how can component delete itself in Vue 2.0 - vue.js

as title, how can I do that
from offical documentation just tell us that $delete can use argument 'object' and 'key'
but I want delete a component by itself like this

I couldn't find instructions on completely removing a Vue instance, so here's what I wound up with:
module.exports = {
methods: {
close () {
// destroy the vue listeners, etc
// remove the element from the DOM
Vue 3 is basically the same, but you'd use root from the context argument:
export default {
setup(props, { root }){
const close = () => {
return { close };
In both Vue 2 and Vue 3 you can use the instance you created:
const instance = new Vue({ ... });

No, you will not be able to delete a component directly. The parent component will have to use v-if to remove the child component from the DOM.
Quoted from docs:
Conditionally render the element based on the truthy-ness of the expression value. The element and its contained directives / components are destroyed and re-constructed during toggles.
If the child component is created as part of some data object on parent, you will have to send an event to parent via $emit, modify (or remove) the data and the child component will go away on its own. There was another question on this recently: Delete a Vue child component

You could use the beforeDestroy method on the component and make it remove itself from the DOM.
beforeDestroy () {

If you just need to re-render the component entirely you could bind a changing key value to the component <MyComponent v-bind:key="some.changing.falue.from.a.viewmodel"/>
So as the key value changes Vue will destroy and re-render your component.
Taken from here


watch props update in a child created programmatically

I created the child using:
const ComponentClass = Vue.extend(someComponent);
const instance = new ComponentClass({
propsData: { prop: this.value }
When this.value is updated in the parent, its value doesn't change in the child. I've tried to watch it but it didn't work.
There's an easier way to achieve this:
create a <div>
append it to your $refs.container
create a new Vue instance and .$mount() it in the div
set the div instance's data to whatever you want to bind dynamically, getting values from the parent
provide the props to the mounted component from the div's data, through render function
methods: {
addComponent() {
const div = document.createElement("div");
new Vue({
components: { Test },
data: this.$data,
render: h => h("test", {
props: {
message: this.msg
Important note: this in this.$data refers the parent (the component which has the addComponent method), while this inside render refers new Vue()'s instance. So, the chain of reactivity is: parent.$data > new Vue().$data > new Vue().render => Test.props. I had numerous attempts at bypassing the new Vue() step and passing a Test component directly, but haven't found a way yet. I'm pretty sure it's possible, though, although the solution above achieves it in practice, because the <div> in which new Vue() renders gets replaced by its template, which is the Test component. So, in practice, Test is a direct ancestor of $refs.container. But in reality, it passes through an extra instance of Vue, used for binding.
Obviously, if you don't want to add a new child component to the container each time the method is called, you can ditch the div placeholder and simply .$mount(this.$refs.container), but by doing so you will replace the existing child each subsequent time you call the method.
See it working here:
However, unlike the method below, you can't override data props of the child with values from parent dynamically. But, if you think about it, that's the way data should work, so just use props for whatever you want bound.
Initial answer:
Here's a function I've used over multiple projects, mostly for creating programmatic components for mapbox popups and markers, but also useful for creating components without actually adding them to DOM, for various purposes.
import Vue from "vue";
// import store from "./store";
export function addProgrammaticComponent(parent, component, dataFn, componentOptions) {
const ComponentClass = Vue.extend(component);
const initData = dataFn() || {};
const data = {};
const propsData = {};
const propKeys = Object.keys(ComponentClass.options.props || {});
Object.keys(initData).forEach(key => {
if (propKeys.includes(key)) {
propsData[key] = initData[key];
} else {
data[key] = initData[key];
const instance = new ComponentClass({
// store,
const dataSetter = data => {
Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
instance[key] = data[key];
const unwatch = parent.$watch(dataFn || {}, dataSetter);
return {
update: () => dataSetter(dataFn ? dataFn() : {}),
dispose: () => {
componentOptions is to provide any custom (one-off) functionality to the new instance (i.e.: mounted(), watchers, computed, store, you name it...).
I've set up a demo here:
Notice I'm not doing the appendChild in the function purposefully, as in some cases I want to use the instance without adding it to DOM. The regular usage is:
const component = addProgrammaticComponent(this, SomeComponent, dataFn);
Depending on what your dynamic component does, you might want to call .dispose() on it in parent's beforeDestroy(). If you don't, beforeDestroy() on child never gets called.
Probably the coolest part about it all is you don't actually need to append the child to the parent's DOM (it can be placed anywhere in DOM and the child will still respond to any changes of the parent, like it would if it was an actual descendant). Their "link" is programmatic, through dataFn.
Obviously, this opens the door to a bunch of potential problems, especially around destroying the parent without destroying the child. So you need be very careful and thorough about this type of cleanup. You either register each dynamic component into a property of the parent and .dispose() all of them in the parent's beforeDestroy() or give them a particular selector and sweep the entire DOM clean before destroying the parent.
Another interesting note is that in Vue 3 all of the above will no longer be necessary, as most of the core Vue functionality (reactivity, computed, hooks, listeners) is now exposed and reusable as is, so you won't have to $mount a component in order to have access to its "magic".

Vue.js - How to pass non-reactive data to child components

I know we can pass data to child components via Props. But it is reactive in one-way data flow mode. If the value of the data is changed in Parent component, it also has effect (update) on props in Child component.
In my case, I don't want to get update on specific prop in Child component even if that data in the Parent component is changed. It is because Child component will only responsible to show the data. But the data in the Parent Component still has to be reactive in Parent Scope.
I've read some forum article that suggest to use like Json. I feel it is a little dirty way and the data in my case is just one string.
Is there anyways to achieve that kind of solution?
You could copy the reactive prop in the created hook of the child component. The copy would not be reactive e.g.
export default {
props: {
reactive: Object
data: () => ({
nonreactive: null
created() {
this.nonreactive = Object.assign({}, this.reactive)
Note: the way you copy the reactive prop will depend on the data type, the way I've shown will work for objects.
Maybe u can check this one
VueJS render once into an element
use v-once on your child component
Use prop as data property in child component. please see the fiddle link:
link here
Vue.component('greeting', {
props: ['user'],
return {
template: '<h1>hi {{ newuser }}</h1>'

How to watch child properties changes from parent component

I am using a date picker component library and i want to watch when a property of that component changes.
I have tried this:
watch: {
'$refs.picker.popupVisible': {
handler (new_value) {
deep: true
Also this:
computed: {
picker () {
return this.$refs.picker.popupVisible
I know that the solution will be a vue.js hack because this is not the right way.If i had access to child component i would emit en event to parent but unfortunately i don't have.
I had a similar problem using a library which had some limitations.
Unfortunately, your watcher will not work.You have to use the function watcher to make this to work.And you have to use it inside the mounted hook.
mounted() {
(new_value, old_value) => {
//execute your code here
I also have an example. Please take a look here
What you can do is create a data object in parent component and include the date field in that data object and pass that data object to child component as props
<child :dateObj="dateObj"></child>
data: {
dateObj: {
date: ""
And in child component you can use the date field of that dateObj props. This is possible because Vue doesn't watch the property of Objects passed as props and we can modify them without Vue complaining in console.
Thus the changed date field is reflected in parent as well.

How can I get a child component's watcher's updated value from parent component in Vue 2?

I have two components that are in a parent-child relationship. In the child select component I've defined a watcher for the currently selected value and I want the parent to get the updated value whenever it changes. I tried to use events but the parent can only listen to its own vm.
In the child component
watch: {
selected (value) {
this.$emit('selectedYearChange', value)
In the parent
mounted () {
this.$on('selectedYearChange', function (value) {
this.selectedYear = value
This obviously doesn't work because of the reason I mentioned above.
I wasn't able to find relevant examples in the documentation.
You can setup an event listener on the child component element itself where its used in the parent and pass it a method to be executed
//parent component
<div id="app>
<child-comp #selected-year-change='changeYear'></child-comp>
In your parent component use the method changeYear to change the value of `selectedYear'
//you get the event as the parameter
this.selectedYear = value
See the fiddle
And avoid using camelCase for event names use kebab-case instead as HTML attributes are case-insensitive and may cause problems
<Child #selected-year-change=HandleChange(data)></Child>
Javascript/Child Component:
watch: {
selected (value) {
this.$emit('selectedYearChange', value)
Javascript/Parent Component:
HandleChange: function(data){}
good luck. maybe work!

VueJS access child component's data from parent

I'm using the vue-cli scaffold for webpack
My Vue component structure/heirarchy currently looks like the following:
PDF Template
Dynamic Template Image
Static Template Image
At the app level, I want a vuejs component method that can aggregate all of the child component's data into a single JSON object that can be sent off to the server.
Is there a way to access child component's data? Specifically, multiple layers deep?
If not, what is the best practice for passing down oberservable data/parameters, so that when it's modified by child components I have access to the new values? I'm trying to avoid hard dependencies between components, so as of right now, the only thing passed using component attributes are initialization values.
Solid answers. Resources I found helpful after reviewing both answers:
Vuex and when to use it
Vuex alternative solution for smaller apps
In my child component, there are no buttons to emit changed data. It's a form with somewhat 5~10 inputs. the data will be submitted once you click the process button in another component. so, I can't emit every property when it's changing.
So, what I did,
In my parent component, I can access child's data from "ref"
<markdown ref="markdowndetails"></markdown>
<app-button #submit="process"></app-button>
// js
process: function(){
// items is defined object inside data()
var markdowns = this.$refs.markdowndetails.items
Note: If you do this all over the application I suggest move to vuex instead.
For this kind of structure It's good to have some kind of Store.
VueJS provide solution for that, and It's called Vuex.If you are not ready to go with Vuex, you can create your own simple store.
Let's try with this
export default {
data: {
items: []
// Methods that you need, for e.g fetching data from server etc.
fetchData() {
// fetch logic
And now you can use those data everywhere, with importing this Store file
import MarkdownStore from '../stores/MarkdownStore'
export default {
data() {
created() {
So that's the basic flow that you could use, If you dont' want to go with Vuex.
what is the best practice for passing down oberservable data/parameters, so that when it's modified by child components I have access to the new values?
The flow of props is one way down, a child should never modify its props directly.
For a complex application, vuex is the solution, but for a simple case vuex is an overkill. Just like what #Belmin said, you can even use a plain JavaScript object for that, thanks to the reactivity system.
Another solution is using events. Vue has already implemented the EventEmitter interface, a child can use this.$emit('eventName', data) to communicate with its parent.
The parent will listen on the event like this: (#update is the shorthand of v-on:update)
<child :value="value" #update="onChildUpdate" />
and update the data in the event handler:
methods: {
onChildUpdate (newValue) {
this.value = newValue
Here is a simple example of custom events in Vue:
This is just parent-child communication, if a component needs to talk to its siblings, then you will need a global event bus, in Vue.js, you can just use an empty Vue instance:
const bus = new Vue()
// In component A
bus.$on('somethingUpdated', data => { ... })
// In component B
bus.$emit('somethingUpdated', newData)
you can meke ref to child component and use it as this
<childComponent ref="nameOfRef" />
methods: {
save() {
let Data = this.$refs.nameOfRef.$data;
In my case I have a registration form that I've broken down into components.
As suggested above I used $refs, In my parent I have for example:
In Template:
<Personal ref="personal" />
Script - Parent Component
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
personal: null,
education: null
mounted: function(){
this.personal = this.$refs.personal.model = this.$
This works well as the data is reactive.