Kentico invoice - Include link to product - e-commerce

I'm attempting to modify the stock Kentico e-commerce invoice to include a link to each product ordered. I'm editing the Order_ContentTable transformation but am not seeing any obvious macro expression that represents the URL. Can anyone suggest a macro that I could embed in an
<a href="{% ??? %}">...

Try to use the following K# method:
{% GetProductUrl(SKUID) %}


Count today's orders for a specific Postal Code in Shopify Liquid

I am trying to put a limit on orders made on my Shopify Store for a day from a specific zip code. i.e I want to deliver 10 orders to a specific zip code in a day. I am hoping to achieve that on my Cart page because I can't edit checkout page (If I am right). I will get zip code on cart page to check the orders. If my orders threshold is completed the checkout button will be enabled otherwise it will remain disabled.
I have the algorithm in my mind but I don't know Shopify objects that good. I just need pointing to the right direction.
My Broken Code:
{% assign ordersCount = 0 %}
{% for orders in checkout.customer.orders %}
{% if orderDate is today
and ==
{{user_entered_zipcode}} %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if ordersCount >= 10 %}
<p>Today's order limit for this area is reached.</p>
{% endif %}
What you are trying to achieve with Liquid is not possible. If you have a look at global Liquid objects, there is no object that will provide you the information about all the orders.
What you are trying to do, can be achieved in multiple ways. I will mention 2 solutions, that I just devised now.
Using Private App
Create a private app that exposes a public endpoint that you can query via AJAX from your Shopify cart page. In your private app, fetch order details via Shopify REST API or GraphQL API and return true or false based on your conditions.
Using Metafields
Another approach is to listen to order create webhook and then in your webhook handler, add a metafield on Shop resource. Metafield names can be something like order-count-{zipcode} where zipcode will be based on addresses and value will be the order count. Individual metafields can also be replaced with a single metafield whose value type would be json_string. Then render those metafields via Liquid in some JavaScript variables and compare it on frontend.
I would recommend the first approach as it is a pretty flexible solution.

Shopify unique product information

I'm new to Shopify and liquid (I have programming background). What i'm currently trying to achieve is adding some unique custom information in a HTML div into the product layout.
My approach: Because I couldn't directly edit the product.liquid file (was generating the same information for all products), I decided to make a hack, so I created liquid files into the snippets by joining the product id + product. The filename would look like "11598995151product.liquid".
Into the product.liquid, I then added the following:
{% if product.description %}<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6 col-xl-6 visible-xl" style="display:block !important">
{% assign z = x | append: | append: "product" %}
{% include z %}
</div>{% endif %}
Is this the best practice or can it be done easier ?
I slightly confused, you can't directly update the product.liquid but yet you are adding an include there. So can you or you can't?
Here a few approaches how can you add custom unique information to products.
1) Use an metafeild application such as where you can set fields for each product
2) Use shortcodes for example with this snippet
3) Create prefixed pages, for example you have a product with a handle test-1, and you will have a page with a handle product-test-1. You perform a check for each product if there is such a page.
4) Similiar to 3 but use a global navigation that will point to page, so that you don't have to prefix each one.
5) Use sections. Create blocks with a product field and a richtext field (or the information you need) and set the product and information for each product as blocks. Then on the product page you check if this product handle is equal to any of the block product field.
All of the above examples require you to modify the product.liquid page if you like for it to be unique for each product.

Shopify - Get list of product from a specific collection

In shopify, I am creating 4 dropdowns.
Dropdown 1 - City
Dropdown 2 - Category of shops (such as Apparel, stationary etc)
Dropdown 3 - Shops available in the particular city and particular shop
Dropdown 4 - Items available in the particular shop
My requirement is, when a particular shop is selected (Dropdown 3) below the dropdown all the products in that shop should be listed (I will make the product part of collection and collection name will be same as shop name).
I realize that I need to use Ajax. I checked the APIs offered by shopify but somehow I am not able to connect dots. I am not able to use it. Can you please provide a pointer where it is explained how to achieve it.
Please note, i am new to web development and shopify.
I have created another template called "collection.alternate".
Tagged the collection to the new template.
In theme.liquid I have used the following code, to avoid header and footer from getting displayed in iframe
{% if template != 'collection.alternate' %}
{% include 'header-bar' %}
{% endif %}
Used iframe to load the collection.alternate.
However in iframe the Header is still getting displayed. When I analyze the "Elements" in Chrome developer tools for the iframe, I see the header logic is generated for collection.template. How do I stop header from appearing in iframe.
You don't need AJAX for this functionality.
Each values in the four dropdowns should be added as tags in the products. Then you can use simple JavaScript command to change the url as required and display required products.
For ex., let's say you have New York as a City, and CK as a Shop. Now to display the products that are in CK store in New York, all the said products must contain New York and CK as tags. The final URL to display the said products will be -
To call products from shopify collects you can simply use this loop:
{% for product in collections.shop_name.products limit: 4 %} /*********** shop_name is collections name limit is used to show no. of products ******/
<li><img src="{{ product.featured_image | product_img_url: 'medium' }}" alt=""></li>
{% endfor %}
Below is the link to shopify article that describes how to filter products based on tags.
Thanks #Hymnz for guiding me to the article.
Just mention your collection name in collection array index
{% for product in collections['collection-name'].products %}
{% endfor %}

Shopify Product Replacement Parts

Looking for some advice on an interesting situation using Shopify. I'm building a site for a client that has Products that have free replacement parts available. Each replacement part has variant color options.
So far I have had the users at the company add all the replacement parts as products in the store. I have filtered the search results and the catalog results so the replacment parts are not show.
The only place they want the replacement parts to show is when a user visits a PRODUCT, they can click a button that says order replacement parts. Then a screen will show with all the replacement parts for that product.
A single replacement part may belong to several products and may have different color variants.
So what I have done thus far was had the client tag all parts with at least two tags. A tag called "part" that identifies the product as a part. And one or more tags like "link:SKU123" that links the part to one or more products. Then on my Product page I was using liquid to loop all parts and display the ones that matched the products SKU. Then I found out that the for loop has a 50 item limit...
So I looked at the product API, which would be ok, except that it has no way to filter by tags. Tags seem so handy and yet I don't see many ways to use them... So ultimately I'm looking for a way to display all replacement parts for a particular product. It doesn't have to involve tags, although the client has already tagged all the parts and I would hate to tell them it was a waste of time. But really any thoughts on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated.
The only way I can think to do it, is to return all of the replacement parts and then filter through them on the page. I see the API is limited to 250 products, but I suppose I could make multiple calls until I get them all. I'm not sure how many replacment parts there are total, but I suspect there could be upwards of 1000. Seems like a waste of network resources to have to pull them all down and then filter through them...
P.S. - the replacement parts are free, can they be run through the checkout with a zero dollar amount?
Ok so I have a couple different answers to this question. Not sure which one I will use yet.
Method 1: Filter Collection by Tag using URL
The first one was provided by Shawn Rudolph on the Shopify forums. It involves filtering a collection by tag using the URL. Shawn's post here explains it well:
Method 2: Use paginate to get all products from collection using the AJAX API
This method is pretty cool. Yes it is more work than method one, but this maybe useful in a lot of scenarios. Out of the box Shopify does not allow you to retrieve all products from a given collection using the AJAX API. It can be done with the admin API but not the AJAX one to my knowledge. However, you can access all products from a collection with a for loop, but the for loop only allows up to 50 items to be looped at a time. That's where the paginate trick comes in. Basically I adapted the technique outlined by davecap here:
So first you need your HTML/Liquid layout:
{% paginate collections.mycollectionname.products by 50 %}
{% for product in collections.mycollectionname.products %}
<div class="clone-node" id="product-{{ forloop.index | plus:paginate.current_offset }}">
{{ product.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% if %}
<div class="clone-node next" title="{{ }}"></div>
{% endif %}
<div id="insertion-point"></div>
{% endpaginate %}
So let's break it down a bit. First we are paginating are products by 50. This is the max amount a for loop will allow, so that's what we are going to use:
{% paginate collections.mycollectionname.products by 50 %}
Next we begin to loop our products. Every product is given a wrapper div with a class of "clone-node" this is very important. I also assign the div a unique ID, which isn't necessary for this to work, but may come in handy when trying to identify the product for later operations.
{% for product in collections.mycollectionname.products %}
<div class="clone-node" id="product-{{ forloop.index | plus:paginate.current_offset }}">
{{ product.title }}
{% endfor %}
We have to make sure to include the URL. We also give this a "clone-node" class and we add a "next" class. I assign the to the title attribute, but you could assign it to any number of attributes. You just need to be able to fetch it with jQuery.
{% if %}
<div class="clone-node next" title="{{ }}"></div>
{% endif %}
Then lastly we assign an insertion point. This is where we want our next set of 50 products to be inserted once we fetch them:
<div id="insertion-point"></div>
OK so now let's look at the JS code:
var prevUrl = ""; //this helps us know when we are done receiving products
function getParts() {
//get the last instance of the .next node. This will give us the next URL to query
var nextNode= $(".next").last(),
url = nextNode.attr("title"); //nab the URL
//send a get request to our next URL
type: 'GET',
url: url,
success: function (data) {
//use a dummy div to convert the text to HTML, then find all of our clone-nodes, including our new "next" div which contains our next URL
var cloneNodes = $("<div>").html(data).find(".clone-node");
//insert our new clone-nodes on the page
//if the URL's don't match let's grab the next 50!
if (prevUrl != url) {
prevUrl = url;
//Call getParts for the first time to get the party started.
What this will basically do, is get the URL for the next page of products from the title attribute of the div that's holding the Then using the jQuery ajax function we call that URL and it returns a page of HTML to use formatted just like our existing page, with the same "clone-node" classes we assigned, only it has the next 50 products embedded in it.
In davecap's example he used a dataType of HTML on his Ajax call, but that gave me some troubles. So instead, I used dataType text and used a dummy div created by jQuery to convert the text into HTML. Then jQuery grabs all of the divs with the "clone-node" class on them and inserts them on the page before our insertion-point. Remember the clone-nodes now hold the next 50 products so we just added the next 50 products to our page.
Lastly, we check if the previous URL is not equal to the current one. If it's not equal, that means it's a new URL and thus there must be more products to fetch, so we recursively call our getParts() function, which starts the process over and grabs the next 50. This continues until finally the URLs match, which means no more products to fetch, and the process stops.
There you have it! Of course if you have to fetch thousands and thousands of products this may be less then ideal because you are calling them 50 at a time. But for smaller numbers (maybe hundreds and hundreds...) it should work just fine.
I would create the parts as standalone products. Then each part will have variants (colours). Then you create metafields for this parts (product) which have a field with a list of all product ids which are 'mother' for this parts. This way you don't need to have strange tags and you keep concepts more separated, & everything cleaner. As per the zero amount, yes, you can go to checkout with zero amount (if your shipping settings allow you to do so).

Shopify - Template check within product-loop

Does anybody know that is possible to check the template within product-loop? So, if one of the listed product's template is different, somehow I need to know.
Any idea?
You can use the global template variable to access the name of the template used to render the current page. For example:
{% if template contains 'product' %}
This is a product page...
{% endif %}
Or you might want product.template_suffix:
Returns the name of the custom product template assigned to the product, without the product. prefix nor the .liquid suffix. Returns nil if a custom template is not assigned to the product.
<!-- on product.wholesale.liquid -->
{{ product.template_suffix }}