How to insert into type text - sql

I wish to insert into an SQL table in a field whose data type is text. However I am informed of an error saying ' check datatype' my Name field is of type nvarchar and my job field is of type text.
INSERT INTO Table1 (Name, Job) VALUES ('John', 'Clerk')

In MS SQL Server, you wont be able to insert string values(with more than 1 characters) in table if the column of type nvarchar. You can only insert only one character using nvarchar.
If you wish to insert some text, please specify the some size with nvarchar.
For example in your case:
Create table Table1(Name nvarchar(5), Job Text)
Insert into Table1(Name, Job) values ('John','Clerk')
This will work.
Hope it will help you out.


What is the right way to handle type string null values in SQL's Bulk Insert?

For example, I have a column with type int.
The raw data source has integer values, but the null values, instead of being empty (''), is 'NIL'
How would I handle those values when trying to Bulk Insert into MSSQL?
My code is
create table test (nid INT);
bulk insert test from #FILEPATH with (format="CSV", firstrow=2);
the first 5 rows of my .csv file looks like
You can replace the nil with " (empty string) directly in your data source file or insert the data into a staging table and transform it:
BULK INSERT staging_sample_data
FROM '\\data\sample_data.dat';
INSERT INTO [sample_data]
SELECT NULLIF(ColA, 'nil'), NULLIF(ColB, 'nil'),...
Of course if your field is for example a numeric, the staging table should have a string field. Then, you can do as Larnu offers: 'TRY_CONVERT(INT, ColA)'.
*Note: if there are default constraints you may need to check how to keep nulls

Bulk Insert - How to tell SQLServer to insert empty-string and not null

This seems like a trivial question. And it is. But I have googled for over a day now, and still no answer:
I wish to do a bulk insert where for a column whose datatype is varchar(100), I wish to insert an empty string. Not Null but empty. For example for the table:
create table temp(columnName varchar(100))
I wish to insert an empty string as the value:
BULK INSERT sandbox..temp FROM
'file.txt' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = '|#', ROWTERMINATOR = '|:' );
And the file contents would be row1|:row2|:|:|:. So it contains 4 rows where last two rows are intended to be empty string. But they get inserted as NULL.
This question is not the same as the duplicate marked question: In a column, I wish to have the capacity to insert both: NULL and also empty-string. The answer's provided does only one of them but not both.
Well instead of inserting empty string explicitly like this why not let your table column have a default value of empty string and in your bulk insert don't pass any values for those columns. Something like
create table temp(columnName varchar(100) default '')

How to validate/restrict values in a column as per a specific format in a sql Database

I am working on an application that populates values from sql Database in a format two numeric and alpha character e.g 11G,34H. There is no validation or check for the same.I want to put put checkpoint/validation from Database end.Is it possible to implement via SQL procedure or anything.Can anyone help me with the code.
Try the below query
DECLARE #strtable TABLE (column1 VARCHAR(50))
INSERT INTO #strtable
VALUES ('11H'),('sda'),('175HH'),('1H1'),('282')
INSERT INTO YourTable (Column1)
SELECT Column1
FROM #strtable
WHERE LEN(column1)=3
AND ISNUMERIC(LEFT(column1,2))=1
AND ISNUMERIC(RIGHT(column1,1))!=1
--Output : 11H

Select cyrillic character in SQL

When user insert Russian word like 'пример' to database,database saves it like '??????'. If they insert with 'N' letter or I select it with 'N' letter, ie; exec Table_Name N'иытание' there is no problem. But I don't want to use 'N' in every query, so is there any solution for this? I will use stored procedure by the way.
Now I can use Russian letters with alter collation. But I can't alter collation for every language and I just want to learn is there any trigger or function for automatic add N in front of the text after text add. IE; when I insert 'пример', SQL should take it like N'пример' autamaticly.
You have to use column's datatype NVARCHAR to insert unicode letters, also you have to use N'value' when inserting.
You can test it in following:
varcharCol varchar(40),
nvarcharCol nvarchar(40)
INSERT INTO #test VALUES (N'иытание', N'иытание')
varcharCol nvarcharCol
??????? иытание
As you see column of datatype varchar returning questionmarks ?????? and column of datatype nvarchar returning russian characters иытание.
Problem is that your database collation does not support russian letters.
In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, expand that instance, and then expand Databases.
Right-click the database that you want and click Properties.
Click the Options page, and select a collation from the Collation
drop-down list.
After you are finished, click OK.
it would very difficult to put in comment i would recommend this link Info
declare #test TABLE
Col1 varchar(40),
Col2 varchar(40),
Col3 nvarchar(40),
Col4 nvarchar(40)
To store and select Unicode character in database you have to use NVARCHAR instead of VARCHAR. To insert Unicode data you have to use N
See this link
The n prefix for these data types comes from the ISO standard for National (Unicode) data types.
Change type of your columns (containing Russian) from varchar to nvarchar.

Confusion about Stored Procedure

I have written a stored procedure for inserting data into my table. These are my table's columns with their datatype:
Ad nvarchar(150),
Yazar nvarchar(150),
SayfaSayisi smallint,
KategoriId int
Gmc datetime,
HostName nvarchar(150)
The problem is that Gmc and HostName have their own default values. So I can't use these two in the stored procedure.
Gmc ---> GetDate() (to get insert date)
HostName --> Host_Name( )
So when I execute the query I am getting this error.
There are more columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement
This is the query
Create proc Kitap_Insert
#Ad nvarchar(150),
#Yazar nvarchar(150),
#SayfaSayisi smallint,
#KategoriId int
Gmc datetime,
HostName nvarchar(150)
Insert into Kitap(Id, Ad, Yazar, SayfaSayisi, KategoriId)
values(#Ad, #Yazar, #SayfaSayisi, #KategoriId)
What is the proper way of doing this?
You need remove ID from insert list
Insert into Kitap(Ad,Yazar,SayfaSayisi,KategoriId)
or add a value for it as below
Insert into Kitap(Id,Ad,Yazar,SayfaSayisi,KategoriId)
values(#ID, #Ad,#Yazar,#SayfaSayisi,#KategoriId)
Instead of :
Insert into Kitap(Id,Ad,Yazar,SayfaSayisi,KategoriId)
INSERT INTO Kitap(Ad,Yazar,SayfaSayisi,KategoriId)
VALUES (#Ad,#Yazar,#SayfaSayisi,#KategoriId)
You are asking SQL engine that you will provide id (an additional field) as well (field that doesn't exist in the table or is an auto increment field) and you are not providing the value for the same and hence your error here are more columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. The number of values in the VALUES clause must match the number of columns specified in the INSERT statement
So remove additional Id from your insert query.
The error you are getting because you tried to insert value into more column names than specified in Values Clause.
If you have ID column as Auto-increment field in table so you dont have to include that ID column in so your insert query will be like this:-
Insert into Kitap
If you don't have ID column as Auto-increment field in table so you provide value to that id column also in Value Clause so your insert query will be like this:-
You have to calculate and Set Value to #Id variable before using it in Insert Query
Declare #Id as INT
SET #ID = ---- set here with some value which will become Primary key(I think)
Insert into Kitap
(#Id, #Ad,#Yazar,#SayfaSayisi,#KategoriId)