AURELIA-CLI : how to use node module 'crypto' with aurelia-cli loader - cryptography

I have an AURELIA application that uses the node module 'crypto'.
It works fine with GULP/JSPM (after 'npm install crypto' and 'jspm install crypto').
Now I want to use aurelia-cli instead of JSPM.
But I didn't succeed to load 'crypto' with the Aurelia-cli.
When building the app with 'au build' I got the error:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '......\src\crypto.js'
I certainly need to reference 'crypto' in aurelia.json file but I don't find what to insert in this file.
Thanks if somebody could provide aurelia.json content for using crypto.


How to use npm libraries with electron-forge

I am trying to build an Electron project that uses the walkdir library installed via npm. I have electron forge setup, but after trying to open up the zip file in the out folder, I get a message saying: Uncaught Exception: Error: Cannot find module 'walkdir'. How can I declare external libraries with electron-forge? Do I need to add a declaration to the package.json?
I just had to npm install the packages again from inside my src directory and ensure that they were in my package.json as dependencies

Cannot find module 'babel-preset-react-native'

I have recently integrated react-native-web into my native project and have included webpack. I've followed all the instructions listed here.
However, when trying to run using the webpack command listed on the bottom of that page, i keep getting the error:
ERROR in ./index.web.js
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js):
Error: Cannot find module 'babel-preset-react-native' from '<*path to root*>'
I have the preset metro-react-native-preset already installed and my babel config looks like the following:
module.exports = {
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset']
Im currently using React Native 0.62
Could you try to install 'babel-preset-react-native'?
npm install --save -dev babel-preset-react-native
You said you've got metro-react-native-preset already installed but your config has metro-react-native-babel-preset - I assume that mismatch is just accidental?
Anyway, that's probably unrelated. Here's a few things to try:
Have you verified you've got 0.62 of react native installed? I.e. in the npm lock file, as maybe you're on an older version (pre 0.57) which uses that older plugin.
Have you got a .babelrc file too, perhaps, with the other plugin defined instead?
Similar to (1), have you tried to delete the lock file and/or node_modules folder and run npm install again from scratch so versions match up properly.

Cannot find module 'jquery.tagsinput-revisited

I've installed jquery.tagsinput-revisited via npm, which was provided here
npm i jquery.tagsinput-revisited
Then, I've added
in one of my js file and
#import '~jquery.tagsinput-revisited/src/jquery.tagsinput-revisited';
in one of SCSS file.
Now, I'm having these error while npm run watch
This dependency was not found:
jquery.tagsinput-revisited in ./resources/js/bundle1.js
To install it, you can run: npm install --save
ERROR in ./resources/js/bundle1.js Module not found: Error: Can't
resolve 'jquery.tagsinput-revisited' in
'C:\xampp\htdocs\vetforum\www\resources\js' #
./resources/js/bundle1.js 9:0-37 # multi ./resources/js/bundle1.js
SCSS file get successfully compiled,but there seems an error in the js file.
After several attempts, i've done like this
In JS file
In SCSS file
#import '../vendors/tagsinput/jquery.tagsinput-revisited';

Yarn add lodash is causing a lodash require error in another module

I have a react native project that already requires and has installed redux-actions.
The app was working correctly.
I then added yarn add lodash
Afterwards I get an error
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'node_modules/redux-actions/node_modules/lodash/identity.js'
Did yarn add remove the lodash somehow from redux-actions/node_modules?
How do I correct this error?
Now that I did an npm list I see that there is a lodash 3.10.1 installed and that redux-actions requires lodash#4.17.4. Did yarn install that lodash based on a requirement of another module and hoiseted it into the root of node_modules? How do I know which module caused that - I'd like to upgrade it to the latest lodash and want to make sure that doesn't break any dependencies.

Install mapbox-gl package via jspm failing

I am trying to add the mapbox gl package to my Aurealia Typescript skeleton using jspm. I am using the following command.
jspm install npm:mapbox-gl
This is what I am getting.
Looking up npm:mapbox-gl
Updating registry cache...
Downloading npm:mapbox-gl#0.19.1
warn Error on processPackageConfig
Package.json dependency mapbox-gl-shaders set to github:mapbox/mapbox-gl-shaders#e4737bb136d718f9c5fe8d943380f05db6249b57, which is not a valid dependency format for npm.
It's advisable to publish jspm-style packages to GitHub or another registry so conventions are clear.
warn Error processing package config for npm:mapbox-gl.
err Error processing package config for npm:mapbox-gl.
warn Installation changes not saved.
I am using jspm 0.16.36.
When I try to install the package via npm install mapbox-gl it works normally. Any suggestions?
Considering you are using jspm, you might also want to try and reference it through the GitHub repo rather than through npm:
$ jspm install github:mapbox/mapbox-gl-js
It works for me with jspm v16.x and v0.21.0 of MapboxGL.