SQL - Select the longest substrings - sql

I have the data like that.
and I just want to get ABCDE,EFG,IJKL. how can i do that oracle sql?
the size of the char are min 2 but doesn't have a fixed length, can be from 2 to 100.

In the event that you mean "longest string for each sequence of strings", the answer is a little different -- you are not guaranteed that all have a length of 4. Instead, you want to find the strings where adding a letter isn't another string.
select t.str
from table t
where not exists (select 1
from table t2
where substr(t2.str, 1, length(t.str)) = t.str and
length(t2.str) = length(t.str) + 1
Do note that performance of this query will not be great if you have even a moderate number of rows.

Select all rows where the string is not a substring of any other row. It's not clear if this is what you want though.
select t.str
from table t
where not exists (
select 1
from table t2
where instr(t1.str, t2.str) > 0


How can I convert 2 row into column in tsql?

I have 2 row data which I want to make it to be 2 column,
I tried union syntax but it didn't work.
Here is the data I have:
breed 1 breed2
I tried to convert it with this sql
select a.breed union a.breed
but it didn't work.
Here is what you want from the SQL:
SELECT 'breed1' myColumn
select 'breed2'
) AS SourceTable
AVG(mySecondColumn) FOR
myColumn IN ([breed1], [breed2]])
) AS PivotTable;
You can use a self join. This needs a way to pair rows together (so if you have four rows you get 1 and 2 in one result and 3 and 4 in the other rather than another combination).
I'm going to assume you have sequentially numbered rows in an Id column and an odd numbered row is paired with the one greater even Id:
select odd.Data as 'First', even.Data as 'Second'
from TheData odd
inner join TheData even on odd.Id+1 = even.Id
where odd.Id % 2 = 1;
More generally for more columns use of pivot is more flexible.
How about an aggregation query?
select min(breed) as breed1, max(breed) as breed2
from t;

Oracle - SQL Query to return a value from a column in another table where value equals a different column

From within the results of a query I need to take the first 3 digits (got this part - substr) from a column in one table and pull the value from a second table where the 3 digit code is in a different column of the same row. While I'm not looking for assistance in this part I will be grouping by the code column for reference
Table 1 Table 2
3_Digit Code_Column Description
123456 123 Blue
103456 103 Green
so if my substr query return 123 5 times I'm looking for
Blue 3
select t2.Code_Column, count(*)
from table1 t1
join table2 t2
on substr(t1.digit, 0, 3) = t2.Code_Column
group by t2.Code_Column
SQL Fiddle sample

postgresql find common patterns of minimum length between strings

I'm using postgresql 9.3 and I'm trying to inner join two tables on common string patterns of a minimum length.
Also I'm a noob to SQL try to be patient if possible.
For example:
1 '1234,5678,1234,1111'
2 '1111,2222'
3 '4321'
1a '1111,2222,1234,5678,4321'
2a '1111,3837,2222'
3a '4321'
joining DATA column on strings matching more than 9 chars would yield:
1a 2 '1111,2222'
1a 1 '1234,5678'
I had some success using LIKE but I can't force a minimum match length condition(or at least I don't know how). I'm assuming a regex is the solution here but I haven't been able to write one that accomplished what I'm looking for.
Your examples match on 2 x 4 characters, not more than 9 chars.
I suggest using array types (int[]) instead of character types, in combination with the handy intersection operator & from the additional module intarray. More details:
- Error when creating unaccent extension on PostgreSQL
- Postgresql intarray error: undefined symbol: pfree
Query could look like this
SELECT t2.ida, t1.id, t1.data & t2.data AS intersecting_data
FROM tbl1 t1
JOIN tbl2 t2 ON array_length(t1.data & t2.data, 1) = 2; -- or "> 1" ?
Not very efficient, this kind of cross join does not scale well.
Faster alternative: a normalized schema with 1 row per data item. Then the operation boils down to a relational-division.
tbl1_id item
1 1234
1 5678
1 1234
1 1111
2 1111
tbl1_id item
1a 1111
1a 2222
Then the query could be:
SELECT tbl1_id, tbl2_id, array_agg(item) AS data
FROM tbl1_data d1
JOIN tbl2_data d2 USING (item)
HAVING count(*) = 2; -- or "> 1" ?

SQL Select using distinct and Cast [duplicate]

This question already exists:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Let me try this one more time... I'm not a sql guy so please bear with me as I try to explain this... I have a table called t_recordkeepingleg with three columns of data. Column1 is named LEGTRIPNUMBER that happens to be a string that starts with the letter Q followed by 4 numbers. I need to strip off the Q and convert the remaining 4 characters (numbers) to an integer. Everyone with me so far? Column2 of this table is named LEGDATE. Column3 is named LEGGROUP.
Here's the input scenario
Q1001 08/12/12 0001
Q1001 09/15/12 0002
Q1002 09/01/12 0001
Q1002 09/08/12 0003
Q1002 09/09/12 0002
As you can see the input table has rows where LEGTRIPNUMBER occurs more than once. I only want the first occurrence.
This is my current select statement - it works but returns all rows.
substring("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",2,4) as INT
) as Num_Trip_Num
FROM "1669"."dbo"."t_RecordkeepingLeg" "t_RecordkeepingLeg"
Where left "t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",1) = 'Q'
I want to modify this so that it only selects ONE occurance of the Qnnnn. When the row gets selected I want to have LEGDATE and LEGGROUP available to me. How do I do this?
Thank you,
Can it be as simple as below? I've just added condiotion on leggroup being 0001
CAST(substring("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",2,4) as INT) as Num_Trip_Num
FROM "1669"."dbo"."t_RecordkeepingLeg" "t_RecordkeepingLeg"
Where left ("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",1) = 'Q'
and "t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGGROUP"='0001'
If you have a unique primay key in your table you can do something like the below;
substring("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",2,4) as INT
) as Num_Trip_Num
FROM "1669"."dbo"."t_RecordkeepingLeg" "t_RecordkeepingLeg"
Where "t_RecordkeepingLeg"."ID" In(
Select Min("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."ID")
From "1669"."dbo"."t_RecordkeepingLeg" "t_RecordkeepingLeg"
Where left ("t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER",1) = 'Q'
Group By "t_RecordkeepingLeg"."LEGTRIPNUMBER"
Which values of LEGDATE & LEGGROUP do you want for the distinct LEGTRIPNUMBER? there are multiple non-distinct possibilities and the concept of "first occurrence" is only valid with an explicit order.
To get the values where LEGDATE is the earliest for example;
select Num_Trip_Num, LEGDATE, LEGGROUP from (
cast(substring(t_RecordkeepingLeg.LEGTRIPNUMBER, 2, 4) as INT) as Num_Trip_Num,
row_number() over (partition by substring(t_RecordkeepingLeg.LEGTRIPNUMBER, 2, 4) order by t_RecordkeepingLeg.LEGDATE asc) as row,
from t_RecordkeepingLeg
where left (t_RecordkeepingLeg.LEGTRIPNUMBER, 1) = 'Q'
) T
where row = 1

Display more than one row with the same result from a field

I need to show more than one result from each field in a table. I need to do this with only one SQL sentence, I donĀ“t want to use a Cursor.
This seems silly, but the number of rows may vary for each item. I need this to print afterwards this information as a Crystal Report detail.
Suppose I have this table:
idItem Cantidad <more fields>
-------- -----------
1000 3
2000 2
3000 5
4000 1
I need this result, using one only SQL Sentence:
where each idItem has Cantidad rows.
Any ideas?
It seems like something that should be handled in the UI (or the report). I don't know Crystal Reports well enough to make a suggestion there. If you really, truly need to do it in SQL, then you can use a Numbers table (or something similar):
Some_Table ST
N.number > 0 AND
N.number <= ST.cantidad
You can replace the Numbers table with a subquery or function or whatever other method you want to generate a result set of numbers that is at least large enough to cover your largest cantidad.
Check out UNPIVOT (MSDN)
Another example
If you use a "numbers" table that is useful for this and many similar purposes, you can use the following SQL:
select t.idItem
from myTable t
join numbers n on n.num between 1 and t.Cantidad
order by t.idTtem
The numbers table should just contain all integer numbers from 0 or 1 up to a number big enough so that Cantidad never exceeds it.
As others have said, you need a Numbers or Tally table which is just a sequential list of integers. However, if you knew that Cantidad was never going to be larger than five for example, you can do something like:
Select idItem
From Table
Join (
Select 1 As Value
Union All Select 2
Union All Select 3
Union All Select 4
Union All Select 5
) As Numbers
On Numbers.Value <= Table.Cantidad
If you are using SQL Server 2005, you can use a CTE to do:
With Numbers As
Select 1 As Value
Union All
Select N.Value + 1
From Numbers As N
Select idItem
From Table
Join Numbers As N
On N.Value <= Table.Cantidad
Option (MaxRecursion 0);