How to find webelement using style property - selenium

Below is the HTML code of an element and I want to locate this element by classs and style property using selenium webDriver in java
<div class="qooxdoo-table-cell" style="left:252px;width:117px;height:24px;"/>
suggest a way which can be help full in selenium
I want to locate the element using java code
i.e. Driver.findelement(by. ....

As long as the element isn't unique you must grab both attributes:
This is the general form, replacing the empty strings for your required class and style:
driver.findElement("By.xpath(//div[#class='' and style='']");
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#class='qooxdoo-table-cell' and style='left:252px;width:117px;height:24px;']");
Best of luck!

If you need to match <div> with exact style attribute, you can try something like

Another way is to use cssSelector as follows:

If you are using a older version of selenium you can as well use the older version of cssSelector.
Note: this function still works in current version of Selenium (with DeprecationWarning )


How to write a XPath for the text one4

I want to use XPath to locate a link behind a text.
I want to use XPath to locate a link behind a text. For example, locate "one4" by "what10". You can only use the text message "what10", but you can't use it in any other way, because the information on this page will change. I want to get is the "one4" link node.
<br>what1 one
<br>just return
For some special reasons, what I want to pass is that the text of what10 is positioned to one4.
Please help me.
You can use below line
WebElement loginLink = driver.findElement(By.linkText("one4"));
Selenium doesn't supports xpath-2.0 but uses xpath-1.0
The element which you are trying to refer i.e. which contains the text what10 is a Text Node and Selenium can't use it as a reference. So finding the node with text as one4 with reference to the text what10 won't be possible. As an alternative if the desired node is always the last but one node you can use the following solution:
As per #MosheSlavin counter question here is the snapshot to demonstrate that the XPath works perfecto:

unable to find the element in my application using selenium webdriver

HTML code for element is:
<select id="pt1:reg2:1:soc1::content" class="x2h" title="" theme="dark" name="pt1:reg2:1:soc1">
Every time the xpath is getting changed but i am unable to find element.
WebElement w1 = driver.findElement(By.xpath(".//select[starts-with(#id, 'pt1') AND contains(#id, ':soc1::content')]"));
Select s = new Select(w1);
I tested the xpath with a online tool like:
This query worked just fine, i changed the and to lowercase.
.//select[starts-with(#id, 'pt1') and contains(#id, ':soc1::content')]
Write Xpath in Double quotes "xpath here" and
Don't take first full stop '.' from xpath,its of no use.
It start with //
Good luck
".//select[starts-with(#id, 'pt1') AND contains(#id, ':soc1::content')]"
Here full stop(.) before // need to be removed in Xpath.
Below one is without "AND" which is also working fine.
//select[starts-with(#id, 'pt1')][contains(#id,':soc1::content')]

How to find exact value using xpath in selenium webdriver?

I am using XPath to find exact value:
//h5[#class='familyName productFamilyName'][contains(text(),'Dozers ')]
but it was failing because in my application there are 2 elements with text values "Dozers " and "Dozers wheel" which is come under same class.
I can't use id locators,because it is dynamically generating in my application like //div[#id="482"]/div/div[1]/h5.
Please suggest me any solution.
If you want to match element with exact innerHTML value just use
//h5[#class='familyName productFamilyName'][text()='Dozers')]
//h5[#class='familyName productFamilyName'][text()='Dozers wheel')]
Depending on HTML structure you might need to use [.='Dozers'] or
[normalize-space(.)='Dozers'] instead of [text()='Dozers']

How can i select element in selenium webdriver by part of ID.

I have a td element with ID like "a:2:3:d:", and when i want to select it by id, my webdriver can not find it. Is there a way to search by part of ID, because I think, that the problem is at last ":" in the identifier.
First, you need to confirm that this really is the problem, and it's not just that the page isn't fully loaded, or is loaded asynchronously. I don't see any particular reason why Selenium should care about the trailing ":".
Update: From the comments, it's much more likely that the dynamic id that is the problem, but the solution is the same either way:
To find an element by partial id, you can use xpath. If you were trying to find a div by partial id, for example:
//div[contains(#id, 'a:2:3')]
You don't say what language you are using, but in python, this would be used as follows:
driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[contains(#id, 'a:2:3')]")
and in Java:
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(#id, 'a:2:3')]"))
Assuming you are using Java
WebElement el = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("td[id*='a:2:3']"));
The above code gets the element of TD which starts with a:2:3 as we use * in the css Selector.
XPath is more powerful and can be sometimes difficult to understand. CSS Selector is easy.

Not able to identify a lenghty linktext in selenium webdriver

I want to identify an element by linktext, I am facing strange issue
If the linktext value is short i.e addFirst, addLast will be able to locate the element by using
driver.findelement(By.linktext("addLast, addFirst")).click
IF the linktext is addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF, addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF lengthy as above not able to identify the element
Please help me to find the solution
Why don't you try partial link text.
driver.findelement(By.partialLinkText("addLast, addFirst")).click
try out contains method. use the XPATH value and in XPATH use contains for link text.
.//*[contains(#Linktext, "addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF")]
driver.findelement(By.xpath("//*[contains(#Linktext, "addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF")]").click
Alternatively you can also use starts with XPATH value.
Hope it helps you.