DB2: fill a dummy field with values in for loop while a select - sql

I want to fill a dummy field with values in a for loop during a select:
Somethinhg like (table account e.g. has a field "login")
select login,(for i= 1 to 3 {list=list.login.i.","}) as list from account
The result should be
login | list
aaa | aaa1,aaa2,aaa3
bbb | bbb1,bbb2,bbb3
ccc | ccc1,ccc2,ccc3
Can someone please help me if that is possible !!!!
Many Thanks !

If this is an one-off task and the size of your loop is fixed, you can make up a table of integers and do a cartesian product with your table containing the column login:
which will give you strings like 'aaa1', 'aaa2', 'aaa3' one string per row. Then, you can aggregate these strings with LISTAGG.
If the size is not fixed, you can always make up a temporary table and fill it up with appropriate data and use it instead of the NUMBRS table above.


How to search for comma delimited string Oracle SQL? [duplicate]

I'm using Oracle Apex 4,2. I have a table with a column in it called 'versions'. In the 'versions' column for each row there is a list of values that are separated by commas e.g. '1,2,3,4'.
I'm trying to create a Select List whose list of values will be each of the values that are separated by commas for one of the rows. What would the SQL query for this be?
Table Name: Products
Name | Versions
myProd1 | 1,2,3
myProd2 | a,b,c
Desired output:
Two Select Lists.
The first one is obvious, I just select the name column from the products table. This way the user can select whatever product they want.
The second one is the one I'm not sure about. Let's say the user has select 'myProd1' from the first Select List. Then the second select should contain the following list of values for the user to select from: '1.0', '1.1' or '1.2'.
After reading your latest comments I understand that what you want is not an LOV but rather list item. Although it can be an LOV too. The first list item/lov will have all products only that user selects from it, e.g. Prod1, Prod2, Prod3... The second list item will have all versions converted from comma separated values as in your example to table as in my examples below. Because in my understanding user may pick only a single value per product from this list. Single product may have many values, e.g. Prod1 has values 1,2,3, 4. But user needs to select only one. Correct? This is why you need to convert comma values to table. The first query select is smth lk this:
SELECT prod_id
FROM your_prod_table
The second query should select all versions where product_id is in your_prod_table:
SELECT version FROM your_versions_table
WHERE prod_id IN (SELECT prod_id FROM your_prod_table)
1,2,3,4 -- myProd1 values
a,b,c,d -- myProd2 values
The above will return all versions for the product, e.g. all values for myProd1 etc...
Use my examples converting comma sep. values to table. Replace harcoded '1,2,3,4' with your value column from your table. Replace dual with your table name
If you need products and versions in a single query and single result then simply join/outer join (left, right join) both tables.
SELECT p.prod_id, v.version
FROM your_prod_table p
, your_versions_table v
WHERE p.prod_id = v.prod_id
In this case you will get smth lk this in output:
id | Values
myProd1 | 1,2,3,4
myProd2 | a,b,c,d
If you convert comma to table in above query then you will get this - all in one list or LOV:
id | Values
myProd1 | 1
myProd1 | 2
myProd1 | 3
myProd1 | 4
myProd2 | a
myProd2 | b
myProd2 | c
myProd2 | d
I hope this helps. Again, you may use LOV or list values if available in APEX. Two separate list of values - one for products other for versions - make more sense to me. In case of list items you will need two separate queries as above and it will be easier to do comma to table conversion for values/versions only. But is is up to you.
Comma to table examples:
-- Comma to table - regexp_count --
SELECT trim(regexp_substr('1,2,3,4', '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL)) str_2_tab
FROM dual
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= regexp_count('1,2,3,4', ',')+1
-- Comma to table - Length -
SELECT trim(regexp_substr('1,2,3,4', '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL)) token
FROM dual
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= length('1,2,3,4') - length(REPLACE('1,2,3,4', ',', ''))+1
-- Comma to table - instr --
SELECT trim(regexp_substr('1,2,3,4', '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL)) str_2_tab
FROM dual
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= instr('1,2,3,4', ',', 1, LEVEL - 1)
The output of all that above is the same:
Comma to table - PL/SQL-APEX example. For LOV you need SQL not PL/SQL.
v_array apex_application_global.vc_arr2;
v_string varchar2(2000);
-- Convert delimited string to array
v_array:= apex_util.string_to_table('alpha,beta,gamma,delta', ',');
FOR i in 1..v_array.count LOOP
dbms_output.put_line('Array: '||v_array(i));
-- Convert array to delimited string
v_string:= apex_util.table_to_string(v_array,'|');
dbms_output.put_line('String: '||v_string);

Finding a value in multiple columns in Oracle table

I have a table like below
1-14H-4950 0616167 4233243 CA
A-522355 1234567 TN
A-522357 9876543 WY
A-522371 1112223 WA
A-522423 1234567 2345678 1234567 NJ
A-A-522427 9876543 6249853 6249853 NJ
and I have a bunch of values (1234567, 9876543, 0616167, 1112223, 999999...etc) which will be used in where clause, if a value from where clause found in one of the three Number columns (Number 1 or Number 2 Number 3) then I will have to write that to output1 (its like VLOOKUP of Excel).
If the value is found in more than one of the three columns then it will be different output2 with a flag as MultipleMatches. If the value is not found in any of the three columns then it should be in Output2 with flag as No Match. I tried using self join and or clauses, but not able to get what I want.
I want to write the SQL to generate both outputs. Outputs will include all the columns from the above table. For eg:
Output 1 from above sample data will look like
1-14H-4950 0616167 4233243 CA
A-522371 1112223 WA
Output 2 will be like:
A-522423 1234567 2345678 1234567 NJ Multiple Match
A-A-522427 9876543 6249853 6249853 NJ Multiple Match
1234 No Match
I want to write the SQL to generate both outputs.
One SELECT operator cannot produce two output sets.
The main question is, why split the output when that the difference is only in the FLAG column? If you really need two different output of the result, then you can do this:
(Rightly) create a common cursor for the query, where the FLAG column will be calculated and split the output screens already in the UI.
drop table test_dt;
create table test_dt as
select '1-14h-4950' id,null num1,616167 num2,4233243 num3,'ca' loc from dual
union all
select 'a-522355',null ,1234567,null,'tn' from dual union all
select 'a-522357',null ,9876543,null,'wy' from dual union all
select 'a-522371',null ,1112223,null,'wa' from dual union all
select 'a-522423',1234567,2345678,1234567,'nj' from dual union all
select 'a3-522423',null,null,null,'nj' from dual union all
select 'a-a-522427',9876543,6249853,6249853,'nj' from dual;
case when t.cc_ndv=0 and t.cc_null=3 then 'Not matching'
when t.cc_ndv=(3-t.cc_null) then 'Once'
else 'Multiplay match'
end flag
from test_dt d ,lateral(
count(distinct case level when 1 then num1
when 2 then num2
when 3 then num3
end ) cc_ndv,
count(distinct case level when 1 then nvl2(num1,null,1)
when 2 then nvl2(num2,null,2)
when 3 then nvl2(num3,null,3)
end ) cc_null
from dual connect by level<=3 and sys_guid()is not null
) t;
create a procedure(see to dbms_sql.return_result) that returns a some data sets.
Process these data of cursors / datasets separately.

SQL - Select the longest substrings

I have the data like that.
and I just want to get ABCDE,EFG,IJKL. how can i do that oracle sql?
the size of the char are min 2 but doesn't have a fixed length, can be from 2 to 100.
In the event that you mean "longest string for each sequence of strings", the answer is a little different -- you are not guaranteed that all have a length of 4. Instead, you want to find the strings where adding a letter isn't another string.
select t.str
from table t
where not exists (select 1
from table t2
where substr(t2.str, 1, length(t.str)) = t.str and
length(t2.str) = length(t.str) + 1
Do note that performance of this query will not be great if you have even a moderate number of rows.
Select all rows where the string is not a substring of any other row. It's not clear if this is what you want though.
select t.str
from table t
where not exists (
select 1
from table t2
where instr(t1.str, t2.str) > 0

Comparing values in oracle when one value is partially masked

Here is what I am trying to do in a Oracle SQL query:
I have an account number that is X characters long (Example: 6001055555). I have a table that has part of the same account number but most of the number is masked (Examples: 600##########, 6001######, 600244####).
I am trying to match the number passed in 6001055555 to one of the following values 600##########, 6001######, 600244####.
In this example, account number 6001055555 should return 6001###### (from the above list). I can get to the point where the lengths are the same but am not sure how to address the match - I am looking at using REGEX expressions but am not sure if that' the correct path.
You can use the regular LIKE comparison in this case:
2 SELECT '600##########' acct FROM dual UNION ALL
3 SELECT '6001######' acct FROM dual UNION ALL
4 SELECT '600244####' acct FROM dual
5 )
8 WHERE '6001055555' LIKE REPLACE (acct, '#', '_');
We're used to seeing COLUMN LIKE :var but switching terms is also valid (:var LIKE column).
If my understanding is rite, this is what u may be expecting...
select regexp_substr('6001055555',replace('600##########','#'),1) from dual;
If you got any value from this query you may conclude that the account number is matched with the masking values

Count particular substring text within column

I have a Hive table, titled 'UK.Choices' with a column, titled 'Fruit', with each row as follows:
There are 2.5M rows and the rows are much longer than the above.
I want to count the number of instances that the word 'Apple' appears.
For example above, it is:
Number of 'Apple'= 5
My sql so far is:
select 'Fruit' from UK.Choices
Then in chunks of 300,000 I copy and paste into Excel, where I'm more proficient and able to do this using formulas. Problem is, it takes upto an hour and a half to generate each chunk of 300,000 rows.
Anyone know a quicker way to do this bypassing Excel? I can do simple things like counts using where clauses, but something like the above is a little beyond me right now. Please help.
Thank you.
I think I am 2 years too late. But since I was looking for the same answer and I finally managed to solve it, I thought it was a good idea to post it here.
Here is how I do it.
Solution 1:
| Fruits | Transform 1 | Transform 2 | Final Count |
| AppleBananaAppleOrangeOrangePears | #Banana#OrangeOrangePears | ## | 2 |
| BananaKiwiPlumAppleAppleOrange | BananaKiwiPlum##Orange | ## | 2 |
| KiwiKiwiOrangeGrapesAppleKiwi | KiwiKiwiOrangeGrapes#Kiwi | # | 1 |
Here is the code for it:
SELECT length(regexp_replace(regexp_replace(fruits, "Apple", "#"), "[A-Za-z]", "")) as number_of_apples
FROM fruits;
You may have numbers or other special characters in your fruits column and you can just modify the second regexp to incorporate that. Just remember that in hive to escape a character you may need to use \\ instead of just one \.
Solution 2:
SELECT size(split(fruits,"Apple"))-1 as number_of_apples
FROM fruits;
This just first split the string using "Apple" as a separator and makes an array. The size function just tells the size of that array. Note that the size of the array is one more than the number of separators.
This is straight-forward if you have any delimiter ( eg: comma ) between the fruit names. The idea is to split the column into an array, and explode the array into multiple rows using the 'explode' function.
SELECT fruit, count(1) as count FROM
explode(split(Fruit, ',')) as fruit
FROM UK.Choices ) X
GROUP BY fruit
From your example, it looks like fruits are delimited by Capital letters. One idea is to split the column based on capital letters, assuming there are no fruits with same suffix.
SELECT fruit_suffix, count(1) as count FROM
explode(split(Fruit, '[A-Z]')) as fruit_suffix
FROM UK.Choices ) X
WHERE fruit_suffix <> ''
GROUP BY fruit_suffix
The downside is that, the output will not have first letter of the fruit,
pple - 5
range - 4
I think you want to run in one select, and use the Hive if UDF to sum for the different cases. Something like the following...
select sum( if( fruit like '%Apple%' , 1, 0 ) ) as apple_count,
sum( if( fruit like '%Orange%', 1, 0 ) ) as orange_count
from UK.Choices
where ID > start and ID < end;
instead of a join in the above query.
No experience of Hive, I'm afraid, so this may or may not work. But on SQLServer, Oracle etc I'd do something like this:
Assuming that you have an int PK called ID on the row, something along the lines of:
select AppleCount, OrangeCount, AppleCount - OrangeCount score
select count(*) as AppleCount
from UK.Choices
where ID > start and ID < end
and Fruit like '%Apple%'
) a,
select count(*) as OrangeCount
from UK.Choices
where ID > start and ID < end
and Fruit like '%Orange%'
) o
I'd leave the division by the total count to the end, when you have all the rows in the spreadsheet and can count them there.
However, I'd urgently ask my boss to let me change the Fruit field to be a table with an FK to Choices and one fruit name per row. Unless this is something you can't do in Hive, this design is something that makes kittens cry.
PS I'd missed that you wanted the count of occurances of Apple which this won't do. I'm leaving my answer up, because I reckon that my However... para is actually a good answer. :(