Syntax error using the WITH clause - sql

I am trying to setup a CTE table with a series of quarterly dates.
The query returns [42601] ERROR: syntax error at or near "values" Position: 38
with q(qqyy, firstday, lastday) as (
('Q4_10', '09-30-2010', '12-31-2010'),
('Q1_11', '12-31-2010', '03-31-2011'),
('Q2_11', '03-31-2011', '06/30/2011'),
('Q3_11', '06/30/2011', '09/30/2011'),
('Q4_11', '09/30/2011', '12/31/2011'),
('Q1_12', '12/31/2011', '03/31/2012'),
('Q2_12', '03/31/2012', '06/30/2012'),
('Q3_12', '06/30/2012', '09/30/2012'),
('Q4_12', '09/30/2012', '12/31/2012'),
('Q1_13', '12/31/2012', '03/31/2013'),
('Q2_13', '03/31/2013', '06/30/2013'),
('Q3_13', '06/30/2013', '09/30/2013'),
('Q4_13', '09/30/2013', '12/31/2013'),
('Q1_14', '12/31/2013', '03/31/2014'),
('Q2_14', '03/31/2014', '06/30/2014'),
('Q3_14', '06/30/2014', '09/30/2014'),
('Q4_14', '09/30/2014', '12/31/2014'),
('Q1_15', '12/31/2014', '03/31/2015'),
('Q2_15', '03/31/2015', '06/30/2015'),
('Q3_15', '06/30/2015', '09/30/2015'),
('Q4_15', '09/30/2015', '12/31/2015'),
('Q1_16', '12/31/2015', '03/31/2016'),
('Q2_16', '03/31/2016', '06/30/2016'),
('Q3_16', '06/30/2016', '09/30/2016'),
('Q4_16', '09/30/2016', '12/31/2016')
SELECT q.qqyy, cobrand_id, sum(calc)
into temp_08.cmg_calc
from temp_08.cmg s
join q on
s.transaction_date >= q.firstday
and s.transaction_date <= q.lastday
GROUP BY q.qqyy, cobrand_id;
It appears that the above query is getting stuck on "values" due to Redshift using an older version of postgresql ( But for some reason the below query that also uses "values" works fine. Any idea how I can get the above query to work using redshift?
create table temp_08.cmgquarters (
quarter_col text
, date_from date
, date_to date
insert into temp_08.cmgquarters
('Q4_10', '09-30-2010', '12-31-2010'),
('Q1_11', '12-31-2010', '03-31-2011'),
('Q2_11', '03-31-2011', '06/30/2011'),
('Q3_11', '06/30/2011', '09/30/2011'),
('Q4_11', '09/30/2011', '12/31/2011'),
('Q1_12', '12/31/2011', '03/31/2012'),
('Q2_12', '03/31/2012', '06/30/2012'),
('Q3_12', '06/30/2012', '09/30/2012'),
('Q4_12', '09/30/2012', '12/31/2012'),
('Q1_13', '12/31/2012', '03/31/2013'),
('Q2_13', '03/31/2013', '06/30/2013'),
('Q3_13', '06/30/2013', '09/30/2013'),
('Q4_13', '09/30/2013', '12/31/2013'),
('Q1_14', '12/31/2013', '03/31/2014'),
('Q2_14', '03/31/2014', '06/30/2014'),
('Q3_14', '06/30/2014', '09/30/2014'),
('Q4_14', '09/30/2014', '12/31/2014'),
('Q1_15', '12/31/2014', '03/31/2015'),
('Q2_15', '03/31/2015', '06/30/2015'),
('Q3_15', '06/30/2015', '09/30/2015'),
('Q4_15', '09/30/2015', '12/31/2015'),
('Q1_16', '12/31/2015', '03/31/2016'),
('Q2_16', '03/31/2016', '06/30/2016'),
('Q3_16', '06/30/2016', '09/30/2016'),
('Q4_16', '09/30/2016', '12/31/2016');

With Redshift not supporting the values() as a "table replacement" you need to re-write that as a union:
with q(qqyy, firstday, lastday) as (
select 'Q4_10', '09-30-2010', '12-31-2010' union all
select 'Q1_11', '12-31-2010', '03-31-2011' union all
you should however user proper DATE literals:
with q(qqyy, firstday, lastday) as (
select 'Q4_10', DATE '2010-09-30', DATE '2010-12-31' union all
select 'Q1_11', DATE '2010-12-31', DATE '2011-03-31' union all

I don't know Postgres well enough, but with SQL-Server you cannot use the VALUES like a table directly. You must use parenthesis around and provide a table alias with column names to define the derived table.
This would be something like this:
with q as (
select * from
('Q4_10', '09-30-2010', '12-31-2010'),
('Q1_11', '12-31-2010', '03-31-2011'),
('Q2_11', '03-31-2011', '06/30/2011'),
('Q3_11', '06/30/2011', '09/30/2011'),
('Q4_11', '09/30/2011', '12/31/2011'),
('Q1_12', '12/31/2011', '03/31/2012'),
('Q2_12', '03/31/2012', '06/30/2012'),
('Q3_12', '06/30/2012', '09/30/2012'),
('Q4_12', '09/30/2012', '12/31/2012'),
('Q1_13', '12/31/2012', '03/31/2013'),
('Q2_13', '03/31/2013', '06/30/2013'),
('Q3_13', '06/30/2013', '09/30/2013'),
('Q4_13', '09/30/2013', '12/31/2013'),
('Q1_14', '12/31/2013', '03/31/2014'),
('Q2_14', '03/31/2014', '06/30/2014'),
('Q3_14', '06/30/2014', '09/30/2014'),
('Q4_14', '09/30/2014', '12/31/2014'),
('Q1_15', '12/31/2014', '03/31/2015'),
('Q2_15', '03/31/2015', '06/30/2015'),
('Q3_15', '06/30/2015', '09/30/2015'),
('Q4_15', '09/30/2015', '12/31/2015'),
('Q1_16', '12/31/2015', '03/31/2016'),
('Q2_16', '03/31/2016', '06/30/2016'),
('Q3_16', '06/30/2016', '09/30/2016'),
('Q4_16', '09/30/2016', '12/31/2016')
) AS tbl(qqyy, firstday, lastday)
from q
You are in high danger!
You are using culture dependant date formats. This might work in your system, but break on another one...
Further more, your are not even consistent!
Your VALUES provide your date values as string.
In SQL-Server I'd suggest to use ISO8601, unseparated or - my favourite - ODBC. But I'm sure there are culture independent formats for literal dates in Postgres too.
And I would suggest to let the CTE come back with typed values or use a temp table with typed columns.


Merge 3 columns into 1 with multiple nested select

I have some data that i need to display on a path layer on deckgl inside super set, the format of the data has to be very specific or else it throws errors, the format is as such
[[],[],[]] anything else will throw errors. My data is in long and lat format which i was able to transform in to proper form, except that some lines are multistring which has this format [[[],[]],[[]]]. i am able to get it into proper format separately in 3 different columns, how do i merge these 3 into 1? tried union distinct by basing my self on this example, with an error "Expected keyword JOIN but got "," at [3:98]" how do i solve this?
select * from(
(select replace(substring(geo,1),"[[[", "[[") as ngeo union
(select replace
(substring(geo,1),"]]]", "]]")) union DISTINCT select replace
(substring(geo,1),"]],[[" ,"], [")), from(
select replace(substring(geo,1),"[[[", "[[") as ngeo, (select replace
(substring(geo,1),"]]]", "]]"))as xgeo, (select replace (substring(geo,1),"]],[[" ,"],
["))as zgeo,from(
select geo from (
routeID , json_extract(st_asgeojson(st_makeline( array_agg(st_geogpoint(locs.lon, order by,'$.coordinates') as geo,
cross join UNNEST(locations) as locs
where between {{start_date}} and {{end_date}}
group by routeID
order by routeID
limit 7
)where length(geo)-length(replace(geo,"]","")) > 1+4
here is a the result from the query without union, am also limited to select only.
[-76.83268,39.2096466666667]]] [[[-76.832895,39.20946],
[-76.83268,39.2096466666667]] [[[-76.832895,39.20946],
ok found the answer, will put it here in case some one else has the same issue.
the trick is to do nested replace instead separate ones. just change this line
select * from(
(select replace(substring(geo,1),"[[[", "[[") as ngeo union
(select replace
(substring(geo,1),"]]]", "]]")) union DISTINCT select replace
(substring(geo,1),"]],[[" ,"], ["))
select replace(replace(replace(substring(geo,1),"[[[", "[["),"]]]",
"]]"),"]],[[" ,"],[" ) as ngeo

Regex extract in BigQuery issue

I'm trying to simplify a column in BigQuery by using BigQuery extract on it but I am having a bit of an issue.
Here are two examples of the data I'm extracting from:
I want to extract the portion between ;u1= and ;u2
Running the following legacy SQL Query
REGEXP_EXTRACT(Other_Data, r'(?<=u1=)(.*\n?)(?=;u2)')
Activity_ID in ('8179851')
AND Site_ID_DCM NOT IN ('2134603','2136502','2539719','2136304','2134604','2134602','2136701','2378406')
AND Event_Time BETWEEN 1563746400000000 AND 1563832799000000
I get the error...
Failed to parse regular expression "(?<=u1=)(.*\n?)(?=;u2)": invalid
perl operator: (?<
And this is where my talent runs out, is the error being caused because I'm using legacy SQL? Or is an unsupported format for REGEX?
Just tried this, and it worked, but with "Standart SQL" enabled.
regexp_extract(other_data, ';u1=(.+?);u2') as some_part
]) as other_data
Not using regex but it still works...
with test as (
select 1 as id, 'dc_pre=CLXk_aigyOMCFQb2dwod4dYCZw;gtm=2wg7f1;gcldc=;gclaw=;gac=UA-5815571-8:;auiddc=;u1=OVERDRFT;u2=undefined;u3=undefined;u4=undefined;u5=SSA;u6=undefined;u7=na;u8=undefined;u9=undefined;u10=undefined;u11=undefined;~oref=' as my_str UNION ALL
select 2 as id, 'dc_pre=COztt4-tyOMCFcji7Qod440PCw;gtm=2wg7f1;gcldc=;gclaw=;gac=UA-5815571-8:;auiddc=;u1=DDA13;u2=undefined;u3=undefined;u4=undefined;u5=SSA;u6=undefined;u7=na;u8=undefined;u9=undefined;u10=undefined;u11=undefined;~oref='
temp as (
split(my_str,';') as items
from test
flattened as (
split(i,'=')[SAFE_OFFSET(0)] as left_side,
split(i,'=')[SAFE_OFFSET(1)] as right_side
from temp
left join unnest(items) i
select * from flattened
where left_side = 'u1'

Issues handling YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH:MM:SS date format

I have a date column on my DB table, the value of two rows is "01/01/2017 23:59:59", for my needs, I have to show this column in the "YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH:MM:SS" format.
BDEX CAQ *01/01/2017 23:59:59*
RBCP CAQ *01/01/2017 23:59:59*
When I execute this query:
To_char(D_FIN,'yyyy-MM-dd"T"HH:mm:ss') AS D_FIN,
I get this result:
BDEX CAQ *2017-01-01T11:12:59*
RBCP CAQ *2017-01-01T11:01:59*
Why the values of the result (2017-01-01T11:12:59 and 2017-01-01T11:01:59) are different knowing that they have same
I'm using Oracle 11g.
You can use your date mask like this:
To_char(D_FIN,'yyyy-MM-dd"T"HH24:MI:SS') AS D_FIN,

Use of After, Before, Include in Temporal Database

First of all thank you to read me and try to help me.
I am starting to working with temporal database, exactly with bitemporal database with the next structure:
dni VARCHAR2(9),
name VARCHAR(12),
tiv DATE,
tfv DATE,
PRIMARY KEY (dni,tiv, tit)
I would to know how can i do a query using a clause like after, before or include.
For example i do this:
SELECT nombre, tiv, tfv FROM poblat
WHERE (tiv, tfv) INCLUDE (to_date('31/12/2014'), to_date('31/12/2016'));
But sql developer says that im using an "invalid relational operator".
Thank you for your attention and for your help.
Presumably your WHERE clause is specifying a date range and you are looking for records which fall within that range. If so:
SELECT nombre, tiv, tfv
FROM poblat
WHERE tiv > =to_date('31/12/2014') -- start of date range
and tfv <= to_date('31/12/2016') -- end of date range
there is no INCLUDE is Oracle's SQL. According to bitemporal db's document , there's two consecutive Allen operators seem complying with include :
aln_equals : x-start = y-start and x-end = y-end aln_contains :
x-start < y-start and x-end > y-end
( where X and Y are both periods )
may result in Oracle :
SELECT nombre, tiv, tfv FROM poblat WHERE to_date(tiv,'dd/mm/yyyy') >= to_date('31/12/2014','dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date(tif,'dd/mm/yyyy') <= to_date('31/12/2016','dd/mm/yyyy');

multiplying modified colums to form new column

I want a query like:
select tp.package_rate, sum(sell) as sold_quantity , select(tp.package_rate * sold_quantity ) as sell_amount from tbl_ticket_package tp where tp.event_id=1001
here the system firing error while doing the multiplication as
sold_quantity is invalid column
another problem is that in multiplication I want to use package_rate which got by select query from tp.package_rate but it multiplying with all package_rate of the table but I want only specific package_rate which was output of select query
What would you suggest? I want to bind this query in gridview . is there any way to do it using gridview?
Your problem is that you are referring to sold_quantity here :
select(tp.package_rate * sold_quantity )
The alias is not recognized at this point.You will have to replace it with sum(sales). You will also have to group by tp.package_rate.
Your query should ideally be like :
select tp.package_rate, sum(sell) as sold_quantity ,
(tp.package_rate * sum(sell) ) as sell_amount from tbl_ticket_package tp
where tp.event_id=1001 group by tp.package_rate;
I am guessing that tp.package_rate is unique for a given event_id, from latter part of your question. If that's not the case, the sql you have written makes no sense.