Merge or concatenate column by adjacent cell value - vba

Is it possible to concatenate cells in a column dependent on values (ID) in another column, and then output as a string (possibly in another sheet as it would be cleaner)?
ID Text
1234 a
1234 b
1234 c
4321 a
4321 b
4321 c
4321 d
1234 a b c
4321 a b c d
Column IDs aren't in order (but can be sorted).
Different amounts of each ID
This seemed like a possible VBA solution
from How to merge rows in a column into one cell in excel?
Function JoinXL(arr As Variant, Optional delimiter As String = " ")
'arr must be a one-dimensional array.
JoinXL = Join(arr, delimiter)
End Function
Example usage:
=JoinXL(TRANSPOSE(A1:A4)," ")
So I thought maybe if INDEX and MATCH etc could be used in conjuction with TRANSPOSE it could work. Just not sure how to go about it.
I can have a column of the unique IDs in another sheet.

This solution is nice because it works even in cases where:
The text you're concatenating contains spaces.
You want to use a delimiter other than a space (ie a comma).
First, add "Transpose" to your custom function
Function JoinXL(arr As Variant, Optional delimiter As String = " ")
'arr must be a one-dimensional array.
arr = Application.Transpose(arr)
JoinXL = Join(arr, delimiter)
End Function
For vertical arrays, use this formula (replace comma+space with your delimiter of choice, and "{}" with your garbage characters of choice):
{=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(JoinXL(IF($A$2:$A$31=D3,$B$2:$B$31,"{}"),", "),"{}, ",""),", {}", "")}
For horizontal arrays, use this formula:
{=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(JoinXL(IF(TRANSPOSE($E$19:$AH$19)=D12,TRANSPOSE($E$20:$AH$20),"{}"),", "),"{}, ",""),", {}", "")}
Make sure you enter the formulas as array formulas (Ctrl+Shift+Enter after typing formula in cell).

While no convenient function like your cited example, consider using a dictionary of collections with the ID column as the key. Below macro assumes data begins at A2 (column headers in first row) with result outputting in D and E columns:
Sub TransposeValuesByID()
Dim i As Integer, lastrow As Integer
Dim valDict As Object
Dim innerColl As New Collection
Dim k As Variant, v As Variant
Set valDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To lastrow
If Range("A" & i) = Range("A" & i + 1) Then
innerColl.Add Range("B" & i)
innerColl.Add Range("B" & i)
valDict.Add CStr(Range("A" & i).Value), innerColl
Set innerColl = Nothing
End If
Next i
i = 2
For Each k In valDict.keys
Range("D" & i) = k
For Each v In valDict(k)
Range("E" & i) = Trim(Range("E" & i) & " " & v)
Next v
i = i + 1
Next k
End Sub

Since all you want is space between you can use your code with a couple changes.
If your data is Vertical you need to transpose the array to make it a one dimensional array:
Function JoinXL(arr As Variant, Optional delimiter As String = " ")
'arr must be a one-dimensional array.
arr = Application.Transpose(arr)
JoinXL = Join(arr, delimiter)
End Function
If it is horizontal then use what you have.
The main change is how you call it.
Use the following array formula:
=TRIM(JoinXL(IF($A$2:$A$8=C2,$B$2:$B$8,"")," "))
being an array it needs to be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter when exiting edit mode. If done correctly then Excel will put {} around the formula.
The If passes an array of values or blanks depending on if the cell is equal to the criteria.
Put this in the first cell Hit Ctrl-Shift-Enter. Then drag/copy down

I've come up with a work around, that although a little cumbersome works quite nicely.
Table has to be sorted by ID.
In another sheet.
ID: (Column A)
MIN REF: (Column B)
MAX REF: (Column C)
RANGE: (Column D)
STRING: (Column E)


Copying Values and Color Index in an Array

I have a macro that allows me to open multiple files based on their names and copy sheets based on a criteria (if there's a value in column "X" then copy the row but only some colums "F,G,P,Q,W,X,Y) to another unique workbook.
the problem is in column F i have a color and i want to retrieve the color index but the macro leaves it blank
[1] Get data from A1:Z{n}
n = ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row ' find last row number n
v = ws.Range("A10:Y" & n).Value2 ' get data cols A:Y and omit header row
[2] build array containing found rows
a = buildAr2(v, 24) ' search in column X = 24
' [3a] Row Filter based on criteria
v = Application.Transpose(Application.Index(v, _
a, _
Application.Evaluate("row(1:" & 26 & ")"))) ' all columns from A to Z
[3b] Column Filter F,G,P,Q,W,X,Y
v = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(Application.Index(v, _
Application.Evaluate("row(1:" & UBound(a) - LBound(a) + 1 & ")"), _
Array(6, 7, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25)))) ' only cols F,G,P,Q,W,X,Y
Function buildAr2(v, ByVal vColumn&, Optional criteria) As Variant
' Purpose: Helper function to check in Column X
' Note: called by main function MultiCriteria in section [2]
Dim found&, found2&, i&, j&, n&, ar: ReDim ar(0 To UBound(v) - 1)
howMany = 0 ' reset boolean value to default
For i = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
If Len(Trim(v(i, vColumn))) > 0 Then
ar(n) = i
n = n + 1
End If
Next i
If n < 2 Then
howMany = n: n = 2
howMany = n
End If
ReDim Preserve ar(0 To n - 1)
buildAr2 = ar
End Function
How to copy filtered array values together with color format (column F)
You got the solution to filter a data field Array v by row AND column using the Application.Index property and write these data to a target sheet - c.f. Multi criteria selection with VBA
Your issue was to find a way to write not only data, but also the source color formatting of column F to the target cells, as an array per se contains values and no color info.
Write the filtered information to a defined STARTROW (e.g. 10), then you can use the item numbers of array a adding a headline offset headerIncrement) to reconstruct the source row numbers by a simple loop in order to get/write the color formats, too:
Code addition
' [4a] Copy results array to target sheet, e.g. start row at A10
Const STARTROW& = 10
ws2.Cells(STARTROW, 1).Offset(0, 0).Resize(UBound(v), UBound(v, 2)) = v
' **************************************************************************
' [4b] Copy color formats using available item number information in array a
' **************************************************************************
Dim sourceColumn&: sourceColumn = 6 ' <<~~ source column F = 6
Dim targetColumn&: targetColumn = 1 ' <<~~ becomes first target column
Dim headerIncrement&: headerIncrement = STARTROW - 1
For i = 0 To UBound(a)
ws2.Cells(i + headerIncrement, targetColumn).Offset(1, 26).Interior.Color = _
ws.Cells(a(i) + headerIncrement, sourceColumn).Interior.Color
Next i
Side Note Don't forget to set Option Explicit to force declaration of variables and to declare the variable howMany (used in both procedures) in the declaration head of your code module.
I have no idea where the problem is, but you asked:
the problem is in column F i have a color and i want to retrieve the
color index but the macro leaves it blank
Here's how you retrieve the colorindex from Cell A1:
col = Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex
I would suggest you try retrieving it and if you run into a problem: open a question with your example, as Pᴇʜ suggested.
In addition to the comments above by #Pᴇʜ, the fact that you are mainly dealing with v, a variant array of strings, is going to be a limiting factor. You are going to have to deal with a Range if you want the .Interior.ColorIndex property of the cell (Range).
Also, if you want to be precise about the color, use color instead of ColorIndex.
ColorIndex will return the closest indexed color.

Excel VBA - Expand range from using just one column to using multiple

I have a working piece of code that looks at a columns value, copies those values, and strips off the 'speed' component string of that value - Turning '200 Mbps' into just '200', etc.
They updated the source data on me and the values are now in three columns - AC, AD, AE instead of just AC now. So values can exist in either column and any row, can be Gbps and Mbps, etc.
At the end of the day, I need the total of the three columns and X number of rows. I have sample data below.
How can I (or can I even) modify this existing code to account for the extra two columns. I am wondering if the Dictionary approach is correct at this point. It was originally added at someone else's suggestion.
Dim Cla As Range
With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
For Each Cla In wbFrom.Sheets("Sheet0").Range("AC9", Range("AC" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
Cla.Value = Replace(Cla.Value, " Mbps", "")
Cla.Value = Replace(Cla.Value, " Gbps", "")
If Not .exists(Cla.Value) Then
.Add Cla.Value, Nothing
End If
Next Cla
wbTo.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D13").Resize(.Count).Value = Application.Transpose(.keys)
End With
I don't really understand the If and With loops and how they combine with keys and Transpose like this. ((Thanks TinMan for the info))
I've tried moving this out, but having this outside the loop breaks the code. Is there something in this section that I need to update?
If Not .exists(Cla.Value) Then
.Add Cla.Value, Nothing
End If
Next Cla
Some sample data looks like this: Notice each element is on its own row.
The 300 gets paste where it belongs but nothing else adds up or get grabbed I think. Also, when the data looks like THIS, it pastes two values instead of just one:
Notice the 300 and 123 are now on the same line, 300 gets paste into the destination cell and 123 gets paste into two cells below that.
300 123
Example 1
Use Range.Resize() to extend the number of columns targeted.
For Each Cla In wbFrom.Sheets("Sheet0").Range("AC9", wbFrom.Sheets("Sheet0").Range("AC" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Resize(, 3)
Example 2
Set a helper variable to the Range and use Range.Resize() to extend the number of columns targeted.
Dim Target As Range
With wbFrom.Sheets("Sheet0")
Set Target = .Sheets("Sheet0").Range("AC9", .Range("AC" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Resize(, 3)
Debug.Print Target.Address
End With
This will strip away the " Mbps" and " Gbps" as well as insert the sum the a;; the numbers into Range("D13").
With wbFrom.Sheets("Sheet0")
Set Target = .Range("AC9", .Range("AC" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Resize(, 3)
For Each Cla In Target
Cla.Value = Replace(Cla.Value, " Mbps", "")
Cla.Value = Replace(Cla.Value, " Gbps", "")
Next Cla
.Range("D13").Value = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Target)
End With
I'm not sure that you are describing the problem correctly. Clearly, using the dictionary, get you a list of unique distinct values. But you stated that:
At the end of the day, I need the total of the three columns and X
number of rows.
The existing code leads me to believe that you are going to be doing a count of different many 200 Mbps, how many 72 Mpbs, etc.
Either that, or the previous code didn't work as intended.
Assuming that you described the problem correctly and all you want is the total bandwidth then this should do the trick...
Dim LastRow As Long, Value As Long, Sum As Long, Count As Long
' Get the last row, looking at all 3 columns "AC:AE"
LastRow = FindLastRow(wbFrom.Sheets("Sheet0").Range("AC:AE"))
' Iterate through all 3 columns
For Each Cla In wbFrom.Sheets("Sheet0").Range("AC9:AE" & LastRow)
' Use Val() to get just the numeric value and the inline IIF() statment to automatically adjust the speed
Value = Val(Cla.Value) * IIf(InStr(Cla.Value, "Gbps") > 0, 1000, 1)
' Check if there is a Value, if so, Add it to the Sum (and increment the count)
If Value > 0 Then
Sum = Sum + Value
Count = Count + 1
End If
Next Cla
' Write the Sum to the other Workbook (not sure if you need the Count)
wbTo.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D13") = Sum
And a function to find the last cell in a range (even if the list is filtered)
Public Function FindLastRow(r As Range) As Long
' Works on Filtered Lists/Hidden rows
Const NotFoundResult As Long = 1 ' If all cells are empty (no value, no formula), this value is returned
FindLastRow = r.Worksheet.Evaluate("IFERROR(LARGE(ROW('" & r.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & r.Address & ")*--(NOT(ISBLANK('" & r.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & r.Address & "))),1)," & NotFoundResult & ")")
End Function
From the comments on your question I gather that you want the sum of the original inputs that are contained in columns AC, AD and AE. Such sum you want to store it at cell d13. Since I have limited input, this is the least ugly code I can provide:
nRow1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, "AC").End(xlUp).Row
nRow2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, "AD").End(xlUp).Row
nRow3 = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, "AE").End(xlUp).Row
nRow = Application.Max(nRow1, nRow2, nRow3)
input_range = Range("AC9:AE" & nRow)
acum = 0
For Each cell In input_range
If Not IsEmpty(cell) Then
temp = Split(cell, " ")
acum = acum + CInt(temp(0))
End If
Range("D13").Value = acum

How to replicate Excel's TEXTJOIN function in VBA UDF that allows array inputs [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
TEXTJOIN for xl2010/xl2013 with criteria
(1 answer)
Excel How to compare 2 Column Ranges
(3 answers)
Concatenate column headers if value in rows below is non-blank
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
If I have different values in different cells, how can I join them together with a function with a delimiter of my own choosing (like "," or "| ", etc.).
For example:
So if you have:
A1: foo
A2: bar
A3: baz
You can type in A4:
And you will get in A4:
foo bar baz
Moreover, what if the inputs are results of an array function, like:
{foo, bar, bar}
Maybe a UDF would work?
I know in Microsoft Office 2016 there is the textjoin function, but it is only available for Office 365 subscribers. And this function cannot handle array inputs.
Try this user defined function. It is quite versatile. It will take for input hard-coded strings, single cell, cell ranges, arrays, or any mixture of them. Blanks will be ignored. See the photo for outputs.
Public Function TJoin(Sep As String, ParamArray TxtRng() As Variant) As String
On Error Resume Next
'Sep is the separator, set to "" if you don't want any separator. Separator must be string or single cell, not cell range
'TxtRng is the content you want to join. TxtRng can be string, single cell, cell range or array returned from an array function. Empty content will be ignored
Dim OutStr As String 'the output string
Dim i, j, k, l As Integer 'counters
Dim FinArr(), element As Variant 'the final array and a temporary element when transfering between the two arrays
'Go through each item of TxtRng(), depending on the item type, transform and put it into FinArray()
i = 0 'the counter for TxtRng
j = 0 'the counter for FinArr
k = 0: l = 0 'the counters for the case of array from Excel array formula
Do While i < UBound(TxtRng) + 1
If TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "String" Then 'specified string like "t"
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = "blah"
FinArr(j) = TxtRng(i)
j = j + 1
ElseIf TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "Range" Then 'single cell or range of cell like A1, A1:A2
For Each element In TxtRng(i)
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = element
j = j + 1
ElseIf TypeName(TxtRng(i)) = "Variant()" Then 'array returned from an Excel array formula
For k = LBound(TxtRng(0), 1) To UBound(TxtRng(0), 1)
For l = LBound(TxtRng(0), 2) To UBound(TxtRng(0), 2)
ReDim Preserve FinArr(0 To j)
FinArr(j) = TxtRng(0)(k, l)
j = j + 1
TJoin = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
End If
i = i + 1
'Put each element of the new array into the join string
For i = LBound(FinArr) To UBound(FinArr)
If FinArr(i) <> "" Then 'Remove this line if you want to include empty strings
OutStr = OutStr & FinArr(i) & Sep
End If
TJoin = Left(OutStr, Len(OutStr) - Len(Sep)) 'remove the ending separator
End Function
Let's say your cells look like this:
1 find good
2 apples for free
3 online now
4 at from this site:
You can put in some formulas like:
=tjoin(" ","please",$A$1,$A$3:$A$5)
=tjoin(" ",IF(LEN($A$1:$A$5)>3,$A$1:$A$5,""))
=tjoin(" ",IF(LEN($A$1:$B$5)>3,$A$1:$B$5,""))
Your results will be:
please find online at
find -- apples -- online -- at -- -- C1
find apples online at
find good apples for free online from this site:

I have 3 excel formulas that I would like to fill ranges in a spreadsheet with, how can I make sure the cells change with the rows?

=IF(AND(G2<>100,TODAY()>=H2, TODAY()<=I2), E2, " ")
=IF(N2=" ", " ",NETWORKDAYS(H2,TODAY()))
=IF(OR(O2 = " ", O2 <= 0), " ", (O2/N2)*100)
These are the three formulas, I want to make sure that as they are inserted into the worksheet the cell references will still change to match the rows they are on, as they would in a normal spreadsheet. Any advice would be much appreciated! (To clarify, I need to fill the ranges using VBA as the code I'm using clears the worksheet every time it is run.)
you could use FormulaR1C1 property of range object, which uses the "R1C1" notation for range addresses
for instance inserting your first formula in "A1" would be:
Range("A1").FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(AND(RC7<>100,TODAY()>=RC8, TODAY()<=RC9), RC5, "" "")"
where the pure R would assume the current cell row index, while C7 stands for a fixed (not varying with host cell position) 7th column index reference, and so on
If i have interpreted your question correctly, you need something like the below:
Option Explicit
Sub InsertFormula()
Dim i As Long
Dim n As Long
n = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To n
Cells(i, 1).Formula = "=IF(AND(G2<>100,TODAY()>=H2, TODAY()<=I2), E2, "" "")"
Next i
End Sub
replace the 1 in n=... with whichever column has the most rows of data
replace for i = 1 to whichever row it must begin form
You will notice i have added extra quotations to the end of the formula, this is needed as quotes in a formula in VBA must be enclosed... in more quotes lol
Apply this concept for the other formulas :)
Instead of absolute references like G2 you can use something along
.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC[-2]:R[5]C[-2])"
where R and C reference the offset from the current cell (positive: right or down, negative: up or left).
Use it in a way similar to this:
Dim c
For Each c In Selection
c.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC[-2]:R[5]C[-2])"
Next c
Relative References are adjusted when you set the formula to range of cells:
[A1:B2].Formula = "=C$1" ' now the formula in B2 will become "=D$1"
You can also set multiple formulas at once:
Range("K2:M9").Formula = Array("=IF(AND(G2<>100,TODAY()>=H2, TODAY()<=I2), E2, "" "")", _
"=IF(N2="" "", "" "",NETWORKDAYS(H2,TODAY()))", _
"=IF(OR(O2 = "" "", O2 <= 0), "" "", (O2/N2)*100)" )
or if each row has different formula:
[A1:Z3] = [{"=1";"=2";"=3"}]

Separating Strings delimited by vbNewLine

I'm using the code below to separate a group of strings separated by a comma (,), then saves the output in a string variable named, msg. Strings in variable msg is separated by vbNewLine.
For example:
Original string for example is fruits, contains: apple, mango, orange
after applying the function splittext(fruits)
the variable now msg contains: apple <vbNewLine> mango <vbNewLine> orange
Now, I wanted to separate the content of this msg to cell(each string).
For example, mango is in A1, apple is in A2, orange is in A3 (on a different sheet.
I tried 'ActiveWorkbooks.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & i).Value = Cs(i), (see the code below). But it's not working. After the execution, the cells in the sheet2 remains unchanged. I really need your help. Thanks.
Function splittext(input_string As String) As String
Dim SptTxt As String
Dim Cs As Variant
Dim CsL As Byte
Dim CsU As Byte
Dim i As Byte
Dim col As Collection
Set col = New Collection
Cs = Split(input_string, ",")
CsL = LBound(Cs)
CsU = UBound(Cs)
Dim msg As String
For i = CsL To CsU
ReDim arr(1 To CsU)
col.Add Cs(i)
msg = msg & Cs(i) & vbNewLine
'ActiveWorkbooks.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & i).Value = Cs(i)
splittext = msg
End Function
Here's your macro refactored to give the results you describe, without any looping.
Function splittext(input_string As String) As String
Dim Cs As Variant
Cs = Split(input_string, ",")
splittext = Join(Cs, vbNewLine)
' Put results into workbook
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
Range(.[A1], .Cells(UBound(Cs) + 1, 1)).Value = Application.Transpose(Cs)
End With
End Function
Note that copying an array to a range requires a 2 dimensional array, rows x columns. Transpose is a handy function to convert a 1 dim array to a 2 dim array
Note that if you call this as a user-defined function (UDF) from a cell (as you are in the sample file) it will fail (If it is called from a VBA Sub it will work). This is because a UDF cannot modify anything in Excel, it can only return to the calling cell (there is a rather complex workaround, see this answer.) If you remove the With section it does work as a UDF.
If what you are trying to return the list into multiple cells, consider using an array function.
You have to use it like that:
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & i+1).Value = Cs(i)
You try to write in the Cell "A0" because "i" is in the First loop zero. And this is not working because there is no cell "A0".
And you had an "s" by ActiveWorkbook.