Issues handling YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH:MM:SS date format - sql

I have a date column on my DB table, the value of two rows is "01/01/2017 23:59:59", for my needs, I have to show this column in the "YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH:MM:SS" format.
BDEX CAQ *01/01/2017 23:59:59*
RBCP CAQ *01/01/2017 23:59:59*
When I execute this query:
To_char(D_FIN,'yyyy-MM-dd"T"HH:mm:ss') AS D_FIN,
I get this result:
BDEX CAQ *2017-01-01T11:12:59*
RBCP CAQ *2017-01-01T11:01:59*
Why the values of the result (2017-01-01T11:12:59 and 2017-01-01T11:01:59) are different knowing that they have same
I'm using Oracle 11g.

You can use your date mask like this:
To_char(D_FIN,'yyyy-MM-dd"T"HH24:MI:SS') AS D_FIN,


PgSQL insert into select after cast

I have a table with many columns stored as text. These columns have information which i am planning to cast and copy the data into a fresh table with the same column names but with correct data types ( float8 )
I tested the SELECT with CAST operator "::" and it works fine. All the columns are being converted as you can see in the picture
However , when I uncomment the INSERT statement ( above it ) to start writing in the target table, it throws an error. The target table has identical column names and only float8 column types.
The expression from the source table is indeed of type text but i am using the cast operator so why does it not work like before when only running the SELECT statement?
My query below:
INSERT INTO "PM"."new_VM_gcell_evolution_hourly_BSC"
from "PM"."VM_gcell_evolution_hourly_BSC_recovered")
It says "column is of type double but expression is of type text" so what's really happening is that it's trying to insert one of the expressions where you cast to ::text into a column that is of type double.
If the problem was converting from text to double, you'd get a different message. Besides, the SELECT worked fine, which means it didn't encounter any text data that it couldn't convert to double.
Since you don't specify the target table columns in your INSERT, and you have so many of them, most likely you missed a column or got the order wrong.
Honestly if the table has 270 columns and they have the same name in the source and destination tables, you should really generate the query using something like python from a list of columns, that will be faster than proofreading the 270 lines...

SQLDF in R - Problems with date format

I am trying apply some transformations in a data.frame using the sqldf function in R, but got some weird outputs. (I tried to apply some SQL date transformations in the query, but got no success).
First the data.frame has the following format (all columns are of character class):
But after filtering the data.frame with 'sqldf':
sqldf("SELECT BP_OR, N_orden_OR, Tipo_ordenOR, N_lineaOR, OLUSER, OLPID,
(select Fecha_aprobac from aprob_or
order by Fecha_aprobac desc limit 1) AS LastOfFecha_aprobac,
Estadp_sig, Estado_ultimo
FROM aprob_or
GROUP BY BP_OR, N_orden_OR, Tipo_ordenOR, N_lineaOR, OLUSER, OLPID, Estadp_sig, Estado_ultimo
I got the following format for the column LastOfFecha_aprobc
Those 'P5' is what I don't undestand. I formated the SQL code with some parameters to change the date format, but it persisted.
Do you have a better idea to figure that out?

Syntax error using the WITH clause

I am trying to setup a CTE table with a series of quarterly dates.
The query returns [42601] ERROR: syntax error at or near "values" Position: 38
with q(qqyy, firstday, lastday) as (
('Q4_10', '09-30-2010', '12-31-2010'),
('Q1_11', '12-31-2010', '03-31-2011'),
('Q2_11', '03-31-2011', '06/30/2011'),
('Q3_11', '06/30/2011', '09/30/2011'),
('Q4_11', '09/30/2011', '12/31/2011'),
('Q1_12', '12/31/2011', '03/31/2012'),
('Q2_12', '03/31/2012', '06/30/2012'),
('Q3_12', '06/30/2012', '09/30/2012'),
('Q4_12', '09/30/2012', '12/31/2012'),
('Q1_13', '12/31/2012', '03/31/2013'),
('Q2_13', '03/31/2013', '06/30/2013'),
('Q3_13', '06/30/2013', '09/30/2013'),
('Q4_13', '09/30/2013', '12/31/2013'),
('Q1_14', '12/31/2013', '03/31/2014'),
('Q2_14', '03/31/2014', '06/30/2014'),
('Q3_14', '06/30/2014', '09/30/2014'),
('Q4_14', '09/30/2014', '12/31/2014'),
('Q1_15', '12/31/2014', '03/31/2015'),
('Q2_15', '03/31/2015', '06/30/2015'),
('Q3_15', '06/30/2015', '09/30/2015'),
('Q4_15', '09/30/2015', '12/31/2015'),
('Q1_16', '12/31/2015', '03/31/2016'),
('Q2_16', '03/31/2016', '06/30/2016'),
('Q3_16', '06/30/2016', '09/30/2016'),
('Q4_16', '09/30/2016', '12/31/2016')
SELECT q.qqyy, cobrand_id, sum(calc)
into temp_08.cmg_calc
from temp_08.cmg s
join q on
s.transaction_date >= q.firstday
and s.transaction_date <= q.lastday
GROUP BY q.qqyy, cobrand_id;
It appears that the above query is getting stuck on "values" due to Redshift using an older version of postgresql ( But for some reason the below query that also uses "values" works fine. Any idea how I can get the above query to work using redshift?
create table temp_08.cmgquarters (
quarter_col text
, date_from date
, date_to date
insert into temp_08.cmgquarters
('Q4_10', '09-30-2010', '12-31-2010'),
('Q1_11', '12-31-2010', '03-31-2011'),
('Q2_11', '03-31-2011', '06/30/2011'),
('Q3_11', '06/30/2011', '09/30/2011'),
('Q4_11', '09/30/2011', '12/31/2011'),
('Q1_12', '12/31/2011', '03/31/2012'),
('Q2_12', '03/31/2012', '06/30/2012'),
('Q3_12', '06/30/2012', '09/30/2012'),
('Q4_12', '09/30/2012', '12/31/2012'),
('Q1_13', '12/31/2012', '03/31/2013'),
('Q2_13', '03/31/2013', '06/30/2013'),
('Q3_13', '06/30/2013', '09/30/2013'),
('Q4_13', '09/30/2013', '12/31/2013'),
('Q1_14', '12/31/2013', '03/31/2014'),
('Q2_14', '03/31/2014', '06/30/2014'),
('Q3_14', '06/30/2014', '09/30/2014'),
('Q4_14', '09/30/2014', '12/31/2014'),
('Q1_15', '12/31/2014', '03/31/2015'),
('Q2_15', '03/31/2015', '06/30/2015'),
('Q3_15', '06/30/2015', '09/30/2015'),
('Q4_15', '09/30/2015', '12/31/2015'),
('Q1_16', '12/31/2015', '03/31/2016'),
('Q2_16', '03/31/2016', '06/30/2016'),
('Q3_16', '06/30/2016', '09/30/2016'),
('Q4_16', '09/30/2016', '12/31/2016');
With Redshift not supporting the values() as a "table replacement" you need to re-write that as a union:
with q(qqyy, firstday, lastday) as (
select 'Q4_10', '09-30-2010', '12-31-2010' union all
select 'Q1_11', '12-31-2010', '03-31-2011' union all
you should however user proper DATE literals:
with q(qqyy, firstday, lastday) as (
select 'Q4_10', DATE '2010-09-30', DATE '2010-12-31' union all
select 'Q1_11', DATE '2010-12-31', DATE '2011-03-31' union all
I don't know Postgres well enough, but with SQL-Server you cannot use the VALUES like a table directly. You must use parenthesis around and provide a table alias with column names to define the derived table.
This would be something like this:
with q as (
select * from
('Q4_10', '09-30-2010', '12-31-2010'),
('Q1_11', '12-31-2010', '03-31-2011'),
('Q2_11', '03-31-2011', '06/30/2011'),
('Q3_11', '06/30/2011', '09/30/2011'),
('Q4_11', '09/30/2011', '12/31/2011'),
('Q1_12', '12/31/2011', '03/31/2012'),
('Q2_12', '03/31/2012', '06/30/2012'),
('Q3_12', '06/30/2012', '09/30/2012'),
('Q4_12', '09/30/2012', '12/31/2012'),
('Q1_13', '12/31/2012', '03/31/2013'),
('Q2_13', '03/31/2013', '06/30/2013'),
('Q3_13', '06/30/2013', '09/30/2013'),
('Q4_13', '09/30/2013', '12/31/2013'),
('Q1_14', '12/31/2013', '03/31/2014'),
('Q2_14', '03/31/2014', '06/30/2014'),
('Q3_14', '06/30/2014', '09/30/2014'),
('Q4_14', '09/30/2014', '12/31/2014'),
('Q1_15', '12/31/2014', '03/31/2015'),
('Q2_15', '03/31/2015', '06/30/2015'),
('Q3_15', '06/30/2015', '09/30/2015'),
('Q4_15', '09/30/2015', '12/31/2015'),
('Q1_16', '12/31/2015', '03/31/2016'),
('Q2_16', '03/31/2016', '06/30/2016'),
('Q3_16', '06/30/2016', '09/30/2016'),
('Q4_16', '09/30/2016', '12/31/2016')
) AS tbl(qqyy, firstday, lastday)
from q
You are in high danger!
You are using culture dependant date formats. This might work in your system, but break on another one...
Further more, your are not even consistent!
Your VALUES provide your date values as string.
In SQL-Server I'd suggest to use ISO8601, unseparated or - my favourite - ODBC. But I'm sure there are culture independent formats for literal dates in Postgres too.
And I would suggest to let the CTE come back with typed values or use a temp table with typed columns.

data arguments are not working as expected in Hive

I am passing data parameters to hive script, but it's not working.
SET yrmonth=concat(substr(to_date(${hiveconf:runningdate}),1,4),substr(to_date(${hiveconf:runningdate}),6,2));
SET fom=TRUNC(${hiveconf:runningdate},'MONTH');
SET lom=LAST_DAY(${hiveconf:runningdate});
USE cust_db;
SELECT saleid,podid,pname
FROM product
WHERE productln_yrmo=${hiveconf:yrmonth};
--productln_yrmo is int column
SELECT cid,cname,cloc
FROM customer
WHERE customer_createddt >='${hiveconf:fom}'
AND customer_createddt <='${hiveconf:lom}'
AND cloc = 'AUS';
--customer_createddt is date column
hive -hiveconf runningdate='2016-05-18' -f cust.hql
from your query, 'customer_createddt' seems to be DATE type since you have used with '<=' and '>=' operators to get the range of values between 'fom' and 'lom'. I guess lexicographic comparison for date range works fine perfectly . But, not sure when table DDL created with a partition on 'customer_createddt' column.
So please give a try casting string to date ( also please post your table DDL for more clarity)
SELECT cid,cname,cloc
FROM customer
WHERE customer_createddt >=CAST(${hiveconf:fom} AS DATE)
AND customer_createddt <=CAST(${hiveconf:lom} AS DATE)
AND cloc = 'AUS';

Logical operator sql query going weirdly wrong

I am trying to fetch results from my sqlite database by providing a date range.
I have been able to fetch results by providing 3 filters
1. Name (textfield1)
2. From (date)(textfield2)
3. To (date)(textfield3)
I am inserting these field values taken from form into a table temp using following code
Statement statement6 = db.createStatement("INSERT INTO Temp(date,amount_bill,narration) select date,amount,narration from Bills where name=\'"+TextField1.getText()+"\' AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) <= substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',1,2) AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) >= substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',1,2) ");
Now if i enter the following input in my form for the above filters
It fetches date between these date ranges perfectly.
But now i want to insert values that are below and above these 2 date ranges provided.
I have tried using this code.But it doesnt show up any result.I simply cant figure where the error is
The below code is to find entries having date lesser than 01/02/2012 and greater than 28/02/2012.
Statement statementVII = db.createStatement("INSERT INTO Temp5(date,amount_rec,narration) select date,amount,narration from Bills where name=\'"+TextField1.getText()+"\' AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) < substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField2.getText()+"\',1,2) AND substr(date,7)||substr(date,4,2)||substr(date,1,2) > substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',7)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',4,2)||substr (\'"+TextField3.getText()+"\',1,2)");
Anyone sound on this,please guide.Thanks.
you need to use an Or clause together with brackets:
WHERE name='....' AND (yourDateField<yourLowerDate OR yourDateField>yourHigherDate)