Finding out the highest number in a comma separated string using Oracle SQL - sql

I have a table with two columns:
1,25,26,24 |1,26,24,25
1,56,55,54 |1,55,54
1 |1
1,2 |1
1,96,95,94 |1,96,94,95
1 |1
1 |1
1 |1
1 |1
1,2 |1,2
1 |1
1 |1
1 |1
1 |1
For each row there will be a list of revisions for a document (comma separated)
The comma separated list might be the same in both columns but the order/sort might be different - e.g.
2,1 |1,2
I would like to find all the instances where the highest revision in the OLD_REVISIONS column is lower than than the highest revision in NEW_REVISIONS
The following would fit that criteria
1,2 |1
1,56,55,54 |1,55,54
I tried a solution using the MINUS option (joining the table to itself) but it returns differences even for when the list is the same but in the wrong order
I tried the function GREATEST (i.e where greatest(new_Revisions) < greatest(old_revisions)) but i am not sure why greatest(OLD_REVISIONS) always just returns the comma separated value. It does not return the max value. I suspect it is comparing strings because the columns are VARCHAR.
Also, MAX function expects a single number.
Is there another way i can achieve the above? I am looking for a pure SQL option so i can print out the results (or a PL/SQL option that can print out the results)
Apologies for not mentioning this but for the NEW_REVISIONS i do actually have the data in a table where each revision is in a separate row:
67 1
67 24
67 25
67 26
75 1
75 54
75 55
75 56
78 1
79 1
79 2
83 1
83 96
83 94
Just to give some content, a few weeks ago i suspected that there are revisions disappearing.
To investigate this, i decided to take a count of all revisions for all documents and take a snapshot to compare later to see if revisions are indeed missing.
The snapshot that i took contained the following columns:
docnumber, count, revisions
The revisions were stored in a comma separated list using the listagg function.
The trouble i have now is the on live table, new revisions have been added so when i compare the main table and the snapshot using a MINUS i get a difference because
of the new revisions in the main table.
Even though in the actual table the revisions are individual rows, in the snapshot table i dont have the individual rows.
I am thinking the only way to recreate the snapshot in the same format and compare them find out if maximum revision in the main table is lower than the max revision in the snapshot table (hence why im trying to find out how to find out the max in a comma separated string)

select xmlcast(xmlquery(('max((' || OLD_REVISIONS || '))') RETURNING CONTENT) as int) as OLD_REVISIONS_max
,xmlcast(xmlquery(('max((' || NEW_REVISIONS || '))') RETURNING CONTENT) as int) as NEW_REVISIONS_max
from t

Assuming your base table has an id column (versions of what?) - here is a solution based on splitting the rows.
Edit: If you like this solution, check out vkp's solution, which is better than mine. I explain why his solution is better in a Comment to his Answer.
t ( id, old_revisions, new_revisions ) as (
select 101, '1,25,26,24', '1,26,24,25' from dual union all
select 102, '1,56,55,54', '1,55,54' from dual union all
select 103, '1' , '1' from dual union all
select 104, '1,2' , '1' from dual union all
select 105, '1,96,95,94', '1,96,94,95' from dual union all
select 106, '1' , '1' from dual union all
select 107, '1' , '1' from dual union all
select 108, '1' , '1' from dual union all
select 109, '1' , '1' from dual union all
select 110, '1,2' , '1,2' from dual union all
select 111, '1' , '1' from dual union all
select 112, '1' , '1' from dual union all
select 113, '1' , '1' from dual union all
select 114, '1' , '1' from dual
-- END of TEST DATA; the actual solution (SQL query) begins below.
select id, old_revisions, new_revisions
from (
select id, old_revisions, new_revisions, 'old' as flag,
to_number(regexp_substr(old_revisions, '\d+', 1, level)) as rev_no
from t
connect by level <= regexp_count(old_revisions, ',') + 1
and prior id = id
and prior sys_guid() is not null
union all
select id, old_revisions, new_revisions, 'new' as flag,
to_number(regexp_substr(new_revisions, '\d+', 1, level)) as rev_no
from t
connect by level <= regexp_count(new_revisions, ',') + 1
and prior id = id
and prior sys_guid() is not null
group by id, old_revisions, new_revisions
having max(case when flag = 'old' then rev_no end) !=
max(case when flag = 'new' then rev_no end)
order by id -- ORDER BY is optional
--- ------------ ------------
102 1,56,55,54 1,55,54
104 1,2 1

You can compare every value by putting together the revisions in the same order using listagg function.
SELECT listagg(o,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY o) old_revisions,
listagg(n,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY n) new_revisions
regexp_substr(old_revisions, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) o,
regexp_substr(new_revisions, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) n
FROM table
WHERE regexp_substr(old_revisions, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL
CONNECT BY LEVEL<=(SELECT greatest(MAX(regexp_count(old_revisions,',')),MAX(regexp_count(new_revisions,',')))+1 c FROM table)
HAVING listagg(o,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY o)<>listagg(n,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY n);

This could be a way:
select level
from dual
connect by level <= length (regexp_replace(t.OLD_REVISIONS, '[^,]+')) + 1
) as sys.OdciNumberList
) levels_old,
select level
from dual
connect by level <= length (regexp_replace(t.NEW_REVISIONS, '[^,]+')) + 1
)as sys.OdciNumberList
) levels_new
group by t.ROWID,
having max(to_number(trim(regexp_substr(t.OLD_REVISIONS, '[^,]+', 1, levels_old.column_value)))) >
max(to_number(trim(regexp_substr(t.new_REVISIONS, '[^,]+', 1, levels_new.column_value))))
This uses a double string split to pick the values from every field, and then simply finds the rows where the max values among the two collections match your requirement.
You should edit this by adding some unique key in the GROUP BYclause, or a rowid if you don't have any unique key on your table.

One way to do is to split the columns on comma separation using regexp_substr and checking if the max and min values are different.
Sample Demo
with rownums as (select t.*,row_number() over(order by old_revisions) rn from t)
select old_revisions,new_revisions
from rownums
where rn in (select rn
from rownums
group by rn
connect by regexp_substr(old_revisions, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null
or regexp_substr(new_revisions, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null
having max(cast(regexp_substr(old_revisions,'[^,]+', 1, level) as int))
<> max(cast(regexp_substr(new_revisions,'[^,]+', 1, level) as int))

Comments say normalise data. I agree but also I understand it may be not possible. I would try something like query below:
select greatest(val1, val2), t1.r from (
select max(val) val1, r from (
select regexp_substr(v1,'[^,]+', 1, level) val, rowid r from tab1
connect by regexp_substr(v1, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null
) group by r) t1
inner join (
select max(val) val2, r from (
select regexp_substr(v2,'[^,]+', 1, level) val, rowid r from tab1
connect by regexp_substr(v2, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null
) group by r) t2
on (t1.r = t2.r);
Tested on:
create table tab1 (v1 varchar2(100), v2 varchar2(100));
insert into tab1 values ('1,3,5','1,4,7');
insert into tab1 values ('1,3,5','1,2,9');
insert into tab1 values ('1,3,5','1,3,5');
insert into tab1 values ('1,3,5','1,4');
and seems to work fine. I left rowid for reference. I guess you have some id in table.
After your edit I would change query to:
select greatest(val1, val2), t1.r from (
select max(val) val1, r from (
select regexp_substr(v1,'[^,]+', 1, level) val, DOCNUMBER r from tab1
connect by regexp_substr(v1, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null
) group by DOCNUMBER) t1
inner join (
select max(DOCNUMBER) val2, DOCNUMBER r from NEW_REVISIONS) t2
on (t1.r = t2.r);

You may write a PL/SQL function parsing the string and returning the maximal number
select max_num( '1,26,24,25') max_num from dual;
The query ist than very simple:
from revs
where max_num(OLD_REVISIONS) < max_num(NEW_REVISIONS);
A prototyp function without validation and error handling
create or replace function max_num(str_in VARCHAR2) return NUMBER as
i number;
x varchar2(1);
n number := 0;
max_n number := 0;
pow number := 0;
for i in 0.. length(str_in)-1 loop
x := substr(str_in,length(str_in)-i,1);
if x = ',' then
-- check max number
if n > max_n then
max_n := n;
end if;
-- reset
n := 0;
pow := 0;
n := n + to_number(x)*power(10,pow);
pow := pow +1;
end if;
end loop;


Oracle SQL - Combining columns with 'OR' bit function

Oracle 12.2 - I have a table with 3 columns... ID, ParentID and ProductList. ID is unique, with multiple IDs rolling up to a ParentID. (this is a account model... basically multiple accounts have the same parent...) ProductList is a string...also exactly 20 bytes... right now it is 20 letters of 'Y' and 'N', such as YYNYNYNYNNNY... but I can change the 'Y' and 'N' to 1 and 0 if it will help... what I need to do is within a group of ParentID, calculate a bitwise OR of the ProductList. The end result I need is a 20 byte string (or some type of 20 bits of data) that says - for each respective letter/bit - if any 'Y' then return 'Y'. Again, I can use 1/0 if easier than Y/N.
Here is pseudoCode of what I am trying to do... Any help appreciated.
with T1 as
select 10 as ID, 20 as ParentID, 'YYNNYNYNYNYYNNYNYNYN' as ProductList from dual
select 11 as ID, 20 as ParentID, 'NNNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYY' as ProductList from dual
select 22 as ID, 20 as ParentID, 'YYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN' as ProductList from dual
SELECT ParentID, BitWiseOr(ProductList) FROM t1
group by ParentID;
You can use the brute force method of taking the maximum of each character and then using ||:
(max(substr(productlist, 1, 1)) ||
max(substr(productlist, 2, 1)) ||
max(substr(productlist, 3, 1)) ||
. . .
max(substr(productlist, 20, 1)) ||
This works because 'Y' > 'N'.
Note: This is a lousy data model. You should have a separate table with one row per id and product.
You can destruct string to atomic values, compute result of or operation and assemble it back into string. (Credit to #GordonLinoff for Y>N trick.) dbfiddle here.
Unfortunately, Oracle does not allow something like unpivot (val FOR substring(ProductList,i,1 in ... and also Oracle does not have equivalent to Postgres bool_or, which would both made solution simpler. At least this solution scales with ProductList length.
Anyway you should avoid violating 1st normal form. If you cannot, it IMHO does not matter how boolean is modelled.
with T1 as
select 10 as ID, 20 as ParentID, 'YYNNYNYNYNYYNNYNYNYN' as ProductList from dual
select 11 as ID, 20 as ParentID, 'NNNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYY' as ProductList from dual
select 22 as ID, 20 as ParentID, 'YYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN' as ProductList from dual
), series (i) as (
select level as i
from dual
connect by level <= 20
), applied_or as (
select t1.parentid
, max(substr(t1.productlist, series.i, 1)) as or_result
, series.i
from t1
cross join series
group by t1.parentid, series.i
select parentid
, listagg(or_result) within group (order by i)
from applied_or
group by parentid

Convert a sequence of 0s and 1s to a print-style page list

I need to convert a string of 0s and 1s into a sequence of integers representing the 1s, similar to a page selection sequence in a print dialog.
e.g. '0011001110101' -> '3-4,7-9,11,13'
Is it possible to do this in a single SQL select (in Oracle 11g)?
I can get an individual list of the page numbers with the following:
with data as (
select 'K1' KEY, '0011001110101' VAL from dual
union select 'K2', '0101000110' from dual
union select 'K3', '011100011010' from dual
listagg(ords.column_value, ',') within group (
order by ords.column_value
cross join (
select level
from dual
connect by level <= length(VAL)
) as sys.OdciNumberList)) ords
substr(VAL, ords.column_value, 1) = '1'
group by
But that doesn't do the grouping (e.g. returns "3,4,7,8,9,11,13" for the first value).
If I could assign a group number every time the value changes then I could use analytic functions to get the min and max for each group. I.e. if I could generate the following then I'd be set:
Key Page Val Group
K1 1 0 1
K1 2 0 1
K1 3 1 2
K1 4 1 2
K1 5 0 3
K1 6 0 3
K1 7 1 4
K1 8 1 4
K1 9 1 4
K1 10 0 5
K1 11 1 6
K1 12 0 7
K1 13 1 8
But I'm stuck on that.
Anyone have any ideas, or another approach to get this?
first of all let's level it:
select regexp_instr('0011001110101', '1+', 1, LEVEL) istr,
regexp_substr('0011001110101', '1+', 1, LEVEL) strlen
FROM dual
CONNECT BY regexp_substr('0011001110101', '1+', 1, LEVEL) is not null
then the rest is easy with listagg :
with data as
select 'K1' KEY, '0011001110101' VAL from dual
union select 'K2', '0101000110' from dual
union select 'K3', '011100011010' from dual
(SELECT listagg(CASE
WHEN length(regexp_substr(val, '1+', 1, LEVEL)) = 1 THEN
to_char(regexp_instr(val, '1+', 1, LEVEL))
regexp_instr(val, '1+', 1, LEVEL) || '-' ||
to_char(regexp_instr(val, '1+', 1, LEVEL) +
length(regexp_substr(val, '1+', 1, LEVEL)) - 1)
' ,') within GROUP(ORDER BY regexp_instr(val, '1+', 1, LEVEL))
from dual
CONNECT BY regexp_substr(data.val, '1+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL) val
FROM data
Using a recursive sub-query factoring clause without regular expressions:
Oracle Setup:
CREATE TABLE data ( key, val ) AS
SELECT 'K1', '0011001110101' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 'K3', '011100011010' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 'K4', '000000000000' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 'K5', '000000000001' FROM DUAL;
WITH ranges ( key, val, pos, rng ) AS (
INSTR( val, '1', 1 ), -- Position of the first 1
FROM data
INSTR( val, '1', INSTR( val, '0', pos ) ), -- Position of the next 1
rng || ',' || CASE
WHEN pos = LENGTH( val ) -- Single 1 at end-of-string
OR pos = INSTR( val, '0', pos ) - 1 -- 1 immediately followed by 0
WHEN INSTR( val, '0', pos ) = 0 -- Multiple 1s until end-of-string
THEN pos || '-' || LENGTH( val )
ELSE pos || '-' || ( INSTR( val, '0', pos ) - 1 ) -- Normal range
FROM ranges
WHERE pos > 0
SUBSTR( rng, 2 ) AS rng -- Strip the leading comma
FROM ranges
WHERE pos = 0 OR val IS NULL
--- ------------- -------------
K1 0011001110101 3-4,7-9,11,13
K2 0101000110 2,4,8-9
K3 011100011010 2-4,8-9,11
K4 000000000000
K5 000000000001 12
Here is a slightly more efficient version of Isalamon's solution (using a hierarchical query). It is slightly more efficient because I use a single hierarchical query instead of multiple ones (in correlated subqueries), and I calculate the length of each sequence of 1's just once, in the inner query. (In fact it is calculated only once anyway, but the function call itself has some overhead.)
This version also treats inputs like '00000' and NULL correctly. Isalamon's solution doesn't, and MT0's solution does not return a row when the input value is NULL. It is not clear if NULL is even possible in the input data, and if it is, what the desired result is; I assumed a row should be returned, with the page_list NULL as well.
Optimizer cost for this version is 17, vs. 18 for Isalamon's solution and 33 for MT0's. However, optimizer cost doesn't take into account the significantly slower processing of regular expressions compared to standard string functions; if speed of execution is important, MT0's solution should definitely be tried since it may prove faster.
with data ( key, val ) as (
select 'K1', '0011001110101' from dual union all
select 'K2', '0101000110' from dual union all
select 'K3', '011100011010' from dual union all
select 'K4', '000000000000' from dual union all
select 'K5', '000000000001' from dual union all
select 'K6', null from dual union all
select 'K7', '1111111' from dual union all
select 'K8', '1' from dual
-- End of test data (not part of the solution); SQL query begins below this line.
select key, val,
listagg(case when len = 1 then to_char(s_pos)
when len > 1 then to_char(s_pos) || '-' || to_char(s_pos + len - 1)
end, ',') within group (order by lvl) as page_list
from ( select key, level as lvl, val,
regexp_instr(val, '1+', 1, level) as s_pos,
length(regexp_substr(val, '1+', 1, level)) as len
from data
connect by regexp_substr(val, '1+', 1, level) is not null
and prior key = key
and prior sys_guid() is not null
group by key, val
order by key
--- ------------- -------------
K1 0011001110101 3-4,7-9,11,13
K2 0101000110 2,4,8-9
K3 011100011010 2-4,8-9,11
K4 000000000000
K5 000000000001 12
K7 1111111 1-7
K8 1 1

to find minimum missing number in oracle

i want to find the minimum missing number of a column named (s_no) and the table named (test_table) in oracle and I write the following code..
min_s_no-1+level missing_number
from (
select min(s_no) min_s_no, max(s_no) max_s_no
from test_table
) connect by level <= max_s_no-min_s_no+1
select s_no from test_table
it gives me all the missing number as a result. But I want to select the minimum
number. Can any one help me please.
thanks in advance.
Using analytical function LEAD you can get the number from the next row in ascending order. Comparing of this value with with the original number increased by 1 you get the missing values (if two numbers do not match).
To get the first missing value in ascending order is the same selecting the MIN value:
lead(num) over (order by num) num_lead,
case when num + 1 != lead(num) over (order by num) then num + 1 end as missing_num
from test_data
order by num;
---------- ---------- -----------
4 5
5 6
6 9 7
9 10
10 13 11
-- first missing number = MIN missing number
select min(missing_num)
from (
case when num + 1 != lead(num) over (order by num) then num + 1 end as missing_num
from test_data
A good practice in writing SQL is to consider edge cases - here a table that contains a complete interval without holes. The first missing value will be the successor of the last number.
select nvl(min(missing_num),max(num)+1) first_missing_value
from (
case when num + 1 != lead(num) over (order by num) then num + 1 end as missing_num
from test_data
A complete table return no MISSING_NUM, so the original query return NULL. Using the NVL the expected result is provided.
The best way to find the gaps is to use analytic functiions lead or lag. An example with lag:
with test_data as (
select 1 num from dual union all
select 4 from dual union all
select 6 from dual union all
select 8 from dual union all
select 3 from dual union all
select 9 from dual union all
select 0 from dual
select min(gap) min_gap
from (
select num, lag(num) over (order by num)+1 gap
from test_data
where num != gap
More about how to find the gaps here
In Oracle 12.1 and above, MATCH_RECOGNIZE can do quick work of this kind of problems:
Edited. Initially I was picking the "next number" where a gap exists (in the example, the value 9). But that is not what the OP wants, he wants the first missing number (7 in this case). I edited to change the measures clause, to find the first missing number as requested. End Edit
with test_data (num) as (
select 4 from dual union all
select 5 from dual union all
select 6 from dual union all
select 9 from dual union all
select 10 from dual union all
select 13 from dual
-- end of test data; when you use the SQL query below,
-- replace test_data and num with your actual table and column names.
select result as num
from test_data
match_recognize (
order by num
measures last(b.num) + 1 as result
pattern ( ^ a b* c )
define b as num = prev(num) + 1,
c as num > prev(num) + 1

Sum the numbers in a string in Oracle

Below is the interview question, can some please help me resolve it?
select 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7' from dual;
Output is sum of given integer number(1+2+3+4+5+6+7)=28.
Any help?
Use a Regex to keep only the numbers,then connect by to add each number
With T
as (select regexp_replace('a1b2c3d4e5f6g7', '[A-Za-z]') as col from dual)
select sum(val)
select substr(col,level,1) val from t connect by level <= length(col)
Since it is only 1 digit numbers you can use SUBSTR() to extract every other character:
SQL Fiddle
Oracle 11g R2 Schema Setup:
Query 1:
WITH data ( value ) AS (
select 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7' from dual
SELECT SUM( TO_NUMBER( SUBSTR( value, 2*LEVEL, 1 ) ) ) AS total
FROM data
| 28 |
However, if you have two digit numbers then you can do:
Query 2:
WITH data ( value ) AS (
select 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9j10' from dual
SELECT SUM( TO_NUMBER( REGEXP_SUBSTR( value, '\d+', 1, LEVEL ) ) ) AS total
FROM data
| 55 |
You can use regexp_substr to extract exactly the numbers, then just sum them:
with t as (select 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7' expr from dual)
select sum(regexp_substr(t.expr, '[0-9]+',1, level)) as col
from dual
connect by level < regexp_instr(t.expr, '[0-9]+',1, level);
select sum(regexp_substr('a1b2c3d4e5f6g7r22g4', '[0-9]+',1, level)) as col
from dual
connect by level < regexp_instr('a1b2c3d4e5f6g7r22g4', '[0-9]+',1, level);
This solution works with numbers with more than 1 digit and it doesn't matter how many characters are between the numbers:
with t as (select 'a1b2c3d4e5f6g7' as str from dual)
select sum(to_number(regexp_substr(str,'[0-9]+',1,level)))
from t
connect by regexp_substr(str,'[0-9]+',1,level) is not null

Concatenate results from a SQL query in Oracle

I have data like this in a table
A 2
B 3
C 5
D 9
E 5
I want to display all the values in one row; for instance:
How would I go about making a query that will give me a string like this in Oracle? I don't need it to be programmed into something; I just want a way to get that line to appear in the results so I can copy it over and paste it in a word document.
My Oracle version is
-- Oracle 10g --
SELECT deptno, WM_CONCAT(ename) AS employees
FROM scott.emp
GROUP BY deptno;
I know this is a little late but try this:
FROM your_table
Usually when I need something like that quickly and I want to stay on SQL without using PL/SQL, I use something similar to the hack below:
select sys_connect_by_path(col, ', ') as concat
select 'E' as col, 1 as seq from dual
select 'F', 2 from dual
select 'G', 3 from dual
where seq = 3
start with seq = 1
connect by prior seq+1 = seq
It's a hierarchical query which uses the "sys_connect_by_path" special function, which is designed to get the "path" from a parent to a child.
What we are doing is simulating that the record with seq=1 is the parent of the record with seq=2 and so fourth, and then getting the full path of the last child (in this case, record with seq = 3), which will effectively be a concatenation of all the "col" columns
Adapted to your case:
select sys_connect_by_path(to_clob(col), '|') as concat
select name || ',' || price as col, rownum as seq, max(rownum) over (partition by 1) as max_seq
/* Simulating your table */
select 'A' as name, 2 as price from dual
select 'B' as name, 3 as price from dual
select 'C' as name, 5 as price from dual
select 'D' as name, 9 as price from dual
select 'E' as name, 5 as price from dual
where seq = max_seq
start with seq = 1
connect by prior seq+1 = seq
Result is: |A,2|B,3|C,5|D,9|E,5
As you're in Oracle 10g you can't use the excellent listagg(). However, there are numerous other string aggregation techniques.
There's no particular need for all the complicated stuff. Assuming the following table
create table a ( NAME varchar2(1), PRICE number);
insert all
into a values ('A', 2)
into a values ('B', 3)
into a values ('C', 5)
into a values ('D', 9)
into a values ('E', 5)
select * from dual
The unsupported function wm_concat should be sufficient:
select replace(replace(wm_concat (name || '#' || price), ',', '|'), '#', ',')
from a;
But, you could also alter Tom Kyte's stragg, also in the above link, to do it without the replace functions.
Here is another approach, using model clause:
-- sample of data from your question
with t1(NAME1, PRICE) as(
select 'A', 2 from dual union all
select 'B', 3 from dual union all
select 'C', 5 from dual union all
select 'D', 9 from dual union all
select 'E', 5 from dual
) -- the query
select Res
from (select name1
, price
, rn
, res
from t1
dimension by (row_number() over(order by name1) rn)
measures (name1, price, cast(null as varchar2(101)) as res)
(res[rn] order by rn desc = name1[cv()] || ',' || price[cv()] || '|' || res[cv() + 1])
where rn = 1
SQLFiddle Example
Something like the following, which is grossly inefficient and untested.
create function foo returning varchar2 as
declare bar varchar2(8000) --arbitrary number
SELECT name,price
from my_table
bar:=|| ',' ||r.price || '|'
return bar
Managed to get till here using xmlagg: using oracle 11G from sql fiddle.
Data Table:
1 0 0
1 1 1
2 0 0
3 0 0
3 1 0
XMLAgg(XMLElement("x", col1,',', col2, col3)
ORDER BY col1), '<x>'), '</x>', '|')) AS COLS
1,00| 3,00| 2,00| 1,11| 3,10|
Reference to read on XMLAGG