"Unable to load any of the alternatives" when using Quicklisp to install CL+SSL even after installing open ssl - ssl

[2]> (ql:quickload "cl+ssl")
To load "cl+ssl":
Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "cl+ssl"
*** - Unable to load any of the alternatives:
("libssl32.dll" "ssleay32.dll")
After three days of banging my head against the wall, I'm asking my first question on stack overflow. And with any luck it won't get deleted, and with heaps more there will be a solution.
While trying to install Humbler via quicklisp, CL+SSL (one of several dependencies) complained of being "Unable to load any of the alternatives: (libss132.dll "ssleay32.dll")
I soon learned that I had to install the OpenSSL dlls, easily enough done. I also learned I may have to point CFFI in the direction of my dlls, and that I had to be sure to get the 64 bit versions. But that error has persisted.
Using Clisp 2.47 on Win 7 64
Things I have tried already:
Installing open ssl dlls
Installing VS 2008 Redist
Putting those dlls in system32
Putting them in the same folder as the Clisp .exe
Putting them in in the installation folder created by OpenSSL
Pointing to the exact location of each individual dll using "use another library instead" restart
Pushing various locations to the CFFI:Foreign-Library-Directories list
Break 1 CL+SSL[3]> :R2
Enter a new value (unevaluated): ("C:\OpenSSL-Win64\libssl32.dll")
*** - Unable to load foreign library (LIBSSL32.DLL-8079).
FFI:OPEN-FOREIGN-LIBRARY: Cannot open library "C:\OpenSSL-Win64\libssl32.dll"
Uninstalling and then installing all the different OpenSSL builds
available Running Clisp as an administrator Deleting Quicklisp's
cache of CL+SSL Doing all of the above steps in SBCL and Lispworks
Turning it off and on again
I've never asked a question on stack overflow before. Then again I've never spent three days trying to get a dependency to load. Please help before I have a stroke.

It turns out I did need the 32 bit version of OpenSSL v 1.0.1
I guess the bit depth of the compiler reigns supreme. Sounds obvious in retrospect.


requested datatype filelists not available in yum update

In order to patch RedHat 7 machines to version 7.9, I've created an RPM repository with RPMs extracted from a DVD.iso file of the patch (example source guide), and updated said machines using yum.
The patch has succeeded with many of the machines (RHEL 7.7 only), but the rest (7.0, 7.2 and some 7.7 as well) have failed the with the following error:
Error: requested datatype filelists not available
I've also tried to gradualize the process and patch the 7.0 and 7.2 ones to 7.7 first by the same process, but yielded the same result. I've made sure I got each and every file in the Packages folder.
It is rather puzzling for me that some succeed and some fail, especially those with the same version. But I'm assuming they were created differently as I don't have the information to say otherwise. So my best direction would be to go by the error.
In this github post, lr1980 says:
this means the "filelists.xml.gz" is missing on repo => it's a packager.io problem
Indeed, browsing my repository's repodata folder reveals only other.xml.gz and primary.xml.gz files, which are also the only files pointed to in the repomd.xml.
I've tried uploading the filelists.xml.gz file from the dvd.iso and reindexing, but it gets removed (admittedly am not familiar with this area of knowledge.. at all). What does "it's a packager.io problem" mean?
How can I force the repo to have such a file, assuming that's what I need? Or what can I do to solve this issue otherwise?
Many thanks

How to run/debug open-source macOS `Privileges` app w/ XPC service/daemon and DockTile plugin

I'm attempting to try out some modifications in SAP's Privileges.app. Unfortunately, their (understandable) Support policy is
This project is 'as-is' with no support, no changes being made. You are welcome to make changes to improve it but we are not available for questions or support of any kind.
Unfortunately, this app uses two constructs I've never come across before in my professional experience, an XPC service + helper (Launch daemon?) and a DockTile plugin. I'm having a hard time just fundamentally getting the app to work when launched from Xcode - it launches, but it seems that there are issues between (maybe?) sandboxing, signing and perhaps entitlements? I've updated the signing to use my own team, of course, and everything compiles/links/launches properly, but when the XPC service tries to install the helper tool it fails
2022-06-29 17:03:56.284544-0500 PrivilegesXPC[13079:128535] [logging-persist] cannot open file at line 45530 of [9ff244ce07]
2022-06-29 17:03:56.284570-0500 PrivilegesXPC[13079:128535] [logging-persist] os_unix.c:45530: (0) open(/var/db/DetachedSignatures) - Undefined error: 0
2022-06-29 17:04:21.060214-0500 PrivilegesXPC[13079:128537] SAPCorp: ERROR! Failed to connect to helper tool: NSCocoaErrorDomain / 4097
2022-06-29 17:04:31.471555-0500 Privileges[13064:127420] SAPCorp: ERROR! Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=25 "Inappropriate ioctl for device"
2022-06-29 17:04:45.717751-0500 Privileges[13064:129162] SAPCorp: ERROR! Installation of the helper tool failed: Error Domain=CFErrorDomainLaunchd Code=4 "(null)"
As near as I can tell, the last two errors are thrown from a failure in
success = SMJobBless(
but I haven't been able to ascertain why this is failing. Searching for errors around Inappropriate ioctl for device has not been fruitful, unfortunately.
If there's anyone out there with some experience in dealing with apps using some of these more esoteric moving parts that can share some things to try, I'd be much obliged. Bonus points if there's any way to debug code running in a DockTile plugin - as near as I can tell, it's running in SystemUIServer, but I can't attach to that (even as root) from Xcode.
I think I've sorted out getting this running. Here's a few roadblocks I encountered.
SMJobBless has some very particular expectations around code-signing - you'll find references to this in some forum posts and there's a sample project that's also referenced with a utility script - which doesn't run on modern macOS because it's written for Python 2 -- which isn't installed by default anymore and a bit difficult to come by. But, after agonizingly converting Python 2-isms over to Python 3, you'll come to find out that that's not the only thing that's changed, a number of the tools (codesign and otool) don't output the same on ARM64 at which time you'll finally stumble across a kind soul that converted SMJobBless.py ... only to find out that it's not actually needed for this project?! Not sure if it's because the Launch Service is contained in the XPC and not the app, but either way - it seems to not be needed.
If you've run Privileges before, it'll have installed it's escalated helper, which will stand in the way of a local Xcode build copying itself over - which matters because of the aforementioned code signing. You'll need to clear away these artifacts
$ sudo rm -rf /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/corp.sap.privileges.helper
$ sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/corp.sap.privileges.helper.plist
Just deleting them isn't enough, it seems some sort of runtime launchd state needs to be wiped. It's unclear to me if some incantation of launchctl will clear this out, maybe an invocation of launchctl kickstart -k <foo> or something? I ended up rebooting and that seemed to do the trick anyway.
It seems like you need a particular signing certificate to allow the various signing validations that SMJobBless and the XPC communications are doing to be valid. Particularly, it seems you'll need a Developer ID Application, which happens to match what's encoded in the .xcodeproj pulled down from the GitHub repo. This means you can't enable Automatically manage signing as you won't get this type of certificate (as near as I can tell - please correct me if I'm wrong).
Once you've got all that sorted, since you aren't signing with the SAP developer's certificate, your certificate will have a different unique Team ID, so you'll need to update SMAuthorizedClients and SMPrivilegedExecutables, respectively, (look for 7R5ZEU67FQ and replace with your team ID) in
I think that's basically got it. Hope that helps someone else

Is there an updated disk image binary for the x86 architecture for running gem5 in full system mode?

I am currently using the linux-x86.img which I downloaded from the documentation page for gem5 (http://www.m5sim.org/Download), but since I was not able to compile the fscanf and fopen commands on this image I was wondering if there is a more recent image which I could download and use instead.
The error message throw when trying to compile the lines with fopen and fscanf are
./obj/edgelist.o: In function loadEdgeArray': edgelist.c:(.text+0x148): undefined reference to __isoc99_fscanf'
./obj/edgelist.o: In function loadEdgeArrayInfo': edgelist.c:(.text+0x20c): undefined reference to __isoc99_fscanf'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [test] Error 1
This error is thrown when trying to compile from both from qemu as well as gem5.
Here's one setup that generates such an image with Buildroot. I'm a fan of Buildroot because it builds everything from source. I don't understand how fscanf and fopen could fail in that image, but I have tested them in the above setup and they work fine.
Boot used to work in the past, but gem5 X86 full system boot has been broken for likely easy to fix reasons for a few months now as of March 2020 on the gem5 side, although there are efforts in place to fix it, and so likely it will work again soon: https://www.gem5.org/project/2020/03/09/boot-tests.html
Other alternatives include:
https://gem5art.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ which Jason has been pushing and uses Packer to generate disk images
You can also extract working disk images from Docker: https://hub.docker.com/_/ubuntu This requires exporting them to a file to give to gem5.
It is also worth noting that when the gem5.org website migrated from the old Wiki to the new static website setup in Q1 2020, we lost the ability of doing directory listing under http://dist.gem5.org/dist/current/arm/ for some reason, and so devs were forced to list them one by one on the static website... https://www.gem5.org/documentation/general_docs/fullsystem/guest_binaries
I am not sure why the error is no longer occurring for me, but documenting the steps I went through which might have fixed something. I reinstalled Ubuntu18.04 therefore had to rebuild gem5 and I used the parsec image (http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~parsec_m5/x86root-parsec.img.bz2) referenced in this answer Booting gem5 X86 Ubuntu Full System Simulation

OpenSSL 1.1.1 < 1.1.1d Multiple Vulnerabilities causing PCI Scan failure?

We've got OpenSSL 1.1.1d installed on a windows server 64 Bit running Apache 2.4.*. Everything was working fine until recentlly (Jan 2020) when our daily PCI scan failed with the following synopsis: The remote service is affected by Multiple Vulnerabilities. Obviously the natural thing for me to do was to upgrade to the most recent version of OpenSSL and when I checked https://www.openssl.org/ I found that 1.1.1d is the latest version, I still reinstalled it just to be safe. This did not change anything, the Scan still failed.
The Scan report had a long paragraph at the bottom giving more details about the impact, this text caught my attention...
*"OpenSSL versions 1.1.1, 1.1.0 and 1.0.2 are affected by this issue. Due to the limited scope of affected deployments this has been assessed as low severity and therefore we are not creating new releases at this time".*
Can anyone out there help me understand what I would need to do to stop this failure? I've had a look around on the internet and no one is reporting the issue in the same context as me. Please help!
The version of tested product installed on the remote host is prior to tested version. It is, therefore, affected by the following vulnerabilities : - Normally in OpenSSL EC groups always have a co-factor present and this is used in side channel resistant code paths. However, in some cases, it is possible to construct a group using explicit parameters (instead of using a named curve). In those cases it is possible that such a group does not have the cofactor present. This can occur even where all the parameters match a known named curve. If such a curve is used then OpenSSL falls back to non-side channel resistant code paths which may result in full key recovery during an ECDSA signature operation. In order to be vulnerable an attacker would have to have the ability to time the creation of a large number of signatures where explicit parameters with no co-factor present are in use by an application using libcrypto. For the avoidance of doubt libssl is not vulnerable because explicit parameters are never used. OpenSSL versions 1.1.1, 1.1.0 and 1.0.2 are affected by this issue. (CVE-2019-1547) - OpenSSL 1.1.1 introduced a rewritten random number generator (RNG). This was intended to include protection in the event of a fork() system call in order to ensure that the parent and child processes did not share the same RNG state. However this protection was not being used in the default case. A partial mitigation for this issue is that the output from a high precision timer is mixed into the RNG state so the likelihood of a parent and child process sharing state is significantly reduced. If an application already calls OPENSSL_init_crypto() explicitly using OPENSSL_INIT_ATFORK then this problem does not occur at all. OpenSSL version 1.1.1 is affected by this issue. (CVE-2019-1549) - OpenSSL has internal defaults for a directory tree where it can find a configuration file as well as certificates used for verification in TLS. This directory is most commonly referred to as OPENSSLDIR, and is configurable with the --prefix / --openssldir configuration options. For OpenSSL versions 1.1.0 and 1.1.1, the mingw configuration targets assume that resulting programs and libraries are installed in a Unix-like environment and the default prefix for program installation as well as for OPENSSLDIR should be '/usr/local'. However, mingw programs are Windows programs, and as such, find themselves looking at sub-directories of 'C:/usr/local', which may be world writable, which enables untrusted users to modify OpenSSL's default configuration, insert CA certificates, modify (or even replace) existing engine modules, etc. For OpenSSL 1.0.2, '/usr/local/ssl' is used as default for OPENSSLDIR on all Unix and Windows targets, including Visual C builds. However, some build instructions for the diverse Windows targets on 1.0.2 encourage you to specify your own --prefix. OpenSSL versions 1.1.1, 1.1.0 and 1.0.2 are affected by this issue. Due to the limited scope of affected deployments this has been assessed as low severity and therefore we are not creating new releases at this time. (CVE-2019-1552) Note that SecurityMetrics has not tested for these issues but has instead relied only on the application's self-reported version number. See also : http://www.nessus.org/u?c46dca59 https://www.openssl.org/news/secadv/20190910.txt https://www.openssl.org/news/secadv/20190730.txt
It's a false positive. You need to file a dispute with the vendor, showing them that version 1.1.1d does not have the vulnerability found in the other versions. All PCI scan vendors have a process to dispute false positives. If they agree with the results of your dispute, they will remove the vulnerability from your report. They should resolve this issue for you quickly. Send them https://www.openssl.org/news/secadv/20190910.txt, and evidence of the actual version that you have.
I'm now having to answer my own question thanks to the responses by Kapish M and Rodrigo M who gave me crucial information and led me on the right path.
As it turns out, the OpenSSL version installed on a windows server does not supersede version of OpenSSL which is part of the Apache bundle installed as part of XAMPP. The Vulnerability Scanner scans against OpenSSL which is inside Apache (or possibly both but definitely the apache one).
The OpenSSL I had installed on the server version 1.1.1d is completely separate from the one which is part of the XAMPP package (in my case 1.1.1c). The issue I found was that despite having the most up to date version of Apache 2.2.41, the version of OpenSSL shipped with it is not the latest version of OpenSSL and there's no officially documented way of updating just the OpenSSL within the XAMPP package. In fact, the official XAMPP website does say that they do not yet have the 1.1.1d ready for windows, except for Linux (correct at the time of this answer) https://www.apachefriends.org/blog/new_xampp_20191227.html explicitely says OpenSSL 1.1.1d (UNIX only).
Below is what I did to resolve my issue after having had a better understanding thanks to the responses received. I'm still not sure if my approach is safe as this isn't my area of expertise but it definitely got my PCI-Scan to pass.
Installd the latest version of OpenSSL on the Sever
Navigate to the location of the Binaries folder i.e. YourDrive:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin
Copy the following files (credit to Edmoncuaft for this list of files)
Navigate to your apache binaries folder
[VERY IMPORTANT] Create backup copies of the 3 files mention in step 3 in case you need to revert.
Stop the Apache Server
Copy the 3 files from YourDrive:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin to YourDrive:xampp\apache\bin
(Re)Start the Apache Server
These are the steps I followed and when we run the PCI Scan again, it passed with no Vulnerabilities!
I hope this is useful to someone else out there.

Changing library location

So I'm relatively new to using r-studio and I'm having a problem installing RMySQL.
I'm running RStudio 0.98.501 and R 3.0.2 and trying to connect R to a database. However, whenever I try to install RMySQL I get the error message "package ‘RMySQL’ is not available (for R version 3.0.2)". When I searched I found this thread: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/RMySQL-with-Windows-7-td4684805.html which explains how I could be downloading packages to Program Files. I checked using the .libPaths() function and this was confirmed ("C:/Program Files/R/R-3.0.2/library"). I guess my question is how do I change the library path so that I can install RMySQL? Or am I going about this all wrong?
Try to follow the instructions here posted here.
Basically what you have to do is:
install MySQL from the Oracle homepage
install RTools
change your system variable "MYSQL_HOME" to match your MySQL installation
(in some cases ibmysql.dll which is part of your MySQL installation had to be copied from lib folder to bin folder so it could be found)
That should (hopefully) do the trick although I did not stumble upon any remark stating RMySQL installation (especially under Windows) is easy.