WebRTC RTCmulticonnecttion swap camera without refresh - webrtc

I am using RTCmulticonnection.
I want to swap camera without refresh the page. Is any solution to swap camera on run time?


Preload first frame of video using react native video so user won't have to wait while playing

In my app i've list of videos like instagram and what i want to is to preload first frame of video so when user opens app they don't have to wait until it load.
I am using react-native-video. I can not cached video because its utilising too much memory and getting crash.
Any help/suggestion appreciated.
Try using ffmpeg-kit to generate the video frame and then render.

Agora Live Stream Dual Camera

I am currently trying to produce an android app that can do live broadcasting. May I know if Agora has the functionalities to access both the rear and front camera of the broadcaster at the same time? If yes, which part of the code do we need to modify (based on Open-Live-Android)?
Agora does offer a demo that directly displays the code you are looking for, but if you can get both camera frames (which some devices may not support that), you can take a look at this demo app: https://github.com/AgoraIO/Advanced-Video/tree/dev/win-screenshare/Screensharing/Agora-Screen-Sharing-Android. In this demo app, the SDK is sending both camera view and screen share view at the same time. In order to achieve that, you need to make screen share as a standalone service. Following a similar logic, you can change the screen sharing part to one of the camera view.

Agora WebRTC Change video call view

I am working on a react-native project which uses Agora.io for video calling.
In a video call it shows my camera feed as fullscreen and the reciever's feed as thumbnail which is the opposite of the correct way.
I want to know, Is this the way agora works or is it possible to fix this..?
Because even in their website they have put the images in that way.
image on the home page
I appreciate any help regarding to fix this.
So it seems like you are presenting the local video stream to the larger view. You would need to switch this. Render the remote video stream on the larger view and the local video stream on the thumbnail view.

React Native: Multiple previews of camera stream

I've got an application in React Native to be developed in Android and iOS, in which I'd like to take the camera stream, make some processing, and render it multiple times.
Imagine an app like Instagram, in which you can add filters to the camera live and it shows the applied filters with on live previews. It would be more or less the same.
I need to get the camera stream and be able to show it on screen multiple times.
I've tried react-native-camera, but it only lets me to get one instance of the camera to be shown.
With this same library, I've tried to take pictures in intervals of the camera and to render them via <Image> container but, of course, it's a performance kill and the app ends up crashing.
How can I achieve what I'm trying to do? Do you know of any module or any approach that allows me to do so?
Thank you.

Turning Google Earth plugin animation into a video

I've created an animation which runs inside of the Google Earth plugin (browser) and I'd like to somehow encode this animation into a video format that I can upload to YouTube or a related video site. Are there any tools out there to help me do this?
**EDIT: more detail
This animation changes depending on user input. So it needs to be scalable. The user would click a button: download video after which a server would convert the animation.
You can use FRAPS to record a video of the animation running on your machine.