Postgres inner query performance - sql

I have a table which I need to select from everything with this rule:
id = 4524522000143 and validPoint = true
and date > (max(date)- interval '12 month')
-- the max date, is the max date for this id
Explaining the rule: I have to get all registers and count them, they must be at least 1 year old from the newest register.
This is my actual query:
WITH points as (
select 1 as ct from base_faturamento_mensal
where id = 4524522000143 and validPoint = true
group by id,date
having date > (max(date)- interval '12 month')
) select sum(ct) from points
Is there a more efficient way for this?

Well your query is using the trick with including an unaggregated column within HAVING clause but I don't find it particularly bad. It seems fine, but without the EXPLAIN ANALYZE <query> output I can't say much more.
One thing to do is you can get rid of the CTE and use count(*) within the same query instead of returning 1 and then running a sum on it afterwards.
select count(*) as ct
from base_faturamento_mensal
where id = 4524522000143
and validPoint = true
group by id, date
having date > max(date) - interval '12 months'


How to reference fields from table created in sub-query's of large JOIN

I am writing a large query with many JOINs (shortened it in example here) and I am trying to reference values form other sub-queries but can't figure out how.
This is my example query:
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s_id) AS before, date_trunc('day', time) AS day FROM table_a
WHERE date_trunc('sec',earliest) < date_trunc('sec',time) GROUP BY day
SELECT ROUND(before * 100.0 / total, 1) AS Percent_1, day
FROM breakdown
) USING (day)
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s_id) AS equal, date_trunc('day', time) AS day FROM table_a
WHERE date_trunc('sec',earliest) = date_trunc('sec',time) GROUP BY day
) USING (day)
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s_id) AS after, date_trunc('day', time) AS day FROM table_a
WHERE date_trunc('sec',earliest) > date_trunc('sec',time) GROUP BY day
) USING (day)
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s_id) AS total, date_trunc('day', earliest) AS day
FROM first
) USING (day)
SELECT * FROM breakdown ORDER BY day;
The last query gives me the total and for each of the previous subqueries I want to get the percentages as well.
I found the code for getting the percentage (second JOIN) but I don't know how to reference the values from the other tables.
E.g. for getting the percentage from the first query I want to use the COUNT of the first query which I renamed before and then divide that by the COUNT of the last query which I renamed total (If there is an easier solution to do this i.e. get the percentage for each of the sub-queries please let me know), But I cant seem to find how to reference them. I tried adding AS x to the end of each subquery and calling by that ( as well as trying to reference via the parent table ( but neither worked.
How can I do this without changing my table too much as it is a long table with a lot of sub-queries.
This is what my table looks like I would like to add percentage for each column
Using redshift BTW.
I'm a little confused by all that is going on as you drop table breakdown and then in the second subquery of the create table you reference breakdown. I suspect that there are some issues in the provided sample of SQL. Please update if there are issues.
For a number of these subqueries it looks like you are using a subquery where a case statement will do. In Redshift you don't want to scan the same table over and over if you can prevent it. For example if we look at the the 3rd and 4th subqueries you can replace these with one query. Also in these cases I like to use the DECODE() statement rather than CASE since it is more readable in these simple cases.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s_id) AS equal, date_trunc('day', time) AS day
FROM table_a
WHERE date_trunc('sec',earliest) = date_trunc('sec',time)
) USING (day)
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s_id) AS after, date_trunc('day', time) AS day
FROM table_a
WHERE date_trunc('sec',earliest) > date_trunc('sec',time)
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT DECODE(date_trunc('sec',earliest) = date_trunc('sec',time), true, s_id, NULL)) AS equal,
COUNT(DISTINCT DECODE(date_trunc('sec',earliest) > date_trunc('sec',time), true, s_id, NULL)) AS after,
date_trunc('day', time) AS day
FROM table_a
Read each table once (if at all possible) and calculate the desired results. then you will have all your values in one layer of query and can reference these new values. This will be faster (especially on Redshift).
Expanding based on comment made by poster.
It appears that using DECODE() and referencing derived columns in a single query can produce what you want. I don't have your data so I cannot test this but here is what I'd want to move to:
COUNT(DISTINCT DECODE(date_trunc('sec',earliest) < date_trunc('sec',time), true, s_id)) AS before,
ROUND(before * 100.0 / total, 1) AS Percent_1,
COUNT(DISTINCT DECODE(date_trunc('sec',earliest) = date_trunc('sec',time), true, s_id)) AS equal,
COUNT(DISTINCT DECODE(date_trunc('sec',earliest) > date_trunc('sec',time), true, s_id)) AS after,
FROM table_a
GROUP BY date_trunc('day', time);
This should be a complete replacement for the SELECT currently inside your CREATE TEMP TABLE. However, I don't have sample data so this is untested.

Postgres: Return zero as default for rows where there is no matach

I am trying to get all the paid contracts from my contracts table and group them by month. I can get the data but for months where there is no new paid contract I want to get a zero instead of missing month. I have tried coalesce and generate_series but I cannot seem to get the missing row.
Here is my query:
with months as (
select generate_series(
'2019-01-01', current_date, interval '1 month'
) as series )
select date(months.series) as day, SUM(contracts.price) from months
left JOIN contracts on date(date_trunc('month', = months.series
where contracts.tier='paid' and contracts.trial=false and ( is not NULL) group by day;
I want the results to look like:
|Contract Value| Month|
| 20 | 01-2020|
| 10 | 02-2020|
| 0 | 03-2020|
I can get the rows where there is a contract but cannot get the zero row.
Postgres Version 10.9
I think that you want:
with months as (
select generate_series('2019-01-01', current_date, interval '1 month' ) as series
select m.series as day, coalesce(sum(c.price), 0) sum_price
from months m
left join contracts c
on >= m.series
and < m.series + interval '1' month
and co.tier = 'paid'
and not c.trial
group by m.series;
That is:
you want the condition on the left joined table in the on clause of the join rather than in the where clause, otherwise they become mandatory, and evict rows where the left join came back empty
the filter on the date can be optimized to avoid using date functions; this makes the query SARGeable, ie the database may take advantage of an index on the date column
table aliases make the query easier to read and write
You need to move conditions to the on clause:
with months as (
select generate_series( '2019-01-01'::date, current_date, interval '1 month') as series
select dm.series as day, coalesce(sum(c.price), 0)
from months m left join
contracts c
on >= m.series and < m.series + interval '1 month' and
c.tier = 'paid' and
c.trial = false
group by day;
Note some changes to the query:
The conditions on c that were in the where clause are in the on clause.
The date comparison uses simple data comparisons, rather than truncating to the month. This helps the optimizer and makes it easier to use an index.
Table aliases make the query easier to write and to read.
There is no need to convert day to a date. It already is.
to is a bad choice for a column name because it is reserved. However, I did not change it.

grouping by column but getting multiple results for each

I am trying to calculate the median response time for conversations on each date for the last X days.
I use the following query below, but for some reason, it will generate multiple rows with the same date.
with grouping as (
SELECT,, extract(epoch from (first_response_at - started_at)) as response_time
select to_char(date_trunc('day', (current_date - offs)), 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS date
FROM generate_series(0, 2) AS offs
) d
LEFT OUTER JOIN apps a on true
LEFT OUTER JOIN conversations c ON ('day'::varchar, c.started_at), 'YYYY-MM-DD')) and = c.app_id
and c.app_id = and c.first_response_at > (current_date - (2 || ' days')::interval)::date
from grouping
where = 'ASnYW1-RgCl0I'
Any ideas?
First a number of issues with your query, assuming there aren't any parts you haven't shown us:
You don't need a CTE for this query.
From table apps you only use column id whose value is the same as c.app_id. You can remove the table apps and select c.app_id for the same result.
When you use to_char() you do not first have to date_trunc() to a date, the to_char() function handles that.
generate_series() also works with timestamps. Just enter day values with an interval and cast the end result to date before using it.
So, removing all the flotsam we end up with this which does exactly the same as the query in your question but now we can at least see what is going on.
SELECT c.app_id, to_date(, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS date,
extract(epoch from (first_response_at - started_at)) AS response_time
FROM generate_series(CURRENT_DATE - 2, CURRENT_DATE, interval '1 day') d(date)
LEFT JOIN conversations c ON = c.started_at::date
AND c.app_id = 'ASnYW1-RgCl0I'
AND c.first_response_at > CURRENT_DATE - 2;
You don't calculate the median response time anywhere, so that is a big problem you need to solve. This only requires data from table conversations and would look somewhat like this to calculate the median response time for the past 2 days:
SELECT app_id, started_at::date AS start_date,
percentile_disc(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY first_response_at - started_at) AS median_response
FROM conversations
WHERE app_id = 'ASnYW1-RgCl0I'
AND first_response_at > CURRENT_DATE - 2
When we fold the two queries, and put the parameters handily in a single place, this is the final result:
SELECT, to_date(, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS date,
extract(epoch from (c.median_response)) AS response_time
FROM (VALUES ('ASnYW1-RgCl0I', 2)) p(id, days)
JOIN generate_series(CURRENT_DATE - p.days, CURRENT_DATE, interval '1 day') d(date) ON true
SELECT started_at::date AS start_date,
percentile_disc(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY first_response_at - started_at) AS median_response
FROM conversations
WHERE app_id =
AND first_response_at > CURRENT_DATE - p.days
GROUP BY 2) c ON = c.start_date;
If you want to change the id of the app or the number of days to look back, you only have to change the VALUES clause accordingly. You can also wrap the whole thing in a SQL function and convert the VALUES clause into two parameters.

Select one row per day for each value

I have a SQL query in PostgreSQL 9.4 that, while more complex due to the tables I am pulling data from, boils down to the following:
SELECT entry_date, user_id, <other_stuff>
FROM <tables, joins, etc>
GROUP BY entry_date, user_id
WHERE <whatever limits I want, such as limiting the date range or users>
With the result that I have one row per user, per day for which I have data. In general, this query would be run for an entry_date period of one month, with the desired result of having one row per day of the month for each user.
The problem is that there may not be data for every user every day of the month, and this query only returns rows for days that have data.
Is there some way to modify this query so it returns one row per day for each user, even if there is no data (other than the date and the user) in some of the rows?
I tried doing a join with a generate_series(), but that didn't work - it can make there be no missing days, but not per user. What I really need would be something like "for each user in list, generate series of (user,date) records"
EDIT: To clarify, the final result that I am looking for would be that for each user in the database - defined as a record in a user table - I want one row per date. So if I specify a date range of 5/1/15-5/31/15 in my where clause, I want 31 rows per user, even if that user had no data in that range, or only had data for a couple of days.
generate_series() was the right idea. You probably did not get the details right. Could work like this:
WITH cte AS (
SELECT entry_date, user_id, <other_stuff>
FROM <tables, joins, etc>
GROUP BY entry_date, user_id
WHERE <whatever limits I want>
SELECT entry_date::date
FROM generate_series(current_date - interval '1 month'
, current_date - interval '1 day'
, interval '1 day') entry_date
) d
LEFT JOIN cte USING (user_id, entry_date);
I picked a running time window of one month ending "yesterday". You did not define your "month" exactly.
Assuming entry_date to be data type date.
Simpler for your updated requirements
To get results for every user in a users table (and not for a current selection) and for your given time range, it gets simpler. You don't need the CTE:
FROM (SELECT user_id FROM users) u
SELECT entry_date::date
FROM generate_series(timestamp '2015-05-01'
, timestamp '2015-05-31'
, interval '1 day') entry_date
) d
SELECT entry_date, user_id, <other_stuff>
FROM <tables, joins, etc>
GROUP BY entry_date, user_id
WHERE <whatever>
) t USING (user_id, entry_date);
Why this particular way to call generate_series()?
Generating time series between two dates in PostgreSQL
And best use ISO 8601 date format (YYYY-MM-DD) which works regardless of locale settings.

Calculate closest working day in Postgres

I need to schedule some items in a postgres query based on a requested delivery date for an order. So for example, the order has a requested delivery on a Monday (20120319 for example), and the order needs to be prepared on the prior working day (20120316).
Thoughts on the most direct method? I'm open to adding a dates table. I'm thinking there's got to be a better way than a long set of case statements using:
This gets you previous business day.
CASE (EXTRACT(ISODOW FROM current_date)::integer) % 7
WHEN 1 THEN current_date-3
WHEN 0 THEN current_date-2
ELSE current_date-1
END AS previous_business_day
To have the previous work day:
select max(s.a) as work_day
from (
select s.a::date
from generate_series('2012-01-02'::date, '2050-12-31', '1 day') s(a)
where extract(dow from s.a) between 1 and 5
select holiday_date
from holiday_table
) s
where s.a < '2012-03-19'
If you want the next work day just invert the query.
SELECT y.d AS prep_day
SELECT generate_series(dday - 8, dday - 1, interval '1d')::date AS d
FROM (SELECT '2012-03-19'::date AS dday) x
) y
LEFT JOIN holiday h USING (d)
AND extract(isodow from y.d) < 6
It should be faster to generate only as many days as necessary. I generate one week prior to the delivery. That should cover all possibilities.
isodow as extract parameter is more convenient than dow to test for workdays.
min() / max(), ORDER BY / LIMIT 1, that's a matter of taste with the few rows in my query.
To get several candidate days in descending order, not just the top pick, change the LIMIT 1.
I put the dday (delivery day) in a subquery so you only have to input it once. You can enter any date or timestamp literal. It is cast to date either way.
CREATE TABLE Holidays (Holiday, PrecedingBusinessDay) AS VALUES
('2012-12-25'::DATE, '2012-12-24'::DATE),
('2012-12-26'::DATE, '2012-12-24'::DATE);
SELECT Day, COALESCE(PrecedingBusinessDay, PrecedingMondayToFriday)
END AS PrecedingMondayToFriday
FROM TestDays) AS PrecedingMondaysToFridays
LEFT JOIN Holidays ON PrecedingMondayToFriday = Holiday;
You might want to rename some of the identifiers :-).