react-native I do not understand the sentences - react-native

I just do not know how the code works in below, mind if any one can tell me how its working this?? I do not understand especially "=>" what does this do?, (child) => {};

This is an arrow expression. It creates a function. There's nothing in the curly braces, so no code will execute. It's part of JavaScript, not React Native-related.
For example, you could write a function named myFunction like this:
var myFunction = (name) => {
console.log("Hello, " + name);
See the MDN docs for more info:


How do i use parameters in cypress custom commands

how do i make this work? Im trying to get the id of the object i want to get from the command parameter
photo of my code
You have to use the template literals for this:
Cypress.Commands.add('requestReport', (numeFirma, tipRaport) => {
//some code
//some code

vue-test-utils | TypeError: s.split is not a function

I try to run a test with vue-test-utils, including a component that has a mixin included, which has a function using split() on a string. The test looks like this:
describe('adminExample.vue Test', () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(adminExample, {
global: {
mixins: [globalHelpers, authGatewayForElements, storeService],
plugins: [store]
it('renders component and is named properly', () => {
// check the name of the component
adminExample.vue doesn't give any error, so I don't include it here, bit it uses a mixin.
The included mixin, called authGatewayForElements, has a function called decryptToken() and simply decrypt a jwt to get some info. The parameter userToken is declared within data of this mixin. The function looks like this:
decryptToken() {
let base64Split = this.userToken.split('.')[1];
let base64 = base64Split.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
let jsonPayload = decodeURIComponent(atob(base64).split('').map(function(c) {
return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);
return JSON.parse(jsonPayload);
Running the test giving me the error TypeError: this.userToken.split is not a function . I´m new to testing with vue-test-utils and maybe or definitely missing something that needs to beincluded in the wrapper, as I expected functions like split() don't need to be included additionally.
EDIT: I get this error on multiple functions, like find(), so I'm pretty sure I just do something wrong. Thanks in advance to anybody pointing that out.

Understanding then() in Cypress

I am reading through the documentation in Cypress and I think I have an idea as to what then() does. It works like promises, where a promise returns another promise, but with then(), we are returning a new subject.
If we look at the code example below, we are using then() because we are returning a new variable, which in this case is called target.
Am I understanding this correctly? If not, can someone correct me?
it.only('Marks an incomplete item complete', () => {
//we'll need a route to stub the api call that updates our item
.then(todos => {
//target is a single todo, taken from the head of the array. We can use this to define our route
const target = Cypress._.head(todos)
//Here we are mergin original item with an object literal
Cypress._.merge(target, {isComplete: true})
.then is used to receive the results from cy.fixture('todos'). The variable target is not significant in this code.
In your code sample, the variable that is returned from cy.fixture is named todos - the spacing of the code may be throwing you off here? The .then call is attached to the cy.fixture() call
// These 2 code blocks are the same - just different spacing
.then(todos => {});
cy.fixture('todos').then(todos => {});
cy.fixture('logo.png').then((logo) => {
// load data from logo.png
Using .then() allows you to use the yielded subject in a callback function and should be used when you need to manipulate some values or do some actions.
To put it simply, it is used to play around with the yield of the previous command and work around with it in that case. THEN() command is handy and helpful in debugging the yield of the previous command.
const baseURL = "";
describe("Get Call-Expect+ normal req", () => {
it("GetPostById-Expect", () => {
cy.request(baseURL + "/posts/1").as("GetPostById");
cy.get("#GetPostById").then((response) => {
//response: status

Cypress Get Attribute value and store in Variable

I want to get the Attribute value and store in a variable how we can achieve this in cypress
In my case I want to get the complete class value and store it in variable.
This code just give me the attribute class value but how I can store the fetch value in variable
cy.get('div[class*="ui-growl-item-container ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all ui-shadow ui-growl-message"]').invoke('attr', 'class')
I was trying to compare the style of one element with another to make sure they were equal. Here's the code that seems to work for me.
.invoke('attr', 'style')
.then(($style1) => {
const style1 = $style1
A good way to solve this kind of scenario is to use the alias mechanism. One could leverage this functionality to enqueue multiple elements and then check all of them together by chaining the results. I've recently come to a case in an SPA where the assertion had to happen between elements that were spread across different angular routes (call them different pages).
In your use case, this would like:
.invoke('attr', 'style')
.invoke('attr', 'style')
// later on for example you could do
cy.get('#style_1').then(style_1 => {
cy.get('#style_2').then(style_2 => {
// Both values are available and any kind of assertion can be performed
This is described in Variables and Aliases section of the Cypress Documentation.
Here is how I got the value of for attribute in a label tag which had text "Eat" inside.
cy.contains('Eat').then(($label) => {
const id = $label.attr('for');
Most important thing is to get the selector right, so it exactly finds the value you are looking for. In this case you already found it. By using then() gives you the ability to store it in a variable.
cy.get('div[class*="ui-growl-item-container ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all ui-shadow ui-growl-message"]').invoke('attr', 'class')
.then($growl-message => {
const message = $growl-message.text()
//do the checks with the variable message. For example:
Note that the scope of the variable is within the curly brackets. Thus using the variable has to be within those curly brackets.

cy.clear() not clearing input field properly - Cypress

When I perform
cy.get('#fsp-name').clear().type('random text');
If the text already has value lets say 'assd asd adsdsd' and I perform above command I get something similar to 'random textassd'
I also tried using
cy.get('#fsp-name').clear().should('have.value', '').type('random text');
It works some time and in other times it complains it does not equal to ' '.
And I am trying to do this in a each loop like below
const data = [
{selector:'#name', newValue: 'John'},
{selector:'#phone', newValue: '1234567'}
cy.wrap(data).each(field => {
cy.get(field.selector).clear().should('have.value', '').type(field.newValue);
cy.get(field.selector).invoke('val').should('equal', field.newValue);
Tried the solutions provided above, but all did not help.
I've ended up using this:
If that doesn't work, the not so happy workaround is:
cy.get('#my-input-element').invoke('val', '');
When .type somehow did not finish the given string (rare cases):
cy.get('#my-input-element').invoke('val', 'Some text here');
I had a similar problem and It was related to focused and click related. I can suggest trying the following two option. I DON'T know it is right or wrong.
cy.get('#fsp-name').click().clear().type('random text');
cy.get('#fsp-name').click().focused().clear().type('random text');
I was talking to the developer and according to him we are using MaterialUI and have some default component using focused and click event differently. After having both options resolved my problem
.clear() is an alias of .type('{selectall}{backspace}') however depending upon the input field set up this would not work in all cases.
I solved this by using .type('{selectall}{backspace}{selectall}{backspace}') instead of the .clear()
I'm using Cypress version 3.8.3 and I noticed that I have to invoke clear() sometimes two times in a row:
Seems like the cypress test runner is getting ahead of app initialization and some helpful article links below
As of now adding wait before clearing makes the test pass. Let me know if anyone has better solutions
I've had the same problem using Mui React with Cypress and when I called clear an ";" was added.
I've applied the same #Steven Vachon solution calling clear() function of cypress first.
Here my solution:
const clearInputElement = (input) => {
const input2Search = input;
cy.get(input2Search).then(($elm) => {
const event = new Event(input2Search, { bubbles: true, cancelable: true });
const input = $elm.get(0); // `as HTMLInputElement` for TypeScript
input.value = "";
I ended up having to do clear manually via the DOM:
cy.get('input').then($elm => {
const event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true });
const input = $elm.get(0); // `as HTMLInputElement` for TypeScript
input.value = '';
I, too, faced a similar issue while using with react-ace editor. I wind up with
function typeContentOnSelectingExistingContent(elementId, content) {
return cy.get(`#${elementId}`).type(`{selectAll}{selectAll}${content}`)
Try this, it worked for me:
cy.get('#fsp-name').clear({ force: true }).then(() => {
cy.get('#fsp-name').invoke('val', '').type(`${valueToBeTyped}{enter}`)
Official docs states that:
It is unsafe to chain further commands that rely on the subject after .clear().
That's probably why the code in the original question didn't work, it was chaining clear and type commands:
cy.get('#fsp-name').clear().type('random text');
So, a simple alternative would be something like:
cy.get('#fsp-name').type('some text')
More about the clear command: