I've installed Aptana Studio 3 on my Mac and want to use CakePHP. The installation of CakePHP (Version: 3.3.6) was successful but I'm getting syntax errors in Aptana.
The PHP Version in Aptana for my project is "PHP 5.4.x", the highest version what I can select in Project/Properties/PHP Development -> Compatibility, PHP Version.
According to the installation book of Cake, PHP 5.5.9 or higher is required (http://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/installation.html).
How can I update my Aptana Studio to use the required PHP version? Or is there another reason for the syntax errors?
e.g. syntax error in AppController.php.ctp:
I'm using Aptana build:
Trying to compile Python Django project but receiving build error:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(1217,5): error MSB3644: The reference assemblies for .NETFramework,Version=v4.0 were not found. To resolve this, install the Developer Pack (SDK/Targeting Pack) for this framework version or retarget your application. You can download .NET Framework Developer Packs at https://aka.ms/msbuild/developerpacks
Done building project "myFinancialTracker.pyproj" -- FAILED.
How can I resolve?
I also got the same error as you, this is because VS 2022 doesn't come with
.net framework 4.0 option during installation, to overcome this problem I install VS 2019 and enable the usage of .net-framework 4.0 during installation. After the installation, I tried to run my project again using VS2022 and the error goes away.
I tried to download and install .net-framework 4.0 separately but Microsoft doesn't allow me to do so, to overcome this, I install VS2019 instead.
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Mule Builder' on project 'flex-data-mapper'.
The java version i am using is java 11
and the AnypointStudio.ini file is
Current version of Anypoint Studio (6.6.5 and 7.6.0 at this time) do not support Java 11 to start the IDE. You should use AdoptOpenJDK 8, though another Java/OpenJDK 8 will probably work as well. After it starts you can configure Java 11 to run a Mule 4.2.0 or later version projects. Earlier versions of Mule don't support Java 11. That means that any project in Studio 6.x is not compatible with Java 11 either, because it only runs Mule 3.x applications.
As a sidenote, if you are still using Mule 3.x, then I recommend to download Studio 6.6.5 as a new install, because of the number of fixes since Studio 6.4.2. It can't be upgraded inside Studio.
I was using my apache directory studio till morning and unfortunately updated the java version in my laptop to latest version. From the time I updated my Java version Apache directory studio stopped to work.
When I check Apache Directory Studio site
it was mentioned that Java 7.0 as prerequisite. I dont have the software for Java 7 currently as I upgraded it. Please let me know why is such an ignorance from Apache directory studio to work with only older version and not with newer versions of Java
Apache Directory Studio does work well with Java 8.
If you installed Java 9, you will have a trouble starting Studio. It's documented on the site, and there is a workaround :
To run Apache Directory Studio on Java Version 9:
Add this line --add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM to ApacheDirectoryStudio.ini.
In windows, this file is located in C:\Program Files\Apache Directory Studio\
i'm having some trouble installing OpenXML SDK for Microsoft office. I have downloaded the .msi from the MSDN website, run it but before any installation wizard shows, i get this window popping up:
It seems to want to install itself before it will install itself.. I have OpenXML on my other PC and this installed fine with no issues and have used the tool for a project.
I have .NET 4.6.2 installed on my machine.
Has anyone seen this before?
There are 2 separate installers on the OpenXml 2.5 MSDN page - the SDK and the tools. From the error message you are seeing it looks like you are trying to install the Tools but in order to do so you need the SDK installed first.
I try using Rational Application developer 9.0 and worklight studio 6.0 run android application. But have below
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Android Package Builder' on project 'HelloTestHelloWorldAndroid'.
Before see many answer is about JDK version is not mathch. I have download JDK 1.7 and install setting the JAVA_Home. And someone another method is change eclipse.ini setting. The RAD eclipse.ini is different with eflipse juno version. So i try many method unitl now the error is persists.
I checked around on this and here is the info I got:
The issue is either you have the wrong JDK on the system or have the correct JDK but wrong JDK first in the classpath look-up.
A) Make sure you just have one JDK on the system and it is 32-bit SUN JDK - since Android SDK depends on this JDK
B) Find all other JDKs on the system and uninstall them
C) Make sure you have JDK from Sun and not JRE.