Service openfire startup with script - openfire

look, always should run this command:
# cd /opt/openfire/bin/
# ./ start
Openfire 3.6.4 [19-may-2009 17:43:25]
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If I close the putty command line… the service openfire down… and after is neccessary again run… somebody know some way for always this service are permanently up ?

All of the Openfire distributions should come with some kind of daemon or service script. It's hard to tell exactly what operating system you're on, but try typing something like this:
service openfire start
Also, I'm noticing that you're using a very old version of Openfire (it's from 2009!). I urge you to upgrade. Not only were many improvements and new features added, but security has been improved greatly over the years too.


How to set a specific port for single-user Jupyterhub server REST API calls?

I have setup Spark SQL on Jypterhub using Apache Toree SQL kernel. I wrote a Python function to update Spark configuration options in the kernel.json file for my team to change configuration based on their queries and cluster configuration. But I have to shutdown the running notebook and re-open or restart the kernel after running Python function. In this way, I'm forcing the Toree kernel to read the JSON file to pick up the new configuration.
I thought of implementing this shutdown and restart of kernel in a programmatic way. I got to know about the Jupyterhub REST API documentation and am able implement it by invoking related API's. But the problem is, the single user server API port is set randomly by the Spawner object of Jupyterhub and it keeps changing every time I spin up a cluster. I want this to be fixed before launching the Jupyterhub service.
Here is a solution I tried based on Jupyterhub docs:
sudo echo "c.Spawner.port = 35289
c.Spawner.ip = ''" >> /etc/jupyterhub/
But this did not work as the port was again set by the Spawner randomly. I think there is a way to fix this. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Cannot install Glassfish update tool

Firstly, there are related posts:
GlassFish Server update center installation times out
Java EE 7 updatetool installation fails
I got my Java EE 7 SDK (Update 3) from here:
I have tried each of the solutions in the above posts and here:
In the cmd prompt running set PKG_CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=300 and set PKG_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT=300 before updatetool in C:\glassfish4\bin\updatetool.bat (c:\glassfish4 in my install directory - all settings were default, including install update tool...).
Set above mentioned timeout to much larger values - doesn't appear to make a difference at all, the process basically bombs immediately.
Running C:\glassfish4\bin\updatetool.bat many times.
Triple checking that I didn't somehow configure a proxy server in my sleep.
Use the update tool via the Glassfish admin console at http://localhost:4848 (seems to show no available update or add-ons, which seems odd..)
I get the following screenshot when I run C:\glassfish4\bin\updatetool.bat
I have no idea why the error would be proxy related, unless it happened to be something on their end. Interestingly, If I go directly to the URL mentioned (via Chrome) I get the following page:
What could possibly be going wrong here?
The updatetool was a commercial feature of Oracle GlassFish. Any update functionality relied on Oracle providing a site where updates could be hosted. Since Oracle GlassFish is no longer supported, this site no longer exists so the updatetool won't work any more.
Rather than downloading GlassFish from Oracle, you should download it from the official open source site, hosted on GitHub. Alternatively, if you really do need support, you could try Payara Server which is open source, and derived from GlassFish, but has support available (disclaimer: I work for Payara)

RabbitMQ SSL Clustering on Windows Breaks rabbitmqctl

I'm trying to follow the steps in the RabbitMQ docs here to get clustering with SSL working on Windows. I'm noticing though that the "rabbitmqctl status" command starts failing after the environment variables defined in those steps are set. I'm getting the following error when executing "rabbitmqctl status":
Error: unable to connect to node 'rabbit#server1': nodedown
I've already configured RabbitMQ to use TLS 1.2 and have verified that it's working. I've ensured that my Erlang 18 cookie is the same in the user directory C:\users\me and C:\Windows on the machine, but the error persists, and is stopping other servers from clustering with it. The docs say that the Windows SSL Cluster setup is "Coming soon"... Here are the steps I've taken so far on server1. I think that Erlang wants forward slashes in the paths - this matches the rabbit.config SSL settings.
Combined the contents of my server\cert.pem and server\key.pem into rabbit.pem via the command "type server\cert.pem server\key.pem > server\rabbit.pem"
Created environment variable ERL_SSL_PATH and set to: "C:/Program
Created environment variable RABBITMQ_CTL_ERL_ARGS and set to: -pa "%ERL_SSL_PATH%" -proto_dist inet_tls -ssl_dist_opt server_certfile C:/OpenSSL-Win64/server/rabbit.pem -ssl_dist_opt server_secure_renegotiate true client_secure_renegotiate true
Created environment variable RABBITMQ_SERVER_ADDITIONAL_ERL_ARGS and set to same value as RABBITMQ_CTL_ERL_ARGS
Copied the erlang cookie at C:\Windows.erlang.cookie to my local user profile directory.
Restarted rabbit using rabbitmq-service start
At this point, on server1, "rabbitmqctl status" no longer works. Attempts to try to join server2 to server1 result in a "node down" error.
Edit 1: I can't get the initial step in the docs working to ask Erlang to report its SSL directory on Windows in order to set ERL_SSL_PATH correctly. Erlang is installed at C:\Program Files\erl7.0 on my server.
Edit 2: Using werl.exe (at C:\Program Files\erl7.0\bin\werl.exe), I was able to issue a command "Foo=io:format(code:lib_dir(ssl, ebin))." and it reported the path as: c:/Program Files/erl7.0/lib/ssl-7.0/ebin. However, this doesn't seem to be the cause of the this issue since that's already what I was using.
For environment changes to take effect on Windows, the service must be
re-installed. It is not sufficient to restart the service. This can be
done using the installer or on the command line with administrator
This will do:
rabbitmq-service.bat stop
rabbitmq-service.bat remove
rabbitmq-service.bat install
rabbitmq-service.bat start
Also, if while the node you're working on is down, the other cluster nodes were running, their state might be assumed to have gone out of sync. In that case, the node might fail to start up and you might need to:
rabbitmqctl force_boot
Check the logs to confirm. (at %RABBIT_BASE%\log\rabbit#server.log)
Late answer but, hopefully this could help a searcher...

Hosts in Nagios are disappearing

This may belong in ServerFault, but I wanted to approach this community first. If this is not correct, please move this thread or close and I will open on the correct thread.
Hosts, along with their associated services, disappear and reappear upon refresh (F5 / Ctrl+F5 / etc).
1. Log into Nagios
2. Click Service Detail
3. See a breakdown of services but you don't see the last one you added.
4. Refresh screen by using F5 / Ctrl+F5 / etc and it doesn't show up still
5. Refresh screen by using F5 / Ctrl+F5 / etc and it doesn't show up still
6. Refresh screen and it will show up.
(!) - Steps 4-6 vary
Restarting Nagios service (service Nagios restart)
Restarting HTTPD service (service httpd restart)
Restarting VPS
Refresh browser including "Clear Cache and Hard Reload"
Tried different browsers
Tried different computers
Tried different networks
The reason we're in this situation now is because we had an intern add this latest host and its associated service. He added it correctly, and I even checked his work. He did the normal preflight but instead of issuing the reset command via SSH he issued the command on the Web interface itself by accessing "Process Info > Restart the Nagios process". Seems like it would work OK, but we've never restarted like this and is the only reason I suspect it's the culprit of the issue we are seeing. Is there something different that this restart does over the normal SSH restart?
EDIT: To add to all of this, we have updated a different file today, unrelated to this host or it's services and Nagios is not updating.
Thanks for helping!
Here is a screenshot of the config file:
This can happen if you have multiple Nagios services running, There could be a secondary instance of the service running which hasn't been updated with the new configuration files as it technically hasn't been restarted. I've had this happen once or twice.
First, shut down Nagios
service nagios stop
Next, kill all remaining instances.
killall -9 nagios
Finally, start Nagios back up
service nagios start
That should fix your problem.

Intellij idea using 10001 port

Intellij IDEA 12 Public Preview by default is listening to 10001 port for one of its plugins. In our company we use this port for other purposes and there seems to be no easy way to change this... Can anyone suggest any options? Been googling for about an hour to no avail.
IntelliJ IDEA EAP builds come with the YourKit Java Profiler agent enabled by default so that users can take CPU and Memory snapshots out of the box to report performance problems.
The agent is enabled via idea(64.exe).vmoptions file:
You can remove this line to disable profiler agent that will free up 10001+ ports.
Another solution is to change the default port using agent options:
If you are on Mac, this configuration is done via Info.plist, see the FAQ.
On Linux it's added in script:
if [ "$IS_EAP" = "true" ]; then
OS_NAME=`echo $OS_TYPE | "$TR" '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'`
if [ -r "$IDE_BIN_HOME/lib$" ]; then
Just change to IS_EAP="false" or delete the agent .so file to disable it.
Following Vladimir's suggestion I've created a request to use onlylocal option by default, feel free to vote.
As a YourKit developer, I'd like follow-up Serge's answer and recommend to add "onlylocal" to the list of YourKit agent options. This option forces profiler to open port on loopback network interface. Potentially it's more secure and on Windows you will not see security warning.