transform rows into one row based on unique ID - sql

Reason | ID
Sales - Agent Attitude | 2
Billing - Process | 2
Technical - Outages | 1005
Technical - knowledge | 1005
Others | 1005
i have the above table and i want a result like the below by using SQL server i can combine rows into one row by separating them by , by using STUFF() function but i want the format as the below so any help
ID | Reason 1 | Reason 2 | Reason 3
2 | Sales - Agent Attitude | Billing - Process | NULL
1005 | Technical - Outages | Technical - knowledge |Others

Try below query..
select distinct
ID , [1] as 'Reason 1' , [2] as 'Reason 2' , [3] as 'Reason 3'
select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY id ORDER BY reason DESC ) as RID from #temp
) src
for rid in ([1], [2],[3])
) piv
plz let us know if you have any que. or concerns

This is the pivot solution:
t as (
SELECT 'Reason ' + cast(ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by id order by id) as varchar(2)) n, *
from YourTable
select *
pivot (min(reason) for n in ([Reason 1],[Reason 2],[Reason 3],[Reason 4],[Reason 5])) p


Extract the maximum value from the last number in a hierarchyID?

I have a column with hierarchy IDs converted to strings in SQL Server. I need to add new hierarcyIDs for the new lines, but first I have to find the last child of the current ID. The hierarchyIDs are look like these:
As you can see, the maximum number is not equal with the count of the lines, so I can not use count()+1 unfortunately.
What I need to extract from this list is:
I only have experience in PL SQL, where it was easy to do this with regexp functions, but I can not find the solution in SQL Server.
You can use some STRING operation as below to get your desired output-
WITH your_table(your_column)
SELECT '/1/1/1/6/1/' UNION ALL
SELECT '/1/1/1/6/7/' UNION ALL
SELECT '/1/1/1/6/3/' UNION ALL
SELECT '/1/1/1/6/13/' UNION ALL
SELECT '/1/1/1/6/4/'
CHARINDEX('/',REVERSE(LEFT(your_column,LEN(your_column)-1)) ,0) - 1
FROM your_table
Note: Data has to be as your sample data
The creators of hierarchyid have anticipated your needs and have an officially supported solution for this.
declare #h table (h HIERARCHYID);
insert into #h (h)
declare #parent HIERARCHYID = '/1/1/1/6/';
declare #maxChild HIERARCHYID = (
select max(h)
from #h
where h.IsDescendantOf(#parent) = 1
-- ToString() added here for readability in the output;
-- it's not needed to be used as data.
select #parent.GetDescendant(#maxChild, null).ToString();
You can read more about this here.
Another way around this is to specify your own components to the hierarchyid yourself. I like to use the primary key values. For example, let's say that this data represents a company's org chart. If EmployeeID 1 is the CEO, 42 is the CFO (who reports to the CEO) and 306 is Accounting Manager (who reports to the CFO), the latter's hierarchyid would be /1/42/306/. Because the PK values are unique, the generated hierarchid is also unique.
To give some ideas, 2 solutions.
The first one is for Sql Server 2017 and beyond.
The second for most versions below that.
create table YourTable
ID int identity(101,1) primary key,
hierarcyIDs varchar(100)
insert into YourTable
(hierarcyIDs) values
5 rows affected
[1] as id1,
[2] as id2,
[3] as id3,
[4] as id4,
max([5]) as id5,
concat_ws('/','',[1],[2],[3],[4],max([5])+1,'') as nextHierarcyIDs
FROM YourTable
select *
( select try_cast(value as int) as id
, row_number() over (order by (select 0)) rn
from string_split(trim('/' from hierarcyIDs),'/') s
) src
pivot (max(id)
for rn in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5])
) pvt
) anarchy
group by [1],[2],[3],[4]
id1 | id2 | id3 | id4 | id5 | nextHierarcyIDs
--: | --: | --: | --: | --: | :---------------
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 15 | /1/2/3/4/16/
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 42 | /11/12/13/14/43/
SELECT hierarcyIdLvl1to4
, MAX(hierarcyIDLvl5) AS maxHierarcyIDLvl5
SELECT id, hierarcyIDs
, substring(hierarcyIDs, 0, len(hierarcyIDs)-charindex('/',
reverse(hierarcyIDs),2)+2) AS hierarcyIdLvl1to4
, reverse(substring(reverse(hierarcyIDs),2,charindex('/',
reverse(hierarcyIDs),2)-2)) AS hierarcyIDLvl5
FROM YourTable
) q
GROUP BY hierarcyIdLvl1to4
hierarcyIdLvl1to4 | maxHierarcyIDLvl5
:---------------- | :----------------
/1/2/3/4/ | 5
/11/12/13/14/ | 42
db<>fiddle here

Reverse col and rows in SQL

I have to create query, to reverse rows and cols correct. I am using MS SQL SERVER 2016.
This is what I have:
Row_ID | Group_ID | Group_Status | MemberRole | name
2807 | 10568 | accept | chairman | Rajah
2808 | 10568 | accept | member | Vaughan
2812 | 10568 | accept | secretary | Susan
This is what I need:
Group_ID | Status | Chairman | Secretary | Member1 | Member2 | Member3 | ... | Member20
10568 | Accept | Rajah | Susan | Vaughan | Kane | Oprah | ... | Imelda
(users with member role can be between 0-20)
Probably I should use pivot, but I have no idea how.
Ok, I have this code:
SELECT group_id,
FROM DataGroup
) dataSource PIVOT(MAX(name) FOR memberRole IN([chairman],
[member])) pivotTab;
But I losing rows with members (get only one member), how to extract them to columns?
You can try this with a unioned query:
Some mockup (please provide such a dummy table with your sample data yourself in your next question):
DECLARE #mockup TABLE(Row_ID INT,Group_ID INT,Group_Status VARCHAR(100),MemberRole VARCHAR(100),[name] VARCHAR(100));
--The query
FROM #mockup
WHERE MemberRole IN('chairman','secretary')
FROM #mockup
WHERE MemberRole='member'
) t
MAX([name]) FOR MemberRole IN(Chairman,Secretary,Member1,Member2,Member3 /*add as many as you need*/)
) p;
The result
Group_ID Group_Status Chairman Secretary Member1 Member2 Member3
10568 accept Rajah Susan Vaughan Onemore NULL
In short:
The first part of the query will Just pick the two fix names.
The second part will pick the members and number them sorted by their Row_ID.
The PIVOT will then transform this to a single row, using the column MemberRole for the new column names.
You will have to think about some more things:
What if not all the lines are accepted?
What of there are many groups?
If you need help, you can comeback with a new question. Happy Coding!
I would simply use conditional aggregation:
select group_id, group_status,
max(case when member_role = 'chairman' then name end) as chairman,
max(case when member_role = 'secretary' then name end) as secretary,
max(case when member_role = 'member' and seqnum = 1 then name end) as member_01,
max(case when member_role = 'member' and seqnum = 2 then name end) as member_02,
. . .
from (select m.*,
row_number() over (partition by group_id, member_role order by row_id) as seqnum
from #mockup m
) m
group by group_id, group_status;
I find conditional aggregation to be much more flexible than pivot. This is an example of the situation where the query is simpler.

SQL: List/aggregate all items for one corresponding transaction id

I have the following table in a vertica db:
| Tid | Item |
| 1 | A |
| 1 | B |
| 1 | C |
| 2 | B |
| 2 | D |
And I want to get this table:
| Tid | Item1 | Item2 | Item3 |
| 1 | A | B | C |
| 2 | B | D | |
Keep in mind that I don't know the maximum item number a transaction_id (Tid) can have, and the amount of items per Tid is not constant. I tried using join and where but could not get it to work properly. Thanks for the help.
There is no PIVOT ability in Vertica. Columns can not be defined on the fly as part of the query. You have to specify.
There are perhaps other options, such as concatenating them in an aggregate using a UDX, such as what you will find in this Stack Overflow answer. But this will put them into a single field.
The only other alternative would be to build the pivot on the client side using something like Python. Else you have to have a way to generate the column lists for your query.
For my example, I am assuming you are dealing with a unique (Tid, Item) set. You may need to modify to suite your needs.
First you would need to determine the max number if items you need to support:
with Tid_count as (
select Tid, count(*) cnt
from mytable
group by 1
select max(cnt)
from Tid_count;
And let's say the most Items you had to support was 4, you would then generate a sql to pivot:
with numbered_mytable as (
select Tid,
row_number() over (partition by Tid order by Item) rn
from mytable
select Tid,
MAX(decode(rn,1,Item)) Item1,
MAX(decode(rn,2,Item)) Item2,
MAX(decode(rn,3,Item)) Item3,
MAX(decode(rn,4,Item)) Item4
from numbered_mytable
group by 1
order by 1;
Or if you don't want to generate SQL, but know you'll never have more than X items, you can just create a static form that goes to X.
You can try this:
Create table #table(id int,Value varchar(1))
insert into #table
select 1,'A'
select 1,'B'
select 1,'C'
select 2,'B'
select 2,'D'
select id,[1] Item1,[2] Item2,[3] Item3 from
select id,Dense_rank()over(partition by id order by value)Rnak,Value from #table
(Min(value) for Rnak in ([1],[2],[3]))p
drop table #table

How to create a condition for this case?

Sample Table:
Id |Acc_Code|Description |Balance | Acclevel| Acctype| Exttype|
--- -------- ----------------- |-------- |-------- | -------| -------|
1 |SA |Sales | 0.00 | 1 | SA | |
2 |CS |Cost of Sales | 0.00 | 1 | CS | |
3 |5000/001|Revenue | 94.34 | 2 | SA | |
4 |5000/090|Sales(Local) | 62.83 | 2 | SA | |
5 |7000/000|Manufacturing Acc |-250.80 | 2 | CS | MA |
6 |7000/200|Manufacturing Acc | 178.00 | 2 | CS | |
This is a sample data of a temporary table which would be used to be inserted into another temporary table that would calculate the data for Profit and Loss Statement (For Manufacturing related Accounts only).
In this case, the acc_code for Manufacturing accounts start from 7000/000 and separated/partitioned for each following Exttype.
Eg: We start from the exttype of MA and based on its acclevel (could be 2 or more) until the next exttype.
The idea is we get the manufacturing accounts by SELECT FROM tmp_acc_list WHERE acc_code BETWEEN #start_acc_code (7000/000 in this case) AND #end_acc_code (the data before the next exttype)
I don't know what the exttype is, I'm still learning the tables.
How do we create the #end_acc_code part out from this sample table?
So here is a all in one script.
I created Your table for test:
create table #tmp_acc_list(
Id numeric,
Acc_Code nvarchar(100),
Acclevel numeric,
Acctype nvarchar(100),
Exttype nvarchar(100));
insert into #tmp_acc_list(Id, Acc_Code, Acclevel, Acctype, Exttype)
select 1 , 'SA', 1,'SA', null union all
select 2 , 'CS', 1,'CS', null union all
select 3 , '5000/001', 2,'SA', null union all
select 4 , '5000/090', 2,'SA', null union all
select 5 , '7000/000', 2,'CS', 'MA' union all
select 6 , '7000/200', 2,'CS', null
Then comes the query:
with OrderedTable as -- to order the table is Id is not an order
t.*, ROW_NUMBER() over (
order by id asc --use any ordering You need here
as RowNum
#tmp_acc_list as t
MarkedTable as -- mark with common number
Max(case when t.Exttype is null then null else t.RowNum end)
over (order by t.RowNum) as GroupRownum
from OrderedTable as t
GroupedTable as -- add group Exttype
t.Id, t.Acc_Code, t.Acclevel, t.Acctype, t.Exttype,
max(t.Exttype) over (partition by t.GroupRownum) as GroupExttype
from MarkedTable as t
select * from GroupedTable where GroupExttype = 'MA'
Is this what You need?
select *
select Id, Acc_Code
from tmp_acc_list
where Acc_Code = '7000/000'
) s
cross join tmp_acc_list a
cross apply
select top 1 x.Id, x.Acc_Code
from tmp_acc_list x
where x.Id >= a.Id
and x.AccLevel = a.AccLevel
and x.Acctype = a.Acctype
and x.Exttype = ''
order by Id desc
) e
where a.Id between s.Id and e.Id

SQL: Putting an individuals distinct diagnosis into one horizontal row

I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 for a mental health organization.
I have a table that lists all of out clients and their diagnoses, but each diagnoses that a client has is in a new row. I want them all to be in a single row listed out horizontally with the date for each diagnosis. Some people have just one diagnosis, some have 20, some have none.
Here's an example of how my data sort of looks now (only with a lot few clients, we have thousands):
And Here's the format I'd like it to end up:
Any solutions you could offer or hints in the right direction would be great, thanks!
In order to get the result, I would first unpivot and then pivot your data. The unpivot will take your date and diagnosis columns and convert them into rows. Once the data is in rows, then you can apply the pivot.
If you have a known number of values, then you can hard-code your query similar to this:
select *
select person, [case#], age,
col+'_'+cast(rn as varchar(10)) col,
select person,
convert(varchar(10), diagnosisdate, 101) diagnosisDate,
row_number() over(partition by person, [case#]
order by DiagnosisDate) rn
from yourtable
) d
cross apply
values ('diagnosis', diagnosis), ('diagnosisDate', diagnosisDate)
) c (col, value)
) t
for col in (diagnosis_1, diagnosisDate_1,
diagnosis_2, diagnosisDate_2,
diagnosis_3, diagnosisDate_3,
diagnosis_4, diagnosisDate_4)
) piv;
See SQL Fiddle with Demo.
I am going to assume that you will have an unknown number of diagnosis values for each case. If that is the case, then you will need to use dynamic sql to generate the result:
select #cols = STUFF((SELECT ',' + QUOTENAME(col+'_'+cast(rn as varchar(10)))
select row_number() over(partition by person, [case#]
order by DiagnosisDate) rn
from yourtable
) t
cross join
select 'Diagnosis' col union all
select 'DiagnosisDate'
) c
group by col, rn
order by rn, col
).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
set #query = 'SELECT person,
age,' + #cols + '
select person, [case#], age,
col+''_''+cast(rn as varchar(10)) col,
select person,
convert(varchar(10), diagnosisdate, 101) diagnosisDate,
row_number() over(partition by person, [case#]
order by DiagnosisDate) rn
from yourtable
) d
cross apply
values (''diagnosis'', diagnosis), (''diagnosisDate'', diagnosisDate)
) c (col, value)
) t
for col in (' + #cols + ')
) p '
See SQL Fiddle with Demo. Both queries give the result:
| John | 13784 | 56 | Depression | 03/13/2012 | Brain Injury | 03/14/2012 | Spinal Cord Injury | 03/15/2012 | Hypertension | 03/16/2012 |
| Kate | 2643 | 37 | Bipolar | 03/11/2012 | Hypertension | 03/12/2012 | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) |
| Kevin | 500934 | 25 | Down Syndrome | 03/18/2012 | Clinical Obesity | 03/19/2012 | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) |
| Pete | 803342 | 34 | Schizophenia | 03/17/2012 | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) | (null) |
For this type of pivoting, I think the aggregate/group method is feasible:
select, d.person,
max(case when seqnum = 1 then diagnosis end) as d1,
max(case when seqnum = 1 then diagnosisdate end) as d1date,
max(case when seqnum = 2 then diagnosis end) as d2,
max(case when seqnum = 2 then diagnosisdate end) as d2date,
. . . -- and so on, for as many groups that you want
from (select d.*, row_number() over (partition by case order by diagnosisdate) as seqnum
from diagnoses d
) d
group by, d.person
Since you are dealing with sensitive medical information, identifyiable information (name age etc) shouldn't be stored in the same table as the medical information. Also, if you extract out the person info into its own table and a Diagnosis table that has the personID foreign key you can establish the 1 to many relationship you want.
Unless you use Dynamic SQL, the PIVOT operator will not work here. I assume that patients can come in on any date. The PIVOT operator works with a finite and predefined number of columns. Your options are to use Dynamic SQL to create the PIVOT table, or to use Excel or a reporting tool like SSRS to do a Pivot report.
I think the Dynamic SQL option would not be practical here, since, you could end up having hundreds of columns for each of the patient visit dates.
If you want to explore the Dynamic SQL option anyway, have a look here: