Shopify - Template check within product-loop - shopify

Does anybody know that is possible to check the template within product-loop? So, if one of the listed product's template is different, somehow I need to know.
Any idea?

You can use the global template variable to access the name of the template used to render the current page. For example:
{% if template contains 'product' %}
This is a product page...
{% endif %}
Or you might want product.template_suffix:
Returns the name of the custom product template assigned to the product, without the product. prefix nor the .liquid suffix. Returns nil if a custom template is not assigned to the product.
<!-- on product.wholesale.liquid -->
{{ product.template_suffix }}


Loading Shopify Product Metafields in snippets

I am trying to edit the default "Dawn" theme in my shopify store. My aim is to output product meta fields through a snippet. To do that, I have created a snippet called "color-swatches.liquid" which has the following code:
<div class="sw-external-links modification">
{%- if product.metafields.my_fields.current_product_color -%}
When calling this snippet from product-card.liquid, I use the following liquid code:
{% render 'color-swatches', product: product_card_product %}
But I am not able to output the value of current_product_color metafield inside product.
If I paste the snipped code directly in product-card.liquid like this, it works:
{{ product_card_product.metafields.my_fields.current_product_color }}
Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong? I just want the snippet code to output the current_product_color metafield when I pass the product_card_product variable to it.
Although there is not enough information in your question, I will try to help you the best I can.
In the snippet file (color-swatches.liquid), check if you're using the correct variable when accessing the product's metafield.
If you render your snippet (in 'product-card.liquid') like this:
{% render 'color-swatches', MY_PRODUCT: product_card_product %},
Then you should access the metafield (in 'color-swatches.liquid') like this:
{{ MY_PRODUCT.metafields.my_fields.current_product_color }}
Check that if statement.
In liquid, prefer the != blank syntax:
{%- if product.metafields.my_fields.current_product_color != blank -%}
Check if the if statement even works.
For that try to render the snippet outside the if.
If nothing is working double check yourself everywhere.
Do this using <script>console.log({{ YOUR_LIQUID_CODE | json }})</script> and check the browser's console to see the logs.
In both files, check the metafield, and the product.

How do i check product page template in shopify

I need to add some text in product page add to cart button, how to check that its product page template.
i have already tried like :: {% if template contains 'product' %}
Check with
{{ template }}
Returns product if your on a product page. Returns product.alternate if that's the template for a specific product

Shopify - Product Customization with Additional Cost - Cart Removal Issue

I'm working on a Shopify store that wants engraving added to their products for a $25 up-charge. I have set it up so that a checkbox on the product page triggers an engraving dropdown where the user can customize the engraving (type style, text, and symbols) and all of those values are passed as line item properties. The checkbox also adds an additional engraving product to the cart that costs $25 to account for the up-charge and has the same exact line item properties. I realize that both products having the same exact line item properties is a perfect way for them to be linked to ensure that if the original product is removed from the cart, the linked engraving product will be removed as well. But I can't for the life of me figure out the way to accomplish this.
I wrote this Liquid code which effectively removes the engraving product from the cart if it is the only item in the cart.
{% if cart.item_count == 1 %}
{% for item in cart.items %}
{% if item.title == 'Custom Engraving' %}
$.post('/cart/change.js', { quantity: 0, id: {{ }} });
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% elsif cart.item_count > 1 %}
Please help with the code that supposed to go in here
{% endif %}
But what if there are 2 engraved jewelry products in the cart? If a user removes one of them, they will be left with 2 $25 engraving products and only one jewlery product. I need to automatically remove the associated engraving product for any jewelry product that is removed from the cart. Please help!
Note: A user seems to have a way to do this based on a couple forum answers I found. This one ( he says " In the cart itself, the only thing you need to do is ensure that if the product itself is removed, you also remove the customization product. No biggy. That is a simple pattern and you can jazz it up too. Group a product with a customization through the properties for example, ensuring the two are "glued" together." That's exactly what I need! But unfortunately he doesn't share the simple pattern he's speaking of. He seems to have answered it on stack overflow as well (Chang the product price when custom checkbox is selected in Shopify) and again doesn't reveal the simple pattern he refers to.
Thanks in advance!
Short Answer:
Make the customization products different by adding a hidden property to make them unique.
Longer Answer:
When adding the product to the cart, generate a unique value - using the current date/time (via is usually a good choice. When adding the product to the cart, make sure this property is added as well (probably via hidden input).
Make sure that the name of extra property is prepended with an underscore - so something like '_uniqueID' - Shopify's checkout page knows to hide any line-item properties that have an underscore as their first character
Finally, make sure your theme knows to not display underscored properties in the cart. My favourite way to do this is by adding the following line at the beginning of your properties-printing loop (usually written as 'for p in')
{% if p.first.first == '_' %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
Now you have a unique ID field as a line-item property that only you can see, and can use that field to synchronize quantities, etc. Huzzah!

Shopify unique product information

I'm new to Shopify and liquid (I have programming background). What i'm currently trying to achieve is adding some unique custom information in a HTML div into the product layout.
My approach: Because I couldn't directly edit the product.liquid file (was generating the same information for all products), I decided to make a hack, so I created liquid files into the snippets by joining the product id + product. The filename would look like "11598995151product.liquid".
Into the product.liquid, I then added the following:
{% if product.description %}<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-6 col-xl-6 visible-xl" style="display:block !important">
{% assign z = x | append: | append: "product" %}
{% include z %}
</div>{% endif %}
Is this the best practice or can it be done easier ?
I slightly confused, you can't directly update the product.liquid but yet you are adding an include there. So can you or you can't?
Here a few approaches how can you add custom unique information to products.
1) Use an metafeild application such as where you can set fields for each product
2) Use shortcodes for example with this snippet
3) Create prefixed pages, for example you have a product with a handle test-1, and you will have a page with a handle product-test-1. You perform a check for each product if there is such a page.
4) Similiar to 3 but use a global navigation that will point to page, so that you don't have to prefix each one.
5) Use sections. Create blocks with a product field and a richtext field (or the information you need) and set the product and information for each product as blocks. Then on the product page you check if this product handle is equal to any of the block product field.
All of the above examples require you to modify the product.liquid page if you like for it to be unique for each product.

comparing custom template tag within if tag

i have a custom template tag that takes some argument and calculates the result.
I want to compare that value obtained from that custom tag with another variable.
Custom template tag(having three arguments)
{% price_for_pax service pax '' %}
variable :
What i want is
{% if service.price == price_for_pax service pax '' %}
do something
{% endif %}
When i look for the result it does not show anything
Can i compare like this ? If not what can be the solution ?
Thanks in advance
There were a couple of questions similar to this before:
Django - use template tag and 'with'?
django templatetags template , combine {{ }} method call with template tag context variable
Making a template filter rather than a template tag could do the trick.