TensorFlow: Convolution Neural Network with non-image input - tensorflow

I am interested in using Tensorflow for training my data for binary classification based on CNN.
Now I wonder about how to set the filter value, number of output nodes in the convolution process.
I have read many tutorials and example. However, most of them use image data and I cannot compare it with my data that is customer data, not pixel.
So could you suggest me about this issue?

If you data varies in time or space then you can use CNN,I am currently working with EEG data set which varies in time.Also you can refer to this paper
were the input data(Which is not an image) is presented as an image to the CNN.

You have to reshape the data to be 4d. In this example, I have only 4 column.
x_train = np.reshape(x_train, (x_train.shape[0],2, 2,1))
x_test = np.reshape(x_test, (x_test.shape[0],2,2, 1))
This is a good example to use none image data
You just need to change the following :
and dataload

This tutorial for text :
Here !

You might use one of following classes:
class Dataset: Represents a potentially large set of elements.
class FixedLengthRecordDataset: A Dataset of fixed-length records
from one or more binary files.
class Iterator: Represents the state of iterating through a Dataset.
class TFRecordDataset: A Dataset comprising records from one or more
TFRecord files.
class TextLineDataset: A Dataset comprising lines from one or more
text files.
official documentation


Convolutional network returning a matrix with a image as input

I have been trying to code a model that looks at an image with a grid and returns a matrix with the contents of that grid.
Here is an example of the input image:
And this should be the output:
With 0: Blue, 1: Pink, 2: Lavender, 3: Green
I have a hard time finding resources on how to do this. What would be the simpelst way?
Thanks in advance!
There could be multiple design choices to generate this type of output. I suggest using Autoencoders.
Here is some information about Autoencoders taken from Wikipedia -
An autoencoder is a type of artificial neural network used to learn
efficient codings of unlabeled data (unsupervised learning).1 The
encoding is validated and refined by attempting to regenerate the
input from the encoding. The autoencoder learns a representation
(encoding) for a set of data, typically for dimensionality reduction,
by training the network to ignore insignificant data (“noise”).
While autoencoders are typically used to reconstruct the input, you have a slightly different problem of mapping the input to a specific matrix.
You'd want to set up the architecture by providing images as input and the corresponding matrices as your "labels." The architecture can be further optimized by using Convolutional layers instead of MLP layers.

TF model wrong output dimensions

I am trying to make a model that is able to extract human speech from a recording. To do this I have loaded 1500 noisy files (some of these files are the exact same but with different speech to noise ratios (-1,1,3,5,7). I want my model to take in a wav file as a one dimensional array/tensor along the horizontal axis, and output a one dimensional array/tensor that I could then play.
currently this is how my data is set up.
this is how my model is setup
an error I am having is that I am not able to make a prediction and when I am i get an array/tensor with only one element, instead one with 220500. The reason behind 22050 is that it is the length of the background noise that was overlapped into clean speech so every file is this length.
I have been messing around with layers.Input because while I want my model to take in every row as one "object"/audio clip. I dont know if that is what's happening because the only "successful" prediction is an error
The model you built expect data in the format (batch_size, 1, 220500), as in the input layer you declared an input_shape of (1, 220500).
For the data you are using you should just use an input_shape of (220500,).
Another problem you might encounter, is that you are using a single unit in the last layer. This way the output of the model will be (batch_size, 1), but you need (batch_size, 220500) as an output.
For this last problem I suggest you to use a generative recurrent neural network.

how to load large datasets of numpy arrays in order to train a CNN model in tensorflow2.1.0

I'm training a convolutional neural network (CNN) model for a binary classification task in tensorflow2.1.0.
The feature of each instance is a 4-dimensional numpy array with shape of (50, 50, 50, 2), in which the type of each element is float32.
The label of each instance is 1 or 0
My largest training dataset can contain up to ~100 millions of instances.
To efficiently train the model, is it best to serialize my training data and store it in a set of files with TFrecord format, and then load them with tf.data.TFRecordDataset() and parse them with tf.data.map()?
If so, could you show me an example of how to serialize the pairs of feature-label and store them into TFrecord files, then how to load and parse them?
I did not find appropriate example in the website of Tensorflow.
Or is there any better way to store and load the huge datasets? Thanks very much.
There are many ways to efficiently build data pipeline without TFRecord click thislink it was very useful
To extract images from directory efficiently then click this link.
Hope this helped you.

multi-label supervised classification of text data

I am solving machine learning problem using python. My knowledge in machine learning is not much. The problem has given training dataset. Training dataset includes text samples and labels for those text samples. All possible values of labels are given. So this is supervised problem. Some text samples don't have empty set of labels. Now I have to make a model to find labels from given text data.
What I have done is, I have created pandas dataframe from training data. Dataframe has columns as [text_data, label1, label2, label3, ..., labeln]. The values of labels columns are either 0 or 1. Then I cleaned and tokenized text_data. I removed stop words from tokens. I stemmed tokens by using PorterStemmer. I split out dataframe into training data and validation data like 80:20. And now trying to make some model by predicting validation data's labels by using training data. But I am very much confused here about how to make model. I tried few things like Naive Bayes Classifier but it didn't work or maybe I did some mistake. Any idea how I should proceed now?

Dynamic LSTM model in Tensorflow

I am looking to design a LSTM model using Tensorflow, wherein the sentences are of different length. I came across a tutorial on PTB dataset (https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/models/rnn/ptb/ptb_word_lm.py). How does this model capture the instances of varying length? The example does not discuss anything about padding or other technique to handle the variable size sequences.
If I use padding, what should be the unrolling dimension?
You can do this in two way.
TF has a way to specify the input size. Look for a parameter called "sequence_length", I have used this in tf.nn.bidirectional_rnn. So the TF will unroll your cell only up to sequence_length but not to the step size.
Pad your input with predefined dummy input and predefined dummy output (for the dummy output). The lstm cell will learn to predict dummy output for the dummy input. When using it (say for matrix calculation) chop of the dummy parts.
The PTB model is truncated in time -- it always back-propagates a fixed number of steps (num_steps in the configs). So there is no padding -- it just reads the data and tries to predict the next word, and always reads num_steps words at a time.