after triggering a branch in using weather the initial action no longer works - branch

I followed the quick start guide and was able to complete it.
However, when i tried testing the branch action then followed by the initial action where the parameters are complete it keeps on responding with a question triggered by the branch action.
How do I resolve this?

I think your second scenario where the user doesn't specify a location should go into a sparate story:
From documentation:
You will teach Wit by example, and each example conversation is called a Story
So from what i understand a story needs to handle one initial input.


Using Background title as Background in cucumber

Let's say I use Background feature which has the below steps:
Background: My pre-requisites
Given Step one
When Step Two
Then Step Three
Then Step Fifteen
So basically my Background has 15 common steps that is required for a set of scenario to run.
My question is : Is it possible to use the Background title My pre-requisites in other feature files, instead of writing down all the 15 steps as Background? Or is there any other way to handle this more gracefully.
You can create a before hook to code the background logic and reuse it across any feature file. Even tag the hook so u can filter out scenarios where u do not want the before hook to run.
Alongside the existing answer, you could also write a new step that compresses the functionality of the 15 steps into one or two steps that express what you are setting up.
The questions revolving around it are these:
Does the business need to know how the user will interact with the site to get to the point where you are ready to begin the test?
Can you bypass how the user will interact with the site to get there without information surrounding the test getting lost in translation between the dev team and the business?
For the former, I would go with a Background. The latter, I would go with a Hook.
For example:
I need to register a user in order to log in as them in my test. The Givens will start at me logging in, so I'll register the user through an API in a Hook.
I need to register a user in order to test the functionality of a new user on exiting the form, and various items surrounding registration, so I'll register the user, starting with some Background steps. + Jump from one story to another

Using bookmarks to jump from any point in the story is a very useful feature. But can we use Jump and bookmark to jump from one story to another? It seems to be possible as the bookmarks drop-down shows all the bookmarks across the stories not just the bookmarks within the story. But my doubt is how will it recognize the intent of the new story to be executed.
Any example of wit application would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
I answered with a homemade solution here - unrecognised user entries
Essentially, you can create an action call "jumpTo[Insert-Your-Story-Name]Story". On your side, this action "emulates" the fact that the users sent a pre-determined message that will triggered your another story.
It works, but I don't know if it's the best way to do it.

Alfresco Add Workflow Hyperlink to Notification

When it comes time to "evaluate" the outcome of a workflow. The workflow creator gets a task to do so. They would then need to open the workflow through "workflows I've started" to see the whole thing.
What I would like to do is add a hyperlink to the notification that would take them to either the Task Assigned or to the Workflow itself.
I believe this can be done by adding a couple of lines to the wf-email.html.ftl.
I'm just unsure of the syntax.
"Evaluating" is where it's most needed, but should be fine its included in all notifications.
Not sure, but can you try this:
<a href="${shareUrl}/page/task-edit?taskId=${args.workflowId}">

Get Mandatory Transition Fields Jira Rest Java Client

I want to get the Fields necessary for a particular issue to make a transition from Open to Resolved and Resolved to Closed. Any ideas on how to move forward with this ?
All I see of the internet are examples of adding custom fields.
To perform a transition in JIRA, making use of the rest APIs
you need to GET the transition id from
From the response, you can find the possible transitions for the issue, corresponding transition ids and the fields(with required flag) for each transition.
You can generate a request JSON from above response and POST to
To do multiple transitions, need to come up with some logic, by getting issue status each time in a loop and performing transitions based on the response.
This is very high level, hope this helps

Recommendations Bar: Remove read action (remove from my timeline)

The Recommendations Bar seems to work well, but there is not an ability to remove the most recent read action from a user's timeline. As all of the actions are handled by the plugin, there doesn't seem to be a way to get the ACTION_ID generated by the Read.
As such, Facebook will not approve my Read Action with the Recommendation Bar because I can't provide a link in the article that says "Remove from Timeline" that deletes the action from a user's timeline.
You read the /me/news.reads API call for the read action with your url as the object and then use that action id for removal.
I've had the same problem in getting my read action approved. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn't care and will reject your action on the basis that it doesn't provide the user the ability to later delete their actions.
The only way is to build this functionality in manually. The Recommendation Bar Plugin doesn't return the ID for the action after it has been posted to Facebook so you would have to manually query Facebook to get the information back:
$activity = $fb->api('/me/' . $action_id );
print_r( $activity );
You will then have to display the information correct and let the user delete their information from there.
For my site, I had to create a WordPress plugin to do just that. You can see it in action here:
And just as an update, the "social reading" function of the Recommendation Bar has been removed, probably due to the Read action issues (which were reported as a bug several months ago and marked as fixed at the same time as the feature disappeared). It just replicates the Recommend Box functionality now. –