remote sql server backup in local drive - sql

i wan to backup remote server in local machine

Use UNC Path
Backup database your_db to disk='\\your_sys_name\drive_name\file_name'

As Madhivanan states, you could try to run a backup on the remote server, that backups to a local network share. Requirements are:
The SQL Server Service must run under a domain level account
The SQL Server Service must have FULL CONTROL access to the network share
The UNC network path ( \\SERVER\SHARENAME ) should be used, no mapped drive letters
For more information see


backup remote database locally

I have MSsql database on the remote server
how can I store the backup of this database (locally) on my disk
Map a network drive from your PC to the server, then copy the file to your PC.

How do i connect to Unix File System which is in Different Remote servers

I wanted to place a file in UNIX file system from local desktop using Excel VBA, which is in remote server,which is in another Remote Server.
Problem Statement:
First I have to connect to Remote Server 1 and then i need to connect Remote Server-2 which is in Remote Server-1.
The Unix server is in Remote Server -2.
Please let me know possibilities of connecting to Unix Server from my local desktop using Excel VBA.
Quite a confusing setup but your "server in a server"... is it a virtual server? If so, your admin should have set it up to have its own resources and network access so you don't have to access one inside another. You just connect to the server you need.
If you are connecting to the UNIX server from a Windows machine your admin should have installed and configured SAMBA so you can then access files through Windows Explorer.
I've made an assumption at the beginning because I'm unsure of your precise configuration as I've never heard of a server in a server unless you're talking about a virtual server, but these are usually seen as individual servers that can be directly connected to...
This may answer your question
check it out here:

How to connect to sql server database via LAN

want to connect to a database on another PC connected via LAN. I am able to use the sql server db with string like C:\Users... but i cannot connect using string like (\\Server\c\user...) I tried to move the db file to My Documents, still i get this error.
I get the following error message: An attempt to attach an auto-names database for file (\\SERVER\Users\Jeswills\Documents\TBSDB.mdf) failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share
I hope i asked the question correctly
As database does not support the '\SERVER\c...' parameters, i had to attach the database, after enabling TCP/IP and SQL Browser, i had to create a login through security and add it to the attached database file because authentication must be SQL not windows. And i also gave read/write privileges to the account. Then on the child system, i confirmed connection to the account through SSMS with the login connecting to SERVER (which is the remote computer's name).
Note: you must be able to ping the remote systems and SQL Server Express R2 installed. I tried with SQL Server Express but did not get a head way. for more connection string
Then i used this connection string to connect remotely, making integrated security and user instance = false unlike if i were connecting locally.
Data Source=SERVER\SQLEXPRESS,1433;Database=DATABASEFILE.MDF;Integrated Security=False;Network Library=dbmssocn;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=False;user='USERNAME';password='PASSWORD'
Not sure what specifically you’re trying to do here but I guess it’s one of these two.
Option 1
Attach database stored on remote shared drive to a local SQL Server
Note that this is only possible starting in SQL Server 2008 R2. If you’re running SQL Server 2008 this is not an option.
Check this for more details
Option 2
Connect to remote SQL Server instance from local computer
If that database is already attached to SQL Server instance that runs on the same machine then it’s much better to just connect to that instance from SSMS than trying to attach database from remote storage.
To do this you need to enable TCP/IP protocol in SQL Server Configuration Manager. It’s under SQL Server Network configuration node. Make sure you enable TCP/IP and also set enable the IP address for listening (this is under TCP/IP properties).
Apart from this you’ll want to enable remote connections on your remote instance. This is done from SSMS -> instance properties -> Connection tab
When this is done you should be able to connect to remote instance from local SSMS by typing in IPaddress/instance name. For example{instance_name} or only IP address if this is default instance.

How to automatically backup a SQL Server database on my ISP's location from my own pc?

I have very limited access to the SQL Server at my ISP.
I have a very simple tool to create databases and execute SQL (which is enough most of the time) but now I also want to backup (and in the case of an accident, restore) a database from my own PC (or via a web application, if that's possible, both are ok)
Is there a tool which can do that auotmatically?
It's a SQL Server 2008 database.
I guess I can do it from my SQL Server Management Studio, but I'd prefer a tool that can do it scheduled.
Kind regards,
You can only backup (and restore) your database from local drives on the SQL Server machine - e.g. the machine at your ISP's location.
You cannot backup SQL Server and store the *.bak file on your local system, over the internet.
So what you need to do is create some kind of a process that stores the BAK file on the server machine at your ISP's location, and then copies or moves it to your home machine. For that, you need to have write access to some physical drive at your ISP on their SQL Server.

Backup remote SQL Server 2005

How do I backup data from a remote MS-SQL Server DB to my local computer?
I'm having access to Management Studio 2008. solved my problem.
You'd specify the target for the backup file to a UNC path on your local machine. When you specify to Backup you have to specify a Desination. That destination can be either a Filename locally pathed to the SQL Server instance (e.g. E:\Backups\Database.BAK) or a UNC path such as \\YOURMACHINENAME\SHAREDFOLDERONYOURMACHINE\FILENAME.BAK.
If you want to backup the remote database then you can run a query such as
BACKUP DATABASE mydb TO DISK = 'd:\whatever\location\mydb.bak'
Where the 'd:' drive will be local to the SQL Server, otherwise use the format
BACKUP DATABASE mydb TO DISK = '\\mylocalcomputer\share\mydb.bak'
to backup to your machine.