Is there a way to automate a Coq proof with rewrite steps? - automation

I am working on a proof and one of my subgoals looks a bit like this:
Goal forall
(a b : bool)
(p: Prop)
(H1: p -> a = b)
(H2: p),
negb a = negb b.
apply H1 in H2. rewrite H2. reflexivity.
The proof does not rely on any outside lemmas and just consists of applying one hypothesis in the context to another hypothesis and doing rewriting steps with a known hypothesis.
Is there a way to automate this? I tried doing intros. auto. but it had no effect. I suspect that this is because auto can only do apply steps but no rewrite steps but I am not sure. Maybe I need some stronger tactic?
The reason I want to automate this is that in my original problem I actually have a large number of subgoals that are very similar to this one, but with small differences in the names of the hypotheses (H1, H2, etc), the number of hypotheses (sometimes there is an extra induction hypothesis or two) and the boolean formula at the end. I think that if I could use automation to solve this my overall proof script would be more concise and robust.
edit: What if there is a forall in one of the hypothesis?
Goal forall
(a b c : bool)
(p: bool -> Prop)
(H1: forall x, p x -> a = b)
(H2: p c),
negb a = negb b.
apply H1 in H2. subst. reflexivity.

When you see a repetitive pattern in the way you prove some lemmas, you can often define your own tactics to automate the proofs.
In your specific case, you could write the following:
Ltac rewrite_all' :=
match goal with
| H : _ |- _ => rewrite H; rewrite_all'
| _ => idtac
Ltac apply_in_all :=
match goal with
| H : _, H2 : _ |- _ => apply H in H2; apply_in_all
| _ => idtac
Ltac my_tac :=
Goal forall (a b : bool) (p: Prop) (H1: p -> a = b) (H2: p), negb a = negb b.
Goal forall (a b c : bool) (p: bool -> Prop)
(H1: forall x, p x -> a = b)
(H2: p c),
negb a = negb b.
If you want to follow this path of writing proofs, a reference that is often recommended (but that I haven't read) is CPDT by Adam Chlipala.

This particular goal can be solved like this:
Goal forall (a b : bool) (p: Prop) (H1: p -> a = b) (H2: p),
negb a = negb b.
now intuition; subst.
Or, using the destruct_all tactic (provided you don't have a lot of boolean variables):
intros; destruct_all bool; intuition.
The above has been modeled after the destr_bool tactic, defined in Coq.Bool.Bool:
Ltac destr_bool :=
intros; destruct_all bool; simpl in *; trivial; try discriminate.
You could also try using something like
destr_bool; intuition.
to fire up powerful intuition after simpler destr_bool.
now is defined in Coq.Init.Tactics as follows
Tactic Notation "now" tactic(t) := t; easy.
easy is defined right above it and (as its name suggests) can solve easy goals.
intuition can solve goals which require applying the laws of (intuitionistic) logic. E.g. the following two hypotheses from the original version of the question require an application of the modus ponens law.
H1 : p -> false = true
H2 : p
auto, on the other hand, doesn't do that by default, it also doesn't solve contradictions.
If your hypotheses include some first-order logic statements, the firstorder tactic may be the answer (like in this case) -- just replace intuition with it.


What is eq_rect and where is it defined in Coq?

From what I have read, eq_rect and equality seem deeply interlinked. Weirdly, I'm not able to find a definition on the manual for it.
Where does it come from, and what does it state?
If you use Locate eq_rect you will find that eq_rect is located in Coq.Init.Logic, but if you look in that file there is no eq_rect in it. So, what's going on?
When you define an inductive type, Coq in many cases automatically generates 3 induction principles for you, appending _rect, _rec, _ind to the name of the type.
To understand what eq_rect means you need its type,
Check eq_rect.
here we go:
: forall (A : Type) (x : A) (P : A -> Type),
P x -> forall y : A, x = y -> P y
and you need to understand the notion of Leibniz's equality:
Leibniz characterized the notion of equality as follows:
Given any x and y, x = y if and only if, given any predicate P, P(x) if and only if P(y).
In this law, "P(x) if and only if P(y)" can be weakened to "P(x) if P(y)"; the modified law is equivalent to the original, since a statement that applies to "any x and y" applies just as well to "any y and x".
Speaking less formally, the above quotation says that if x and y are equal, their "behavior" for every predicate is the same.
To see more clearly that Leibniz's equality directly corresponds to eq_rect we can rearrange the order of parameters of eq_rect into the following equivalent formulation:
: forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Type) (x y : A),
x = y -> P x -> P y

Defining the predecessor function (with pred 0 = 0) for the natural numbers in Lean

I'm learning the Lean proof assistant. An exercise in is to define the predecessor function for the natural numbers. Can someone help me with that?
You are probably familiar with pattern-matching from Lean or some functional programming language, so here is a solution that uses this mechanism:
open nat
definition pred : ℕ → ℕ
| zero := zero
| (succ n) := n
Another way of doing this is using a recursor like so:
def pred (n : ℕ) : ℕ :=
nat.rec_on n 0 (λ p _, p)
Here, 0 is what we return if the argument is zero and (λ p _, p) is an anonymous function that takes two arguments: the predecessor (p) of n and the result of recursive call pred p. The anonymous function ignores the second argument and returns the predecessor.

Why is filter based on dependent pair?

In the Idris Tutorial a function for filtering vectors is based on dependent pairs.
filter : (a -> Bool) -> Vect n a -> (p ** Vect p a)
filter f [] = (_ ** [])
filter f (x :: xs) with (filter f xs )
| (_ ** xs') = if (f x) then (_ ** x :: xs') else (_ ** xs')
But why is it necessary to put this in terms of a dependent pair instead of something more direct such as?
filter' : (a -> Bool) -> Vect n a -> Vect p a
In both cases the type of p must be determined, but in my supposed alternative the redundancy of listing p twice is eliminated.
My naive attempts at implementing filter' failed, so I was wondering is there a fundamental reason that it can't be implemented? Or can filter' be implemented, and perhaps filter was just a poor example to showcase dependent pairs in Idris? But if that is the case then in what situations would dependent pairs be useful?
The difference between filter and filter' is between existential and universal quantification. If (a -> Bool) -> Vect n a -> Vect p a was the correct type for filter, that would mean filter returns a Vector of length p and the caller can specify what p should be.
Kim Stebel's answer is right on the money. Let me just note that this was already discussed on the Idris mailing list back in 2012 (!!):
filter for vector, a question - Idris Programming Language
What raichoo posted there can help clarifying it I think; the real signature of your filter' is
filter' : {p : Nat} -> {n: Nat} -> {a: Type} -> (a -> Bool) -> Vect a n -> Vect a p
from which it should be obvious that this is not what filter should (or even could) do; p actually depends on the predicate and the vector you are filtering, and you can (actually need to) express this using a dependent pair. Note that in the pair (p ** Vect p a), p (and thus Vect p a) implicitly depends on the (unnamed) predicate and vector appearing before it in its signature.
Expanding on this, why a dependent pair? You want to return a vector, but there's no "Vector with unknown length" type; you need a length value for obtaining a Vector type. But then you can just think "OK, I will return a Nat together with a vector with that length". The type of this pair is, unsurprisingly, an example of a dependent pair. In more detail, a dependent pair DPair a P is a type built out of
A type a
A function P: a -> Type
A value of that type DPair a P is a pair of values
x: a
y: P a
At this point I think that is just syntax what might be misleading you. The type p ** Vect p a is DPair Nat (\p => Vect p a); p there is not a parameter for filter or anything like it. All this can be a bit confusing at first; if so, maybe it helps thinking of p ** Vect p a as a substitute for the "Vector with unknown length" type.
Not an answer, but additional context
Idris 1 documentation -
Idris 2 documentation -
In Idris 2 the dependent pair defined here
and is similar to Exists and Subset but BOTH of it's values are NOT erased at runtime

Understanding 'impossible'

Type-Driven Development with Idris presents:
twoPlusTwoNotFive : 2 + 2 = 5 -> Void
twoPlusTwoNotFive Refl impossible
Is the above a function or value? If it's the former, then why is there no variable arguments, e.g.
add1 : Int -> Int
add1 x = x + 1
In particular, I'm confused at the lack of = in twoPlusTwoNotFive.
impossible calls out combinations of arguments which are, well, impossible. Idris absolves you of the responsibility to provide a right-hand side when a case is impossible.
In this instance, we're writing a function of type (2 + 2 = 5) -> Void. Void is a type with no values, so if we succeed in implementing such a function we should expect that all of its cases will turn out to be impossible. Now, = has only one constructor (Refl : x = x), and it can't be used here because it requires ='s arguments to be definitionally equal - they have to be the same x. So, naturally, it's impossible. There's no way anyone could successfully call this function at runtime, and we're saved from having to prove something that isn't true, which would have been quite a big ask.
Here's another example: you can't index into an empty vector. Scrutinising the Vect and finding it to be [] tells us that n ~ Z; since Fin n is the type of natural numbers less than n there's no value a caller could use to fill in the second argument.
at : Vect n a -> Fin n -> a
at [] FZ impossible
at [] (FS i) impossible
at (x::xs) FZ = x
at (x::xs) (FS i) = at xs i
Much of the time you're allowed to omit impossible cases altogether.
I slightly prefer Agda's notation for the same concept, which uses the symbol () to explicitly pinpoint which bit of the input expression is impossible.
twoPlusTwoNotFive : (2 + 2 ≡ 5) -> ⊥
twoPlusTwoNotFive () -- again, no RHS
at : forall {n}{A : Set} -> Vec A n -> Fin n -> A
at [] ()
at (x ∷ xs) zero = x
at (x ∷ xs) (suc i) = at xs i
I like it because sometimes you only learn that a case is impossible after doing some further pattern matching on the arguments; when the impossible thing is buried several layers down it's nice to have a visual aid to help you spot where it was.

vector reflexivity under setoid equality using CoRN MathClasses

I have a simple lemma:
Lemma map2_comm: forall A (f:A->A->B) n (a b:t A n),
(forall x y, (f x y) = (f y x)) -> map2 f a b = map2 f b a.
which I was able to prove using standard equality (≡). Now I am need to prove the similar lemma using setoid equality (using CoRN MathClasses). I am new to this library and type classes in general and having difficulty doing so. My first attempt is:
Lemma map2_setoid_comm `{Equiv B} `{Equiv (t B n)} `{Commutative B A}:
forall (a b: t A n),
map2 f a b = map2 f b a.
induction n.
dep_destruct a.
dep_destruct b.
(here '=' is 'equiv'). After 'simpl' the goal is "(nil B)=(nil B)" or "[]=[]" using VectorNotations. Normally I would finish it using 'reflexivity' tactics but it gives me:
Tactic failure: The relation equiv is not a declared reflexive relation. Maybe you need to require the Setoid library.
I guess I need somehow to define reflexivity for vector types, but I am not sure how to do that. Please advise.
First of all the lemma definition needs to be adjusted to:
Lemma map2_setoid_comm : forall `{CO:Commutative B A f} `{SB: !Setoid B} ,
forall n:nat, Commutative (map2 f (n:=n)).
To be able to use reflexivity:
Definition vec_equiv `{Equiv A} {n}: relation (vector A n) := Vforall2 (n:=n) equiv.
Instance vec_Equiv `{Equiv A} {n}: Equiv (vector A n) := vec_equiv.