Runtime error '1004' General odbc error while refreshing excel sheet to get updated data - vba

We are using shared folder in server where we keep all excel sheets based on our business requirement so whoever requires that document he will picked up that document from that shared folder and he will receive all update/manipulated data by clicking on "Refresh" button in "Data" tab in excel 2007,so in my organization everybody pc is working fine and they are getting updated data by refreshing document but in my pc the movement i click on refresh i am getting this error which is in image below please provide me a clear answer.
Sub TT_Out()
' ' Macro2 Macro
Dim RngFromDate, RngToDate
RngFromDate = InputBox("Enter Start Date !", "TT Out", Date - 1)
RngToDate = InputBox("Enter End Date !", "TT Out", RngFromDate)
With Range("Table_Query_from_ALXORCL[TT_OUT_DATE]").ListObject.QueryTable
.Connection = Array(Array( _
"ODBC;DRIVER={Oracle in instantclient_12_1};" & _
Array("DL=10;LOB=T;RST=T;BTD=F;BNF=F;BAM=IfAllSuccessful;NUM=NLS;" & _
"MLD=0;ODA=F;STE=F;TSZ=8"), Array("192;"))
.CommandText = Array( _
" ALX_TT_OUT.F_NAME, " & _
" ALX_TT_OUT.B_F_NAME, " & _
" IVE.ALX_TT_OUT ALX_TT_OUT" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & _
" AND ((ALX_TT_OUT.TT_OUT_CODE Not Like '%HOF%') " & _
" AND (to_date(TT_OUT_DATE) Between '" & RngFromDate & "' And '" & RngToDate & "') " & _
" )")
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End With
End Sub


Having issues with how to use ' or " in sql statement and query using concatrelated function

I have the following code using the ConcatRelated function. the current sql works with 1 where condition but I can't figure out how to get the sql to work with 2 conditions. It works when use it in a query. I get issues and the code does not debug.
ItemsShpdInvSQL = "SELECT InvoiceAllShippedItems.ShipmentID, InvoiceAllShippedItems.ShipType, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.BillTo, InvoiceAllShippedItems.CustID AS Consignee, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.PayMethod, InvoiceAllShippedItems.PaidInFull, " _
& "First(InvoiceAllShippedItems.Units) AS Units, " _
& "'Freight Charges - Ref. WR: ' & (ConcatRelated('[WR]'," _
& "'[InvoiceAllShippedItems]','[BillTo] =' & [BillTo])) & " _
& "' - (' & Sum([Chargeable]) & ' ' & [Units] & ' " _
& ") - Number of Pieces: ' & [NoPieces] AS InvDetails, " _
& "Sum(InvoiceAllShippedItems.[# of Pieces]) AS NoPieces, " _
& "Sum(InvoiceAllShippedItems.Chargeable) AS Charge, " _
& "CustRate([custid],[ShipType]) AS CustomerRate, " _
& "IIf(([Charge])<6.1,20/[Charge],[CustomerRate]) AS RateMin " _
& "FROM InvoiceAllShippedItems " _
& "GROUP BY InvoiceAllShippedItems.ShipmentID, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.ShipType, InvoiceAllShippedItems.BillTo, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.CustID, InvoiceAllShippedItems.PayMethod, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.PaidInFull, InvoiceAllShippedItems.Units, " _
& "CustRate([custid],[ShipType]) " _
& "ORDER BY InvoiceAllShippedItems.BillTo;"
'& "CustRate([custid],[ShipType]);"
with this it works in a query but not in the code above:
'concatrelated("[WR]","InvoiceAllShippedItems","[BillTo]&[PayMethod] ='" & [BillTo] & [PayMethod] & "'")

SQL UPDATE function syntax error

I am attempting to write an UPDATE function based on values that will be input into dropdown boxes and text boxes by a user
My code is as follows:
Private Sub cmdUpdate_Prices_Click()
Dim SQL_string As String
SQL_string = _
"UPDATE tblPrice " & _
"SET [P/N] = " & Me.txtPartNumber.Column(0) & ", " & _
"Type = " & Me.txtPriceType.Column(0) & ", " & _
"Region = " & Me.txtRegion.Column(0) & ", " & _
"Price = " & Me.txtPrice.Value & ", " & _
"WHERE ID = " & Me.txtID.Value & ";"
DoCmd.RunSQL SQL_string
End Sub
I keep getting a syntax error in the UPDATE function and I'm not sure where it is.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

How to change font color for updated Access data in Outlook mail

In Access 2010 I have tables, e.g. Employee(Pracownicy). I can update the data in the table using the subform and the update button.
Updating the data in the subform automatically generates an Outlook mail containing the data in the updated record.
I need to change font color for updated data in the mail body.
The code to update the data and generate e-mail:
Private Sub cmdUpdate2_Click()
CurrentDb.Execute "update Pracownicy" & _
" SET Identyfikator='" & Me.txtID & "'" & _
", Imie='" & Me.txtImie & "'" & _
", Nazwisko ='" & Me.txtNazwisko & "'" & _
", Wiek ='" & Me.txtWiek & "'" & _
", Data_urodzenia ='" & Me.txtData & "'" & _
", Miejsce_urodzenia ='" & Me.txtMiejsce & "'" & _
", Miejscowosc ='" & Me.txtMiejscowosc & "'" & _
", Plec ='" & Me.txtPlec & "'" & _
" where Identyfikator='" & Me.txtID & "'"
'------------------------------------SEND EMAIL----------------------
'Dim varName As Variant
'Dim strUCC As String
Dim varSubject As Variant
Dim varBody As Variant
Dim Poczta As Object
Dim MojMail As Object
On Error Resume Next
'varName = ""
varSubject = "Employer List "
varBody = "Hello" & _
"<br><br>Employer List: " & _
"<br><br><B>Identyfikator:</B> " & Me.txtID & " " & _
"<br><B>Imie:</B> " & Me.txtImie & " " & _
"<br><B>Nazwisko:</B> " & Me.txtNazwisko & " " & _
"<br><B>Wiek:</B> " & Me.txtWiek & " " & _
"<br><B>Data urodzenia:</B> " & Me.txtData & " " & _
"<br><B>Miejsce urodzenia:</B> " & Me.txtMiejsce & " " & _
"<br><B>Miejscowosc:</B> " & Me.txtMiejscowosc & " " & _
"<br><B>Plec:</B> " & Me.txtPlec & " "
Set Poczta = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set MojMail = Poczta.createitem(0)
With MojMail
'.To =
'.BCC =
.subject = varSubject
'.ReadReceiptRequested = True
'.originatorDeliveryReportRequested = True
.htmlbody = varBody & "<br>"
End With
Set Poczta = Nothing
Set MojMail = Nothing
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox ("Atention")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
MsgBox ("End Update")
End Sub
I think this becomes more of an HTML question rather than VBA. Try adding a FONT tag to the following line and see if that works for you.
"<br><br><B><font color="red">Identyfikator:</font></B> " & Me.txtID & " " & _

Access Form Error: Missing Operator

I have a large form with multiple functions, one of the functions is to edit a subform that houses a list of codes and other various pieces of data. When I click the edit button it auto fills the boxes with the selected data, but when I make the edits and try and save it i get the error message: RUN TIME ERROR 3075 SYNTAX ERROR (MISSING OPERATOR) IN QUERY EXPRESSION
The whole code is
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
'when we click on button Add there are two options
'1. For insert
'2. For Update
If Me.txt_code.Tag & "" = "" Then
'this is for insert new
'add data to table
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO KWTable(KW, Source, Code) " & _
" VALUES('" & Me.text_key & "','" & Me.combo_source & "','" & _
Me.txt_code & "')"
'otherwise (Tag of txtID store the id of student to be modified)
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE KWTable " & _
" SET KW='" & Me.text_key & _
", Code='" & Me.txt_code & "'" & _
", Source='" & Me.combo_source & "'" & _
" WHERE KW='" & Me.text_key
End If
'clear form
'refresh data in list on form
End Sub
And the portion that is highlighted when I try and debug the issue is.
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE KWTable " & _
" SET KW='" & Me.text_key & _
", Code='" & Me.txt_code & "'" & _
", Source='" & Me.combo_source & "'" & _
" WHERE KW='" & Me.text_key
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE KWTable " & _
" SET KW='" & Me.text_key & _
"', Code='" & Me.txt_code & "'" & _
", Source='" & Me.combo_source & "'" & _
" WHERE KW='" & Me.text_key + "'"

VB.NET Remainder Function

What I am trying to do is make a line of text appear every 50 strings read. I was trying to find a reaminder function to use on the GlobalVariables.TransferTracker interger, but I couldn't find anything online. Is there such a funciton? Or a differen't/better way to do this? If it helps here is my code:
Do While TransferRecord.Read()
'Start of writing to the SQL server.
'SQL statement to transfer all the data that fits the requirements to the SQL server.
Dim SQLCommand1 As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO dbo.b_Pulp_PI_Forte (" & _
"mill, " & _
"keyprinter_datetime, " & _
"bale_line_num, " & _
"pulp_line_id, " & _
"bale_id, " & _
"drop_datetime, " & _
"layboy_position, " & _
"bale_gross_weight, " & _
"gross_value_flag, " & _
"bale_airdry_pct, " & _
"airdry_value_flag, " & _
"sheets_per_bale, " & _
"grader_test_flag, " & _
"dropped_num, " & _
"created_by, " & _
"CreatedDateTime, " & _
"Who_did_it, " & _
"Last_change_datetime) " & _
"VALUES (" & _
"'850', " & _
"'" & ProdDate & "', " & _
"'" & BaleLineNum & "', " & _
"'" & BaleLine & "', " & _
"'" & BaleNumber & "', " & _
"'" & ProdDate & "', " & _
"'0', " & _
"'" & GrossWeight & "', " & _
"'" & GrossWeightFlag & "', " & _
"'" & AirDry & "', " & _
"'" & AirDryFlag & "', " & _
"'0', " & _
"'N', " & _
"'0', " & _
"'BaleTrac', " & _
"'" & Date.Now & "', " & _
"'BaleTrac', " & _
"'" & Date.Now & "')")
'If DisplayCode is checked this will be printed to the screen.
If ApplicationPropertiesWindow.DisplayCodechkbx.Checked = True Then
MainTextBox.AppendText(Environment.NewLine & SQLCommand1.CommandText)
GlobalVariables.DisplayCode = True
End If
'Executing the SQL statement.
SQLCommand1.Connection = SQLServerConnection
GlobalVariables.TransferTracker = GlobalVariables.TransferTracker + 1
'This is where I would like to have the remainder function.
'Making message to show that program is still running.
If GlobalVariables.TransferTracker = 50 Then
MainTextBox.AppendText(Environment.NewLine & "50 records transferred.")
End If
Right now I just have it set up so it will fire at 50 records, because I couldn't find the function.
The remainder is an operator in VB, Mod:
If GlobalVariables.TransferTracker Mod 50 = 0 Then …
As a general advice, don’t write … = True in your conditions. Its redundancy is redundant.