Determining if a cell is linked to a QueryTable via VBA in Excel - vba

I'm linking an Excel worksheet to a data source using QueryTables which works well. I'd like to introduce logic to check a given cell and determine if that cell is the top left corner of an existing QueryTable. This seemed trivial in concept, but has proven elusive in practice. If I try to check any properties of the cell that relate to QueryTable I get an error. i.e. rng.querytable throws error 1004 if rng does not link to a QueryTable. So I messed around with testing if rng.ListObject is nothing based on some discussions I found online. It turns out that rng.ListObject is something if the cell is a table even if that table is not a QueryTable. So no dice there.
So how do I test if a target cell contains a QueryTable?
Here's a stub of my function I got from Mr. Excel:
Public Function IsRangeInQueryTable(rngCheck As Range) As Boolean
Dim QT As QueryTable
For Each QT In rngCheck.Parent.QueryTables
If Not Intersect(rngCheck, QT.ResultRange) Is Nothing Then
IsRangeInQueryTable = True
Exit Function
End If
Next QT
'If it got to here then the specified range does not lie
'in the result range of any query
IsRangeInQueryTable = False
End Function
The function above works in many cases, but if I have QueryTables that have become detached from their destination (which seems to happen in practice) the code throws error 1004 because the QueryTable has no destination. Here's what the watch shows when the QueryTable becomes decoupled from a destination:
FWIW, I also tried approaching this the reverse way and iterating through every QueryTable in a worksheet. It turns out if there's a QueryTable which has had its destination deleted, asking that QueryTable for its QueryTable.Destination throws an app error. So I could not figure out a reliable way to do that approach either.

This is wordier than it needs to be, but because the "OnError" statement redirects all errors, I want to eliminate the possibility of accidentally handling the wrong error, for example if rng was Nothing.
Public Function cell_has_query(rng As Range) As Boolean
If rng Is Nothing Then
cell_has_query = False
Exit Function
End If
If rng.ListObject Is Nothing Then
cell_has_query = False
Exit Function
End If
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
If Not rng.ListObject.QueryTable Is Nothing Then
cell_has_query = True
End If
Exit Function
If Err.Number = 1004 Then 'Application-Defined or Object-Defined Error
cell_has_query = False
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End Function
#JDLong VBA error handling is odd. The default setting for errors is On Error GoTo 0, which means that (depending upon your VBA IDE settings; Tools-->Options-->General) will pop up a message box for unhandled errors. If you want to explicitly catch and handle errors, you create a label (e.g. "ErrHandler") and then make sure that section of code is unreachable normally by ending the function with Exit Function. In the block of code after the label, you can inspect the Err object properties and choose to Resume to retry the line of code that caused the error, Resume Next to run the line following the one that errored, or simply handle the error and let the function exit normally. You can also reraise the error by setting the mode back to On Error GoTo 0 and then Resumeing the line.

for some reason that is not clear to me, my querytables are not in listobjects. I thought all querytables are in listobjects, but I've run enough tests to demonstrate to myself that mine are not. So I slightly edited #blackhawk's function to this:
Public Function cell_has_query(rng As Range) As Boolean
If rng Is Nothing Then
cell_has_query = False
Exit Function
End If
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
If Not rng.QueryTable Is Nothing Then
cell_has_query = True
End If
Exit Function
If Err.Number = 1004 Then 'Application-Defined or Object-Defined Error - this throws if there is a querytable with no destination
cell_has_query = False
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End Function


How to resume error handling from the calling function while in a subfunction in VBA?

When I write in VBA for Word or Excel, I typically have an error handler in my main function and call several subs from it, and most of the time, I want subs' messages to get caught in the main function. Typically everything works great with this strategy, and it mimics what I'm used to in C++.
However, I run into trouble when I need a different type of error handling in one or two subs.
For example, when I need to turn on Resume Next for the sake of checking if an object fails and is set to nothing. When I want to turn error handling on, my MainErrorHandler is now out of scope.
Sub Main()
On Error GoTo MainErrorHandler
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Call OpenFile
Call SubWithOwnErrorHandling
'Do more stuff
GoTo CleanExit
MsgBox Err.Description
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub OpenFile()
On Error Resume Next
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(fileLocation & fileName, 1)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Label Not Defined!
If objFile Is Nothing Then
Call Err.Raise(2009, , "Out File doesn’t exist.")
End If
End Sub
Likewise, when I want to have a sub handle errors locally and occasionally elevate an error, I'm not sure how exactly to do that.
Sub SubWithOwnErrorHandling()
On Error GoTo SubErrorHandler
isReallyBad = True
If isReallyBad Then
Call Err.Raise(2020, , "Error that needs to cause application to exit!")
Call Err.Raise(2001, , "Error that just needs the function to exit!")
End If
On Error GoTo MainErrorHandler ' Label Not Defined!
If Err.Number = 2020 Then
Call Err.Raise(2020, , Err.Description)
End If
End Sub
Is there any way to do what I'm trying to accomplish for either case?
Labels are always local.
On Error is always local too - heck, its deprecated ancestor was On Local Error!
So you can't GoTo-jump between procedure scopes (THANK GOD!!)
This means at any given time, there's only ever one of two things the run-time can do On Error:
Jump to a local error handler
Blow up the current stack frame and see if the caller handles it
[ignore the error and happily keep running blindfolded under blue skies and sunshine]
That third point, you guessed it, is what On Error Resume Next does.
One critical error you've done, is specifying an On Error statement inside an error-handling subroutine, and the error-handling subroutine runs regardless of whether you're in an error state or not. That makes following execution extremely confusing, even if that label was legal. Exit Sub or Exit Function (or heck, Exit Property, depending on what's your scope) before the handler, and make sure error-handling code is only ever hit in an error state.
Resetting error handling
So, one thing you want to do, is to reset error handling - here:
On Error Resume Next
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(fileLocation & fileName, 1)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Label Not Defined!
You know objFSO.OpenTextFile can possibly blow up, and you want to handle it yourself, i.e. deal with the objFile Is Nothing possibiilty manually. You can absolutely do that, but then what you need is this:
On Error Resume Next
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(fileLocation & fileName, 1)
On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo 0 resets error handling, i.e. the next instruction to throw an error will bubble up the call stack, until everything goes up in flames.
Custom Errors
The next thing you want to do, is to raise custom errors.
If isReallyBad Then
Call Err.Raise(2020, , "Error that needs to cause application to exit!")
Call Err.Raise(2001, , "Error that just needs the function to exit!")
End If
That's pretty easy actually - but it's easier with an Enum:
Public Enum AppCustomError
ERR_ReallyBad = vbObjectError + 42
End Enum
The vbObjectError constant ensures that your custom error numbering doesn't step on toes; your error numbers will all be negative - and with an Enum for each possible error you can throw, you don't need to care what the actual error number is, so you let the enum member mechanics do their thing (e.g. ERR_ReallyReallyBad will be ERR_ReallyBad + 1, automatically).
Then you can do this (assuming you're in a class module - otherwise replace TypeName(Me) with some string literal, or skip it):
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
If isReallyBad Then
Err.Raise ERR_VeryReallyTerriblyBad, TypeName(Me), "Blow up the app!"
Err.Raise ERR_ReallyBad, TypeName(Me), "Blow up this function!"
End If
Exit Sub
With Err
Select Case .Number
Case ERR_VeryReallyTerriblyBad
.Raise .Number 'rethrow
Case ERR_ReallyBad
'function blew up, we're done here.
End Select
End With
And then the calling code, which has its own error-handling subroutine, can decide that it can't deal with ERR_VeryReallyTerriblyBad, and just blow everything up by rethrowing:
Exit Sub
With Err
Select Case .Number
Case ERR_VeryReallyTerriblyBad
.Raise .Number 'rethrow
Case Else
MsgBox .Description
End Select
End With

Excel VBA Run-time error 438 first time through code

I'm a novice self-taught VBA programmer knowing just enough augment Excel/Access files here and there. I have a mysterious 438 error that only popped up when a coworker made a copy of my workbook (Excel 2013 .xlsm) and e-mailed it to someone.
When the file is opened, I get a run time 438 error when setting a variable in a module to a ActiveX combobox on a sheet. If I hit end and rerun the Sub, it works without issue.
Option Private Module
Option Explicit
Public EventsDisabled As Boolean
Public ListBox1Index As Integer
Public cMyListBox As MSForms.ListBox
Public cMyComboBox As MSForms.Combobox
Public WB As String
Sub InitVariables()
Stop '//for breaking the code on Excel open.
WB = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Set cMyListBox = Workbooks(WB).Worksheets("Equipment").Listbox1
Set cMyComboBox = Workbooks(WB).Worksheets("Equipment").Combobox1 '//438 here
End Sub
Sub PopulateListBox() '//Fills list box with data from data sheet + 1 blank
Dim y As Integer
If WB = "" Then InitVariables
ListBox1Index = cMyListBox.ListBoxIndex
With Workbooks(WB).Worksheets("Equipment-Data")
y = 3
Do While .Cells(y, 1).Value <> ""
y = y + 1
End With
Call DisableEvents
cMyListBox.ListFillRange = "'Equipment-Data'!A3:A" & y
cMyListBox.ListIndex = ListBox1Index
cMyListBox.Height = 549.75
Call EnableEvents
End Sub
PopulateListBox is called in the Worksheet_activate sub of the "Equipment" sheet.
All my code was in the "Equipment" sheet until I read that was bad form and moved it to Module1. That broke all my listbox and combobox code but based on the answer in this post I created the InitVariables Sub and got it working.
I initially called InitVariables once from Workbook_open but added the If WB="" check after WB lost its value once clicking around different workbooks that were open at the same time. I'm sure this stems from improper use of Private/Public/Global variables (I've tried understanding this with limited success) but I don't think this is related to the 438 error.
On startup (opening Excel file from Windows Explorer with no instances of Excel running), if I add a watch to cMyComboBox after the code breaks at "Stop" and then step through (F8), it sets cMyComboBox properly without error. Context of the watch does not seem to affect whether or not it prevents the error. If I just start stepping or comment out the Stop line then I get the 438 when it goes to set cMyComboBox.
If I add "On Error Resume Next" to the InitVariables then I don't error and the project "works" because InitVariables ends up getting called again before the cMyComboBox variable is needed and the sub always seems to work fine the second time. I'd rather avoid yet-another-hack in my code if I can.
Instead of On Error Resume Next, implement an actual handler - here this would be a "retry loop"; we prevent an infinite loop by capping the number of attempts:
Sub InitVariables()
Dim attempts As Long
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
DoEvents ' give Excel a shot at finishing whatever it's doing
Set cMyListBox = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Equipment").Listbox1
Set cMyComboBox = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Equipment").Combobox1
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 438 And attempts < 10 Then
attempts = attempts + 1
Resume 'try the assignment again
Err.Raise Err.Number 'otherwise rethrow the error
End If
End Sub
Resume resumes execution on the exact same instruction that caused the error.
Notice the DoEvents calls; this makes Excel resume doing whatever it was doing, e.g. loading ActiveX controls; it's possible the DoEvents alone fixes the problem and that the whole retry loop becomes moot, too... but better safe than sorry.
That said, I'd seriously consider another design that doesn't rely so heavily on what appears to be global variables and state.

Excel VBA error handling not working for second error

In the below code Errorhandler correctly takes care of first error when I enter a workbook that is not open or any random string. But when I click on retry and again enter a random name I get "Subscript out of Range" error # Workbooks(workbookname). Activate.
Can anyone help me why it is happening and how can I make it work. I have tried a lot of things. But nothing is working. This code is part of a larger program.
Sub test()
Dim workbkname As String
On Error GoTo Errorhandler
workbookname = InputBox("Enter workbook name:", _
"Name Enrty")
If StrPtr(workbookname) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Aborting Program")
End If
Exit Sub
Response = MsgBox("Workbook " & workbookname & " not found", vbRetryCancel)
If Response = 4 Then
GoTo Retry
End If
End Sub
The issue here is that the VBA Error Handler does not clear the error once given a directive like GoTo. As a result, the code thinks that it has encountered an error within your error handling routine and thus throws the error up the stack.
In order to clear the error, you must either call Resume with a place to resume (either Resume alone to run the erroneous code again, Resume Next to resume the line of code following the error, or Resume can be called followed by a label, as below:
Sub ErrTest
On Error Goto ErrHndl
For i = 0 to 5
a = 1/i
Next i
Exit Sub
Resume nextiLabel
End Sub
You can also use Err.Clear() to remove the error, but that is less recommended.
See here for more info: Error Handling in Excel

How to check the availability of a worksheet

I have to run a set of code related to worksheet "wins", but only if that worksheet exist.
Please share a code to check the availability of sheet "wins". If worksheet "wins" exist, then only I want to run that set of code, else I want to skip executing that set of code and move to next line of code.
You could use On Error Resume Next to skip the errror which occurs if you try access a not existing worksheet and assigning it to a object variable. So if the worksheet does not exist, no error occurs but the variable is Nothing. If the worksheet exists, then the variable is not Nothing.
Sub test()
Dim wsWins As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
Set wsWins = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("wins")
On Error GoTo 0
If Not wsWins Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Worksheet wins exists."
MsgBox "Worksheet wins does not exist."
End If
End Sub
Axel's answer will work nicely. Some people prefer not to use error throwing to test if something exists. If you're one of them then I use the following quite a lot in a Utility module. It'll work for Worksheets, Charts, etc. (basically anything that's a collection with a 'Name' property):
Public Function ExcelObjectExists(testName As String, excelCollection As Object) As Boolean
Dim item As Object
On Error GoTo InvalidObject
For Each item In excelCollection
If item.Name = testName Then
ExcelObjectExists = True
Exit Function
End If
ExcelObjectExists = False
Exit Function
MsgBox "Developer error: invalid collection object passed in ExcelObjectExists."
ExcelObjectExists = False
End Function
You can call it like this:
If ExcelObjectExists("wins", ThisWorkbook.Worksheets) Then

VBA: Two methods of seeing if a file is open

I've got two methods which I feel should tell if a file is open or not.
Method 1 (Error: Subscript out of range):
If Not Workbooks(filename) Is Nothing Then
Workbooks.Open (filename)
End If
Method 2:
If Not IsWorkbookOpen(filename) Then
Workbooks.Open (filename)
End If
Where IsWorkbookOpen() is:
Private Function IsWorkbookOpen(wbname) As Boolean
Dim wBook As Workbook
Set wBook = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set wBook = Workbooks(wbname)
If wBook Is Nothing Then
IsWorkbookOpen = False
Else: IsWorkbookOpen = True
End If
End Function
Aside from On Error Resume Next, Method 1 appears to be nearly the same as Method 2.
Could anyone please explain why Method 1 gives the error it does?
Thank you.
They both give a subscript out of range error. But in Method 2 you suppress that error with On Error Resume Next.
Sub SeeError()
On Error Resume Next
Debug.Print Workbooks("DoesNotExist").Name
Debug.Print Err.Description
End Sub
This prints "Subscript Out of Range" in the Immediate Window. The On Error statement doesn't stop the error from occurring, it just handles it. Method 1 doesn't handle errors so the default error handling (stop execution and report the error) is in effect.
VBA tries to evaluate all the parts before it evaluates the conditional statement. So if I have a variable myvar = "xyz" and try to run the following lines...
If IsNumeric(myvar) And Round(myvar, 1) = 3 Then
'you will get an error before the IF is evaluated
End If
it will not work. VBA will evaluate IsNumeric(myvar) fine, then try to evaluate Round(myvar, 1) = 3 and get an error before it checks the entire conditional. So VBA will let you know about the error before it performs the AND operator. If VBA had short circuit evaluation, it would work fine since the first part would evaluate to false.
But the following will work
If IsNumeric(myvar) Then
If Round(myvar, 1) = 3 Then
'second IF statement is not touched since first IF statement evaluates to false
End If
End If
This works because IsNumeric(myvar) evaluates to false and therefore skips the nested statement.
So the error it throws on the Workbooks(filename) will just give the error unless you tell it to resume next. So the method I use is
On Error Resume Next
Set wb = Workbooks(file)
If wb Is Nothing Then
Set wb = Application.Workbooks.Open(dir & "\" & file, ReadOnly:=True)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Edited to give more detail and correctly capture that the second example will not be evaluated as well as provide a useful solution for the question at hand.
Workbooks(filename) tries to get the element with the identifier (or 'index') filename from the collection Workbooks. If the collection does not contain such an element, you'll get the "Subscript out of range" error. (So in a nutshell: This code will fail whenever the file is not open. You probably don't want this.)
However, the knowledge that such an access will fail if the file is not open, i.e. an error is raised, is being made use of in the second method. The code tries to get the element with the identifier filename from the Workbooks collection and to assign it to the variable wBook. If it fails, the value of the variable wBook will stay Nothing. If it succeeds, the variable wBook will contain a reference to the respective Workbook object.