Loop and copyfile combined in access 2016 vba - vba

Private Sub Command203_Click() 'DOWNLOAD ALL ANNEXURES AT ONCE
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT IDRT FROM RT WHERE STRT=ME.IDMN")
'Check to see if the recordset actually contains rows
If Not (rs.EOF And rs.BOF) Then
rs.MoveFirst 'Unnecessary in this case, but still a good habit
Do Until rs.EOF = True
Picker = "D:\1\" 'Destination path
path = [Forms]![1userselect]![APPENDIX] 'Get source file path
strFileName = Dir(path & IDRT & ".*")
Ext = Right(strFileName, Len(strFileName) - InStrRev(strFileName, "."))
Dot = "."
S = path & IDRT & Dot & Ext
D = Picker & IDRT & Dot & Ext
FileCopy S, D
'Move to the next record. Don't ever forget to do this.
MsgBox "There are no annexures in this report."
End If
MsgBox "Finished downloadinng annexures."
rs.Close 'Close the recordset
Set rs = Nothing 'Clean up
End Sub
I am an auditor and have very very limited knowledge of VBA. The code above is a copy paste from different people. It will be helpful if some comments are added about what should be changed as it will help me to learn.
Task: Loop through record set and to get IDRT (this is the file name in the server folder) for the records having STRT as that on my form (Me.IDMN).
Problem: When I test SQL select statement in query builder I get filtered IDRT correctly. The copyfile mechanism is also tested separately and working well (if I give the IDRT myself in a text box).

Doesn't look like you're creating the SQL correctly.
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT IDRT FROM RT WHERE STRT=" & Me.IDMN)
if IDMN is numeric.
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT IDRT FROM RT WHERE STRT='" & Me.IDMN & "'")
if text

Following code is now working:
Private Sub Command6_Click()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim sourcePATH As String
Dim destinPATH As String
Dim StrSQL As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim exten As String
Dim source As String
Dim destin As String
sourcePATH = "D:\1\"
destinPATH = "D:\2\"
"FROM RT " & _
"WHERE (((RT.STRT) = " & Me.Text2 & "))"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(StrSQL)
Do Until rs.EOF
strFileName = Dir(sourcePATH & rs!IDRT & ".*")
If Len(strFileName) = 0 Then
exten = Right(strFileName, Len(strFileName) - InStrRev(strFileName, "."))
source = sourcePATH & rs!IDRT & "." & exten
destin = destinPATH & rs!IDRT & "." & exten
FileCopy source, destin
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub


Rip 20 million rows from Power Pivot ("Item.data")

I received a workbook which contains two tables in power-pivot (one around one million rows, another 20 mill rows). I would like to rip this out (as anything really - but let's say a CSV) so that I can use it in R + PostGreSQL.
I can't export to an Excel table as there are more than 1 million rows; and copy-pasting the data only works when I select around 200,000 rows.
I tried converting the xlsx into a zip and opening the "item.data" file in notepad++, however it was encrypted.
I put together some VBA which works for around 0.5 mill rows:
Public Sub CreatePowerPivotDmvInventory()
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim sheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim wbTarget As Workbook
On Error GoTo FailureOutput
Set wbTarget = ActiveWorkbook
Set conn = wbTarget.Model.DataModelConnection.ModelConnection.ADOConnection
' Call function by passing the DMV name
' E.g. Partners
WriteDmvContent "Partners", conn
MsgBox "Finished"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub WriteDmvContent(ByVal dmvName As String, ByRef conn As ADODB.Connection)
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim mdx As String
Dim i As Integer
mdx = "EVALUATE " & dmvName
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.ActiveConnection = conn
rs.Open mdx, conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic
' Setup CSV file (improve this code)
Dim myFile As String
myFile = "H:\output_table_" & dmvName & ".csv"
Open myFile For Output As #1
' Output column names
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.count - 1
If i = rs.Fields.count - 1 Then
Write #1, rs.Fields(i).Name
Write #1, rs.Fields(i).Name,
End If
Next i
' Output of the query results
Do Until rs.EOF
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.count - 1
If i = rs.Fields.count - 1 Then
Write #1, rs.Fields(i)
Write #1, rs.Fields(i),
End If
Next i
Close #1
Set rs = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
DAX Studio will allow you to query the data model in an Excel workbook and output to various formats, including flat files.
The query you'll need is just:
<table name>
I have found a working (VBA) solution [but greggy's also works for me too!] -> my table was too big to export in one chunk so I loop over and filter by 'month'. This seems to work and produces a 1.2 gb CSV after I append all together:
Function YYYYMM(aDate As Date)
YYYYMM = year(aDate) * 100 + month(aDate)
End Function
Function NextYYYYMM(YYYYMM As Long)
If YYYYMM Mod 100 = 12 Then
NextYYYYMM = YYYYMM + 100 - 11
End If
End Function
Public Sub CreatePowerPivotDmvInventory()
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim tblname As String
Dim wbTarget As Workbook
On Error GoTo FailureOutput
Set wbTarget = ActiveWorkbook
Set conn = wbTarget.Model.DataModelConnection.ModelConnection.ADOConnection
' Call function by passing the DMV name
tblname = "table1"
WriteDmvContent tblname, conn
MsgBox "Finished"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub WriteDmvContent(ByVal dmvName As String, ByRef conn As ADODB.Connection)
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim mdx As String
Dim i As Integer
'If table small enough:
'mdx = "EVALUATE " & dmvName
'Other-wise filter:
Dim eval_field As String
Dim eval_val As Variant
'Loop through year_month
Dim CurrYM As Long, LimYM As Long
Dim String_Date As String
CurrYM = YYYYMM(#12/1/2000#)
LimYM = YYYYMM(#12/1/2015#)
Do While CurrYM <= LimYM
String_Date = CStr(Left(CurrYM, 4)) + "-" + CStr(Right(CurrYM, 2))
Debug.Print String_Date
eval_field = "yearmonth"
eval_val = String_Date
mdx = "EVALUATE(CALCULATETABLE(" & dmvName & ", " & dmvName & "[" & eval_field & "] = """ & eval_val & """))"
Debug.Print (mdx)
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.ActiveConnection = conn
rs.Open mdx, conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic
' Setup CSV file (improve this code)
Dim myFile As String
myFile = "H:\vba_tbl_" & dmvName & "_" & eval_val & ".csv"
Debug.Print (myFile)
Open myFile For Output As #1
' Output column names
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.count - 1
If i = rs.Fields.count - 1 Then
Write #1, """" & rs.Fields(i).Name & """"
Write #1, """" & rs.Fields(i).Name & """",
End If
Next i
' Output of the query results
Do Until rs.EOF
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.count - 1
If i = rs.Fields.count - 1 Then
Write #1, """" & rs.Fields(i) & """"
Write #1, """" & rs.Fields(i) & """",
End If
Next i
CurrYM = NextYYYYMM(CurrYM)
i = i + 1
Close #1
Set rs = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
I've modified mptevsion script - now it saves data from the table to separate csv every n rows (100k rows by default, could be changed by changing chunk_size).
The advantage of this script is that it doesn't rely on any field in the table to separate the data, to accomplish that it is using TOPNSKIP (https://dax.guide/topnskip/).
Public Sub CreatePowerPivotDmvInventory()
Dim save_path As String
Dim chunk_size As Long
save_path = "H:\power pivot\csv"
tblName = "data"
chunk_size = 100000
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim mdx As String
Dim i As Long
Dim rows_limit As Long
Dim rows_left As Long
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Set conn = ActiveWorkbook.Model.DataModelConnection.ModelConnection.ADOConnection
' calculating number of rows in a table
mdx = "evaluate {COUNTROWS('" & tblName & "')}"
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.ActiveConnection = conn
rs.Open mdx, conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic
rows_limit = rs.Fields(0)
rows_left = rows_limit
chunk_id = 1
Do While rows_left > 0
If rows_left < chunk_size Then
chunk_size = rows_left
End If
mdx = "define var data_table = '" & tblName & "'" & Chr(10) & _
"EVALUATE(" & Chr(10) & _
" TOPNSKIP(" & chunk_size & ", " & rows_limit - rows_left & ", data_table)" & Chr(10) & _
Debug.Print (mdx)
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.ActiveConnection = conn
rs.Open mdx, conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic
' Setup CSV file (improve this code)
Dim myFile As String
myFile = save_path & "\vba_tbl_" & tblName & "_" & chunk_id & ".csv"
Debug.Print (myFile)
Open myFile For Output As #1
' Output column names
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
If i = rs.Fields.Count - 1 Then
Write #1, """" & rs.Fields(i).Name & """"
Write #1, """" & rs.Fields(i).Name & """",
End If
Next i
' Output of the query results
Do Until rs.EOF
For i = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
If i = rs.Fields.Count - 1 Then
Write #1, """" & rs.Fields(i) & """"
Write #1, """" & rs.Fields(i) & """",
End If
Next i
rows_left = rows_left - chunk_size
chunk_id = chunk_id + 1
Close #1
Set rs = Nothing
MsgBox "Finished"
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

Syntax error in dynamic SQL string

Please help to fix the following syntax error with Like statement. The query works with = but I need to use Like to search in the AAchange field. I think the problem is here "WHERE [AAchange] LIKE '" & "%" & _
but I'm not sure how to correct this syntax. Please see the code below:
Sub ColorNewVariant()
Dim PolicyNum As Variant
Dim bFound As Boolean
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection 'dim the ADO collection class
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset 'dim the ADO recordset class
Dim dbPath As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim r As Range, cell As Range
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Application.EnableEvents = False
Set r = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("G3:G" & LastRow)
For Each cell In r
If cell.Value <> "" Then
PolicyNum = cell.Value
dbPath = PATH_MAIN & "\Report\MDL_IonTorrent.accdb"
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection ' Initialise the collection class variable
'Connection class is equipped with a -method- Named Open
'--4 aguments-- ConnectionString, UserID, Password, Options
'ConnectionString formula--Key1=Value1;Key2=Value2;Key_n=Value_n;
cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & dbPath
strSQL = "SELECT [AAchange] " & _
"FROM [MDL_Table1] " & _
"WHERE [AAchange] LIKE '" & "%" & _
Replace(PolicyNum, """", """""", , , vbTextCompare) & _
'Create the ADODB recordset object.
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset 'assign memory to the recordset
'ConnectionString Open '--5 aguments--
'Source, ActiveConnection, CursorType, LockType, Options
rs.Open strSQL, cnn
bFound = Not rs.EOF
'Check if the recordset is empty.
'Close the recordet and the connection.
'clear memory
Set rs = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing
'Enable the screen.
If bFound Then
'MsgBox "Record exists."
'MsgBox "Record not found."
'cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
cell.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 217, 218)
'cell.AddComment "New Variant"
'Fits shape around text
'cell.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
End If
End If
Next cell
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Change the quoting in your query's WHERE clause.
If you use single quotes to start and end the string value you build, you needn't bother with Replace() of double quotes within the PolicyNum value. That should make this task simpler and less confusing ...
strSQL = "SELECT [AAchange] " & _
"FROM [MDL_Table1] " & _
"WHERE [AAchange] LIKE '%" & PolicyNum & "'"
Debug.Print strSQL

3146 ODBC Call Failed - Access 2010

Please reference code below...
Private Sub Save_Click()
On Error GoTo err_I9_menu
Dim dba As Database
Dim dba2 As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim rst1 As Recordset
Dim rst2 As Recordset
Dim rst3 As Recordset
Dim SQL As String
Dim dateandtime As String
Dim FileSuffix As String
Dim folder As String
Dim strpathname As String
Dim X As Integer
X = InStrRev(Me!ListContents, "\")
Call myprocess(True)
folder = DLookup("[Folder]", "Locaton", "[LOC_ID] = '" & Forms!frmUtility![Site].Value & "'")
strpathname = "\\Reman\PlantReports\" & folder & "\HR\Paperless\"
dateandtime = getdatetime()
If Nz(ListContents, "") <> "" Then
Set dba = CurrentDb
FileSuffix = Mid(Me!ListContents, InStrRev(Me!ListContents, "."), 4)
SQL = "SELECT Extension FROM tbl_Forms WHERE Type = 'I-9'"
SQL = SQL & " AND Action = 'Submit'"
Set rst1 = dba.OpenRecordset(SQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
If Not rst1.EOF Then
newname = Me!DivisionNumber & "-" & Right(Me!SSN, 4) & "-" & LastName & dateandtime & rst1.Fields("Extension") & FileSuffix
newname = Me!DivisionNumber & "-" & Right(Me!SSN, 4) & "-" & LastName & dateandtime & FileSuffix
End If
Set moveit = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
copyto = strpathname & newname
moveit.MoveFile Me.ListContents, copyto
Set rst = Nothing
Set dba = Nothing
End If
If Nz(ListContentsHQ, "") <> "" Then
Set dba2 = CurrentDb
FileSuffix = Mid(Me.ListContentsHQ, InStrRev(Me.ListContentsHQ, "."), 4)
SQL = "SELECT Extension FROM tbl_Forms WHERE Type = 'HealthQuestionnaire'"
SQL = SQL & " AND Action = 'Submit'"
Set rst3 = dba2.OpenRecordset(SQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
If Not rst3.EOF Then
newname = Me!DivisionNumber & "-" & Right(Me!SSN, 4) & "-" & LastName & dateandtime & rst3.Fields("Extension") & FileSuffix
newname = Me!DivisionNumber & "-" & Right(Me!SSN, 4) & "-" & LastName & dateandtime & FileSuffix
End If
Set moveit = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
copyto = strpathname & newname
moveit.MoveFile Me.ListContentsHQ, copyto
Set rst2 = Nothing
Set dba2 = Nothing
End If
Set dba = CurrentDb
Set rst = dba.OpenRecordset("dbo_tbl_EmploymentLog", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
rst.Fields("TransactionDate") = Date
rst.Fields("EmployeeName") = Me.LastName
rst.Fields("EmployeeSSN") = Me.SSN
rst.Fields("EmployeeDOB") = Me.EmployeeDOB
rst.Fields("I9Pathname") = strpathname
rst.Fields("I9FileSent") = newname
rst.Fields("Site") = DLookup("Folder", "Locaton", "Loc_ID='" & Forms!frmUtility!Site & "'")
rst.Fields("UserID") = Forms!frmUtility!user_id
rst.Fields("HqPathname") = strpathname
rst.Fields("HqFileSent") = newname2
Set dba = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing
Call myprocess(False)
DivisionNumber = ""
LastName = ""
SSN = ""
ListContents = ""
ListContentsHQ = ""
Exit Sub
Call myprocess(False)
MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
'MsgBox "The program has encountered an error and the data was NOT saved."
Exit Sub
End Sub
I keep getting an ODBC call error. The permissions are all correct and the previous piece of code worked where there were separate tables for the I9 and Hq logs. The routine is called when someone submits a set of files with specific information.
Just a guess here, but I'm thinking you've got a typo that's resulting in assigning a Null to a required field.
Change "Locaton":
rst.Fields("Site") = DLookup("Folder", "Locaton", "Loc_ID='" & Forms!frmUtility!Site & "'")
To "Location":
rst.Fields("Site") = DLookup("Folder", "Location", "Loc_ID='" & Forms!frmUtility!Site & "'")
Some general advice for troubleshooting 3146 ODBC Errors: DAO has an Errors collection which usually contains more specific information for ODBC errors. The following is a quick and dirty way to see what's in there. I have a more refined version of this in a standard error handling module that I include in all of my programs:
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To Errors.Count - 1
Debug.Print Errors(i).Number, Errors(i).Description
Next i
I solved this by recreating the table in SQL instead of up-sizing it out of Access.
My 3146 error was caused by the lack of primary key on my sql server table. It was resolved by defining a primary key and then refreshing the connection through Linked Table Manager.

vba to populate a textbox from SQL queries when combobox is change it

I have a userform with one textbox and one combobox in EXCEL.
This userform is connected to a small data base (one table with 2 columns)
Combobox is populated with the values from the first column of databasqe table
I like when the combobox is changing the textbox to be automatic populated with the corespondent value from the second column.
I have the following code but it is not working:
Please, can someone help me?
Sub PopulateTB()
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim db As database
Dim SQL As String
Set db = OpenDatabase(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\materiale.mdb")
SQL = "SELECT values_col2 FROM table_db WHERE values_col1 = " & UserForm1.ComboBox1.Value & ";"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql)
Do Until rs.EOF = True
UserForm1.TextBox1.Value = rs.Fields(SQL)
Set db = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub
Thank you!
I putted like this and it is ok
Sub PopulateTB(ByRef ctl As Control, ByVal strTable As String, ByVal strField As String, Optional ByVal strCriteria As String)
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQLcount As String
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim db As Database
Dim rsCount As Recordset, totalCol As Long
Dim varRecords As Variant
Set db = OpenDatabase(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\materiale.mdb")
strSQLcount = ""
strSQLcount = strSQLcount & " " & "SELECT COUNT(*) AS Total FROM " & "[" & strTable & "]"
Set rsCount = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLcount)
totalCol = rsCount!Total
Set rsCount = Nothing
strSQL = ""
strSQL = strSQL & " " & "SELECT" & "[" & strField & "]"
strSQL = strSQL & " " & "FROM " & "[" & strTable & "]"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
varRecords = rs.GetRows(totalCol)
ctl.Value = varRecords(0, Me.ComboBox1.ListIndex)
Set db = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub

Is it possible to "sync" two tables in different Access files using VBA?

I created an Access database which I want to distribute to a small group. While I can always export the tables in excel and merge them/append data there, is there a way to sync the databases, maybe by using VBA?
To expound further, in one form in the database application, a sync button may exist, and onclick, a dialog box may open to look for the accdb to sync with. What ensues is that the VBA will "sync" the table (which of course is of the same structure) in question between the two accdbs.
Is this possible? Insights will be good. Thank you!
Yes, it is perfectly possible. Here are some notes on comparing two DBs and logging changes.
The procedure requires the following at the top of the module:
Dim strFileNew As String
Dim strFileOld As String
Dim strLog As String
Dim dbOld As Database
The variables might contain:
strLog = "log.txt"
strFileNew = "z:\docs\dbNew.mdb"
strFileOld = "z:\docs\dbOld.mdb"
Set dbOld = OpenDatabase(strFileOld)
Then the comparison:
Sub LogCompareDB(db As Database)
''References : Windows Script Host Object Model
'' This is set by default for a number of versions
'' : Microsoft DAO x.x Object Library
'' For 2010, the DAO library is called
'' :Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine Object Library
Dim tdf As TableDef
Dim rs0 As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim idx As Index
Dim idxPrimary As Index
Dim strIndexList As String
Dim strIndex As String
Dim strID As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strChanged As String
Dim blnNew As Boolean
Dim fs As New FileSystemObject
Dim ts As TextStream
Set ts = fs.CreateTextFile(strLog, True)
''For each table in the old database
''(It would probably be a good idea to check the
''new database for added tables)
For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
'' Skip system tables
If Left(tdf.Name, 4) <> "MSys" Then
strIndex = vbNullString
Set idxPrimary = Nothing
strIndexList = vbNullString
''Get the primary index and index fields
For Each idx In tdf.Indexes
If idx.Primary = True Then
Set idxPrimary = idx
For Each fld In idx.Fields
strIndex = strIndex & " AND t0.[" & fld.Name _
& "] = t1.[" & fld.Name & "]"
strIndexList = strIndexList & "," & fld.Name
strIndex = Mid(strIndex, 5)
End If
''There is no basis for comparison if there is no index.
''A unique index would also be a possibility, but hey, let's
''not go over the top :)
If strIndex > vbNullString Then
''Select all records from the table for both databases
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [;DATABASE=" & strFileNew & "].[" _
& tdf.Name & "] As t0 LEFT JOIN [" _
& tdf.Name & "] As t1 ON " & strIndex
Set rs0 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
''A convenient list of fields from the old database
''It would probably be a good idea to check the
''new database for added fields.
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [;DATABASE=" & strFileOld & "].[" _
& tdf.Name & "] As t0 WHERE 1=2"
Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Do While Not rs0.EOF
strID = vbNullString
blnNew = False
''If the index fields are null, then it is a new record
For Each fld In idxPrimary.Fields
strID = strID & fld.Name & ": " & rs0("[t0." & fld.Name & "]") & vbCrLf
If IsNull(rs0("[t1." & fld.Name & "]")) Then
blnNew = True
End If
If blnNew Then
''Write to log
ts.WriteLine "NEW RECORD " & strID & vbCrLf
''Not a new record, so is it a changed record?
strChanged = vbNullString
For Each fld In rs1.Fields
''No need to check index fields, because they are equal
If InStr(strIndexList, fld.Name) = 0 Then
''Add null string for purposes of comparison ''trailing
If "" & rs0("[t0." & fld.Name & "]") <> "" & rs0("[t1." & fld.Name & "]") Then
strChanged = strChanged & vbCrLf _
& fld.Name & " Is: " & Trim(rs0("[t0." & fld.Name & "]")) _
& " Was: " & Trim(rs0("[t1." & fld.Name & "]"))
End If
End If
If strChanged <> vbNullString Then
''Write to log
ts.WriteLine "CHANGED RECORD " & strID
ts.WriteLine strChanged & vbCrLf
End If
End If
ts.WriteLine "NO PRIMARY INDEX " & tdf.Name & vbCrLf
End If
End If
FollowHyperlink strLog
End Sub
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Dim tablename1, tablename2 As String
tablename1 = Text0.Value
tablename2 = Text2.Value
'On Error GoTo Err_cmdValidateGeneralInfo_Click
Dim F As DAO.Field
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs1 As DAO.Recordset
Set curDB = CurrentDb()
'If Me.DateModified = Date Then
'Adds new employees to the TT_GeneralInfo table in the FTEI_PhoneBook.mdb - which is used thru out the AP databases.
' DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryEmpData_TT_General"
strsql = "Select * from " & tablename1
Set rs = curDB.OpenRecordset(strsql)
strsql1 = "Select * from " & tablename2
DoCmd.CopyObject , "Unmatched_records", acTable, tablename1
curDB.Execute "DELETE FROM Unmatched_records"
Set rs1 = curDB.OpenRecordset(strsql1)
Do Until rs.EOF
For Each F In rs.Fields
If rs.Fields(F.Name) <> rs1.Fields(F.Name) Then
strsql = "Select * into test from " & tablename1 & " where " & F.Name & " = """ & rs.Fields(F.Name) & """"
DoCmd.RunSQL strsql
If DCount(F.Name, "test") <> 0 Then
GoTo append_unmatch
'appending unmacthed records
strsql2 = "insert into Unmatched_records Select * from test"
DoCmd.RunSQL strsql2
'if record doesnt match move to next one
GoTo Nextrecord
End If
' rs.Fields(F.Name) = rs1.Fields(F.Name)
' rs.Update
End If
Next F
If DCount("test", F.Name) <> 0 Then
MsgBox ("The two tables didnt match. Check table test for unmatching reocrds.")
MsgBox ("Tables match!")
End If
End Sub