tableUnavailable dependent upon size of search - google-bigquery

I'm experiencing something rather strange with some queries that I'm performing in BigQuery.
Firstly, I'm using an externally backed table (csv.gz) with about 35 columns. The total data in the location is around 5Gb, with an average file size of 350mb. The reason I'm doing this, is that I continually add data and remove to the table on a rolling basis - to give me a view of the last 7 days of our activity.
When querying, if perform something simple like:
select * from X limit 10
everything works fine. It continues to work fine if you increase the limit up to 1 million rows. As soon as you up the limit to ten million:
select * from X limit 10000000
I end up with a tableUnavailable error "Something went wrong with the table you queried. Contact the table owner for assistance. (error code: tableUnavailable)"
Now according to to any literature on this, this usually results from using some externally owned table (I'm not). I can't find any other enlightening information for this error code.
Basically, If I do anything slightly complex on the data, I get the same result. There's a column called event that has maybe a couple hundred of different values in the entire dataset. If I perform the following:
select eventType, count(1) from X group by eventType
I get the same error.
I'm getting the feeling that this might be related to limits on external tables? Can anybody clarify or shed any light on this?
Thanks in advance!


How to get a count of the number of times a sql statement has executed in X hours?

I'm using oracle db. I want to be able to count the number of times that a SQL statement was executed in X hours. For instance, how many times has the statement Select * From ExampleTable been executed in the past 5 hours?
I tried looking in V$SQL, V$SQLSTATS, V$SQLAREA, but they only keep a record of a statement's total amount of executions. They don't store what times the individual executions occurred. Is there any view I missed, or something else that does keep track of each individual statement execution + timestamp so that I can query by which have occurred X hours ago? Thanks for the help.
The views in the Active Workload Repository store historical SQL execution information, specifically the view DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT.
The view is not perfect; it contains a summary of the top SQL statements. This is almost perfect information for performance tuning - in practice, sampling will catch any performance problem. But if you're looking for a perfect record of every SQL execution, as far as I know the only way to get that information is through tracing, which is buggy and slow.
Hopefully this query is good enough:
select begin_interval_time, end_interval_time, executions_delta, dba_hist_sqlstat.*
from dba_hist_sqlstat
join dba_hist_snapshot
on dba_hist_sqlstat.snap_id = dba_hist_snapshot.snap_id
and dba_hist_sqlstat.instance_number = dba_hist_snapshot.instance_number
order by begin_interval_time desc, sql_id;
Apologies for putting this in an answer instead of a comment (I don't have the required reputation), but I think you may be out of luck. Here is an AskTOM asking basically the same question: AskTOM. Tom says unless you are using ASH that just isn't something the database is designed to do.

NuoDB query statistics

I'm currently doing a research using a TPC-H table and I'm trying to get the running time for 3 queries in NuoDB:
BETWEEN 100001 AND 200000
The thing is whenever I run a query, the results come but I guess the database does not store all of the data in memory, but rather keeps its connection open (so when I scroll down through the data results, it refreshes with more data).
Thus, I cannot retrieve the query running time. I tried setting the MIN_QUERY_TIME to 1 so it would be caught in SYSTEM.QUERYSTATS but it does not appear there (although I find the query as open in SYSTEM.CONNECTIONS, which is why I think the database keeps an open connection rather than storing in-memory).
Is there any kind of solution to fetch all data(as in a select all) and get the query running time?
Is there another way to get this that I'm missing? When I do
it does work and the query goes to SYSTEM.QUERYSTATS. I think it is because the database has to go through all rows in order to count and therefore the query finishes, whereas when I do a
it waits until I "ask" for more data.
I have been trying for days and I could not get into a solution. I even tried different 3rd party tools like DBVisualizer and SQL Workbench but they do not seem to give me the expected results.
I would be really glad if you could give me a hand or at least forward this e-mail to someone that might lead me to a possible solution.
Many thanks.

Optimizing Geometry.STIntersect Query

I am attempting to move simple Geoprocessing routines from ESRI based processes to SQL Server. My assumption is that it will be far more efficient. For my initial test I am working on an intersection routine to associate overlapping linear data.
In my WCASING table I have 1610 records. I am trying to associate these Casings with their associated mains. I have ~277,000 Mains.
I am running the query below to get a general sense of how long it will take to find individual matches. This query returned 5 valid intersections in 40 seconds.
ON [WCASING].[Shape].STIntersects([WPUMPPRESSUREMAIN].[Shape]) = 1
My Primary questions;
Will this process faster depending on the search order
Finding 'A' inside of 'B' vs
Finding 'B' inside of 'A'
Initial return on 5 records from these datasets is that it does not matter
Will this process faster, if I first buffer to limit to a smaller main set and then search
Can I use SQL Server Tuning to work with Geometry based queries
I will be working on these processes over the next few weeks. In the meantime I would greatly appreciate insight and pointers to white papers associated with these tuning options. Thus far I have not found a great resource.
Thank You,

Access & SQL Server: Number of uses since date aggregate problem - new reporting problem (solved aggregate issue)

I've been trying to streamline the work involved in running a report in my program. Lately, I've had to supply a listing of job numbers an instrument has been used on with the listing of items for cost/benefit analysis. Mostly to see how often an instrument is used since it was last serviced/calibrated and the last time anyone did use it. I was looking to integrate this into the query that helps generate the report - but I keep hitting a brick wall of sorts with the number of uses - since I want that aggregate to be based on the date the instrument was last calibrated (a field based in the same query). I can get it to give me the number of uses in the system total - but it will not accept the limitation that I want it to be only counting the times used since the last time it was calibrated
Attempts to put an aggregate function in my report for the number of uses since the item's calibration are met either with undesired results, or the dreaded 'aggregate missing' error (don't remember the exact warning).
-- Edited to add 8/12/2011 # 16:09 --
An additional problem with the use of the Max aggregate has been found for instruments that have never been used being excluded by this query.
Here is the query that does work so far:
FROM (dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail
INNER JOIN dbo_Gage_Master ON dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.strGageDetailID = dbo_Gage_Master.Gage_ID)
INNER JOIN qryRCEquipmentLastUse ON dbo_Gage_Master.Gage_ID = qryRCEquipmentLastUse.Gage_ID
ORDER BY dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.strGageDetailID;
But I can't seem to aggregate a count of Uses (making a Count(strCustomerJobNum)) from the tblGageActivity with the following fields:
I tried to add a field to the formerly listed query to do a Count(strCustomerJobNum) where datDateEntered matched the Last_Calibration_Date from the calling query - but I got the 'missing aggregate' error. If I leave this condition out - it will run - but will list every instrument ever sent out only if it's had a usage count of at least one (not what I want at all, sadly).
I also want to make sure that if I should get a zero uses count - I will get a zero back instead of my expected records minus the null results.
I hope someone out there can tell me where I am going wrong with this - I want to save the time I am currently spending running an activity report in another program whenever I want to generate this report. Thanks in advance, and let me know if you need me to post more information.
-- Edited to add 08/15/2011 # 14:41 --
I managed to solve the Max() aggregate problem by creating a 'pure' first-step query to get a listing of all instrument with most modern date as qryRCEquipmentUsed.
SELECT dbo.tblGageActivity.strGageID, Max(dbo.tblGageActivity.datDateEntered) AS datLastDateUsed
FROM dbo.tblGageActivity
GROUP BY dbo.tblGageActivity.strGageID;
Then I created a 'pure' listing of all instruments that have no usage at all as a query named qryRCEquipmentNeverUsed.
SELECT dbo_Gage_Master.Gage_ID, NULL AS datLastDateUsed
FROM dbo_Gage_Master LEFT JOIN dbo_tblGageActivity ON dbo_Gage_Master.Gage_ID = dbo_tblGageActivity.strGageID
WHERE (((dbo_tblGageActivity.strGageID) Is Null));
NOTE: The NULL was inserted so that the third combining UNION query will not fail due to a mismatch in the number of fields being retrieved from the tables.
At last, I created a UNION query named qryCombinedUseEquipment to combine the two into a list:
FROM qryRCEquipmentLastUse
FROM qryRCEquipmentNeverUsed;
Using this last union query to feed the Last Used date to the parent query works in datasheet view, but when the parent query is called in the report - I get a blank report; so a nudge in the right direction would still be wonderfully appreciated.
Same script as above, but with shorter table aliases (in case someone finds that clearer):
FROM (dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail gd
INNER JOIN dbo_Gage_Master gm ON gd.strGageDetailID = gm.Gage_ID)
INNER JOIN qryRCEquipmentLastUse lu ON gm.Gage_ID = lu.Gage_ID
ORDER BY gd.strGageDetailID;
Piece by piece...
First -- I suspect you're trying to answer too many questions at once (as evidenced by 23 fields in your SELECT), which will make aggregation near-impossible. Start by narrowing down the scope of the query -- What question is this query attempting to answer? (You can always make more queries to answer other questions... :-)
1) How many uses since last calibration?
2) How many uses since last ...use? (not sure what you mean by that -- maybe last sign-out, or last rental, etc.?)
Tip -- learn to use table aliases. Large queries are difficult to read; worse because of repeated table names.
1) Ex.: dbo_tbl_POGaugeDetail.intGagePOID becomes d.intGagePOID
Here's a sample that might get you started:
Max(d.last_calibration_date) -- not sure what you named that field
dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail d
Does this work:
SELECT dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.intGagePOID, dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.strGageDetailID,
OuterGageMaster.Description, OuterGageMaster.Manufacturer, OuterGageMaster.Model_No,
OuterGageMaster.Gage_SN, OuterGageMaster.Unit_of_Meas, OuterGageMaster.User_Defined,
OuterGageMaster.Calibration_Frequency, OuterGageMaster.Calibration_Frequency_UOM,
dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageLeavePriceBlank, dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.intGageCost,
OuterGageMaster.Last_Calibration_Date, OuterGageMasterNext_Due_Date,
dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageEvaluate, dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageExpedite,
dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageAccredited, dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageCalibrate,
dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageRepair, dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageReturned,
dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageBER, dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.intTurnaroundDaysOut,
(Select Count(strCustomerJobNum)
FROM tblGageActivity WHERE
OuterGageMaster.Last_Calibration_Date=tblGageActivity.datDateEntered) As JobCount
(dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail INNER JOIN dbo_Gage_Master OuterGageMaster ON
dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.strGageDetailID = OuterGageMaster.Gage_ID) INNER JOIN
qryRCEquipmentLastUse ON OuterGageMaster.Gage_ID = qryRCEquipmentLastUse.Gage_ID
or is that what you tried?
Summary Problem:
Attempts to put an aggregate function in my report for the number of uses since the item's calibration are met either with undesired results, or the dreaded 'aggregate missing' error.
I decided to leave the query driving the report alone - instead choosing to employ the use of DLookup and DCount as appropriate to retrieve the last used date from a query that provides the last used date of all the instruments, and the number of uses an instrument has had since it's last calibration, using the aforementioned domain aggregates respectively.
Using the query described in the problem description, I am able to retrieve the last used date for all instruments. I used a =DLookup statement as the source for a text box on the report's subreport dealing with various items as such:
=IIf((DLookUp("[qryRCCombinedUseEquipment]![datLastDateUsed]","[qryRCCombinedUseEquipment]","[qryRCCombinedUseEquipment]![strGageID]=[strGageDetailID]")) Is Null Or ([bolGageReturned]=True),"",DLookUp("[qryRCCombinedUseEquipment]![datLastDateUsed]","[qryRCCombinedUseEquipment]","[qryRCCombinedUseEquipment]![strGageID]=[strGageDetailID]"))
This allows items that have never been used to return a NULL result, which will display as a blank text box.
The number of uses, however, would not feed off a query using =DCount (I tried, it would take over ten minutes to retrieve results, if it ever did). However, using the underlying activity table, I used the following statement:
=IIf([bolGageReturned],"","Used " & DCount("[dbo_tblGageActivity]![strGageID]","[dbo_tblGageActivity]","[dbo_tblGageActivity]![strGageID] = [strGageDetailID] And [dbo_tblGageActivity]![datDateEntered] Between [txtLastCalibrationDate] And date()") & " times since last calibration")
It would retrieve a number of times used since the instrument was last calibrated, but no uses that are before that or after today (some jobs are post dated, strangely). Of course, this is SLOW (about thirty seconds for a large document with thirty or forty instruments).
Does anyone else have a better solution for this, or will I have to take the performance hit? If no one has any better ideas, I will accept this as the answer after five days (8/21/2011) .

long running queries: observing partial results?

As part of a data analysis project, I will be issuing some long running queries on a mysql database. My future course of action is contingent on the results I obtain along the way. It would be useful for me to be able to view partial results generated by a SELECT statement that is still running.
Is there a way to do this? Or am I stuck with waiting until the query completes to view results which were generated in the very first seconds it ran?
Thank you for any help : )
In general case the partial result cannot be produced. For example, if you have an aggregate function with GROUP BY clause, then all data should be analysed, before the 1st row is returned. LIMIT clause will not help you, because it is applied after the output is computed. Maybe you can give a concrete data and SQL query?
One thing you may consider is sampling your tables down. This is good practice in data analysis in general to get your iteration speed up when you're writing code.
For example, if you have table create privelages and you have some mega-huge table X with key unique_id and some data data_value
If unique_id is numeric, in nearly any database
create table sample_table as
select unique_id, data_value
from X
where mod(unique_id, <some_large_prime_number_like_1013>) = 1
will give you a random sample of data to work your queries out, and you can inner join your sample_table against the other tables to improve speed of testing / query results. Thanks to the sampling your query results should be roughly representative of what you will get. Note, the number you're modding with has to be prime otherwise it won't give a correct sample. The example above will shrink your table down to about 0.1% of the original size (.0987% to be exact).
Most databases also have better sampling and random number methods than just using mod. Check the documentaion to see what's available for your version.
Hope that helps,
It depends on what your query is doing. If it needs to have the whole result set before producing output - such as might happen for queries with group by or order by or having clauses, then there is nothing to be done.
If, however, the reason for the delay is client-side buffering (which is the default mode), then that can be adjusted using "mysql-use-result" as an attribute of the database handler rather than the default "mysql-store-result". This is true for the Perl and Java interfaces: I think in the C interface, you have to use an unbuffered version of the function that executes the query.