backup remote database locally - sql

I have MSsql database on the remote server
how can I store the backup of this database (locally) on my disk

Map a network drive from your PC to the server, then copy the file to your PC.


Attach .mdf / .ldf files in SQL Server database from shared location in a local network

Actually, I want to install a database from installer on remote machine SQL Server from server machine.

How to restore SQL server database from external drive without uploading database to local hard disk?

I am running win7 on a VM. I have Microsoft SQL Server 2014 downloaded on the VM. I have an external drive with a .bak file that I wish to restore a database with. The database is 400+ GBs. My local disk cannot support a database of this size, but my external drive can. How do I run SQL Server locally and restore from and keep the database files externally?
You can create database then configure it for files run on external drive. Then try to restore it.
Creating db on another folder example here: Create a database using T SQL on a specified location
It's possible, search for DBCC TRACEOFF(1807), e. g.:

Fast and best way to restore large local DB in IaaS SQL Azure

I googled but did not find an answer.
Could you please help me what's the best way to restore large bak (bakcup) database from local DEV machine to SQL Azure hosted in IaaS? It's a proper SQL server hosted in Azure VM.
I would create a drive locally and then copy the bak file onto the drive. I would then upload the drive to azure storage and then mount the drive to the vm and restore the bak file.
Create a virtual hard drive (VHD) file on your on premises server
Copy SQL Server data files or setup bits to the VHD file
Create and install a management certificate
Upload the VHD file to Azure using Add-AzureVHD
Access SQL Server data files or setup bits in Azure virtual machine.
msdn has a detailed post on this.

remote sql server backup in local drive

i wan to backup remote server in local machine
Use UNC Path
Backup database your_db to disk='\\your_sys_name\drive_name\file_name'
As Madhivanan states, you could try to run a backup on the remote server, that backups to a local network share. Requirements are:
The SQL Server Service must run under a domain level account
The SQL Server Service must have FULL CONTROL access to the network share
The UNC network path ( \\SERVER\SHARENAME ) should be used, no mapped drive letters
For more information see

Backup remote SQL Server 2005

How do I backup data from a remote MS-SQL Server DB to my local computer?
I'm having access to Management Studio 2008. solved my problem.
You'd specify the target for the backup file to a UNC path on your local machine. When you specify to Backup you have to specify a Desination. That destination can be either a Filename locally pathed to the SQL Server instance (e.g. E:\Backups\Database.BAK) or a UNC path such as \\YOURMACHINENAME\SHAREDFOLDERONYOURMACHINE\FILENAME.BAK.
If you want to backup the remote database then you can run a query such as
BACKUP DATABASE mydb TO DISK = 'd:\whatever\location\mydb.bak'
Where the 'd:' drive will be local to the SQL Server, otherwise use the format
BACKUP DATABASE mydb TO DISK = '\\mylocalcomputer\share\mydb.bak'
to backup to your machine.