-value" for these files.
file name: Movie-Trainspotting.lnk
file place: D:\MovieVault
target: "A:\Movies\Movie-Trainspotting.avi"
open in: "A:\Movies"
My goal is to find a way to replace the letter A with example H.
Keep in mind that I got many files wich needs this, I would prefer a for each loop that target all the files in a spesific folder (txtbSti.Text)
Is there a way to do this, as simple as possible?

How to change the path in files when moving a directory in the PhpStorm

In PhpStorm there is a function, when you re-create a file, it is renamed in the entire project. Neither can I find out if there is a function so that when transferring one folder to another.
For example:
in the /abc/def/ghi/ structure
you need to move /ghi/ directly under /abc/
and that in the files where the mention of /abc/def/ghi/ will became /abc/ghi/
The functional as in renaming interests. About the mass replacement through Ctrl + Shift + R I know, but then you must first move the folder, then look for files where something is wrong, but I want it to be more automated and do it all myself.
The answer is, it works just like this, I just installed the old version, updated it, everything works as I wanted out of the box, there's nothing to think about.
Was PhpStorm 7

File-based, not Folder-based, Projects in Atom?

I'm trying to switch to Atom as my programming editor so that I can gain handy features like linting for Perl, JavaScript, etc. However, over the last two decades, I've used a string of editors (UltraEdit, jEdit, BBEdit) that allowed me to add individual files from different folders into projects. My main coding project actually spans several remote SFTP servers and the "folders" in my BBEdit project do not necessarily correspond to any file structure on disk.
I cannot seem to figure out how to set up a project in this manner in Atom (or similar editors such as Brackets). Is there a way to configure Atom and its extensions to produce a result similar to an UltraEdit/jEdit/BBEdit/Komodo project? I thought about creating a new project directory and symlinking to the real files, but that seems like a hack at best.
I belive its File > Open Project or something like that. I personally like Sublime Text 3 but Atom and Sublime are the same.
The best solution I have found so far would be to install opened-files package. By default it persists all files you have opened (even after you close them) until you close atom editor. I don't think it would work well for bigger projects as it lists all the files under one tab in tree view.
If you want to persist open files you might want to use project-manager package. To keep files listed under 'Opened files' tab after you close them (and atom), you need to press bookmark icon next to tab name. Once you add the project it auto-saves file structure when you close atom. To add project to project-manager write project-manager save in command palette. To list all projects from project manager press shift-alt-P.

Transferring Intellij Live Templates Between Machines

I'm trying to figure out how to transfer the templates in the /.IdeaC10/config/templates/user.xml file to my coworker's machines.
If I copy into the user.xml file, then those changes seem to be getting squashed by Intellij, reverting to the old file contents.
Anyone know how to work around this?
Is there any way to do this by copying and pasting the xml? That would be preferrable...!
Use File | Imprort/Export Settings.
An improved and easier way
This allows you to share them easily between collegues.
You can select multiple live templates and then copy them (right click and select copy, or ctrl+c). This gives you XML-descriptions in your clipboard you can send to others.
Other can then take that XML, and paste it into a "Template Group". Right click one of the groups and select Paste. If the option is greyed out, you didn't select a group but something else.
If you have Settings Repository set you may find your Live Templates stored in
the technique of copying and pasting the xml file on another computer in the correct directory, function perfectly for me! But the name of my template file is android.xml for my Android developments. Maybe the file name "user" is protected. Try maybe with a different file name
You need to create the required custom template groups and update the relevant predefined groups as necessary and click OK. Based on these changes, IntelliJ IDEA generates the <group_name>.xml files, see Location of Custom Live Templates Definitions above.
Depending on the operating system you are using, the .xml files are stored at the following locations:
Windows: <your_user_home_directory>.IntelliJ IDEA<version_number>\config\templates
Linux: ~IntelliJ IDEA<version>\config\templates
OS X: ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJ IDEA<version>/templates
Refer to Intellij Help article.